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Everything posted by LLegoLLaS

  1. Mira-m-as sa ai probleme cu placa daca apar alea in screenshot....desktopu se vede bine
  2. It depens on what you want to use it for.I have XPERIA Z2 and i had various samsung flagships.Samsung is laggy as hell.Also consider LG G4, Xperia Z3+,HTC M9
  3. vinde-l la o baba cu 40 de lei si de banii aia cumperi unu decodat.Mergi la service si vezi cat cere. De decodat acasa e imposibil, da, e SL3 Ai nick derutant...
  4. LLegoLLaS

    Free .pw

    403 Forbidden Request forbidden by administrative rules.
  5. LLegoLLaS


    Free SIM request Fara confirmare pe mail, doar adresa de livrare corecta,numele e irelevant Update: laica mobil astia par sa fie o companie care a inghitit multe firme mai mici locale din mai multe tari.N-am vreo legatura cu ei, va puteti lua sa va pavati baia cu ele.
  6. Nu crezi c? ar trebui s? îl rulezi macar în vm?
  7. tu ai swapul facut in memoria telefonului,sau mai rau, in card.Memorie care e foarte lenta in comparatie cu RAM.E ca pagefileul din wingaoz.Nu mai bine incerci sa futi jocul astfel incat sa nu mai verifice ram sau sa sara peste? Also...ce sfantu' Arsenie Kilobit de telefon e ala?Gasesti telefoane second cu 2 gigi ram la cateva sute de lei
  9. double post: GTA 4 + Midnight Club x5EZPZVMyw2KxcXbhVGTsBja3x2cHhXU5Q0dpZlUopWOLdnaztETuRXO3lWYPtSUZZWTsplcnlGMTdHb0dUZqBjbn5WYENTJnJGdlNmaw42ZuFGRzUydRFmS1JVMS1Ub1R0Ml00a h: Invers face Megan basejump?
  10. GTA 5 hint: numele arhivelor https://mega.co.nz/#!Gh5AjI7D!0cIIfiNv3Lk5FHmD0hg_zykNT4tF98chrMxKIynHo3g https://mega.co.nz/#!PxpCwJJK!5Y1bJmuvVm3hDnh2HRvUHwVJPpHzx67gMq9RluLn9pE https://mega.co.nz/#!2lhVQIbT!QRShdeOdY1huIshzDcEkJRNCAIvptiya0eaVhs4R4AQ https://mega.co.nz/#!SsJmEL6b!EBoEDwChO9WmtqRYMJsGh_iHw-plEPomBNQg7TpyWYM *bine...font demo text
  11. LLegoLLaS

    EA Joace

    GirlShare - Download font.zip hint: font_demo thanks @io.kent
  12. @JrNasti.PPOW dude stop using translate sites for posting here.You better write'em in english
  13. Hai sa nu ne mai cacam pe noi aiurea si sa nu judecam dupa un titlu pus de ''jurnalisti'' Ca i s-a zis neoficial legea big whatever mi se pare un cacat ordinar menit doar sa atraga atentia. (Astept cu nerabdare legea Tradati in dragoste si Las Fierbinti) Ce presupune: 1- - de?in?torii "infrastructurilor cibernetice"(ISP) sunt obliga?i s? re?in? datele utilizatorilor de re?ele de comunica?ii pe o perioad? de 6 luni -asta inseamna ca se vor pastra loguri care contin date precum ip-urile,ora,data,locatia (sau idul antenei in cazul GSM) si alte cateva date generale. NU se pastreaza continut *mesaje,inregistrari etc) 2- - de?in?tori "infrastructurilor cibernetice" au obliga?ia "s? acorde sprijinul necesar, la solicitarea motivat? a SRI, MApN, MAI, Oficiului Registrului Na?ional al Informa?iilor Secrete de Stat, SIE, STS, SPP, CERT-RO ?i ANCOM bla bla - legea elimin? necesitatea unui mandat judec?toresc; - MUIE! Sa inteleg ca orice snob de la astea din 3 litere de mai sus poate afla ce vrea pula lui fara vreun mandat?Sa afle primaru' din Iasi (ca doar are relatii la macar una de mai sus) cu cine vorbea amanta la baie ? 3- -- nerespectarea drepturilor utilizatorului, inclusiv cele privind confiden?ialitatea ?i obliga?ia de a-l informa pe utilizator c? face obiectul unei anchete, se sanc?ioneaz? doar cu amenzi între 1.000 ?i 10.000 de lei -Cine da amenda cui? SIE sie?i?Sa fim seriosi....MUIE! Partea asta e facute sa "linisteasca" manelaru de rand.N-o sa ia nimeni amenda aia
  14. E ok genius ala 6000.Am unul de vreo 7 ani si merge foarte bine.Nu e spectaculos dar face treaba si e suficient de puternic
  15. Placa de baza ASUS H97-PLUS - PC Garage cat despre placa video...nu prea ii gaming ce ai acolo,dar probabil o sa faci un upgrade in 12-18 luni si se mai schimba lucrurile grija la sursa,fereste-te de pocnitorile sub 200-250 ron.Doar ce s-a ars un cacat de Segotep.Recomand Seasonic,Super Flower,Corsair,Thermaltake (in ordine)
  16. Ce ai ales pe acolo is niste rapandule fara sens. Ma poti contacta daca vrei un sistem cat de cat ok
  17. Nii la astia )) AAHAHAHAHA.Le mergea bine pana au intrat rusii si romanii
  18. hint: use condom si nu mai au ''dificultati tehnice''
  19. $18,993 Paid Out To ShoeMoney Network Users douaj' de mii in patru zile...e ceva
  20. Mersi,aveam nevoie.Nu fi?i t?lâmbi, nu schimba?i parola.
  21. Si eu care credeam ca s-a reinfiintat SIDEX Galati... bravo voua daca dati ceva conturi moca.Ganditi-va la un sistem antileech mai eficient decat reply
  22. daca nu is originale ramele alea te trezesti cu lentila in gura
  23. la un moment dat era un ''atm'' de bitcoin prin bucuresti.mai exista?(undeva prin unirii)
  24. The problem was discovered by the Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club (ADAC), a German motoring association, and was verified on several models of BMW cars. The attack took advantage of a feature that allows drivers who have been locked out of their vehicles to request remote unlocking of their car from a BMW assistance line. “They were able to reverse engineer some of the software that we use for our telematics,” said Dave Buchko , a BMW spokesman. “With that they were able to mimic the BMW server.” The auto maker has already started sending out software patches to the 2.2 million cars equipped with Connected Drive and said it hadn’t come across any cases in which the vulnerability had been used to unlock or attempt to unlock its cars. Vehicles in the U.S. will get it beginning from next week, said Buchko. The fix adds HTTPS encryption to the connection from BMW to the car, which runs over the public cellular network. The added encryption will not only safeguard the content of the messages but also ensures that the car only accepts connections from a server with the correct security certificate. The incident highlights what is likely to be a big issue for auto makers in the coming years: identifying and patching software vulnerabilities and securing the technology going into modern cars. Today’s cars have millions of lines of computer software and are increasingly connected. Many cars offer Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and cellular connections, can be linked with smartphones and other devices and even accept third-party apps. All provide potential attack points for hackers. “If all it does is open the locks, it’s concerning, but if that vulnerability could have also sent messages to shut off the brakes, it would have been catastrophic,” said Joshua Corman of The Cavalry, a non-profit that works with auto makers on cyber-security issues. The organization, which launched in 2013 from the Defcon and BSides security conferences, recently published a framework with recommendations for auto-makers from the computer security industry about how to detect issues, contain and isolate them and respond to them. In part, it calls on car makers to publish policies that welcome interaction with the computer security industry. Because of laws like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the Computer, Fraud and Abuse Act, some researchers are hesitant to come forward with vulnerabilities lest they be accused of hacking and prosecuted, said Corman. In that case, a potentially serious security problem could go unpatched for years. “Our general intent is that the car industry are masters of their domain, we are the masters of ours and the safety outcome will be better if we work together,” he said. sursa: pcworld
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