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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/16 in all areas

  1. Buna, am creat urmatoarea aplicatie pentru a veni in ajutorul fiecaruia. Haideti sa ne imaginam ca suntem la lucru sau acasa si nu vrem sa fim prinsi ca nu facem ceea ce trebuie. Indreptam webcam-ul catre usa si cand acesta detecteaza miscare o sa ascunda fereastra pe care o selectam noi. (da se poate folosi si pt cand te uiti la porn xD) https://github.com/meltingice1337/HideNow Orice critica e binevenita.
    8 points
  2. A simple tool to convert the IP to different obfuscated forms. Example: IP address of http://google.lk : Other forms you can write the same IP: [+] http://3735397211 [+] http://0xDE.0xA5.0xA3.0x5B [+] http://0336.0245.0243.0133 [+] http://0x00000000DE.0x00000000A5.0x00000000A3.0x000000005B [+] http://0000000336.0000000245.0000000243.0000000133 [+] http://0xDE.0xA5.0xA3.91 [+] http://0xDE.0xA5.163.91 [+] http://0xDE.165.163.91 [+] http://0336.0245.0243.91 [+] http://0336.0245.163.91 [+] http://0336.165.163.91 [+] http://0xDE.0xA5.41819 [+] http://0336.0245.41819 [+] http://0xDE.0245.41819 [+] http://0xDE.10855259 [+] http://0336.10855259 [+] http://0xDE.0xA5.0243.0133 [+] http://0xDE.0245.0243.0133 [+] http://0xDE.0245.41819 Source: https://github.com/OsandaMalith/IPObfuscator/releases Binary: https://github.com/OsandaMalith/IPObfuscator/releases
    4 points
  3. Mda... https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/blob.html
    3 points
  4. Netzob is an open source tool for reverse engineering, traffic generation and fuzzing of communication protocols. It allows to infer the message format and the state machine of a protocol through passive and active processes. The model can afterward be used to simulate realistic and controllable trafic. Home page https://www.netzob.org/ Download: https://www.netzob.org/download#packages
    3 points
  5. https://osandamalith.wordpress.com/2016/06/24/storing-a-exe-inside-mysql/
    2 points
  6. from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from Crypto import Random import sys print """ _|_|_| _|_|_| _|_|_|_|_| _| _| _| _| _|_|_| _|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_| _| www.RSTforums.com """ if raw_input("This challenge can harm your brain, cause STRESS, nopti nedormite, abuz de cafea, etc. \n are you de acorrd?'DA / NU': ") == "YES": pass else: sys.exit("you... you... YOU just ai pierdut. goodbye") cheie_publica = """-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAwwdzXD9RvYp+Oq2Ajf1F ix2IVypQg2Hu5Ebj7DShQyUKpH2FIOxfE0TIS4EzbYQp58Z2yDORnZGIoj3i3/tn 6N7g2JnIlX9yxH0f5n1aJRTuqxNWy5Zhl24FYXuI0ByVSY4voL+h47rkCBWzbq7q 7W7Q9444TOoni6iysDsw2wCLT+bpoBtLytRNRFMxRWhtuGCwmyofxltVzqDP8sV/ hztdibN8J1P3HbfkaIGshpCDusbvUosIztFp3vUN5Cy95UyogcUNbZGnoZqNyFmS usX8h0XvnFMRwxbwwRJXwUDiqlla5+ygQU1OxgnNPSW/Tm35IoxfWeUwhR79nrA6 cYGkr/YmKhBmTQ+r4iUONNMfu9Z6ykB93B4XAhbKIcjW9bX5J8wFT6mmYrBE7MaS ZSP+XH6P9hkx3u2aZNT5xUuf58h6JcGQ/9NCYx3rfgSN4sqsAaAi3r6pSCVOMXXF QIImdzuq0yo2z4drWb0BfCjvG5Sc04/w+q1e7pJ79EUH/9kwQ59ZgaSjVSinfeGE xbmaQtvKKiE1r2eAUieRkA6eYT4xdORqOF0K4W8yAiY2CbKaPQWsdLkL5qUCgaqf yn2Tbll8gRdfrURiV2AWHtzC2qq+6GhfroFq8o4zDIFtvWPHvIZ599cUIxJ52KmI i9urppmxxYsYoUtqW3O3bB8CAwEAAQ== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----""" the_cheie = RSA.importKey(cheie_publica) def criptare(mesaj): pachet = "" for i in mesaj: pachet += the_cheie.encrypt(i, 32)[0].encode("hex") return pachet mesaj_secret = "the secret message" with open("crack-me.txt", "w") as handle: handle.write(criptare(mesaj_secret)) handle.close() sys.exit() crack-me.txt: http://rgho.st/7ppYvrjd4 Au trecut bacu:
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Censys is a search engine that allows computer scientists to ask questions about the devices and networks that compose the Internet. Driven by Internet-wide scanning, Censys lets researchers find specific hosts and create aggregate reports on how devices, websites, and certificates are configured and deployed.
    1 point
  9. Fi bun si testeaza-l pe computerul tau si ne spui si noua.
    1 point
  10. @hteam si eu urmaresc piata de ceva vreme si am achizionat recent un domeniu excelent pe o anumita nisa. Acum cand am vreme sa ma apuc sa pun initial un feed de affiliate si apoi sa ma uit dupa alte metode de populare, poate chiar sa investesc intr-un ajutor part-time pentru anumite lucruri. Daca esti interesat de o potentiala colaborare da-mi un pm cu id-ul de Skype sa discutam.
    1 point
  11. Postase cineva pe chat video-ul de unde provine imaginea, mi-a ramas in history:
    1 point
  12. Aia e adresa de BTC a lui Kanye West. Astept PM cu ceva concludent daca exista. Pana una alta @Dr.Mengelee baiat legit. Salutari.
    1 point
  13. Astept PM de la proprietari de site-uri porno ce doresc sa afiseze o reclama pe site-ul lor. In PM va rog sa specificati domeniul, trafic vizitatori unici pe zi cu dovada si pretul ( pe zi sau pe afisari sau pe click-uri ).
    -1 points
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