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  1. Below you will find my collection of 10 best online applications that would be very useful for web designers and web developers. This collection was assorted based by importance and personal opinion. We understand that there are many other great tools out on the web, but these listed here are some of the best! We hope that this article will help/improve the workflow of designers and developers alike. 1. Google Apps Google Apps provides many features all in one place. A customisable start page, generous 6MB of space in provided in the gmail account, files can easily be backed up to the email account. Shared calendar feature is provided with text messaging. Use your own domain name to provide domain specific email addresses. 2. W3C Markup & CSS Validation Services This validator checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL and MathML. If you want to validate specific content such as RSS/Atom feeds or CSS stylesheets, MobileOK content, or to find broken links, other validators and tools are available there. 3. Adobe BrowserLab Adobe BrowserLab is an online service that helps to ensure that your web content is displayed as you wanted. Accurately preview web pages across multiple browsers and operating systems, navigate links, and use diagnostic tools to efficiently optimize websites. 4. net2FTP Net2ftp is a web-based FTP client written in PHP. With it’s help you can navigate the FTP server, upload files, download one or multiple files, zip and unzip archives on FTP server, and install software. 5. CSS-sandbox CSS-sandbox is a simple web toy that lets you explore CSS in real time. Just click and see the effect, no Reload needed. It’s very fast and funny. Once you’re satisfied with the style of the Sandbox, roll your mouse over the handy CODE button. A panel will pop, showing all the necessary CSS code to apply that formatting to your web site. 6. LaunchSplash LaunchSplash provides tools a web designer needs to create an awesome looking “Coming Soon” Landing Page for your domain easily in a few clicks. So if you are working on a project and would like to start growing your emailing list prior to launch this is a good way to go. We also did an article of coming soon pages, so if you need help check out: 40 Creative Coming Soon Pages & WordPress Themes. 7. Stripegenerator Tired of pixel-by-pixel painting, trying to create seamless stripes textures? Enjoy using stripe generator. Make your personal style, experiment and download the file. You can use it directly in your css file or as pattern in Photoshop. A great and useful resource for designers of all kinds. 8. PHPForms PHPForms is a professional web form builder. It allows to create personalised web forms in a few clicks and then embed them in your web-site. All you need to do is just copy and paste the generated code. With PHPForms you can save all form results in MySQL database on your server and download them as CSV file. Also PHPForms has pre-designed widgets for some types of fields (phone number, email, date, file upload etc.). You can create different forms: multi-page and small, simple and complex. To create a form you don’t need to have any special programming skills. 9. GenFavicon GenFavicon is a favicon creator that allows to create favicons for your site just in 3 steps: Select and upload source image. Select the part of the image that you want to appear in the favicon and specify desired dimensions. Preview favicon you generated. Save favicon to your local computer. Then all you need is upload saved favicon to the root directory of your site and add the provided code in the header area of your template page. 10. Color Scheme Designer If you need an interactive tool for designing harmonious color schemes that lets you drag a scale around a color wheel to select your hues, adjust the scheme and then export the hex codes into HTML, XML or text – then Color Scheme Designer is just for you. Need more color tools? Look no further, check out this article: Top 21 Helpful Color Tools for Designers Top 10 Online Applications for Web Designers | inspirationfeed.com
    1 point
  2. or: $note="10(10.02.2011), 4(12.03.2011), 5(10.02.2011)"; $note1= explode(",",$note); foreach($note1 as $value) { $x = explode('(', $value); $noteValues[] = $x[0]; } $media = array_sum($noteValues) / count($noteValues); $count=count($note1); echo "numar note : ".$count; echo "<br/> Media: $media <br/>";
    1 point
  3. <?php $suma = NULL; $note = array("10(10.02.2011)", "4(12.03.2011)", "5(10.02.2011)"); $count = count($note); foreach($note as $nota) { $x = explode("(", $nota); $x = $x[0]; $suma += $x; } $media = $suma/$count; echo $media; ?>
    1 point
  4. Prezentari "Forumul securitatii IT" Detalii aici: http://rstcenter.com/forum/41142-cica-forumul-securitatii-pe-11-octombrie.rst Prezentarile sunt descarcate de pe site. 13-Oct-11 12:53 PM 1,080,510 Adrian Furtuna.pdf 13-Oct-11 12:53 PM 3,130,880 Alexandru Catalin COSOI.ppt 13-Oct-11 12:53 PM 4,633,088 Alexandru Negrea.ppt 13-Oct-11 12:53 PM 12,342,784 Bogdan Toporan.ppt 13-Oct-11 12:53 PM 10,486,234 Costin Pecingina.pptm 13-Oct-11 12:53 PM 8,118,784 Doru Manea.ppt 13-Oct-11 12:53 PM 1,335,798 Fermin Catalan Ramos.pptx 13-Oct-11 12:53 PM 499,079 Gabriel Mihai Tanase.pdf 13-Oct-11 12:53 PM 2,410,811 Gidon Pely.pptx 13-Oct-11 12:53 PM 1,119,846 Kemal Ozmen.pdf 13-Oct-11 12:54 PM 3,389,718 Radu Herinean.pptx 13-Oct-11 12:54 PM 1,566,720 Razvan Grigorescu.ppt 13-Oct-11 12:54 PM 418,304 Tofan Dan.ppt 13 File(s) 50,532,556 bytes Download: http://www.fileshare.ro/30982997771 http://www.girlshare.ro/2738230 http://www30.zippyshare.com/v/60113036/file.html Site-ul este inca vulnerabil, nu au facut decat sa stearga toti utilizatorii, cu exceptia: User: admin Parola: admin Care este un cont normal, si: User: conferinte Parola: Fara parola, lasati necompletat Logare: Conferintele FinMedia, Evenimentele FinMedia, Publicatiile FinMedia Cu care puteti intra in panoul de administrare. Se pare ca azi au sters si pagina de administrare: The requested URL /conferences/admin.php was not found on this server. Legat de ce a fost acolo, nu cred ca are rost sa comentez. Pare-mi-se ca firmele de antivirus isi lauda produsele, si se tot compara intre ele , cei care au firme de securitate tot prezinta niste rahaturi pur teoretice si inutile si tot asa. Ei spun ca stiu cum actioneaza "hackerii" (termen folosit de ei cu sens de "criminal cibernetic"), ei identificandu-se ca fiind un fel de "politie virtuala", ca fiind baieti buni. Pretind ca stiu cum se actioneaza, dar pana la urma... "Nu pune un politist sa faca treaba unui hot".
    1 point
  5. Nu are cum sa mearga pentru ca '' codul asta e pentru atunci cand e ocupat . Cod anulare ##002# sau #67# . La mine merge doar daca redictionez toate apelurile direct din setarile telefonului . Aveti aici toate codurile , din cate vad pentru redictionat cand respingi nu exista . http://www.cellular.co.za/gsm_hash_code.htm Rectific : se pare ca merge , cand vrea el , dar apare mai tarziu in logurile voip-ului .
    -1 points
  6. L-am gasit intamplator.Multe chestii interesante. VX CHAOS FILE SERVER: Virii, Worms, Anti-Virus, Hacker Tools, Warez, Codes
    -1 points
  7. Mi-au placut tutorialele video de pe site. Asa ca hai sa pun si eu unu cu ceva ce stiu eu mai bine: photoshop. Din pacate am luat o teapa mareeee, habar nu aveam ca inregistreaza desktopu la 1fps. Pe de alta parte eram pe comp la servici care are 32M video shared :shock: asa ca nu e prea reusit ca tutorial (vazui acasa). http://www.trilulilu.ro/lokipaki/bccb6eecfec454 O idee despre cum se repara o poza facuta in oglinda cu blitz cum fac cucoanele de pe hi5 in baie (pe poza asta am si castigat 5$, nu ma aruncam la pretu asta dar imi placea ideea). Puteti derula pana la final sa vedeti before/after. Am folosit detalii din poza si anumite nerecuperabile le-am luat din alta. Daca va place, propuneti. Sper sa fac un tutorial reusit si detaliat despre trucarea unei fotografii de exemplu.
    -1 points
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