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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/16 in all areas

  1. Este ok sa faci o fapta buna si trebuie facuta cand ai posibilitatea. Insa de preferat ar fi sa se lucreze de la radacina problemei in mod consistent, sustinut si strategic. Altfel da, ii ajuti temporar si apoi tot in aceeasi situatie raman. Impactul este unul minuscul. Spui ca de cand te-ai intors in Ro (btw, stupid move, no offence) - probabil ai observat ca in alte parti se lucreaza in mod strategic cu astfel de probleme. Spre exemplu eu sunt implicat in niste proiecte anuale de strangere de fonduri pentru un ONG care prioritizeaza nevoile si incearca sa le gaseasca un job platit, sa ii reconecteze cu familia, sa ii interneze in institutii de dezalcolizare / detoxifiere (droguri), sa ii ajute chiar inainte sa devina homeless (bagarea in multe datorii, payday loans, etc.). Pe langa faptul ca incearca sa previna lucrurile inainte sa ajunga in situatia de a fi homeless, lucreaza apoi cu ei pentru a nu mai fi homeless. So, da, e ok sa dai de mancare insa "in the grand scheme of things" e o picatura intr-un ocean mare. Daca exista pasiune, vointa si resurse pentru a ajuta, trebuie folosite cu cap
    3 points
  2. Toată lumea se pregateste să sărbătorească Crăciunul cu multă fericire și bucurie, cu excepția lui Grinch care tocmai a evadat, disprețuind Craciunul el are alte planuri, de a fura toate cadourile si de a manca tot ce gaseste prin frigidere. Crezi că poti sa-l gasesti si sa-l trimiti inapoi la racoare inainte de a face pagube? p.s. Intrucat @Gecko a participat la proiectarea inchisorii este considerat complice la evadare deci nu poate participa la gasirea lui Grinch MD5: C334DF1F126D65A48C452B64A4F1AF51 Indicii:
    2 points
  3. intrebarea ta este foarte generica. nu exista o solutie universala care sa mearga pentru orice aplicatie. te rog sa specifici si numele aplicatiei.
    1 point
  4. Te inteleg perfect dar nu conduc nici-un ong si nici o firma.Sunt o simpla persoana fizica cu dorinta de a ajuta pe cat poate de mult, chiar daca a impartii mancare e doar o picatura in ocean, atat pot face eu, la randul meu sunt tot o picatura, nu un ocean.
    1 point
  5. Ce relevanta au orgoliul, lenea si invidia ? Eu unul am muncit / muncesc pentru banii pe care ii fac. E alegerea mea daca prefer sa dau bani unor persoane straine, de pe strada, sau daca doresc sa-mi ajut familia, prietenii etc. Mai mult, habar nu ai ce mafie exista pe strazi. De multe ori, cersetorii sunt batuti (maini, pricioare rupe) in cel mai bun caz si pusi sa dea inapoi tot ceea ce primesc (chiar si mancare). Asa ca nu poti sa fi atat de impertinent venind aici si spunand ca oamenii din Romania au x mentalitate. Exista foarte multe stereotipuri, iar cei ca tine tind sa judece oamenii doar pentru ca ei cred ca e mai bine ceea ce spun. Fals. Vrei sa fii un om bun ? Ajuta-ti familia, prietenii, oamenii care te-au ajutat la randu' lor. Fa-ti un viitor si ajuta-te pe tine. Bafta.
    1 point
  6. Pentru cei care au nevoie de emailuri, de sarbatori va fac cadou un voucher de 10$ BL10MAIL www.blacklistemail.com
    1 point
  7. Cei de aici https://gloryholefoundation.com ma ajuta
    1 point
  8. Cosa Nostra Cosa Nostra is an open source software clustering toolkit with a focus on malware analysis. It can create phylogenetic trees of binary malware samples that are structurally similar. It was initially released during SyScan360 Shanghai (2016). Getting started Required 3rd party tools In order to use Cosa Nostra you will need the source code, of course, a 2.7 version of Python, as well as one of the following tools in order to perform code analysis: Pyew Written in Python, it supports analysis of PE, ELF, Bios and Boot files for x86 or x86_64. IDA Written in C++. It supports analysing a plethora of executable types that you probably never even heard about. Commercial product. Radare2 Written in pure C. Same as with IDA, with support for extremely rare CPUs and binary formats. Also, it's open source! Link: https://github.com/joxeankoret/cosa-nostra
    1 point
  9. "Use TOR, you'll be safe.", they said. I used it. Now I'm safe.
    1 point
  10. Da de ce, nu!? Stii de cand m-am intors in Ro sunt ingrozit de mentalitatea oamenilor de aici, iti jur.Toata lumea e limitata de orgoliu, lene, si invidie.
    0 points
  11. Ti-a luat mami banii de alocatie si nu iti permiti sa dai pentru Pokemoni si Candy Crush?
    -1 points
  12. Este un joc pe care-l joc din cand in cand. Se numeste Conquer Online. Versiunea pe mobil este recenta. Jocul pe PC este de 17 ani cred .. ceva de genul. Daca poti sa ma ajuti as fi foarte recunoscator. Mersi.
    -1 points
  13. Salut poate sa ma ajute cineva cu ceva cum pot sparge acest // removed e cam sarac
    -1 points
  14. Malwarebytes Premium Multilingual + License Key FiLE SiZE: 71.26 MB INFORMATION Malwarebytes Premium 3 - Makes antivirus obsolete! Four layers of malware-crushing tech. Smarter detection. Specialized ransomware protection. It's the security youâ™ve been looking for. Real-time protection Detects malware automatically, before it can infect. Anti-exploit Shields vulnerable systems and software from exploit attacks. Anti-ransomware Stops ransomware attacks before your data is held hostage. Malicious website protection Prevents access to and from known malicious webpages. Anti-malware/Anti-spyware Detects and removes malware and advanced threats. Anti-rootkit Removes rootkits and repairs the files they damage. What it does for you: Protects you from advanced threats Detects and removes malware in real-time with advanced anti-malware, anti-spyware, and anti-rootkit technology. Scans for the newest and most dangerous threats automatically, so youâ™re protected without having to even think about it. Protects your files from being locked and held for ransom Stops unknown and known ransomware with proprietary next-gen technology that works proactively to shield your files. This is a powerful, comprehensive defense that blocks ransomware, and not a simple decryption tool. So youâ™re protected from tomorrowâ™s "Ransomware Attack!" headlines today. Prevents your programs from being used against you Wraps your browser and software programs in four layers of defense, stopping attacks that use vulnerabilities in those programs to infect your computer. Protects you from fake and infected websites Detects and prevents contact with fake websites and malicious links. You are proactively protected from downloading malware, hacking attempts, and infected advertising. Worried about wandering into a "bad" Internet neighborhood? Now you donâ™t have to be. Scans faster, scans smarter Lightning-fast Hyper Scan mode targets only the threats that are currently active. Faster analysis. Still gets results. Run a scan in the background while you boot up your favorite game. It's done by the time you're ready to play. What's New ? Software Requirements: • Windows 10 (32/64-bit) • Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit) • Windows 8 (32/64-bit) • Windows 7 (32/64-bit) • Windows Vista (Service Pack 1 or later, 32/64-bit)* • Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or later, 32-bit only)* • Active Internet connection SCREENSHOTS 1 LiNKS | Part 1 GB | NO CRC | NO PASS http://rapidgator.net/file/a7a410989fd32e7f09025c96ce14ba13/Malwarebytes_Premium_3_0_4_1269_Multilingual_License_Key.rar.html If you like my post, don't forget to say Thanks and help keep the thread alive. Thanks You!
    -1 points
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