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Email extractor (AeePro)

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Uitati inca unul in perl ..


# Script : E-Mail eXtractor
# Author : Osirys
# Contact : osirys[at]live[dot]it
# Thx: StAkeR
# *Use it under a *nix box
# In the private release, you can scan all kind of emails that you want, on a lot of different engines.

use IO::Socket::INET;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;

print q{
[> E-Mail eXtractor
[> Coded by Osirys
[> Contact: osirys[at]live[dot]it

my $mode = $ARGV[0];
$gtest = ("www.google.com/search?q=hi&hl=en&start=10&sa=N");

&usage(), last CASES if (!$ARGV[0]);
&bash(), last CASES if ($mode =~ /bash-mode/);
&usage(), last CASES if (($mode =~ /irc-mode/)&&(!$ARGV[1])|(!$ARGV[2])|(!$ARGV[3])|(!$ARGV[4]));
&irc_mode($ARGV[1],$ARGV[2],$ARGV[3],$ARGV[4]), last CASES if (($mode =~ /irc-mode/)&&(($ARGV[1])||($ARGV[2])||($ARGV[3])||($ARGV[4])));
&help(), last CASES if ($mode =~ /help/);

sub help() {
print q{
--- HELP ---
If you have a direct command line on the server where you are launching
the script, like you are in with a bash shell, you can just use the
bash mode. Unless, if you can't have a direct command line, launch it
in irc-mode, so you will command the script under Irc.

This is the public release. In the private release you can scan all
kind of emails, on a lot of different engines.

Thank you using E-Mail eXtractor

By Osirys


sub usage() {
print "\nUsage:\n";
print " [1] perl $0 bash-mode - FOR A SHELL USE\n";
print " [2] perl $0 irc-mode server port nick chan - FOR IRC USE\n";
print " [+] perl $0 help - FOR HELP\n";
print "[?] Coded by Osirys\n\n";

sub bash() {
print "\n[+] Cheeking if my ip is banned by Google..\n";
$re = query($gtest);
$re =~ /Google Home/ || die "[-] Sorry, Test not passed, got banned by Google, try again later\n";
print "[+] Test passed. Google Status: Ready\n";
print "[+] Insert now the email domain to find\n";
print "[*] Domains allowed: hotmail ~ msn ~ gmail ~ libero ~ yahoo ~ virgilio ~live ~ alice\n";
$domain = <STDIN>;
$domain =~ /hotmail|msn|gmail|libero|yahoo|virgilio|live|alice/ || die "[-] Error, or domain not allowed\n";
print "[+] Ok, searching \@$domain emails on Google ..\n";
print "[+] Done\n";

sub irc_mode() {
my ($ircd, $port, $nick, $chan) = @_;
if (fork() == 0) {
&irc($ircd, $port, $nick, $chan);
else {

sub irc() {
my ($ircd, $port, $nick, $chan) = @_;
$chan =~ s/(.+?)/\#$1/;
print "\n[+] Connecting on:\nServer/Port: $ircd:$port\nNick: $nick\nChannel: $chan\n# Coded by Osirys\n\n";
$c0n = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$ircd",PeerPort => "$port",Proto => "tcp") || die "[-] Can not connect on $ircd!\n";
print $c0n "NICK $nick\n";
print $c0n "USER eMailer 8 * : Osirys\n";
print $c0n "JOIN $chan\n";
wr($chan,"15,1/_ E-Mail eXtractor Public Release Launched !!");
wr($chan,"11,1? Coded by Osirys");
while ($line = <$c0n>) {

if ($line =~ /^PING \.*)/) {
print $c0n "PONG :$1";

if ($line =~ /PRIVMSG $chan :!help/) {
wr($chan,"15,1-= E-Mail eXtractor Public Release =-");
wr($chan,"11,1? Coded by Osirys");
wr($chan,"9,1!help 4,1>7,1 For Help");
wr($chan,"9,1!domain 4,1>7,1 Get the domains avaible");
wr($chan,"9,1!start domain 4,1>7,1 Start the scann on the domain choosed");
wr($chan,"9,1!killme 4,1>7,1 Kill the Bot");

if ($line =~ /PRIVMSG $chan :!killme/) {
wr($chan,"4,1Bye Bye!!");
print $c0n "QUIT";
exec("pkill perl");

if ($line =~ /PRIVMSG $chan :!domain/) {
wr($chan,"15,1[*] Domain allowed: hotmail, msn, gmail, libero, yahoo, virgilio, live, alice");

if (($line =~ /PRIVMSG $chan :!start\s+(.*)/)&&(fork() == 0)) {
my $mail = $1;
wr($chan,"15,1[+] Cheeking if my ip is banned by Google..");
$re = query($gtest);
if ($re =~ /Google Home/) {
wr($chan,"9,1[+] Test passed. Google Status: Ready");
if ($mail =~ /hotmail|msn|gmail|libero|yahoo|virgilio|live|alice/) {
wr($chan,"15,1[+] E-Mail eXtractor started, emails: 9,1\@$mail");
wr($chan,"4,1[-] E-Mail eXtractor finished, emails: 9,1\@$mail");
else {
wr($chan,"4,1[-] Error, or domain not allowed");
else {
wr($chan,"4,1[-] Sorry, Test not passed, got banned by Google, try again later");

sub find() {
my @domain = ("at","com.au","com.br","ca","ch","de","dk","es","fr","it","co.jp","com.mx","co.uk");
my @langs = ("de","en","br","en","de","de","dk","es","fr","it","jp","es","en");
my @country = ("AT","AU","BR","CA","CH","DE","DK","ES","FR","IT","JP","MX","UK");
my $mail = $_[0];
my $mode = $_[1];
my @forks;
my $count = 0;
my $dd = 0;
my $l = 0;
my $c = 0;
foreach my $d(@domain) {
if ($count % 1 == 0) {
foreach my $f(@forks){
$forks[$count] = fork();
if ($forks[$count] == 0) {
for ($i=0;$i<=1000;$i+=100) {
my $gsup = ("www.google.".$d."/search?q=\@".$mail.".".$d."&num=100&hl=".$langs[$l]."&cr=country".$country[$c]."&as_qdr=all&start=".$i."&sa=N");
my $re = query($gsup);
while ($re =~ m/([\w\-\+\.]+)\@<em>$mail<\/em>\.<em>$d<\/em>/g) {
my $user = $1;
push(@tot, $user);
@unique = unique(@tot);
@ord = sort(@unique);
my $nickname = "$mail.".$d;
if ($mode =~ /bash-mode/) {
open($file, ">>", "$mail."."$d.txt");
foreach my $u(@ord) {
print $file "$u"."@"."$mail."."$d\n";
print "[*]Found ".scalar(@ord)." \@".$mail.".".$d." emails. Cheek in: $mail.$d.txt\n";
elsif ($mode =~ /irc-mode/) {
foreach my $f(@forks){

sub paste() {
my $name = $_[0];
my @tot = @_[1];
my $cont = join("\n",@tot);
my $p_ua;
my $p_request;
$p_ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
agent => "StAkeR ~ Paste",
timeout => "0"
$p_request = $p_ua->post("http://nopaste.biz",
insert => "1",
name => "$name EMails",
beschreibung => "$name Emails, powered by Osirys",
code => $cont
if ($p_request->is_success) {
if ($p_request->content =~ /URL=(.+?)\">/) {
my $link = $1;
wr($chan,"9,1[!]$name Emails Link4,1 =>11,1 $link");

sub unique {
my @unique = ();
my %seen = ();
foreach my $s(@_) {
$s =~ s/\/+/\//g;
next if $seen{$s}++;
return @unique;

sub query() {
my $url = $_[0];
my $host = $url;
my $query = $url;
$host =~ s/([-a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)\/.*/$1/;
$query =~ s/$host//;
eval {
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$host",PeerPort => "80",Proto => "tcp") || return;
print $sock "GET $query HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n\r\n";
my @r = <$sock>;
$page = "@r";
return $page;

sub wr() {
my $chan = $_[0];
my $cont = $_[1];
print $c0n "PRIVMSG $chan :$cont\n";

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