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  1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TWS238xacAto-fLKh1n5uTsdijWdCEsGIM0Y0Hvmc5g/htmlview?sle=true
    2 points
  2. Cred ca e un concept interesant.. mai ales pentru cei care creeaza video-uri si fac rost de ceva viewership. Ar fi interesant de filmat un short movie. https://videodirect.amazon.com/home/landing Video Direct is fundamentally a creator-facing platform, a set of infrastructure whereby people who make videos can upload them to Amazon's video service. Having done so, they have four options for how to make the videos available to customers: 1. They can be free to anyone and feature ads that will be sold by Amazon in exchange for a 45 percent cut (this is how YouTube works). 2. They can be available for digital purchase or rental, in which case Amazon will keep 50 percent of the money. 3. They can be made available only to people who pay for a special add-on subscription through the Streaming Partners Program. 4. Last but by no means least, they can be made available exclusively to Prime subscribers in exchange for a fee of 15 cents per hour streamed.
    2 points
  3. Using shared database blockchain saves schools money and makes it easier for employers to check candidates' credentials Recording and verifying candidates' credentials can be costly and time-consuming for academia and businesses alike. Now, some education facilities are turning to bitcoin technology for help. They are using blockchain, which was developed alongside the digital cryptocurrency bitcoin , to record their students' achievements in a cheap, secure and public way. Blockchain works like a decentralized ledger, storing information on a global network that is publicly available and should be safe from tampering. One example is Holberton School of software engineering in San Francisco, which was established as a project-based alternative to college. In October 2015, the school announced plans to share academic certificates on blockchain from 2017. "For employers, it avoids having them to spend valuable time checking candidates' educational credentials by having to call universities or to pay a third party to do the job," according to Sylvain Kalache, co-founder at Holberton School. Using blockchain also means the school saves money from building and operating its own database. "Because of the design of the blockchain-distributed database, it cannot go down and cannot be altered, making the data always available and secure…the blockchain does this free of charge," Kalache said. The University of Nicosia in Cyprus is also using the technology to record students' achievements and it is proving popular, according to George Papageorgiou, a digital currency lecturer at the university. "We've only encountered enthusiasm in the practical uses so far and students are glad to be able to verify, with their new knowledge and the blockchain, that their digital certificate is genuine and that it cannot be recreated," he says. "We believe this instills confidence in both students and potential employers that (they) can check on their own, whether a presented certificate is real or not," he added. Ed Featherston, director at digital consultancy Collaborative Consulting, said he was working with several universities considering adopting blockchain technology. Apart from using it to cheaply track and record students' coursework, some were considering providing micro-courses and micro-credentials, verified through the blockchain. "We eliminate all of the overhead of the intermediary third-party systems to try and validate all of this [coursework]," he said. "The cost of it from a systemic and transactional perspective becomes much lower and makes it a much more feasible concept to do." Featherston also said that having a student's transcript recorded on the blockchain meant they could more easily control who saw it and would be useful for those who wanted to change colleges. In February, Sony Global Education announced plans for a blockchain service that would allow students to securely transmit data. For instance, they could safely share their exam results with a potential employer. "The technology has the potential to realise an entirely new infrastructure system for sharing records securely over the network in any number of ways, opening new doors of possibility for academic records and how they are assessed," Sony Global Education says. http://www.scmp.com/tech/innovation/article/1943015/schools-are-recording-students-results-using-bitcoin-tech
    1 point
  4. incearca https://www.freedom.tm/ daca nu te accepta din prima incearca din nou dupa ce stergi(sau macar faci privat) clipul cu probleme
    1 point
  5. This module exploits a shell command injection in the way "delegates" (commands for converting files) are processed in ImageMagick versions <= 7.0.1-0 and <= 6.9.3-9 (legacy). Since ImageMagick uses file magic to detect file format, you can create a .png (for example) which is actually a crafted SVG (for example) that triggers the command injection. Tested on Linux, BSD, and OS X. You'll want to choose your payload carefully due to portability concerns. Use cmd/unix/generic if need be.
    1 point
  6. Mă bag aiurea stiu dar dau o încurajare celor interesați : http://www.androidauthority.com/apple-music-student-subscription-691216/
    1 point
  7. TL;DR Verba volant, scripta manent; evaziune fiscală.
    1 point
  8. Căutați aici: https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/
    1 point
  9. Salut oameni buni, M-am intalnit cu Hertz si investitorul, care era german, in centru vechi si am disctutat, experienta mea si proiectele lor, pe care vor sa le faca. Au fost de acord cu suma ceruta de mine si au zis ca vor sa inceapa cat mai repede. I-am intrebat cat de pregatiti sunt cu proiectele si au zis ca si maine daca vreau pot incepe la ei , ca au totul pregatit, birou, calculator, documentatie. A doua zi, pentru ca mi-a placut f mult de ei, ca oameni si mi-au placut proiectele pe care urma sa le facem, am le-am zis ca o sa accept oferta lor si am discutat cu seful meu sa intru pe preaviz. L-am anuntat pe Hertz, mi-a zis ca o sa vorbeasca cu Kai(investitorul german) si ca ma va anunta. Au trecut 3 zile si n-am auzit nimic de la Hertz, asta in contile in care ma avea pe facebook si avea si numarul meu de telefon. L-am contactat iar, i-am spus ca mi-am dat demisia si daca a apucat sa vorbeasca cu investitorul. Mi-a zis ca nu este in Bucuresti, dar ca voi auzi de la el peste doua zile. Peste doua zile, m-a cautat si mi-a zis ca a vorbit cu Kai si ca "m-am cam pripit cu demisia" si ca trebuia sa mai astept (asta in conditile in care, ei tot ziceai ca vor sa incepem cat mai repede). Mi-a zis ca mai are doua oameni cu care lucreaza si ca aia castiga cam jumatate din cat am cerut eu (de parca pe mine ma incalzea cu ceva asta....eu am cerut ca stiu ca merit), si a venit cu o oferta mai mica decat le cerusem eu si jumatate de bani primiti la negru. Am ramas uimit cum vorbesti cu omul ceva, cadeti de acord ca totul e ok, si dupa o saptamana se suceste si "parca nu e ok". De asemenea mi-a zis ca daca nu sunt de acord cu oferta lor sa vin eu cu o contra-oferta. Fiindca imi dadusem deja demisia am zis ca o sa accept oferta lor si daca se poate sa primesc mai putin pe cartea de munca si mai mult la negru, asa in cat eu sa castig net, fix cat vorbisem initial. A zis ca in seara respectiva se intalneste cu Kai si o sa ii propuna ce i-am zis eu. Am zis sa ma anunte si pe mine a doua zi ce hotarasc, dar el mi-a spus cu convingere ca voi primi un raspuns chiar din acea seara. Asta a fost pe 13 aprilie oameni buni , si inca n-am auzit nimic de la ei. Eu am refuzat sa il mai caut, pe motiv ca nu vreau sa lucrez cu oameni neseriosi si mi-am gasit in alta parte. Tot ce vreau sa va zic este, ca Hertz este un baiat foarte neserios, si sa nu va incurcati niciodata cu el. Eu inteleg ca nu de el depindea partea financiara, dar putea sa-mi zica... "frate, s-a razgandit germanu... ai cerut prea mult", orice... stia situatia in care eram , si ca eu imi dadusem deja dimisia si nu i-a pasat deloc. Asta a fost povestestioara mea , Paste Fericit!
    1 point
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