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  1. Ca sa functioneze, ii trebuie un fisier cu domenii, cu sau fara prefixul http:// la inceput. Usage: python emailscrapper.py Threads File Exemplu: python emalscrapper.py 50 domenii.txt Mailurile se salveaza in emails.txt UPDATE 1.3: - izolare completa la proceselor - renuntat la threading, acum functioneaza cu multiprocese total paralele - preluare rezultate mai corect - 2-3x mai rapid fata de precedenta versiune Versiune minima pentru functionare este Python 2.6 Pentru variante customizate, aveti jabberul meu in cod. """ RST eMail Crawler Version: 1.3 Author: Elohim Contact Jabber: viktor@rows.io """ import urllib2 import re import sys import cookielib from threading import Timer from multiprocessing import Process, Queue class GetResults(Process): def __init__(self, rezqueue): Process.__init__(self) self.rezqueue = rezqueue def run(self): while True: email = self.rezqueue.get() if email is None: return False with open("emails.txt","a") as EmailFile: EmailFile.write(email.rstrip()+"\n") print email class Crawler(Process): def __init__(self, queue, rezqueue): Process.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.rezqueue = rezqueue def run(self): while True: site = self.queue.get() if site is None: return False self.crawl(site) def crawl(self,site): try: WatchIt = Timer(15.0, self.WatchDog) WatchIt.start() cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) opener.addheaders = [('Accept:','*'),("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0")] opener.addheaders = [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'),("Accept-Encoding", "")] resp = opener.open(site,timeout=10) WatchIt.cancel() self.getem(resp.read()) except Exception, e: #print e f = 1 def getem(self,resp): try: emails = re.findall(r"[A-Za-z0-9%&*+?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[A-Za-z0-9!#$%&*+?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[A-Za-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Za-z]{2}|com|org|net|edu|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aer o|asia|jobs|museum)\b", str(resp)) CleanEmails = set(emails) for em in CleanEmails: self.rezqueue.put(em.lower()) except Exception, e: return False def WatchDog(self): return False if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 3: print "Usage:",sys.argv[0],"Threads DomainFile.txt" print "\tExample: ",sys.argv[0],"30 domains.txt" sys.exit() queue = Queue(maxsize=30000) rezqueue = Queue() ThreadNumber = int(sys.argv[1]) ThreadList = [] for i in range(ThreadNumber): t = Crawler(queue,rezqueue) t.daemon = True t.start() ThreadList.append(t) GR = GetResults(rezqueue) GR.daemon = True GR.start() with open(sys.argv[2],"rU") as urls: for url in urls: try: if url.startswith('http://'): queue.put(url.rstrip()) else: url = 'http://'+url.rstrip() queue.put(url.rstrip()) except Exception, e: print e for i in range(ThreadNumber): queue.put(None) for Worker in ThreadList: Worker.join() print "All done!" rezqueue.put(None) GR.join()
    1 point
  2. http://1337.24.lc/ Source: http://1337.24.lc/src/crypterOnline.zip Mirror: http://rghost.net/58708663 indetectables.net
    1 point
  3. faci o penetrare cu asta calumea de tot dar ai grija sa dai cu ulei inainte sa intre usor ON:Ia-ti backtrack/kali si cauta tutoriale pe youtube/torrente. Mie, personal, imi plac cei de la "cbt nuggets". Ii gasesti pe bitspyder.net daca ai cont.
    1 point
  4. Amice, astia fac misto de tine deoarece si-au dat seama ca IQ-ul tau este nu este mai mare decat cel al unei lingurite.Ii scoate degeaba din database deoarece au sa observe lipsa lor si intr-un final ii adauga din nou si probabil o sa va creati probleme mari, crezi ca astia sunt asa de prosti.Daca stii ca esti prost si faci absente la ce plm mai te duci la scoala, vorbeste cu parintii tai si explica care este situatia ta de copil obosit fara viitor. BABENCO STYLE
    1 point
  5. Din pacate, chatul nu prea se poate folosi pentru asa ceva, avand in vedere ca e plin de trolli....
    1 point
  6. haideti ma , nu facem si noi o ieseala d-aia ca pe vremuri ?
    1 point
  7. Pana in prezent stie sa tipareasca: Nr. caractere in text: Nr. propozitii in text: Nr. cuvinte in text: Nr. randuri in text: MD5 text: Nr. caractere pe fiecare rand: Dec to str/reversed: Prima/ultima litera din fiecare rand/reversed: Primul/ultimul cuvant din fiecare rand/reversed: Prima/ultima litera din fiecare cuvant/reversed: Prima/ultima litera din fiecare propozitie/reversed: Primul/ultimul cuvant din fiecare propozitie/reversed: Fibonacci litere/cuvinte /reversed Nr prime litere/cuvinte /reversed Diagonala litere/cuvinte /reversed Step -custom /reversed Coloana -custom /reversed De exemplu, pentru challenge-ul realizat de @Gio33 : https://rstforums.com/forum/94853-decrypt-me-easy-mesaj-de-la-partener.rst Nr. caractere pe fiecare rand: 48 55 52 55 51 49 46 48 45 32 44 51 50 54 50 49 53 46 49 53 32 64 32 48 48 58 48 50 32 111 103 Dec to str/reversed: 074731.0- ,326215.15 @ 00:02 og go 20:00 @ 51.512623, -0.137470 Source code: text = """Textul in care este ascuns mesajul secret.""" print """ \t Cautatoru de mesaje ascunse in plain text \t Proprietate RSTforums.com \t Usr6, Sulea Este interzisa utilizarea acestui stript de catre: \t persoanele aflate in stare de ebrietate(poate duce la descoperirea comorii dacice) \t servicii speciale (ex:SRI, SIE, DIICOT, Patriarhie, STS, etc), firmele cu activitate in IT, etc. (fara suparare, dar va puteti permite sa cumparati un soft pro) \t fanii justin bieber Daca va incadrati in una din categoriile de mai sus si totusi doriti sa utilizati scriptul, trebuie sa cumparati o sharoma cu de toate unui om sarman inainte de fiecare utilizare """ import hashlib print "Nr. caractere in text: %d " %(len(text)) propozitii = text.split(".") print "Nr. propozitii in text: %d" %(len(propozitii)) cuvinte = text.split(" ") print "Nr. cuvinte in text: %d" %(len(cuvinte)) randuri = text.splitlines() print "Nr. randuri in text: %d" %(len(randuri)) m = hashlib.md5() m.update(text) print "MD5 text: %s" %(m.hexdigest()) a = b = c = d = e = f ="" for linie in randuri: a += chr(len(linie)) d += str(len(linie)) + " " b += linie[0] c += linie[-1] cuv = linie.split() e += cuv[0] + " " f += cuv[-1] + " " print "\nNr. caractere pe fiecare rand:\n%s" %(d) print "Dec to str/reversed:\n%s\n%s" %(a,a[::-1]) print "\nPrima litera din fiecare rand/reversed:\n%s\n%s" %(b, b[::-1]) print "Ultima litera din fiecare rand/reversed:\n%s\n%s" %(c, c[::-1]) print "\nPrimul cuvant din fiecare rand/reversed:\n%s\n%s" %(e, e[::-1]) print "Ultimul cuvant din fiecare rand/reversed:\n%s\n%s" %(f, f[::-1]) a = b = "" for cuvant in cuvinte: c = "" for litera in cuvant: if litera not in ['"', ".", ",", ";", "(", ")"]: c += litera if len© >0: a += c[0] b += c[-1] print "\nPrima litera din fiecare cuvant/reversed:\n%s\n%s" %(a, a[::-1]) print "Ultima litera din fiecare cuvant/reversed:\n%s\n%s" %(b, b[::-1]) a = b = d = e = "" for propozitie in propozitii: f = propozitie.split() if len(f) >0 : d += f[0] + " " e += f[-1] + " " c = "" for x in propozitie: if x not in [" ", '"', ".", ",", ";", "(", ")", "\n"]: c += x if len© >0: a += c[0] b += c[-1] print "\nPrima litera din fiecare propozitie/reversed:\n%s\n%s" %(a, a[::-1]) print "Ultima litera din fiecare propozitie/reversed:\n%s\n%s" %(b, b[::-1]) print "\nPrimul cuvant din fiecare propozitie/reversed:\n%s\n%s" %(d, d[::-1]) print "Ultimul cuvant din fiecare propozitie/reversed:\n%s\n%s" %(e, e[::-1]) prime = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97] fibo = [0,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610] nc = len(cuvinte) nl = len(text) a = b = "" for c in prime: if c < nc: a += cuvinte[c] + " " if c < nl: b += text[c] print "\nNumere prime:" print "\tCuvinte /reversed:\n\t%s\n\t%s" % (a, a[::-1]) print "\tLitere /reversed:\n\t%s\n\t%s" % (b, b[::-1]) a = b = "" for c in fibo: if c < nc: a += cuvinte[c] + " " if c < nl: b += text[c] print "Fibonacci:" print "\tCuvinte /reversed:\n\t%s\n\t%s" % (a, a[::-1]) print "\tLitere /reversed:\n\t%s\n\t%s" % (b, b[::-1]) step = 2 a = b = "" for c in range(0, nc, step): a += cuvinte[c] for c in range(0, nl, step): b += text[c] print "\nStep: %d" %(step) print "Cuvinte / reversed:\n%s\n%s" %(a, a[::-1]) print "Litere / reversed:\n%s\n%s" %(b, b[::-1]) a = b = "" for c in range(0, len(randuri)): if c < len(randuri[c]): a += randuri[c][c] d = randuri[c].split() if c < len(d): b += d[c] + " " print "\nDiagonala :" print "Litere /reversed:\n\t%s\n\t%s" % (a, a[::-1]) print "Cuvinte /reversed:\n\t%s\n\t%s" % (b, b[::-1]) coloana = 5 a = "" for b in range(0, len(randuri)): if len(randuri) < coloana: a += " " else: a += randuri[coloana] print "\nColoana: %d" %(coloana) print "Litere /reversed:\n\t%s\n\t%s" % (a, a[::-1])
    1 point
  8. de ce nu il luati de la sursa ? Windows Loader - Support and chat - Page 1886 https://mega.co.nz/#!9EZykYgb!W9mqDAv3cnT0u2qeJm_Ex79gXNXh_7iUomgH1mjeZq0 Windows Loader v2.2.2 EXE MD5: 323c0fd51071400b51eedb1be90a8188 EXE SHA-1: 0EFC35935957C25193BBE9A83AB6CAA25A487ADA 7Z SHA-1: 31302FAD33E4DF6439F9A3571FAF6997F77A1596
    1 point
  9. Bitstamp, a Bitcoin exchange based in the United Kingdom, remains offline this afternoon following what appears to have been a compromise over the weekend. The company tweeted shortly after 4 a.m. Monday that it had to temporarily halt all withdrawals because it believes one of its wallets was compromised Sunday. In a warning on its site, Bitstamp apologized for the inconvenience and claimed that following an investigation it would return to service and amend its security measures as appropriate. The exchange, which until 2013 was operated out of Slovenia, is the world’s third largest exchange by volume, according to BitcoinCharts.com. Another warning on the exchange’s site stresses that users refrain from making deposits to their previously issued Bitcoin addresses and that only deposits made prior to today can be covered by Bitstamp’s reserves. Users who try to deposit Bitcoin are confronted with the following message: Emails sent from Bitstamp customer support to verified users early this morning claim that its transaction processing server “detected problems” with its hot wallet and that effective immediately, it was suspending withdrawals. In Bitcoin-speak, a hot wallet refers to a wallet – a collection of private keys – that’s connected to the Internet. To quell users’ fears, Nejc Kodri?, Bitstamp’s co-founder and CEO insisted via tweet this morning that the bulk of the company’s Bitcoin are in cold storage – offline – and are unaffected by this incident. As Bitstamp’s site makes clear, the company only keeps a “small fraction” of Bitcoin in its online systems and that its offline reserves could cover any Bitcoin compromised. Kodri?, who currently is en route to the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, said he hoped to have an ETA for when Bitstamp could restore service later today. Many news outlets are speculating that what may have forced Bitstamp offline is potentially a random number generator (RNG) attack. More than 800 Bitcoin ($220,000 USD) was swept from blockchain.info wallets last month following a RNG security issue with blockchain.info wallets. johoe, a white hat hacker took credit for the sweep but later, as a sign of good faith, refunded the stolen Bitcoin to users who could prove it belonged to them. In an interview with CryptoCoinsNews last year, johoe claimed he was able to sweep any Bitcoin associated with addresses generated by a buggy Blockchain.info random number generator. Blockchain.info ultimately blamed the RNG vulnerability, which failed to ensure private keys were generated in a secure fashion, on a scheduled software update that was deployed overnight. It hasn’t even been a year since Mt. Gox – at one point, the largest Bitcoin exchange – collapsed after losing more than $450 million in Bitcoin. It wasn’t long after that the Tokyo-based exchange shuttered its website and filed for bankruptcy. Source
    1 point
  10. E foarte simplu de facut: Fotorezistor Releu senzor PIR eventual microcontroller, daca nu te chinui mai mult. More on google. https://www.google.ro/#q=automatic+motion+lights+schematic ca si idee generala fotorezistor pus in baza la tranzistorul care alimenteaza pir ( eventual cu un potentiometru sa schimbi tresholdul ) si pir legat la releu
    1 point
  11. Uite ma ce frumos e afara, si tu stai pe chat.
    1 point
  12. Imi dai un tutorial cum sa il instalez?
    1 point
  13. Deci am urmatorul cod : def esl(): return random.choice(list(open('plex.txt'))) def czr(): user = { "raa": esl(), "maa": randomword(5)+'-da', "taa": '0'+str(random.randint(300000000, 560000000)) } browser.find_element_by_css_selector('#da').send_keys(user['raa']) browser.find_element_by_css_selector('#da1').send_keys(user['raa']) browser.find_element_by_css_selector('#da2').send_keys(user['raa']) ciorap = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (user['raa'],'|',user["maa"],'|',user["taa"]) f = open('zc.txt', 'a') f.write(ciorap+"\n") f.close() Vreau ca dupa ce se scrie 'user['raa']' in "zc.txt" sa il stearga din "plex.txt" . Ma tot chinui s-a fac asta dar nu prea am idee cum as putea face asta. Ideei ?
    1 point
  14. Este identic ce arata @fallsxd in postul : https://rstforums.com/forum/87841-tutorial-350-like-uri-15-min-poza-postare-comment-facebook-9.rst ! Numai ca eu am facut video pentru cei care nu se descurca !
    -1 points
  15. Eu zic sa incepi cu asta. Pe langa teoria bine explicata ai si algoritmi fundamentali + probleme.
    -34 points
  16. Interesat. Putem sa vorbim? AkiraKiku@xabber.de
    -35 points
  17. Salut, am si eu nevoie de un generator de like-uri pentru facebook. NU pentru o pagina, pentru contul meu propriu sa imi vina like la pozele care le postez ,etc.
    -35 points
  18. Bai eu de o luna o duc ca un boss:). am abnament de 50 Mbit si dau 30 de lei si mai stau si la tara. Vad ca omu care pornit topicu spune ca nu ma incatrez intre cei ce ar trebui sa dea reply. dar astea is vitezele mele... @DaLykes chiar nu stiam ca au fost scoase, plm, eu nu imi aduc aminte sa fi semnat o reinoire a contractului sau ceva.. sau macar sa fi sunat aia de la rds
    -35 points
  19. Incercand sa creez un Steam Invetory Steal, mi-am dat seama ca nu poti face trade daca ai Family Mode activat, cu un pin. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa va activati Family Mode si sa va puneti un cod pin, astfel nu veti mai avea nicio problema cu inventory steal. Metoda am descoperit-o eu 100% deci nu vreau sa va aud cum ca am copiat-o de nustiu unde.
    -36 points
  20. Bai futardel, du-te fa-ti revelionul in real life nu pe un chat.
    -37 points
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