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  1. Am de dat urmatoarele pe moca de pe themeforest.net. Acestea sunt cumparate de mine deci imi rezerv dreptul de a le da doar anumitor persoane cu vechime pe RST (care nu vor face magarii cu ele) Easy PHP Contact Form Script PHP Scripts - Easy PHP Contact Form Script | CodeCanyon HTML5 Music Player for WordPress with 3 Skins WordPress - HTML5 Music Player for WordPress with 3 Skins | CodeCanyon Nuvellen: Blog/Portfolio WordPress Theme WordPress - Núvellen: Blog / Portfolio WordPress Theme | ThemeForest King Size - Fullscreen Background WordPress Theme WordPress - King Size - Fullscreen Background WordPress Theme | ThemeForest Grid Powerpoint Grid Powerpoint | GraphicRiver John Doe's Blog - Clean WordPress blog theme http://themeforest.net/item/john-does-blog-clean-wordpress-blog-theme-/6603795 X The Theme (WordPress) http://themeforest.net/item/x-the-theme/5871901 Genesis - Responsive Moodle Theme http://themeforest.net/item/genesis-responsive-moodle-theme/5457547 Saga - Responsive Moodle Theme http://themeforest.net/item/saga-responsive-moodle-theme/5669197 Valoare totala 323 usd
    2 points
  2. The thread has been moved Click here to go to the new thread
    1 point
  3. While WhatsApp is very reserved to its new calling feature, cyber scammers are targeting WhatsApp users across the world by circulating fake messages inviting users to activate the new 'WhatsApp calling feature for Android' that infects their smartphones with malicious apps. If you receive an invitation message from any of your friend saying, "Hey, I’m inviting you to try WhatsApp Free Voice Calling feature, click here to activate now —> http://WhatsappCalling.com", BEWARE! It is a Scam. The popular messaging app has begun rolling out its much-awaited Free Voice Calling feature — similar to other instant messaging apps like Skype and Viber — to Android users which allows users to make voice calls using Internet. However, for now, the free WhatsApp calling feature is invite-only and only appears to work for people running the latest version of WhatsApp app for Android on a Google Nexus 5 phone running the latest Android 5.0.1 Lollipop. HOW TO ENABLE WHATSAPP CALLING FEATURE Company has not announced the WhatsApp calling feature officially, but some users claim to have used it. The report broke two months ago, when a Reddit user (pradnesh07) from India reported that the WhatsApp calling feature was activated on his Android device after he received a WhatsApp voice call from a friend. The user also posted its image on the discussion forum. Because it’s invite only, what we all believe, Millions of users across the world are eagerly waiting to access the free voice calling feature on WhatsApp and searching over the Internet that How to enable WhatsApp calling feature for Android or iOS, and this is what scammers are taking advantage of. Cyber scammers have allegedly started circulating fake invitations containing malicious links through Social Media, phishing emails, WhatsApp messages and Scam websites in order to spread creepy malware and adware apps. Once users click on the link, they land to another website where they are asked to take a survey on behalf of WhatsApp. The survey forces users to download unknown applications and software that might contain malware. With more than 70 million users, WhatsApp is the widely popular and preferred chat service worldwide, both for us as well as scammers. LEARN HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF In order to protect yourself from 'WhatsApp calling feature' scam, you need to learn that at time of writing: WhatsApp calling feature feature is currently available for Android Lollipop 5.0 version and was successfully accessible via the new version 2.11.508 of the WhatsApp. WhatsApp calling feature feature is still in the beta version. WhatsApp calling feature is not available through Google Play Store, but can be downloaded only from the official WhatsApp website on INVITE. Source
    1 point
  4. Se merita, dar facebook e destul de greu pt incepatori si destul de riscant, incerc usor sa ma aventurez si eu. "10 lei pe zii" 10 lei pe zi nu e de ajuns nici pentru a-ti face o idee ce se intampla, marketingul online e un joc cu numere mari, pana si cei mai buni pierd mii sau zeci de mii pana sa poata optimiza o campanie pentru a fi profitabila, dar se merita intr-un final. Daca nu esti pregatit sa pierzi si nu ai buget de cel putin 5-10k$ nu ar avea rost sa incerci Facebook, pe facebook se castiga bani dar se si pierd, trebuie sa fii pregatit pt asta. Sper sa iti mearga bine.
    1 point
  5. https://www.udemy.com/microsoft-powerpoint-alchemy-corporate-sales-video-marketing-animated/?couponCode=Udemy_Studio https://www.udemy.com/money-management/?couponCode=BBH500 https://www.udemy.com/making-e-commerce-sites-with-wordpress/?couponCode=FREEHIT https://www.udemy.com/jquery-foundation/?couponCode=HALZERO https://www.udemy.com/client-servicing/?couponCode=TINTIN https://www.udemy.com/job-interviews-how-to-stand-out-in-crowd/?couponCode=TINTIN https://www.udemy.com/tax-audit-basics/?couponCode=TINTIN https://www.udemy.com/retail-analytics/?couponCode=TINTIN https://www.udemy.com/mastering-autocad-create-2d-and-3d-models-in-autocad/?couponCode=TINTIN https://www.udemy.com/basics-of-python-programming/?couponCode=TINTIN https://www.udemy.com/u/educbasalesmarketingacademy/ couponCode=TINTIN
    1 point
  6. lol ...reading old topics.... guess who is back
    1 point
  7. [New Domain] elmensajedelabiblia.org - info@elmensajedelabiblia.org - 1234 [New Domain] diocesistoluca.org.mx - info@diocesistoluca.org.mx - info [New Domain] contrapeso.info - prueba@contrapeso.info - 123321 [New Domain] hondaoptima.com - prueba@hondaoptima.com - 12345 nu stiu ce sunt astea dar dupa cum par sunt smtp-uri .. vreau sa stiu doar daca merg si sunt bune [am gasit un scanner pe un vps ]
    1 point
  8. De regula orice client open source este mai indicat decat unul closed source. Pe LINUX poate fi rulat cu strace sau valgrind pentru a detecta un consum ridicat de resurse(ciclii de procesor in acest caz).
    1 point
  9. Eu sunt curios cum ai face tu o medie ca sa primesc un titlu mentionat, cand eu am 20 post-uri dintre care: 5 sunt in categoria Ajutor (titlul: Helper). 5 sunt in categoria ShowOff (titlul: Defacer) 5 sunt in categoria Stiri Securitate (titlul: News Poster) 5 sunt in categoria RST Market (titlul: Seller) Si am 5 dislike-uri date (Hater). Plus ca nu vad rostul acestei sugestii.
    1 point
  10. @Htich daca gagica e buna de pula eu zic sa te bagi
    -1 points
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