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  1. Va explic ce inseamna stolen OEP bytes.... Tutorial: Thread original:
    1 point
  2. Facebook has fixed a security vulnerability that could be exploited by an attacker to record video from a victim's webcam and then post it to their timeline without requesting their permission. The social network operator doesn't seem to have been in any great hurry – security researchers Aditya Gupta and Subho Halder say that they informed the company of the problem four months ago. The two are, however, happy with the outcome, as the reward paid out by Facebook for reporting the vulnerability proved to be significantly more than expected. The researchers discovered that the video upload feature, which is implemented in Flash, was not properly protected against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. They developed a demo web page containing an embedded Flash applet – visiting the page displayed the video uploader, but, when clicked on, the uploader recorded a video with the visitor's webcam and posted it to their Facebook timeline without requesting their permission. The only requirement was that the user had to be logged into their Facebook account at the time. The demo video shows the researchers actively clicking on the record button, but the attack could be extended to use clickjacking to get the user to start recording without their knowledge. As the two researchers report in an interview with Softpedia, Facebook initially maintained that the vulnerability was not particularly serious. It was only once the researchers posted a proof of concept video demonstrating exploitation of the vulnerability that the social network reassessed its position and reclassified the vulnerability as critical. Just after Christmas, Gupta and Halder received the welcome news that they were to receive a $2,500 reward (in the form of credit on a White Hat debit card) as part of Facebook's bug bounty programme. The two researchers were surprised at the response, as generous as it was belated, "We were expecting a bounty of $500, because that is the usual amount Facebook pays to security researchers, unless it is a serious issue." Soursa: Facebook vulnerability allowed silent webcam recording - The H Security: News and Features
    1 point
  3. Va dati seama... http://routerpwn.com/
    1 point
  4. Vai de tine de agramat.Invatati sa scrieti sa inteleaga si celalalt care citeste.
    -1 points
  5. nikel, te rog frumos ai putin bun simt.. "asta" are si el un nume si ma numesc stres, sau Alex. Cum pula mea ma poti compara cu un hot, intr-o tara unde parlamentul fura mai mult ca toti tiganii plecati in Europa, deaia nu ai strada, nu din cauza celor ca mine, eu nu vreau sa impart banii care ii castig cu statul pentru simplu fapt ca nu ma ajuta cu nimic, daca tu vrei sa platesti statul e treaba ta. Orice am face, atata timp cat o sa existe coruptia, tiganii si multe alte lucruri ai sa traiesti in acelasi cacat ca si noi, invata sa te adaptezi situatiei, nu sa critici, dar incerc sa iti inteleg conceptile, ca nah esti nascut in 92 si vrei sa lasi impresia ca ai prins al 2-lea razboi mondial si revolutia. In viitor, te rog vezi-ti de problemele tale, nu ale mele, multa stima si iti multumesc. Rog un admin sa inchida topicul, problema rezolvata.
    -1 points
  6. Target: ::Clothing Factory:: Cerinte: Version, database and nickname. Metoda: Oricare Postati screenshot. [table=width: 120, class: grid, align: left] [tr] [td]Solvers[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Roby4kill[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]florin_darck[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]afumat[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]shaggi[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]StoNe-[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]1000DotS[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]boogy[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]pedala1[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]XoddX[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]-[/td] [/tr] [/table]
    -1 points
  7. Din cauza ca nu am mai facut un program de mult timp, am decis sa mai aleg din lunga lista cu proiecte unul. De data aceasta am ales -> Mass Emailer. Programul este unul simplu dar cu toate acestea va recomand sa cititi Helpul. Sper ca nu o sa fiu singurul care o sa-l foloseasca. In caz ca folositi un email de la gmail pentru trimitere, apasati pe butonul GMAIL SETTING. Daca doriti sa luati o pauza , apasati F2 si cand doriti sa reincepeti apasati pe butonul Return To Mass Emailer. Iesiti din program pe tasta ESC. PS: Programul este dezvoltat in AutoIt. DOWNLOAD FILEHOST: Mass Emailer rar DOWNLOAD ZIPPY: http://www9.zippyshare.com/v/83057554/file.html DOWNLOAD FILESHARE: http://www.fileshare.ro/e29141128 DOWNLOAD SPEEDYSHARE: http://speedy.sh/y27jx/Mass-Emailer.rar DOWNLOAD DEPOSITFILES: http://depositfiles.com/files/q0ye81lat DOWNLOAD UPLOADING.COM: http://www.sendspace.com/file/qunyx7 DOWNLOAD HOTFILES: http://hotfil.es/764384 DOWNLOAD GIRLSHARE: http://www.girlshare.ro/32055223.2 Si apropo, deoarece virustotal iar isi bate joc de mine dar de data asta este chiar prea de tot si pe langa antivirusurile de care nu a auzit nimeni din virustotal observ ca BitDefender imi ia programul drept Gen:Trojan.Heur.AutoIT.1 de aceea am adaugat in arhiva si sursa programului. PS: Promit ca trimit email la BitDefender si virustototal, ultima data cand am trimis au rezolvat si programul meu era CLEAN. Stiam ca programele in AutoIt care acceseaza internetul primesc intodeauna false-pozitive dar nici chiar 7/46! https://www.virustotal.com/file/636a440020ff56e781b97ae350b9e75376ed3ff626304235eb53e0f3ff4ec803/analysis/1357276189/
    -1 points
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