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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/14 in all areas

  1. http://postimg.org/image/9t8zzz7pd/ , eu nu stau sa discut aiurea suma e facuta cu metoda lui tinkode , haide mai rapid. poti sa ma juti si pe mine sa aflu un ip ? https://www.facebook.com/anna.alexandra.908 daca ai paypall fac cinste dar te rog , grabeste-te . Merci ! +altele fara numar cu sparti care nu stiu sa configureze Coailii
    1 point
  2. face palm... cum pot cere azil politic in zimbabwe?
    1 point
  3. Coailii Christmas Edition released! > FUD Screenshot (cocalar-like): Virus Scan:
    1 point
  4. iKeyMonitor Spy App is featured as 100% undetectable iPhone Spy App and Android Spy App. It is an Key Logger for iPhone/iPad/iPod/Android that logs SMS, keystrokes, passwords, websites, screenshots and delivers logs to you by email or FTP.
    1 point
  5. Multi se considera hackeri chiar si noi , unu stie sa faca ceva altu altceva dar ce inseamna cu adevarat un hacker? Adica ce cunostinte are si ce poate sa faca? ><
    -1 points
  6. Salut , fiind un forum unde unii intra sa invete ceva , poti face si un tutorial unde explici cum functioneaza? E probat ? Daca da, pune imaginile sa poata invata si altii.
    -1 points
  7. PIZZA METHOD Ok so lets get started. You may be wondering what is so good about this guide to free pizza compared to other guides. Well the answer is simple, most methods involve paying the money up front and getting the money back. In this ebook you will learn how to obtain pizza free without paying any money up front! I have personally come up with this method and put it to practice countless times. Lets get started shall we? Note: this will not work for major retail pizza shops such as dominos, pizza hut, ect as they have already have precautions in advanced to protect themselves, this works best on local family owned pizzerias. The method: Call your local pizza shop and tell them that you purchesed 3 large (chees, peporoni, ect, basically what you want on your pizza) last night for your (sons,nephews,neices,daughters, up to you) birthday party tonight. Then proceed to explain how you just pulled them out of the (fridge,freezer) and they are (mushroom,chees, whatever you DONT want on the pizza) and be nice about it and say "i normally wouldn’t make a big deal but my son (or whoever your having the birthday party for) is allergic to (mushrooms or whatever) and ask for a replacement. Proceed to tell them that you can exchange the mushroom for the pepperoni pizza. By LAW they have to say no as they cannot take food back. But the benefit of this is to eliminate any doubt in their mind that you may not have really ordered any pizza. This method is efficient and works 100%. The only thing i advise against is doing it to the same pizza shop multiple times in to short of a period of time or they will catch on. Cred ca stiti engleza...
    -1 points
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