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  1. Am avut nevoie sa gasesc repede link-uri directe la aproape 50 de carti dupa amazon asa ca am scris 10 linii de cod si gata. Requirements: Python 2.7 pip install google googlesearch.py from google import search from time import sleep import sys def direct_search(title, ext, multi='off'): print title sleep(2) for url in search(title + ' ' + ext, stop=10): if (url.endswith('.pdf')): print url if (multi == 'off'): break if __name__ == "__main__": if (len(sys.argv) < 4): print 'usage: ./%s file.txt format multi=\'on/off\'' % sys.argv[0] print 'ex. : ./%s book-titles.txt pdf off' % sys.argv[0] else: with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.rstrip() links = direct_search(line, sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) if not line: continue file.close() Se foloseste in urmatorul fel: Creati un fisier si puneti in el numele de la carti listate unu sub celalt in urmatorul fel: fisier.txt Test-Driven Development with Python Fluent Python 1st Edition Foundations of Python Network Programming 3rd edition Python Network Programming Cookbook Si apoi rulati applicatia cu: ./googlesearch.py fisier.txt mp4 off daca vreti sa salvati linkurile intrun fisier: ./googlesearch.py fisier.txt mp4 off > urls.txt In caz ca nu va da rezultate incercati sa schimbati stop cu o valuare mai mare de 40.
    5 points
  2. Petya ransomware victims can now unlock infected computers without paying. An unidentified programmer has produced a tool that exploits shortfalls in the way the malware encrypts a file that allows Windows to start up. In notes put on code-sharing site Github, he said he had produced the key generator to help his father-in-law unlock his Petya-encrypted computer. The malware, which started circulating in large numbers in March, demands a ransom of 0.9 bitcoins (£265). It hid itself in documents attached to emails purporting to come from people looking for work. Security researcher Lawrence Abrams, from the Bleeping Computer news site, said the key generator could unlock a Petya-encrypted computer in seven seconds. But the key generator requires victims to extract some information from specific memory locations on the infected drive. And Mr Abrams said: "Unfortunately, for many victims extracting this data is not an easy task." This would probably involve removing the drive and then connecting it up to another virus-free computer running Windows, he said. Another tool can then extract the data, which can be used on the website set up to help people unlock their computer. Independent security analyst Graham Cluley said there had been other occasions when ransomware makers had "bungled" their encryption system. Cryptolocker, Linux.encoder and one other ransomware variant were all rendered harmless when their scrambling schemes were reverse-engineered. "Of course," said Mr Cluley, "the best thing is to have safety secured backups rather than relying upon ransomware criminals goofing up." SOURCE
    3 points
  3. contact@diicot.ro , ei te pot ajuta daca e..
    2 points
  4. Vand domeniu premium ofer cadou host valabil pana pe 30/03/2017. Pret 950 euro. Mai multe detalii in privat.
    1 point
  5. Salutare, Mai jos aveti linkul cu cartea din subject: http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/Virz2txE/file.html PDF http://www36.zippyshare.com/v/DrBwgZLH/file.html AZW3 http://www20.zippyshare.com/v/KtyAT3TC/file.html EPUB http://www116.zippyshare.com/v/JxBOV2dg/file.html MOBI Sper sa fie util cuiva. Have Funk!
    1 point
  6. @krunch https://mega.nz/#F!90RmXZYZ!gop6iYHkrQ_2NP7ZzD-1xw Sursa se tot schimba, eu o sa tot postez link ul de download cand se cere
    1 point
  7. Hi @AlexPrada - it would be useful if you could also specify whether this position would be remote or requires relocation. Taking into consideration your spelling & grammar, I dare to presume that said company is somewhere quite far off and this aspect is quite important to many here who might be interested. That will also eliminate time wasting (with signing of the NDA, etc.) on both sides. Also one thing you added in the job description: "Advise us in regard of the possibility in which we want to identify the "entity" that hack us before and retrieve those sensitive documents back" sounds quite illegal even though you (apparently) wish to retrieve what is yours.. It is for the local and national authorities to "play detective". Best of luck! P.S. are you from Mossack Fonseca?
    1 point
  8. +1 http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/making-money/801786-method-my-webcam-method-making-600-month.html
    1 point
  9. D.p.d.v al timpului de rulare, asta ar fii cea mai buna metoda de a calcula o serie fibonnaci in python: def moloz(n): a, b = 0, 1 for i in range(n): a, b = b, a + b return a
    1 point
  10. De curand am gasit site-ul Ding. Cei de la Ding ofera la inregistrarea prin link de afiliat, un voucher de 4$ care poate fi folosit la reincarcarea cartelelor de telefonie mobila Orange, Telekom sau Vodafone. Am profitat de cateva ori de oferta lor insa s-au cam desteptat. O reincarcare de 5E costa 5.25E si scazand valoarea voucherului ar ramane undeva la 10 lei , pret destul de convenabil. Ei accepta un singur card pe cont si o singura adresa ip. Adresa ip nu ar fi o problema.Cum as putea sa fac sa ii pacalesc cu cardul? Astept o solutie .
    -1 points
  11. Caut omul bun la toate, updatat si cu toate lectiile la zi, un "black hat" veritabil, cum s-ar spune. Doar ca aici nu spargi siteuri si te alegi cu 0 lei sau in cel mai bun caz cu placerea ca ai trecut de un kkt de sistem de securitate. Am nevoie sa stapanesti diferite limbaje de programare, linux, root ... si esti dispus sa inveti altele noi in cazul in care este nevoie. De $$$ vorbim in privat/email: moderat sau cel mai sigur pe jabber: moderat. Tot ce pot spune este ca in momentul in care vei intra intr-un restaurant si vei deschide meniul, nu te vei mai uita in partea dreapta, cea cu pretul, decat in cea din stanga, cu preparatele :))). Cer si ofer confidentialitate MAXIMA !!!
    -1 points
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