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https://gyazo.com/55dca29bc0759fe726411422c1062bf5 Nu prea mult cu vorbe goale , doar puțină bătaie de cap. Mi-a luat aproximativ o oră să fac tot / testez. Diff: Moderat Reward: 404 HINT: Razele de lumină au fost oprite de către Caesar. Pentru mici HINT-uri, PM Succes. Se termină pe : 16.03.2017 Au rezolvat: #1 @u0m3 #2 @Usr6 #3 @new_luca #4 @Hertz2 points
Salut. Uita-te si peste https://www.robofun.ro/forum/ - vei vedea cateva chestii interesante.2 points
This is my first share hope not gonna mess up.... have fun with your study 1. Burp Suite Video Training size:635 MB unrar to:1.25 GB Link:https://mega.co.nz/#!MBBhBawZ!nTQTj4B9XadEfoJcBJpjWkXxVSqCgytrzsBk4KtUT1o 2. Tactical Tips and Tricks: Burp Suite size:318MB unrar to: 638 MB Link:https://mega.co.nz/#!pcgmyCbL!vctaNMDWhGHa1K5KjYzELGjkbsoLOQMr8xOcyUAsaTs 3. Burp Suite Essentials Ebook size:11.4MB Format avilable: AZW3/EPUB/MOBI/PDF Link:https://mega.co.nz/#!oR53WZ5Q!U7RfhkDeGs-Hd1EmwOBAwJ_5fYKsb30187ZgaRIjS6k 4. Burp Sute Pro 1.6.12 size:12.8MB Install note: dont try to update it may not work if the crack work then great, just use the BurpLoader.jar Link:https://mega.co.nz/#!dNRlwaxb!O_pC_SaRFaghsnD2WHei0du8X7Yuaa0wcec9hop7g9c Here is few more links i found some forums thanks to the orignial posters... Kaotic Creations: BURP SUITE - PART I: INTRO via SQL INJECTION http://kaoticcreations.blogspot.gr/2011/11/burp-suite-part-ii-sql-authentication.html http://kaoticcreations.blogspot.gr/2011/12/burp-suite-part-iii-lfi-exploitation.html http://kaoticcreations.blogspot.gr/2012/01/burp-suite-part-v-mapping-target.html http://kaoticcreations.blogspot.gr/2011/12/burp-suite-part-iv-lfi-exploit-via-log_20.html http://kaoticcreations.blogspot.gr/2012/01/burp-suite-part-vi-more-fun-exploiting.html http://kaoticcreations.blogspot.gr/2012/01/burp-suite-part-vii-lfi-exploit-via.html SANS Tutorial for BURP Intruder : http://www.sans.org/reading-room/whitepapers/testing/fuzzing-approach-credentials-discovery-burp-intruder-33214?show=fuzzing-approach-credentials-discovery-burp-intruder-33214&cat=testing BURP Suite tutorials by Jeremy Druin (webpwnized): http://www.youtube.com/user/webpwnized/search?query=burp-suite Burp Suite: A Comprehensive Web Pen Testing - JoshinGeneral - CarolinaCon9 : How to pentest iphone apps with BURP: http://jordan-wright.github.io/blog/2013/11/07/how-to-pentest-iphone-apps-with-burp/ “Reversing” Non-Proxy Aware HTTPS Thick Clients w/ Burp http://blog.spiderlabs.com/2014/02/reversing-non-proxy-aware-https-thick-clients-w-burp.html1 point
Salut ! Am postat acum ceva timp ca lucrez la un proiect si aveam nevoie de testeri pentru aplicatie. Cred ca am ajuns la o versiune momentan stabila. (mereu se poate mai bine...) Ce face aplicatia? - Deschide link-uri in Google Chrome ( Simplu nu ? practic e mai greu ) Cum ? - Cu referrer customizabil (de la facebook,google,youtube la ce vrei tu) - Cu User-Agent random (Firefox,Chrome,Opera,Safari si dispozitive mobile) - Dimensiunea ferestrei (random) - Mouse Scroll pe pagina - Click pe un element ales din pagina - Timp la alegere intre (10 si 600 secunde) - Cautare pe Google / Youtube si Click ( Promovare Keywords & SEO ) - Click pe Youtube Play si Skip Ad (automat) Ip-uri unice din Romania ? - Da , fiecare utilizator din Romania va vizualiza un link doar 1 data la 24 de ore . Cat costa ? - E gratis (este o comunitate , ne ajutam unii pe altii) Necesita : -Java -Google Chrome (versiune recente) Am facut un tutorial (sper sa fie de ajutor) : Pentru membrii RST ofer suport si bonusuri. Daca sunteti interesati va rog sa ma contactati. Rog un administrator sa verifice si sa confirme daca este ok. Link : https://video-seo.ro/1 point
E babuinland.. In SUA era la morga de multa vreme. 15 politisti acolo, familie, spectatori, etc. Daca ar fi luat politist pe capota in US acum era cu vata in nas babuinul.1 point
Pai.. pentru ca esti prost! prost pentru ca postezi o treaba ce ar trebui s-o discuti in privat cu cei avizati, care te cunosc pe tine si contextul tau (parinti, prieteni, profesori, neamuri, etc.) sambata noaptea si apoi te astepti ca cineva sa iti raspunda instant prost pentru ca ti-a luat 'nspe mii de vorbe sa spui ca esti mediocru (diploma "de participare") si frustrat prost pentru ca ne pui noua niste intrebari scoase din context care ar fi trebuit sa le adresezi organizatorilor concursului. prost pentru ca iti versi aici frustrarile de mediocru si astepti sa ca noi sa iti dam o proverbiala suzeta (boohoo!) si sa iti dam niste raspunsuri/sfaturi dupa ce ti-am ghicit mintea prost pentru ca iti inchipui ca noua ne pasa prost pentru ca nu iti dai seama ca cu diploma te stergi la fund si ce conteaza e ceea ce stii sa faci prost pentru ca te ambalezi ca ai luat o diploma de prosti care nici macar nu ai meritat-o ("In afara de partea asta eu nu am facut proiectul singur si m-a ajutat un profesor de electronica care acum a decedat. Eu stiam mai mult partea de engleza.") (Daca tot nu esti lamurit sa imi spui si iti mai aduc si alte argumente.)1 point
1 point
Lab tests carried out by Dutch scientists have shown that some of today's "smart" electrical meters may give out false readings that in some cases can be 582% higher than actual energy consumption. The study involved several tests conducted on nine different brands of "smart" meters, also referred to in the industry as "static energy meters." Researchers also used one electromechanical meter for reference. Using a simple test rig, portrayed above, researchers connected the smart meters to various power-consuming appliances found in regular homes, such as energy saving light bulbs, heaters, LED bulbs, and dimmers. Tests lasted for six months Experiments went on for six months, with individual tests lasting at least one week, and sometimes several weeks. Researchers tried to reproduce regular household energy consumption patterns and didn't focus on putting the smart meters to stressful conditions. The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Twente and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. As such, the meters were chosen to represent the installed base of energy meters in the Netherlands. Meters used in the tests were manufactured between 2004 and 2014. Test results varied wildly, with some meters reporting errors way above their disclosed range, going from -32% to +582%. Tests with uncommon results were repeated several times and the results were within a few percents of the original. Test results matched user complaints The results of their study matched numbers posted on an online forum by a disgruntled Dutchman complaining about high energy bills. Overall, five of the nine smart meters gave out readings much higher than the actual amount of power consumed, while two gave lower readings. The greatest inaccuracies were seen when researchers combined dimmers with energy saving light bulbs and LED bulbs. After finishing their lab experiment, researchers dismantled the smart meters to understand the problem. Following their efforts, the three-man research team discovered that smart meters which gave abnormally high readings used a Rogowski Coil in their setup, while the smart meters that gave out low readings used Hall effect-based sensors. Problems blamed on smart meter designs Researchers blamed all the issues on the design of some smart meters, and, ironically, electrical devices with energy-saving features. The latter devices, researchers say, introduced a large amount of noise in electrical current waveforms, which disrupt the smart meter sensors tasked with recording power consumption. "The reason for faulty readings appears to be the current sensor, and the associated circuitry," said researchers. "The experimental results [...] show that static energy meters can be pushed into faulty reading (positive and negative) if sufficiently fast pulsed currents are drawn by the consumer." Up to 750,000 faulty smart meters in the Netherlands alone Since the research only covered smart meters commonly installed in Dutch homes, researchers say that around 750,000 smart meters deployed around the Netherlands may be giving out false readings. Worldwide, the numbers of possibly faulty smart meters could be in the millions, especially after some governments, especially in the EU, have pushed for smart meters to replace classic electromechanical (rotating disk) meters. The true impact cannot be assessed, as researchers did not publish the names, makes, and models of the tested smart meters. The research team's work, titled "Static Energy Meter Errors Caused by Conducted Electromagnetic Interference," has been published in the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine. Sursa: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/hardware/millions-of-smart-meters-may-over-inflate-readings-by-up-to-600-percent/1 point
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1 point
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