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Everything posted by LLegoLLaS

  1. Mai indoiesc ca sunt mai multi cu hexacore decat quadcore,asa cum zice pollu' Voi ati adunat si nucleele de pe telefon? ON: Quadcore + Quadcore (pc+spartfon) Offtopic: How many cores does it take to be Hard?
  2. Auzi la asta: Oare are si cont pe forum?
  3. 1.[sFR132 NCK.exe 0 2.SFR151 NCK .exe 0 3.firedongle_cracked_huawei.exe 11 / 50 dar pare ok 4. SpiderMan V2.61.exe 1/50 O sa le testez
  4. In bine
  5. Daca dezvoltam putin ideea, Oare se poate face rost de numere vip/gold/shit ?(doar stiind ca ele sunt prepay si nu abonament)
  6. Poti evita verificarea seriei de pe cartela cu metoda lui Nytro.Iei o cartela, o zgarai astfel incat nu mai poate fi citit nimic de pe ea si eventual o tai microsim astfel incat partea cu seria sa nu mai fie
  7. Cand am citit numele topicului puteam sa jur ca e vorba de un PC cu core i5 si parola pe bios. Si da,merge cu restore cred
  8. e BB5.Doar in service se face(cu box)
  9. +Samsung Galaxy S plus i9001 codat vodafone RO.Se poate?
  10. @Reebock pret iPhone 4 orange RO ?
  11. @Usr: daca ai ''avut noroc'' ,runda urmatoare fa-l sa aleaga doua (o sa incerc si eu sa modific codul) ,apoi 3,pana la 5.Ori suntem comisarul Moldovan, ori nu mai suntem?
  12. Bun.util Dar nu ma lasa ochiu' sa nu iti zic: voi nu ''v-oi''
  13. la b?? nu m-am gandit....da' merge
  14. A leaked copy for Windows 8.1 Update 1 is now available for download for those who want to have an early glimpse into the feature lineup of the next major update for Windows. The ISO comes only in 64-bit form and brings several changes to Windows 8.1, most of which we’ve seen in leaked screenshots that reached the web recently. The full build string of the leaked ISO is 9600.16596.WINBLUES14_GDR_LEAN.140114-0237 and is exclusively compatible with 64-bit computers, but a 32-bit version would most likely leak anytime soon. Of course, keep in mind that since this is an early build, it could be very unstable and a number of bugs could affect the overall performance on your computer, so if you don’t have the time for testing purposes, you better wait for the official release scheduled to take place in March. Sursa
  15. Bun.Dar inceteaza sa mai scrii cu bold si font de-o schioapa
  16. tomfil e bat http://i.imgur.com/sBnresa.png http://i.imgur.com/PQv6qvi.png
  17. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to tromfil again. fux Mersi!cautam asa ceva
  18. Actiune ruseasca (masini,dobitoci si batai cu lopata) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXV7Z98AI3U
  19. haha era clar. nici m?car un cupon ceva nu au dat. mult? muie
  20. idem.Am gasit un alt trial de 2 saptamani de la UpCloud.VNC&shitz ,se misca ok (win server 03/08,32/64 bit) Competitively Priced Enterprise Grade Cloud Hosting | UpCloud nr de telefon si mail reale pt confirmare
  21. ai aici ce vrei Moto X - xda-developers
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