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  1. Trebuie sa alegi, Arta sau lautarie. Fotbalul este o ocupatie pentru labagii spargatori de seminte si bautori de bere.
    8 points
  2. netdata New to netdata? Here is a live demo: http://my-netdata.io netdata is a system for distributed real-time performance and health monitoring. It provides unparalleled insights, in real-time, of everything happening on the system it runs (including applications such as web and database servers), using modern interactive web dashboards. netdata is fast and efficient, designed to permanently run on all systems (physical & virtual servers, containers, IoT devices), without disrupting their core function. netdata runs on Linux, FreeBSD, and MacOS. News Netdata is featured at GitHub's State Of The Octoverse 2016 Mar 20th, 2017 - netdata v1.6.0 released! central netdata is here! headless collectors, proxies, streaming of metrics, etc. monitoring ephemeral nodes (auto-scaled VMs) monitoring ephemeral containers and VM guests monitoring web servers apps.plugin ported for FreeBSD monitoring IPMI dozens of new and improved plugins dozens of new and improved alarms dozens more improvements and performance optimizations Features Stunning interactive bootstrap dashboards mouse and touch friendly, in 2 themes: dark, light Amazingly fast responds to all queries in less than 0.5 ms per metric, even on low-end hardware Highly efficient collects thousands of metrics per server per second, with just 1% CPU utilization of a single core, a few MB of RAM and no disk I/O at all Sophisticated alarming hundreds of alarms, out of the box! supports dynamic thresholds, hysteresis, alarm templates, multiple role-based notification methods (such as email, slack.com, pushover.net, pushbullet.com, telegram.org, twilio.com, messagebird.com) Extensible you can monitor anything you can get a metric for, using its Plugin API (anything can be a netdata plugin, BASH, python, perl, node.js, java, Go, ruby, etc) Embeddable it can run anywhere a Linux kernel runs (even IoT) and its charts can be embedded on your web pages too Customizable custom dashboards can be built using simple HTML (no javascript necessary) Zero configuration auto-detects everything, it can collect up to 5000 metrics per server out of the box Zero dependencies it is even its own web server, for its static web files and its web API Zero maintenance you just run it, it does the rest scales to infinity requiring minimal central resources several operating modes autonomous host monitoring, headless data collector, forwarding proxy, store and forward proxy, central multi-host monitoring, in all possible configurations. Each node may have different metrics retention policy and run with or without health monitoring. time-series back-ends supported can archive its metrics on graphite, opentsdb, prometheus, json document DBs, in the same or lower detail (lower: to prevent it from congesting these servers due to the amount of data collected) Sursa: https://github.com/firehol/netdata/
    5 points
  3. Cand nu poti cu capu ... dai cu picioru
    3 points
  4. Hi all, while surfing various IRC Channels, i have come across a list of very useful links, courses to get into hacking URL: https://ghostbin.com/paste/j858d There are courses for computer basics, hacking, programming and many more Good luck in your long journey of learning!
    2 points
  5. Arata si mie un fotbalist cu iq mai mare decat laba piciorului.
    2 points
  6. Meet Hydrogen One, World's First Android Smartphone with Holographic Display Will be the control center of RED's upcoming Hydrogen System Jul 6, 2017 20:19 GMT · By Marius Nestor · RED, the leading manufacturer of professional digital cinema cameras, announced that it would develop the world's first holographic Android smartphone, which the company will launch sometime next year. Dubbed as Hydrogen One Media Machine, the standalone, unlocked smartphone is powered by Google's Android mobile operating system and promises to obsolete glasses to enjoy multi-dimensional content. RED is known for its innovative, modular camera systems that offer groundbreaking image quality, but with Hydrogen One they want to offer the world a new "look around depth" experience right in the palm of your hand. The device will have a 5.7-inch professional holographic display that features nanotechnology, and it's designed from the offset to seemingly switch between 2D and 3D content, interactive games, and holographic multi-view content. Both landscape and portrait modes will be supported by the ingenious display of Hydrogen One Media Machine, which will support RED's H4V (Hydrogen 4-View) content, stereo 3D content, as well as 2D and 3D VR, MR, and AR. The foundation of a future multi-dimensional system In terms of audio quality, RED will embed a proprietary H3O algorithm in the Android OS that powers Hydrogen One, which converts stereo sound into expansive multi-dimensional audio. RED plans to develop Hydrogen One as the first piece of a future multi-dimensional system that the company works on and calls it the Hydrogen System. Hydrogen One being the control center of this upcoming modular system. "The HYDROGEN SYSTEM incorporates a new high-speed data bus to enable a comprehensive and ever-expanding modular component system, which will include future attachements for shooting higher quality motion and still images as well as HYDROGEN format holographic images," says RED in the press announcement. The Hydrogen One Media Machine will sell starting at $1,195 USD for the aluminium variant and $1,595 USD for the titanium one. It will integrate with the RED camera program and allow access to the Red Channel, which contains only 4-View holographic content. The device is planned for Q1 2018. Sursa: http://news.softpedia.com/news/meet-hydrogen-one-world-s-first-android-smartphone-with-holographic-display-516858.shtml
    1 point
  7. Cam asa a incercat si el cu postul meu fara sa ajunga la o concluzie. @Robert1995 cuvintele importante sunt "cerere", "oferta" si "piata fortei de munca". In mare parte in topic se vorbeste despre firmele care doresc angajati cu experienta si se plang intruna ca nu gasesc. Asta ii cererea. Oferta ii plina de tineri fara experinta si dornici de munca, nu ca unii dinozauri plictisiti care asteapta sa se termine ziua de lucru. Vorbim la modul general pentru ca sigur exista si exceptii de la aceste tipare. Un tanar va fi mult mai usor de integrat si modelat intr-o firma/structura organizatorica/regim de lucru. Bineinteles ca ii doare in cot de avantajele unui noob, dar si cand au o ciurda de dinozauri care se incoarda unu la altul sa vada care ii mai smecher pot sa spuna adio la teamwork si cooperare. Si asa te trezesti cu oamenii care nu se pot integra si creaza mai mult rau cu atitudinea lor decat toate liniile de cod pe care le scriu. Lucrurile astea cu relatiile intre angajati intra sub jurisdictia departamentului de HR unde ii plin de pizde cu mofturi si figuri care habar nu au ce se intampla in firma. Cand vine vorba de bani fie ca ii esti dinozaur sau noob o firma tot timpul va incerca sa te ingroape in munca pana la gat sau sa iti dea un salar mic, asta daca nu esti un pupincurst care profita de munca altora (a treia categorie si cea mai periculoasa). In concluzie, fiecare categorie are avantaje si dezavantaje. P.S. Mai sunt si alte caracteristici ale grupurilor enumerate doar ca nu am chef sa imi largesc cunostintele in HR pentru un amarat de topic legat de salarii. P.S.S. Unii dinozuari mai si formeaza haite in lupta lor acerba spre suprematie. Vai ce m-as distra intr-un departament de HR. Play time with real people and fellings.
    1 point
  8. PPEE (puppy) is a Professional PE file Explorer for reversers, malware researchers and those who want to statically inspect PE files in more details Puppy is free and tries to be small, fast, nimble and friendly as your puppy Download v1.09 Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package required Features Puppy is robust against malformed and crafted PE files which makes it handy for reversers, malware researchers and those who want to inspect PE files in more details. All directories in a PE file including Export, Import, Resource, Exception, Certificate(Relies on Windows API), Base Relocation, Debug, TLS, Load Config, Bound Import, IAT, Delay Import and CLR are supported. Both PE32 and PE64 support Examine YARA rules against opened file Virustotal and OPSWAT's Metadefender query report Statically analyze windows native and .Net executables Robust Parsing of exe, dll, sys, scr, drv, cpl, ocx and more Edit almost every data structure Easily dump sections, resources and .Net assembly directories Entropy and MD5 calculation of the sections and resource items View strings including URL, Registry, Suspicious, ... embedded in files Detect common resource types Extract artifacts remained in PE file Anomaly detection Right-click for Copy, Search in web, Whois and dump Built in hex editor Explorer context menu integration Descriptive information for data members Refresh, Save and Save as menu commands Drag and drop support List view columns can sort data in an appropriate way Open file from command line Checksum validation Plugin enabled Link: https://www.mzrst.com/
    1 point
  9. daca il schimba, vreau eu pe al lui. numerele alea de la sfarsit m'ar face sa ma simt ca aia din BeverlyHills90210
    1 point
  10. Salut , ma numesc Razvan , online voi fii Razwy.Inca de mic am fost pasionat de doua lucruri IT si fotbal pana acum nu faceam prea multe lucruri pe PC doar chestii clasice pentru un incepator in IT nu am habar de prea multe denumiri dar am intrat pe acest forum cu scopul de a invata cat mai multe pentru ca vreau sa-mi dezvolt cunostintele IT. Pentru prietenii de la bloc sunt avansat in IT pentru voi cei de aici cu siguranta un incepator. Inca de mic am fost pasionat de hacking dar singurul lucru legat de asta era sa ma joc cu keyloggere , hack-uri pe toate jocurile si diferite chestii banale. Pe aceasta comunitate vreau sa invat cat mai multe. Detin un ASUS R510V 8GB RAM , i7 etc. De azi sper sa fiu activ pe aici si sa ne intelegem cat mai bine ! P.S. : Am 17 ani si sunt din Ramnicu Valcea cred ca ati auzit cate ceva despre acest oras.
    -3 points
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