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Everything posted by spider

  1. "Oferta" de bf de la emag 🙃 Acelasi produs cumparat acum o luna
  2. spider

    Idee Slogan

    Noi te ducem pe ultimul drum Ultima călătorie începe acum Începutul sfârșitului e aici Ajungem acasă mai repede că soția ta Îți livrăm marfa mai repede ca dealerul tău 6, vine marfa! Ochiul tău e afacerea noastră Transportăm orice, chiar și pietre Cu noi vei fi mereu pe locul doi Când ți-o fi mai rău, la noi să te gândești Șoferul nostru e tatăl tău De ce să ne alegi pe noi? fiindcă-ți dăm covid de soi
  3. spider

    Idee Slogan

    "your journey begins here" "your journey begins with us"
  4. OMS anunță că 12 persoane din Danemarca, cu vârste între 7 și 79 de ani, au fost infectate cu o tulpină mutantă unică a virusului SARS-CoV-2 transmisă de la nurci la oameni și care ar face ineficiente vaccinurile. Nordul țării a intrat în carantină strică iar Marea Britanie a interzis tuturor danezilor accesul în regat. Mda... viitorul suna bine
  5. The screenshots show web pages entitled “COVID-19 Test kits (382200) imports by country in 2017” or “COVID-19 Test kits (300215) exports by country in 2018” with a detailed list broken down by country where the product description is “COVID-19 Test kits” and the year is listed as 2018 or 2017. Archives of these webpages from Sept. 4-6, 2020, show that the WITS website did have “COVID-19” in the product description for three product codes for imports and exports dated to 2017 and 2018. The HS codes 300215 and 382200 were classified as “COVID-19 Test kits” ( see tinyurl.com/y4t5ncbs , tinyurl.com/y5tpy72b , tinyurl.com/yyyqeh7e , tinyurl.com/y292cadw ) and the product code 902780 was described as “COVID-19 Diagnostic Test instruments and apparatus” ( see tinyurl.com/y3z82p2m , tinyurl.com/yy5yfeqz ). The World Bank told Reuters that these products and product codes predate COVID. They have been used since 2017 - not in relation to COVID-19 but labelled “in much more technical terms that did not mention COVID”. In April 2020, the products were relabelled amid the pandemic and the WITS updated its product descriptions accordingly, including those attached to the data from 2017 and 2018, even if the products had not been used in relation to COVID-19 at the time. The World Bank said, “In April, given the newfound importance of these products in diagnosing and treating COVID-19, the WHO and the World Customs issued a list ( here , here ) of these key products to make it easier to track them—assigning COVID-related descriptions/labels to each of them. For the same reason (to facilitate easier tracking), the WITS team created a special section using this list (as well as the new WHO/WCO labels/descriptions).” However, as of Sept. 7, 2020, the COVID-related product descriptions no longer appear on the WITS website pages screenshotted in the Facebook posts. The World Bank told Reuters that in light of misinterpretations, they decided to change the labels again “to make it clear that these were products that predated COVID-19.” As of Sept. 7, on the WITS website 382200 and 382200 now have the product description “Medical Test kits”( here , here ) and 902780 is “Medical Diagnostic Test instruments and apparatus”(here). To help avoid the misunderstanding, a disclaimer has been added to the WITS site that says: “The data here track previously existing medical devices that are now classified (here) by the World Customs Organization as critical to tackling COVID-19.”
  6. In primul rand, invata in plm sa scrii corect.
  7. srs multi dintre voi sunteti fix ca cei din video.. spalati pe creier
  8. @lzomedia Nu-ti merge site'ul. 'We can’t connect to the server at lzodevelopment.com.'
  9. Unde plm scrie in articolul ala ca nu-s bune testele?
  10. Incredibil... Altii muncesc ani de zile pentru banii aia.. 🙃
  11. Pentru cultura mea din generala.. saracia aia de site, face 20.000 euro / luna ?! c'mon...
  12. Pe cat sunteti de inteligenti in general, pe atat de naivi sunteti in anumite situatii banale, cum ar fi cea de fata.... Cum sa crezi ca asta vrea cu adevarat program spion pentru propriu copil si nu pentru gagica/nevasta ????
  13. Eu ti-am spus adevarul, metoda de criptare este aceiasi cu cea folosita de armata americana pentru securizarea datelor folosite de acestia. Daca esti gibon si nu poti pricepe sensul cuvintelor, e fix problema ta.. Stii ce ti se aplica tie acum? fix vorba asta: sa te feresti de harnicia prostului..
  14. Te poti agita cat vrei, ia-ti adio de la datele criptate, nu ai cum sa le recuperezi.
  15. Haker n'avem, insa iti pot recomanda un gigolo premium ptr mama ta; @aismen
  16. https://streamable.com/1dn20
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