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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/16 in all areas

  1. Shellcode Compiler Shellcode Compiler is a program that compiles C/C++ style code into a small, position-independent and NULL-free shellcode for Windows. It is possible to call any Windows API function in a user-friendly way. Shellcode Compiler takes as input a source file and it uses it's own compiler to interpret the code and generate an assembly file which is assembled with NASM (http://www.nasm.us/). Shellcode compiler was released at DefCamp security conference in Romania, November 2016. Link: https://github.com/NytroRST/ShellcodeCompiler
    2 points
  2. Don't give up your suicide!
    2 points
  3. [Complete Sql-Injection Course by Spirit] Hello guys my name is Spirited wolf and here are all my tutorial on most Common type of Sql Injection. You can say A complete Course for every Noob o, Here we go For testing purpose we need to setup some Sqli Labs for testing How things really work. Setup pentesting lab's in kali linux-Tutorial 1 Addon's For Firefox that we need by Spirit-Tutorial 2 Basic's Sql injection from finding column's to dumping database-Part 1-Turorial 3 Explanation for dumping tables and columns-Part 2-Turorial 3 Error Based String With Twist By Spirit-Turorial 4 How to use SqlMap for injecting site by Spirit-Tutorial 5 How to setup Pentesting lab's and SqlMap in Windows Os By spirit-Tutorial 6 Double Quote Based injection tutorial by Spirit-Tutorial 7 Blind Based Injection Basic command's that you should know By spirit-Tutorial 8(Part-1) Blind Based sql injection Tutorial by Spirit-tutorial 9(Part-2) How to Dump database with Blind Sql injection (Manually+SqlMap) method by Spirit-Tutorial 9(Part 3) Introduction To Post Based Sql Injection By Spirit-Tutorial 10 Post Based ::Double Quote Injection (Tricky) by Spirit-Tutorial 11 Important Command's for {Post And Get} based Double Query Injection by Spirit-Tutorial 12 [GET]How to Inject Site if Commas are bloacked By Spirit-Tutorial 13 Cookie Based Sql Injection full explanation by Spirit-Tutorial 14 How to make a simple DIOS by Spirit-Tutorial 15 Base64 String Based Injection by Spirit-Tutorial 16 Inject WebApplication When [OR && ANDFiltered By The web developers by spirit-tutorial 17 Second order injection explanation by Spirit-Tutorial 18 Inject Web Applications when blankspaces are blacklisted by developer-By Spirit-Tutorail 19 Uploading shell with sqli command-By Spirit /* For shelling via sqli query you first have to check if root priv. is On/Off if On then you can upload it Just type this in vulnerable column to check..{ (SELECT+GROUP_CONCAT(user,0x202d3e20,file_priv,0x3c62723e)+FROM+mysql.user) } */ And Please! Please subscribe to my channel and please share if you like So, I hope you Like all my these Amazing Tutorial if you like then please Like My tutorial,Subscribe, comment and let me know my mistake if you found any. Please comment if i done anything wrong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This tutorial is for educational purpose only. I'll not responsible for any harm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use your skills to protect other not to harm kiki emoticon Thanks for watching guys and keep watching pentesting with spirit Our youtube Channel link:: https://www.youtube.com/c/Pentestingwithspirit Facebook page link:: http://facebook.com/Pentest.with.spirit1 Twitter account:: @spirit3113
    1 point
  4. Cel mai bine poți învață încercând Încearcă sa faci fix ce a făcut altul. Asa vei da de chestii noi, iar dacă te interesează le cauți pe wiki și le înveți.
    1 point
  5. Incearca sa-l vinzi pe forum la PCGarage (mygarage) dar vezi ca sunt cam retarzi adminii pe acolo.
    1 point
  6. Salut, sunt nou pe acest site si am nevoie de putin ajutor. Sunt jucator de CS:GO si am fost atras de siteul <removed>, un site de pariuri (ruleta) destul de bun dar care din punctul meu de vedere este impenetrabil. Am stat o zi intreaga sa caut vulnerabilitati si nu am reusit. In alta ordine de idei, daca printr-o minune as gasi o vulnerabilitate as putea in vreun mod sa imi adaug coins pe site? P.S. Daca m-ati ajuta sa gasesc o vulnerabilitate a siteului v-as fi profund indatorat si recunoscator.
    -1 points
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