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MalwareTech arrested

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Authorities arrested the UK security researcher known for stopping the WannaCry ransomware attack in May.

On Wednesday, 22-year-old Marcus Hutchins -- also known as MalwareTech -- was arrested in Las Vegas for "his role in creating and distributing the Kronos banking Trojan," according to a spokesperson from the U.S. Department of Justice.

The charges relate to alleged conduct occurring between July 2014 and July 2015.

According to an indictment provided to CNN Tech, Hutchins created the malware and shared it online.

Earlier this year, Hutchins became an internet hero when he helped stop WannaCry, a cyberattack that targeted over 150 countries.

The ransomware locked down computers and demanded $300 to get files back.

Hutchins, who is a malware researcher at the Kryptos Logic security firm, created a killswitch that prevented the spread of the virus.

Friends and family have not been able to speak with Hutchins, according to a person close to the situation. The news of the detention was first reported by Motherboard.

This story is developing.



sursa: http://money.cnn.com/2017/08/03/technology/culture/malwaretech-arrested-las-vegas-trojan/index.html


acuzarea: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3912524-Kronos-Indictment-R.html


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programata treaba. iti da verdictul la ora 4, stiind ca la 4.30  scade timpul in care poti plati cautiunea. omul statea la hotel de 1900$ pe noapte, deci bani avea, dar nu disponibili cash in asa timp scurt, deci il vor acolo pentru tot sfarsitul de saptamana. asa ii baga un undercover cu sapca de piele, de vineri seara pana luni dimineata ii ridica pilaful la deal pana spune si codurile de la toate banking trojan pana in 2025 :))

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3 hours ago, gaddafi said:

Nu au dovezi? Si daca complicele care din varii motive are numele blurat te da in gat, tot nu au dovezi? 

Ia zi-ne cum ii viata in puscariile din SUA, poate se merita sa emigram din Babuinland direct intr-o puscarie din SUA. Living the American dream!!!

Esti comic. Vorbesti cu mine de parca as fi ceva criminal si cunosc viata din puscarii. Imaginatia ta a luat-o deja razna! Nu cunosc viata din puscarii din SUA, si nici nu vreau, pentru ca nu imi pasa sa fac nimic ilegal. Daca vrei sa afli pe cont propriu, poate te extradeaza Romania, si poate un Bubba negru de 300 de pounds, va fi "prietenul" tau in celula, si ne povestesti tu cum a fost. Eu am un salar in IT pe care putini il au, si posibilitati sa fac bani pe langa in consulting.

Am spus ca nu au dovezi clare, ca sa il bage la zdup, ca altfel baietii de la FBI il arestau pe loc. Oricum, nu are rost sa vorbim deocamdata, pana nu se finalizeaza anumite proceduri. Daca e vinovat, atunci, poate ne povesteste el, cum au stat lucrurile cu Bubba. Oricum, isi merita soarta daca e gasit vinovat pentru ca se joaca cu vietile oamenilor.

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