Vedeti cu atentie daca serverele pe care le aveti functioneaza cu aceste memorii. Trebuie sa stiti din start ca nu sunt pentru sisteme Desktop. De asemenea, primele memorii din imagine (cele cu racitor metalic pe toata suprafata) sunt F (fully buffered). Ex: - ECC Unbuffered RAM Many workstation computers and some servers use ECC unbuffered RAM. ECC unbuffered RAM looks similar to standard desktop memory, but instead of 8 chips per side it has 9 chips per side. The 9th chip handles the error correction function in machines that support ECC memory. It can be confusing because server RAM is often referred to as simply "ECC RAM", but ECC unbuffered is not the same as ECC registered. If your machine uses DDR2, DDR, or SDRAM and requires ECC unbuffered memory, in most cases ECC registered is not compatible. Server motherboards that use DDR3 memory can often use either ECC unbuffered or ECC registered, however you cannot use both types in the same machine at the same time. To be absolutely certain what memory type you are running, look at the memory currently installed in your machine and check your product manual. - ECC Fully Buffered Server RAM FB-DIMMs (aka fully buffered) are a type of ECC RAM which use an Advanced Memory Buffer (AMB) between the memory controller and the memory module. The notch on FB DIMM memory is offset to prevent these modules from being installed in systems which use standard DDR2 RAM. Future development of this memory type is uncertain. We do not carry FB-DIMMs at GeeK NoiZe because there are no benchtop memory testers available which can test this type of module. Sa nu va plangeti dupa ce cumparati ca v-a dat omul teapa si nu functioneaza memoriile Preturile sunt f. bune oricum.