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  1. In urma acestui esec usturator,Agentia Spatiala Romana a declarat ca va amana programul de trimitere a 2 cosmonauti romani pe Luna cu ajutorul unei catapulte-mamut.Catapulta va fi dezmembrata, iar elasticurile folosite la propulsarea bratului vor fi utilizate la fabricarea de chiloti.Serviciile secrete romanesti au dovezi clare ca la mijloc a fost mana rusilor.Structurile de intelligence au detectat un atac masiv informatic, in paralel cu bruiajul analogic si cer alocarea unor fonduri speciale pentru a combate pe viitor alte asemenea atacuri.
    4 points
  2. 2 points
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  4. L-a pus in tags, sub titlu. Nu e premium deloc.
    1 point
  5. Daca ai semnal cat de cat,cea mai ieftina varianta,e un ruter tenda care are functie de wi-fi repeater/extender.De exemplu TENDA N301. Preia semnalul wi-fi,il amplifica si-l redistribuie si pe wi-fi si pe cablu.Varianta mai scumpa dar net superioara,e un acces point de exterior de exemplu TP Link TL-WA7210N.
    1 point
  6. @adrian94 - daca vrei sa prinzi vara/toamna pe aici, te sfatuiesc sa lasi cerseala si sa incerci sa oferi ceva mai intai comunitatii. Iar daca ceri lucruri macar sa fie ceva folositor nu jocuri de copii de 12 ani. E Romanian Security Forum. Citeste si regulamentu lforumului, in special mentiunea la postarile inutile (cum e cea de mai sus ":))" ). Peace! Trashed & closed.
    1 point
  7. Nice try, Mossad! Astia au ramas fara carne de tun?
    1 point
  8. BlackFox999 Joined 1 hour ago Last visited 9 minutes ago. RST MARKET - Orice vanzare/cumparare care are legatura cu frauda online/bancara sau access neautorizat este penalizata cu ban permanent! Minim 50 de posturi pentru acces! ????
    1 point
  9. @Webz Il aveam in gists. Este unul dintre cele mai performante. Incearca cu un 1.000.000 la metoda simpla si metoda tricky. Pe laptopul meu differenta este: fib 0.0944411754608 sec moloz 13.828804969800 sec
    1 point
  10. Am avut nevoie sa gasesc repede link-uri directe la aproape 50 de carti dupa amazon asa ca am scris 10 linii de cod si gata. Requirements: Python 2.7 pip install google googlesearch.py from google import search from time import sleep import sys def direct_search(title, ext, multi='off'): print title sleep(2) for url in search(title + ' ' + ext, stop=10): if (url.endswith('.pdf')): print url if (multi == 'off'): break if __name__ == "__main__": if (len(sys.argv) < 4): print 'usage: ./%s file.txt format multi=\'on/off\'' % sys.argv[0] print 'ex. : ./%s book-titles.txt pdf off' % sys.argv[0] else: with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.rstrip() links = direct_search(line, sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) if not line: continue file.close() Se foloseste in urmatorul fel: Creati un fisier si puneti in el numele de la carti listate unu sub celalt in urmatorul fel: fisier.txt Test-Driven Development with Python Fluent Python 1st Edition Foundations of Python Network Programming 3rd edition Python Network Programming Cookbook Si apoi rulati applicatia cu: ./googlesearch.py fisier.txt mp4 off daca vreti sa salvati linkurile intrun fisier: ./googlesearch.py fisier.txt mp4 off > urls.txt In caz ca nu va da rezultate incercati sa schimbati stop cu o valuare mai mare de 40.
    1 point
  11. Salut, A dat cineva de pe aici LPI101 ? P Vad ca pe internet parerile sunt impartite, unii zic ca e foarte greu, in timp ce unii spun ca sunt lucruri basic.
    1 point
  12. " Mentionez ca script-ul nu imi apartine dar accept donatii :https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=189467411&token=2VLN1Par " du-te-n mortii ma-tii, ce tupeu
    1 point
  13. N-am avut somn asa ca am analizat distributia literelor din mesajele personale. (al meu si inca unul gasit de google) Logica mea e ca "embracing the random()" inseamna defeating it trough statistics. FYETYBEV AZWTUWWE DZFBWUTW YZWETEAC XDWAUWTY WBYXWXWY FWWZBXXY BZXZXXXC La o prima vedere W-13 X-9 Y-7 (distributia este foarte inegala) si lipsesc (in ambele mesaje analizate) caracterele : GHIJKLMNOPQRS Dupa mine aici ar consta randomul. Caracterele WXYZ sunt fie shiftate fie adaugate aleator in spatiile libere ale Grille. Forta bruta de a asocia litere din matricea 8X8, tinand in calcul si distributia nu mi-a dat mari rezultate pana acum. Daca descopera cineva ceva pe Public Challange care e util si pt private ...
    1 point
  14. Link for non-registered users: http://goo.gl/l80Ibl For you who are eager to learn Python I will try to make a complete list of learning resources for this language. This list can and will include: Books, Videos, Tutorials and Websites which will help you learn python from beginner to advance to expert. Whenever you encounter a problem or get stuck with any of the material below I recomend you visit Our Documentation | Python.org E-Books in English: Programming Python, 4th Edition - Powerful Object-Oriented Programming, 4th Edition (2010).pdf 30.6 MB [ Download ] [ New] Python for Secret Agents (2014).pdf 1.4 MB [ Download ] [ New] Learning Python 5th Edition (2013).pdf 14.5 MB [ Download ] Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language, 2nd Edition (2010).pdf 2.5 MB [ Download ] Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language, 2nd Edition (2014).pdf 4.7 MB [ Download ] [ New] Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language, 1st Edition (2010).pdf 4.9 MB [ Download ] [ New] Python Cookbook 3rd Edition - Recipes for Mastering Python 3 (2013).pdf 9.8 MB [ Download ] Learn Raspberry Pi - Programming with Python (2014).pdf 12.5 MB [ Download ] [ New] Expert Python Programming (2008).pdf 10.2 MB [ Download ] Foundations of Python Network Programming, Second Edition (2010).pdf 3.2 MB [ Download ] Violent Python - A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers & Security Engineers.pdf 7.8 MB [ Download ] Gray Hat Python - Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers (2009).pdf 3.0 MB [ Download ] Natural Language Processing with Python (2009).pdf 3.1 MB [ Download ] Dive into Python 3 (2009).pdf 2.5 MB [ Download ] Professional Python Frameworks - Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears (2007).pdf 10.3 MB [ Download ] Python.Web.Development.with.Django.pdf 4.3 MB [ Download ] Mobile Python - Rapid Prototyping of Applications on the Mobile Platform (2007).pdf 3.0 MB [ Download ] Beginning Python - Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 (2010).pdf 5.8 MB [ Download ] [ New] Python - Create - Modify - Reuse (2008).pdf 6.9 MB (This is quite old: Python 2.5.1, not so recommended) [ Download ] [ New] Python and AWS Cookbook - Managing Your Cloud with Python and Boto (2011).pdf 3.69 MB [ Download ] [ New] Videos in English: Google Python Class Day 1 Part 1 Google Python Class Day 1 Part 2 Google Python Class Day 1 Part 3 Google Python Class Day 2 Part 1 Google Python Class Day 2 Part 2 Google Python Class Day 2 Part 3 Google Python Class Day 2 Part 4 How to Install & Config Python Programming Environment Python (all parts in one) Learn Python Through Public Data Hacking -- Resources Python 3 Metaprogramming Python Web Development: Undestanding Django for Beginners How to Speed up a Python Program 114,000 times. A Billion Rows per Second: Metaprogramming Python for Big Data Prediction using Python -- Slides Developing Web Apps Using the Python Pyramid Framework Tutorial scikit-learn - Machine Learning in PythonImage Processing in Python with Scikits-Image Python Packaging HTML5 and Javascript Program as Standalone Program - Desktop GTK -- Source Code Python Encryption Tutorial with PyCrypto Websites in English: Python Official Documentation Google's Python Class Learn Python The Hard Way, 3rd Edition - [ PDF ] http://www.checkio.org/ - Interactive learning resource [ New] http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/python/ - If you would like to make a pdf out of this then: 'CTRL + P' and save as pdf. [ New] The Django Book Getting Started with Django - Video Based Lessons http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english3e/ [ New] Blender/Python Tutorials Online Python Tutor- Source Code Dive Into Python Try Python: Interactive - Attention: Doesn't work without silverlight LearnPython.org Interactive Python Tutorial Learn Python while working on projects http://interactivepython.org/ [ New] Also a bonus for registered users: https://rstforums.com/forum/89509-free-python-ebooks.rst Ce nu as da ca sa pot absorvi toate informatiile astea mai repede! Daca aveti resurse pe tema python le puteti lasa in commenturi si le voi adauga in post.
    1 point
  15. Salut si bine ai venit! Ai multe de invatat de pe aici, sunt multi oamenii pe forum care atunci cand au venit erau ca tine iar acum au hof-uri in diferite site-uri mari si castiga banii buni din asta. Spor la invatat!
    -1 points
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