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Everything posted by Rtrix

  1. Sa fim seriosi,fraierii de la SOPA&ACTA&co. credeti ca nu au salvat niciodata nimic de pe megaupload,sau sa pirateze ceva,sau o poza... Sunt niste increzuti platiti de alti increzuti de la guvern ca sa faca asta,probabil ii plateste chiar bine,pentru ca vad ca avanseaza destul de mult . . .
  2. Cica iti face scurt la placa de baza la jailbreak'ul de la 4S.
  3. Rtrix

    Driver Laptop

    Nici pe tine nu te ajuta Filelistul?!
  4. Rtrix

    Lol! Fake?

    Imi iei si mie un 4S ?!
  5. iTK,frumos "nick",te'a inspirat vreo personalitate ?!
  6. Ai gresit sticla de suc cu cea de palinca?
  7. Hai downloadati repede pana nu inchide SOPA ca nu e copyright pe melodii.
  8. E prea dificil terenul ca sa ajunga el la butonul de search.
  9. Hacktivists with the collective Anonymous are waging an attack on the website for the White House after successfully breaking the sites for the FBI, Department of Justice, Universal Music Group, RIAA and Motion Picture Association of America. In response to today’s federal raid on the file sharing service Megaupload, hackers with the online collective Anonymous have broken the websites for the FBI, Department of Justice, Universal Music Group, RIAA, Motion Picture Association of America and Warner Music Group. “It was in retaliation for Megaupload, as was the concurrent attack on Justice.org,” Anonymous operative Barrett Brown tells RT on Thursday afternoon. Only hours before the DoJ and Universal sites went down, news broke that Megaupload, a massive file sharing site with a reported 50 million daily users, was taken down by federal agents. Four people linked to Megaupload were arrested in New Zealand and an international crackdown led agents to serving at least 20 search warrants across the globe. The latest of sites to fall is FBI.gov, which finally broke at around 7:40 pm EST Thursday evening. Less than an hour after the DoJ and Universal sites came down, the website for the RIAA, or Recording Industry Association of America, went offline as well. Shortly before 6 p.m EST, the government's Copyright.gov site went down as well. Thirty minutes later came the site for BMI, or Broadcast Music, Inc, the licensing organization that represents some of the biggest names in music. Also on Thursday, MPAA.org returned an error as Anonymous hacktivists managed to bring down the website for the Motion Picture Association of America. The group, headed by former senator Chris Dodd, is an adamant supporter of both PIPA and SOPA legislation. Universal Music Group, or UMG, is the largest record company in the United States and under its umbrella are the labels Interscope-Geffen-A&M, the Island Def Jam Motown Music Group and Mercury Records. Brown adds that “more is coming” and Anonymous-aligned hacktivists are pursuing a joint effort with others to “damage campaign raising abilities of remaining Democrats who support SOPA.” Although many members of Congress have just this week changed their stance on the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA, the raid on Megaupload Thursday proved that the feds don’t need SOPA or its sister legislation, PIPA, in order to pose a threat to the Web. Brown adds that operatives involved in the project will use an “experimental campaign” and search engine optimization techniques “whereby to forever saddle some of these congressmen with their record on this issue.” Sper ca nu a mai fost postata. Anonymous downs government, music industry sites in largest attack ever — RT
  10. Probabil utilizatorul contului de Steam era prea prost pentru a'l folosi. (in cazul asta,tu esti acea persoana)
  11. Anonymous e un grup/comunitate/etc?! Eu stiam ca e doar o imagine folosita de hackeri care se dau anonimi fara a folosi un nickname.
  12. Pasta de dinti pe clanta,sau i'ati un caine si pune'l sa latre non'stop.
  13. Mda,si pe home'ul de la firefox cu google search are "Stop Censorship" si link: Help Mozilla stop Internet Censorship Legislation
  14. Rtrix


    Vezi sa nu cazi.
  15. La mine cu 11.5 merge. Dar se deschide fereastra cu Change Status si trebuie sa dai OK.
  16. Eu sunt din Galati,se vorbeste ceva de maine?
  17. Deci cine gaseste vulnerabilitatea la presidency.ro ?!
  18. Bine zis... Oricum e destul de greu,cei avansati care stiu multe ar trebui sa se uneasca si bum,gen TK(NASA,Agentia Spatiala Europeana),si probabil sunt si altii,da' daca isi pune capul poate si singur sa lase un mesaj in locul site'ului presidency.ro
  19. Aia pe strazi striga "Revolutie!" Basescu cred ca sta cu toti filologii aia a lui sa scrie un discurs ceva de linistire.
  20. Pardon,luni. Doar 600 de persoane au reusit sa blocheze centrul capitalei?!
  21. Chiar ca... [poate numai mergem maine la scoala ]
  22. Conform google un blog. Daca esti tare fa asta si la site'ul presedintiei. ///Acuma inteleg D3m3nT,totusi neimportant.
  23. Eu nu gasesc conturi care sa mearga,de unde jocuri.
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