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Esti asta de aici? Hai ca te incoroneaza astia miss bulau3 points
Acum 6 luni de zile m-am apucat sa lucrez la un program scris in .NET (C#, VB) prin intermediul caruia puteti viziona posturi TV online gratuit fara restrictii si fara reclame.Link de descarcare: p2ptv - DescarcariInstalare:1.Extrageti arhiva.2.Rulati fisierul "install.bat" cu drepturi de administrator (Click dreapta -> Run as Administrator) pentru a instala dependintele programului (Sopcast).3.Rulati fisierul "p2ptv.exe" si va bucurati de program. Necesita .NET Framework 4.6 instalat.Ruleaza pe sisteme de operare mai mari de Windows Vista SP2 . Programul este detectat ca fiind virus de un antivirus necunoscut numit "Baidu", insa este false-positive. Ca sa nu apara dupa aceea niste "specialisti in securitate" sa spuna ca aplicatia e virus, sa nu o descarcati etc, etc. Daca faceti asemenea afirmatii, aduceti si dovezi din codul sursa care este vizibil cu un decompilator .NET . Poate voi reusi sa il portez in vara si pe Linux, Mac OS, Android/iOS.Functionalitati-suporta urmatoarele tipuri de stream-uri: http, mmsh, rtmp, rtsp, rtmpe, sopcast .-permite adaugarea unor liste de canale XML de la parti terte.-permite adaugarea unor canale gazduite local pentru a completa lipsurile listei oficiale.-permite redarea canalului selectat intr-un player extern.-permite schimbarea limbii (momentan doar Romana, dar daca exista doritori de a traduce si in alte limbi rog sa lase un PM)-exista 2 tematici in program: Flat Dark si Flat Light-volumul poate fi schimbat in fullscreen din rotita mouse-ului.-Tasta M activeaza/dezactiveaza functia Mute in fullscreen.-Tasta Space pune pauza in fullscreen.-permite schimbarea setarilor video (Hue, Saturation, Gamma, Brightness) ...si altelePentru noutati si actualizari puteti vizita site-ul oficial: p2ptvAstept pareri, sugestii si sfaturi.Daca exista canale nefunctionale scrieti mai jos si se rezolva. Inainte de adresa o intrebare, accesati pagina FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions/Intrebari adresate frecvent) : p2ptv - FAQ1 point
PHP Secure Configuration Checker Check current PHP configuration for potential security flaws. Simply access this file from your webserver or run on CLI. Author This software was written by Ben Fuhrmannek, SektionEins GmbH, in an effort to automate php.ini checks and spend more time on cheerful tasks. Link: https://github.com/sektioneins/pcc1 point
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Both Facebook and Messenger Apps draining user smartphone batteries due to server side bug. If you were using either Facebook or the Messenger App on your Android smartphone, you might have noticed that your smartphone battery was draining faster than usual. It was due to a nasty bug in its servers according to Facebook that was draining some users’ batteries incredibly fast and making their phones get too hot. The problem was universal and many users took to Twitter to express their shock at the sudden draining of their smartphone battery. David Marcus, the VP of messaging products at the social network, confirmed on Twitter that this problem had arisen due to a bug, and that it should now be solved. “Issue was isolated and fixed server side,” he wrote on Tuesday. “If you restart Messenger the problem should be gone now. Very sorry.” Though Marcus refused to divulge how many Facebook or Messenger App users were affected by this strange battery draining bug, only Android smartphone users seemed to effected by the bug. Marcus also refused to divulge details of the bug or how it was identified and fixed. One Reddit user said he even deleted the Facebook and Messenger apps as a result: “It was draining my battery really bad and smartphone was getting hot. Had to delete them.” If you are using Facebook or Facebook messenger App on your Android smartphone and your battery is draining fast or your smartphone feels hot, restart both the Apps and if possible the smartphone. If that doesn’t solve the problem, delete both the Apps and reinstall them again. via @techworm1 point
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Probabil se gaseste e okazii sau pe olx.1 point
SNIFFING GSM TRAFFIC WITH HACKRF. While my friend and colleague Simone was visiting our ZIMPERIUM – Enterprise Mobile Security TLV office, we got our hands on HackRF and hacked together the unguarded boarders of Radio Frequencies. Simone had the great patience to try and explain me the boring world of complex numbers and friends (more on that here), but my dyslexia won over again and left me to fill the gap by following Simone’s steps (and some mistakes, eh Simone?) and use my ‘trial & error’ approach until success. This tutorial is the result of our collaborate GSM hacking session, presented with the hope it will be useful for others. TOOLS USED: hackrf_kalibrate gnuradio-companion gr-gsm gqrx wireshark INSTALL REQUIREMENTS: First thing, you want to make sure you have all the required software installed, you can install most of them and their dependencies using your distribution package manager. Let’s start with the libraries and tools for the hackrf itself, on a Debian/Ubuntu distro you’ll install them like so: 1 sudo apt-get install hackrf libhackrf-dev libhackrf0 Once these libraries are installed, you can plug your hackrf into one of your USB ports and execute the hackrf_info command, at this point you should see something like the following: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # hackrf_info Found HackRF board. Board ID Number: 2 (HackRF One) Firmware Version: 2014.08.1 Part ID Number: 0x00574746 0x00574746 Serial Number: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x14d463dc 0x2f4339e1 You will now install gnuradio which is the software we’ll use to decode the RF signals, gqrx a tool to visualize signal power on certain frequencies and everything else that will be needed in the next steps: 1 sudo apt-get install gnuradio gnuradio-dev gr-osmosdr gr-osmosdr gqrx-sdr wireshark Proceed with gr-gsm, the GnuRadio blocks that will decode GSM packets: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sudo apt-get install git cmake libboost-all-dev libcppunit-dev swig doxygen liblog4cpp5-dev python-scipy git clone https://github.com/ptrkrysik/gr-gsm.git cd gr-gsm mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install sudo ldconfig Now create the file ~/.gnuradio/config.conf and paste the following contents into it: 1 2 [grc] local_blocks_path=/usr/local/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks Finally install kalibrate-hackrf, a tool that will hop among known GSM frequencies and will tell you which your country is using: 1 2 3 4 5 6 git clone https://github.com/scateu/kalibrate-hackrf.git cd kalibrate-hackrf ./bootstrap ./configure make sudo make install FINDING GSM FREQUENCIES: Each operator in each country uses a different frequency in the GSM possible spectrum, which usually starts from 900Mhz. You can use hackrf_kalibrate to find the frequencies you want to sniff: 1 ./kal -s GSM900 -g 40 -l 40 Note the two gain values, those are important in order to get some results. Leave kalibrate running and after a while you should see an output similar to this: You will have to use the proper GSM parameter (‘-s’) to correspond to your local operator. Consult this list for verification. Sometimes you might want to see the frequencies in order to ensure correct results from hackrf_kalibrate, or to save yourself from calculating the correct frequency given by hackrf_kalibrate (notice the +/- Khz sign of each result – this means the top peak with the corresponding power,not 100% correct frequency). Open gqrx and tune it to the first frequency you got from hackrf_kalibrate, for example 940.6Mhz, and you’ll see something like the following picture: In the above screenshot you can visually see the activity is around 945Mhz. Once you know the GSM channels frequencies, you can start gr-gsm by running the python script ./airprobe_rtlsdr.py or load the airprobe_rtlsdr.grc file using gnuradio-companion and set one of the channel frequencies you just found in the frequency field. Don’t forget to add ‘gain’ value again, move back to the frequency field and start pressing the UP/DOWN arrows on your keyboard to start scrolling the frequencies in 200Khz steps until you start seeing some data in your console window. The whole process should look something like this: Now you only need to launch wireshark from another terminal tab with the following command: 1 sudo wireshark -k -Y 'gsmtap && !icmp' -i lo If gr-gsm did his job, you should be able to see decoded GSM traffic sniffed by your hackrf. WRITTEN BY Z4ZIGGYMAY 17, 2015 Sursa: https://z4ziggy.wordpress.com/2015/05/17/sniffing-gsm-traffic-with-hackrf/1 point
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Interesant.. dar vorbind ca unul care este investit din mai multe puncte de vedere si de mai multi ani in astfel de lucruri cred ca este frectie la picior de lemn. Astfel de chestii, daca se doresc a fi de succes si a avea impact, se pornesc in primul rand de la pedagogie. Apoi de la cunoasterea contextului fiecarei institutii, de la customizarea si adaptarea curriculei pentru astfel de format, pentru modurile de invatare ale elevilor, pentru ceea ce isi propune programa curenta si multe alte considerente si apoi implementarea unor strategii concrete si sustenabile. Daca elevii folosesc tehnologia sa nu devina o distragere si o scuza ci sa aiba un impact pozitiv cuantificabil si real. Ceva ce este complementar (si nu suplimentar) la ceea ce se preda in clasa. Dar... macar prin astfel de concursuri de "hai-sa-facem-ceva-la-plesneala-sa-zicem-ca-facem" macar se mai pricopsesc: unii cu ceva gadget-uri and stuff elevii cu ceva joaca si rupere din monoton cativa cu publicitate gratuita In rest... va pupa nea Nastase!-1 points
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