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  1. Salut baieti, sunt io.kent as dori sa stiu stagiul contului meu. sper sa ne mai auzim!
    2 points
  2. Salut, Ca tot am primit o multime de Pm-uri pe subiectul amazonului / dropshippingului si a affilierilor, prin care mi se cereau si anumite resurse, vreau sa va dau o lista de plugin-uri crackuite sa spunem... Unele costa 5 $ altele 50... Cu acestea sunt sigur ca va puteti face orice fel de shop online / affilieri etc. La unele va cere codul de activare, doar ignorati-l ca optiunile va merg.... Codecanyon WooCommerce Category Accordion v1.2 Codecanyon License Manager for Woocommerce Codecanyon WooCommerce Free Gift Codecanyon Woocommerce Gift Card v1.6 Codecanyon WooCommerce Membership Refer A Friend for WooCommerce Smart Offers Woocommerce Extension Social Commerce WooCommerce Facebook Plugin WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates v6.2 - Wordpress Plugin WooCommerce Bookings v1.4.9 WooCommerce Catalog Mode WooCommerce Coupons Countdown WooCommerce Customer Relationship Manager v2.4.2 Woocommerce KISSMetrics v1.3.3 Woocommerce Measurement Price Calculator v3.5.1 WooCommerce OrderCustomer CSV Export v3.5.0 WooCommerce PDF Invoice v2.1.4 Woocommerce PDF Product Vouchers v2.1.3 Woocommerce Product Bundles v4.6 WooCommerce Products Image Swapper WooCommerce Quick Order One Page Shop Woocommerce Shipment Tracking v1.2.9 WooCommerce Simple Auctions WooCommerce Social Login and Checkout WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Download : Zippyshare.com Recomand scanarea lor si folosirea pe propria raspundere pentru ca si eu la randul meu le-am colectat de pe internet de-a lungul timpului. Spor si numai Bine.
    1 point
  3. Adriano ,,,daca vrei sa-ti golesti portofelu' ,eu iti pot arata ce trebuie sa cumperi,daca nu, este mai bine sa gasesti un offset de aprox.600mm si sa-i atasezi o antena patch(selfmade)...!!! ,,,cam asa ceva...
    1 point
  4. Te-ai ratacit in idei. Cumperi routerul asta, il pui pe geam, bagi in priza (merge mai bine daca are curent) si il configurezi ca wireless repeater (extender). Gasesti tutoriale pe net. Unul il ai intr-un post al mai sus. Totul costa 68 de lei si nu ai bataie de cap. Semnal maxim la tine in camera (chiar si mai mult).
    1 point
  5. https://www.google.ro/#q=123-reg&tbm=nws Marfa
    1 point
  6. (Niste puncte de vedere interesante. Chiar daca articolul este din 2014, cred ca merita explorata tema.. daca are cineva articole asemanatoare pe tema adaugati aici ) PDF download Brain computer interfaces (BCI) are becoming increasingly popular in the gaming and entertainment industries. Consumer-grade BCI devices are available for a few hundred dollars and are used in a variety of applications, such as video games, hands-free keyboards, or as an assistant in relaxation training. There are application stores similar to the ones used for smart phones, where application developers have access to an API to collect data from the BCI devices. The security risks involved in using consumer-grade BCI devices have never been studied and the impact of malicious software with access to the device is unexplored. We take a first step in studying the security implications of such devices and demonstrate that this upcoming technology could be turned against users to reveal their private and secret information. We use inexpensive electroencephalography (EEG) based BCI devices to testthe feasibility of simple, yet effective, attacks. The captured EEG signal could reveal the user’s private information about, e.g., bank cards, PIN numbers, area of living, the knowledge of the known persons. This is the first attempt to study the security implications of consumergrade BCI devices. We show that the entropy of the private information is decreased on the average by approximately 15% - 40% compared to random guessing attacks.
    1 point
  7. http://www.wikihow.com/Free-a-Penis-from-a-Stuck-Zipper
    1 point
  8. Daca ai semnal la fereastra,mergi pe varianta tenda n301 sau altul care "stie" repeater/extender.( router cu functie wifi repeater) Tenda costa maxim 70 de ron
    1 point
  9. ,,,daca vrei s-arunci cu bani ,arunca-i barem cu folos...
    1 point
  10. viața la români.
    1 point
  11. Nu e bashed. L-am gasit pe @Gecko http://www.zooland.ro/gecko-soparla-lipicioasa-3544 :))))))
    1 point
  12. Salut am o problema la site,mi-am adaugat pluginul yoast seo si nu apare descrierea generata de plugin pe google ci primul paragraf din post. Siteul: hdporn16.com Va rog eu mult sa ma ajutati caci sunt disperat. Edit:Am incercat sa scot meta description si title generate de tema dar degeaba. Am scos si pluginul de cache.
    -1 points
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