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Proxy Manelista

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Isi sterge lady gasca mailu dupa ce il citeste - nik interesant.

Si un milion de add friends pe mess


54468996.png w815.png

24439294.png w814.png

Pentru cine nu stie despre cine este vorba:




Edited by loki
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Ceva interesant prin mail?

o agenda de fani cred ca la mishto gen haiinparcsanedamhutza love_roxy_manelista ale_fana_roxy_manelista si numai nume de copchii (dinaia cu nume din x-uri sau inimioare ca la hi5) in rest cum am spus mailul e gol, si le sterge dupa ce le citeste :(

Pacat ca pe situl unde inghite voturi nu s-a inscris cu mailul asta, e si mail mai nou (de cand si-a schimbat numele). Ca as fi dat niste "forgot password"...

Apropo care stie numele lu var'su? e prima intrebare secreta la yahoo :)

Edited by loki
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lol! Sa nu va puna pacatu s-o bagati in lista (abia acu intru si eu pe un cont unde am adaugat-o)...

Lady Roxy (8/2/09 3:07 PM):

Cine este din Bucuresti (fata) Buzz .mass sorry
Lady Roxy (8/2/09 3:07 PM):

buna tuturor,cine e din buc buzz

ma fetelor din buc, dati-i buzz lu roxy.manelista at yahoo.com (asta e nicku de mai sus)


astea toate de la cacatu ala de hitlab unde cauta ascultatori s-o ajute s-o aleaga A.kon


I just set up a Hitlab artist profile and I need your support.

Hitlab.com is a site where i can sell my music, upload pics and vids, and even evaluate my songs hit potential.
Also, there is a contest with prizes that can really help kick start my career.

As a listener it's a great place to discover and download new talent that fits your musical tastes.
listeners can create a profile, post pictures & videos, and build a playlist of their favorite songs.
They even have a software that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to evaluate a song hit potential.

I want you to sign up as a listener or artist.

Thanks for the support, And guess what the subscription is free !

Lady Roxy

o sa fac tot posibilu sa ma mai distrez cu asta.

Edited by loki
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acum are si site, valorosul

alt site cu iframe. Ce dezignar au si astia? (iframe = RadioBerceni.page.tl)

Atentie: antivirul zice ca are mallware, probabil e un script de voting si atat, dar nu am timp/chef sa ma uit pe el. Pentru cine e curios scriptul este http://script.top66.ro/id-450023/8/1/Bine%20ati%20venit!%20Apasati%20OK%20pentru%20a%20vota%20pentru%20acest%20site%20in%20Romanian%20Top%2066/code2.js

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