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Everything posted by WinGate

  1. WinGate

    Ebay 10$ voucher!

    Cineva cred ca la folosit deja, ca vad ca zice cica e pe alt cont codul.
  2. Am castigat licenta asta la Bitdefender pentru 6 LUNI, si nu am de gand sa o folosesc, trebuie folosita in mai putin de 24 de ore altfel expira si nu mai poate fi folosita. Enjoy.
  3. Merci, am intrat si eu, m-am inregistrat si am comandat un GIG de 5$ gratuit.
  4. nu te pot ajuta cu o statistica la sharecash, dar iti pot da de pe purebits + dovada de plata daca ai nevoie. cat despre metoda, stii ca metodele bune nu se da. daca ai nevoie iti trimit in privat ca fiind mai la inceput nu cred ca mi se va da voie sa postez linkul, sa nu cumva sa fac reclama.
  5. Da, intradevar sursa este BBHF, din zona VIP. Din pacate nu am access la VIP dar stiu parola si am cont si pe BBHF. Pentru mine cel putin este foarte folositor si merge programul. Merci pentru share.
  6. GSA Search Engine Ranker si GSA Captcha breaker ar fi super, la fel si xrumer si Hrefer, ca si tov de mai sus.
  7. WinGate

    Free VPS !

    Merci @Hubba, sper sa imi mearga la ceea ce vreau sa fac pe el si sper ca si "copiii" sa nu schimbe parolele. Daca le schimba, asta este, macar nu o sa fiu eu unul din cei care schimba parolele. Merci.
  8. Copiii care se joaca nu fac altceva decat sa schimbe parola, ei nu se gandesc ca intotdeauna exista metode alternative de a recupera RDP`u inapoi. Lasati fratilor parolele asa si facetiva treaba ca sunt si altii care vor doar sa lucreze sa isi faca propriile liste cu RDP`uri. Cine face un gest frumos si da cateva RDP`uri sa ajute lumea ia in considerare si faptu ca amatorii vor schimba parolele. Nu mai fiti copii de gradinita cum a zis si @marckyy
  9. Merci mult pentru liste, nu sunt toate perfecte dar sunt multe care inca sunt bune, numai ca trebuie verificate manual fiecare cum si unde trimite mailul, am gasit destule care trimit direct in INBOX.
  10. Cine are de gand sa il foloseasca, aveti grija. Desi "call911" nu garanteaza ca este curat, eu va pot confirma ca sigur NU ESTE curat. Apreciez threadul dar mie mi-a f***t calculatorul cu un trojan, desi am fost avertizat de antivirus am incercat pe propria piele sa vad ce se intampla si am dezactivat antivirusul (de destept ce am fost, am crezut ca poate fi detectat ca FALSE POSITIVE). Multumesc.
  11. Foarte tare programelu... nu am auzit de el pana acum dar pare mult mai interesant decat TeamViewer sau Radmin si alte programe. Multumesc.
  12. As vrea si eu va rog 1 root de scan pentru brutessh. Nu il vreau de tot ci doar pentru o perioada scurta de timp sa prind si eu cateva ca sa ma ridic dupa o perioada destul de lunga de pauza. Garantie ? Nu pot garanta decat cu numele si imaginea mea. (si tinand cont ca nimeni nu ma cunoaste probabil ca sunt egale cu 0 ). Pot doar promite ca nu voi schimba parola ... pentru ca daca as face asa ceva imi patez imaginea , si nu ma injosesc eu cu prostii de genul "cer ajutor, iau rootu, schimb parola si gataa ce tare sunt ". Multumesc !
  13. Merge foarte bine... Merci ZeroCold.
  14. Poate reusesti sa il termini... mi-ar folosi un crypter bun
  15. Frumos post si geniala gandirea... O sa ma folosesc de ea. Merci.
  16. Era mai usor dar daca nu sunt logati sau nu au toti cont acolo nu cred ca puteau vedea Thread-ul... si chiar daca isi faceau cont sunt restrictionati daca nu au un anumit numar de posturi...prea mare deranjul pentru un simplu antivirus...si nu ar mai fi aratat la fel aici pe site daca nu as fi facut asa...pur si simplu postam un link, daca il luau il luau daca nu nu. EDIT: Este mai bine asa? Am dat credit posterului initial si am adaugat sursa de unde l-am luat. EDIT: cu placere "ganjalover"
  17. HA... toti vecinii mei se afla pe lista aia numai eu nu sunt pe acolo... Interesant si folositor... Merci.
  18. BITDEFENDER 2013 ANTIVIRUS PLUS - INTERNET SECURITY & TOTAL SECURITY (32 AND 64 BIT) BITDEFENDER 2013 - SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: BITDEFENDER 2013 - INSTALLATION AND ACTIVATION GUIDELINES: Step 1 : BitDefender 2013 - Comparison Chart: Choose the BitDefender 2013 security product which suits the most your needs and requirements: Now, download the appropriate offline standalone Bitdefender 2013 security product installer (English language): Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013: Bitdefender Internet Security 2013: Bitdefender Total Security 2013: • Save the appropriate BitDefender 2013 offline standalone installer to a location of your choice. It is recommend to save it in your desktop. Step 2 : Uninstall any security product (including BitDefender) which you may have installed in your PC. Almost all security products have their own uninstallers. Therefore uninstall them first and once said process has been finished, reboot your PC again in Windows Normal Mode. ATTENTION: The new standalone "BitDefender Uninstall Tool" (BD2013_Uninstall_Tool.exe) which is compatible with any BitDefender 2013 security products and their previous versions can be downloaded from: If for any circumstance you would like to uninstall BitDefender 2013, neither use the previous standalone uninstall tool because it is not compatible with BitDefender 2013 nor invoke the uninstaller link which carries BitDefender 2013 through "All programs" or the "Control Panel" until further notice. Simply use the new standalone "BitDefender Uninstall Tool" (BD2013_Uninstall_Tool.exe) which is previously mentioned. Step 3 : VERY IMPORTANT: A) If you had any BitDefender 2012 or 2013 version installed in your PC and you had used any Liqensoft Activator, after you have uninstalled your BitDefender and the subsequent restart in Windows Normal Mode mentioned in Step 2, you must immediately run the Activator by Liqensoft 2.0 (in Windows Normal mode) before the new installation of a BitDefender 2013 security product . This process only serves to remove traces of previous installation(s) of BitDefender. To this end, download The Activator by Liqensoft 2.0BETA5 (CRC32 ae88958f // MD5 643f16689bfe3b7217b2387a0fa0c7ab) from any of the links below and save it in your desktop: IT IS WORTH MENTIONING THAT THE ACTIVATOR BY LIQENSOFT 2.0BETA5 IS SAFE AND CLEAN IF IT IS DOWNLOADED FROM THE LINKS FURNISHED ABOVE. Some AVs may detect the Activator by Liqensoft 2.0BETA5 as a trojan / virus / malware but such possible circumstance is called "FALSE POSITIVE". Extract the file "liQeNSoft_Bitdefender_Activator_2.0BETA5.exe" from the downloaded compressed file to your desktop and double click it (run it). A small window will pop up => Choose English language and click "OK". After a short while, another window will appear advising you that "We removed the vestiges of the previous version. You can install the new version" => click the "OK" button. A pic is better than hundreds of words: Step 4 : • Now and without any PC rebooting, double click the BitDefender 2013 offline standalone installer that you have saved in the desktop as per Step 1. • The installation wizard will start and guide you through the process. Do not download latest BitDefender 2013 files when you asked to during installation in order to expedite the said process. • Once you are informed that BitDefender 2013 has been successfully installed click the "Get started" button which appears in the respective window. A new window named "Register Your Product" will appear where you should tick the radio button "I want to evaluate the product" and click the "Next" button. Make BitDefender configurations which may suit your needs the most through the various windows that pop up and when the "Login to MyBitdefender" window appears, log into your MyBitdefender account or create a new one, as it may be your case. Enter your registration data (email & password) and then click "Login to MyBitdefender" button. Now check at the bottom of your BitDefender 2013 home view that you have 30 days free use left. Don't forget that BitDefender accounts must be previously activated before running the Activator by Liqensoft as described in Step 5 below, by clicking the link included in the email that you should received from BitDefender in your declared email account. Therefore a real email account should be used. IMPORTANT: Since there have been cases that when you reboot your PC in Windows Safe Mode with Networking for running the Liqensoft Activator, the "Activate" button in the liQeNSoft Activator appears grayed out and says that it cannot find your BitDefender account, it is recommended to follow this workaround before restarting your PC In Windows Safe Mode with Networking as per Step 5: Step 5 : Reboot your PC in Windows Safe Mode or in Windows Safe Mode with Networking (recommended). If BitDefender 2013 has deleted the Activator by Liqensoft 2.0, extract it again in your desktop from its compressed file that should be in the desktop. Run the Activator by double-clicking it. A small window will pop up => Choose English language => OK. the Activator by Liqensoft 2.0 GUI will appear => Click the "Settings" button and select for how many years you want to have your BitDefender 2013 registered. There are two small buttons at the left of the number of years to increase or decrease them (I selected 10 years to avoid running the activator again) and click the "Save" button. Now you must click the "Activate!" button and a notification window will tell you that "BitDefender 2012 or 2013 was successfully activated and you are invited to restart your computer in Normal Mode and to proceed to update your BitDefender". Close the Activator by Liqensoft 2.0 and restart your PC in Windows Normal Mode. This is a pic of the Activator by Liqensoft 2.0 in Windows Safe Mode with Networking after my BitDefender Total Security 2013 has been activated: Step 6 : Now that you are in Windows Normal Mode, open BitDefender 2013 GUI in home view and check that at the bottom thereof the registration period you have chosen in Step 5 is duly indicated and then go to the Update Module and click the "Update Now" button to update your BitDefender 2013. This is a pic of my BitDefender Total Security 2013 activated for 10 years after strictly following the above instructions: Enjoy your full and registered BitDefender 2013. "Greetz to Polylak , Sourse website: http://www.warez-bb.org/viewtopic.php?t=7558534&highlight=
  19. Am gasit parola... frumos gandita si totusi simpla. Eu aveam o versiune mai veche de ZEUS. Merci.
  20. Merci. Folositoare unele dintre ele.
  21. Gestul de a ajuta pe altii este de admirat...dar gestul de a schimba parola si a nu lasa si pe altii sa se foloseasca de el este josnic... nici nu se imbogateste nici nu il scoate din foame un root... dar din pacate nu toti gandesc la fel.
  22. Sunt cateva care chiar mai merg... si tinand cont ca sunt moka e de apreciat. Merci.
  23. ai dat mura in gura tipul de cryptare... dar oricum parola la ele nu este buna.
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