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Everything posted by LLegoLLaS

  1. In cryptography, Block ciphers such as AES or DES are a symmetric key cipher operating on fixed-length groups of bits, called blocks, and typically operate on large input data blocks i.e. 64 or more than 128, 256 bits. Block cipher encrypts Plain-text to Cipher-text by applying cryptographic key and algorithm to a block of data at once as a group rather than to one bit at a time, so that identical blocks of text do not get encrypted the same way. However, some applications need smaller blocks, and possibly non-binary blocks. So, to fulfil this need Cisco is providing a small block cipher , what it calls “FNR” (Flexible Naor and Reingold), but currently it is an experimental block cipher rather a production software. Sashank Dara, software engineer at the security technology group Cisco, says in a detailed explanation that FNR is a flexible length small domain block cipher for encrypting objects that works without the need for padding, as happens in the traditional block ciphers such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and DES (Data Encryption Standard). “ .” Sashank Dara said.FEATURES OF FNR Format-preserving encryption (FPE) - the length of plaintext and ciphertext remains same. FNR is flexible for large input domains that are greater than 32 bits and less than 128 bits. The encryption key length is not dependent on the input length and rather depends on underlying pseudo-random function (PRF). I have taken an example from Wikipedia to explain the importance of Format-preserving encryption (FPE): SMALL-BLOCK ENCRYPTION SECURITY? Small domain block ciphers are useful tool in designing privacy of sensitive data fields of smaller length, but smaller blocks leads to important security issues and building a secure small block cipher is known to be a tricky task. According to Cisco, FNR is an experimental small domain block cipher for encrypting objects like IPv4, Port numbers, MAC Addresses, IPv6 address and any random short strings and numbers, while preserving their input length. “Like all deterministic encryption methods, this does not provide semantic security, but determinism is needed in situations where anonymizing telemetry and log data (especially in cloud based network monitoring scenarios) is necessary,” Cisco warned. Cisco has Open Sourced the FNR encryption scheme under open source license LGPLv2 on Github. sursa:TheHackerNews
  2. @lukas.luci19,tu gandesti?aia nu e frauda de 500 RON.E un milion jumate de euro.TVA care e platit de ...ghici cine?
  3. pentru inceput factory reset.Apoi incearca alt ROM (preferabil custom ROM) - vezi Omega ROm de pe XDA Edit:Omega Rom Series | OmegaDroid - Android News, Apps, Games, Devices, Guides, Development, Omega Projects, Omega Rom Series, Omega Files
  4. Poti trimite un PM unui admin/moderator atunci cand ai ceva de completat.Sunt oameni ok
  5. Mai bine vezi din ce cauza ai disk usage ...vezi ce procese folossc hddul aiurea. Btw...poll-ul ar trebui facut cu multi-select.Multi folosim cel putin 2 sisteme de operare Folosesc Win8.1x64 + Ubuntu 14.04 si m-ar tenta un hackintosh Mobil: Android 4.4.2 (root+mods+custom recovery)
  6. Neme de colo: Olteni. Is tigani da-i in plm,S-au inecat la mal... Chiar nu era niciun pod in zona?n-as crede ca nu
  7. Pennystocks....Penis Talks. Faine statistici Oricum nu puteau cumva sa parseze datele astea...N-ai cum sa contorizezi ,spre exemplu, traficul total de pe internet (chiar daca ai putea,cineva tot e cu magnetul pe contor )
  8. e SL3.Se face doar in service.Posibil bruteforce dar ai nevoie de cev GPU-uri
  9. Po?i chiar afla codul. ?i-l arat? plain text
  10. NssPro NSS Pro < GenieProjects (trebuie sa ai Nokia Cable Drivers , telefonul trebuie sa fie pornit,conectezi cablul in PC Suite Mode , iar din program il treci in Local sau Test mode)
  11. Elohim nu stiu cum ti-a dat 2010... 4100
  12. daca e sa comparam cu pedepsele luate de berbecali,borcea si ceilalti care au fraudat de milioane de euro...a luat exagerat de mult.Ce a facut e clar o nebunie dar ''cine-i prost,sa moara" .majoritatea probabil au fost "sparte" prin social engineering.Bravo lui ca a putut face asta dar multa muie pentru ca le-a facut publice imediat, iar nu dupa ce era sigur ca e in siguranta si nu i se putea lua urma.In fond nu cred ca a publicat ceva util (vezi wikileaks) //coherence not found today
  13. SamMobile | Everything for your Samsung Mobile flash cu odin
  14. de unde esti?Poate te scap eu de ea
  15. cine mai folose?te 32 bit pe un PC relativ ok? Nu vad 64 bit os ca pe o problema
  16. in specificitii se cer minimum 6 gb ram...dar poti incerca
  17. Nu le-aam verificat pe toate Zi-mi care nu merg si le scot.Nu am timp acum sa verific
  18. Host 1 Free Space:1 0Gb Ram: 128 MB Ram Burst: 640 MB Lasts for: FOREVER. Free-Trial-RegistrationCloud Share Space: 300Gb Ram: 10240 Mb Ram Burst: 10240 Mb Lasts for: 14 Days VPS.me Space: 5Gb Ram: 384 Mb Burst: ???? Lasts for: 1 YEAR+ Atum Hosting Package 1 Space: 25Gb Ram: 512mb Burst: ???? Lasts for: 15 DAYS Package 2 Space: 50Gb RAM: 1Gb Burst: ??? Lasts for: 15 DAYS Package 3 Space: 50Gb RAM: 2Gb Burst: ??? Lasts for: 15 DAYS Elastic Host Space: 20GB RAM: 1GB Burst: ??? Lasts for: 5 DAYS Microsoft Windows Azure Space: 35GB RAM: 128MB Burst: 128MB Lasts for: 90 DAYS Amazon Web Services Space: 5GB RAM: 613MB Burst: 613MB Lasts for: 1 YEAR AWS Free Usage Tier NephoScale Cloud Computing Space: 10GB RAM: 256MB Burst: 256MB Lasts for: 1 YEAR KVM Vserver (thanks Twiff) Space: upto 250 GB RAM: upto 4 GB Lasts for: 12 hours !!! Romania e restrictionata pe multe din ele deci folositi prezervativ la inregistrare Thanks to...someone...
  19. Bun venit.Poti incepe prin a citi tutoriale care ti se par utile de pe site
  20. Cea mai buna acoperire tind sa cred ca Orange o are.In ultimii 12-13 ani am avut vreo 7 Orange,iar restul cosmote.Nu folosesc abonamente pentru ca sunt enervante si nu mi-e lene sa reincarc.Au fost ok si unii si altii dar calitatea parca tinde tot spre orange.Netul de la Vodafone pare mai ok totusi
  21. e treaba de firmware.poti sa bagi tu si android 1.6 daca firmware ramane acelasi.Cauta pe cineva sa iti faca rescriere jtag
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