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Paralel rau cu geometria. 1. Ca sa trasezi o dreapta iti trebuie 2 PUNCTE!!! 27 nu este un punct! un punct e de forma (x,y) ex: (27,30) tie iti trebuie 2 puncte ex: (27,30) (28,30) 2. De ce sa trasezi dreapta? Vrei sa o afisezi utilizatorului? Daca nu o afisezi nu o trasa. Problema ta poate fi rezolvata doar cu 3 ecuatii. 3. Ce ceri tu cu (punct sub dreapta sau deasupra) e o problema de clasa a 11-a (matematica sau informatica). Ecuatiile sunt banale pentru oricine a luat bacul la mate. 4. Nu ma complic sa iti explic solutia. Tu vrei sa faci ceva bot de forex ca sa faci bani pt cabinet stomatologic. Bafta. Edit: Daca tu te chinui cu problema asta nu ai nicio sansa sa scrii cod java/c#/c++ sa o rezolve. Chiar daca iti explica cineva.6 points
Consulta un manual de clasa 10a, geometrie plana in pula mea. Daca vrei te invat eu cum sa trasezi o parabolica2 points
2 points
In afara de laptop, mai ai nevoie de interfata, si de software, ceva de genul asta https://www.olx.ro/oferta/tester-renault-logadacia-can-clip-v164-update-IDuVOu.html#ac9ad8b74b. Deasemenea, poti lua si o versiune generica, gen un chinezism de elm 327 si software free, dar ala e degeaba, numai sa nu zici ca nu ai laptopu/smartfonu conectat cu renoul. In general, cel ce iti vinde interfata, iti da si ceva suport telefonic, in limita bunului simt.2 points
Learn Programming in Python With the Power of Animation This is a Programming Course in Python. It will teach you coding from scratch with the Power of Animation&programming https://www.udemy.com/learn-programming-in-python-with-the-power-of-animation/?couponCode=PBCUDEMYGROUPS2 points
Connecting real world products and appliances to the internet is setting us up for a disaster, according to cyber security expert Bruce Schneier. The former chief technology officer for BT Managed Security Solutions said that hackers can do three things with data: steal it, modify it, and prevent the owner from getting it. The last two type of hacks could become extremely powerful, as we enter a more connected world. “It’s one thing if your smart door lock can be eavesdropped upon to know who is home,” said Schneier in a Motherboard op-ed. “It’s another thing entirely if it can be hacked to allow a burglar to open the door—or prevent you from opening your door. A hacker who can deny you control of your car, or take over control, is much more dangerous than one who can eavesdrop on your conversations or track your car’s location.” Schneier doesn’t mince words, he says that the Internet of Things (IoT) will bring about “attacks we can’t even imagine.” Hackers could reduce the temperature on smart thermostats to freeze water pipes, crash airplanes and cars, and even attack connected medical devices that are required to keep people alive. Threats to your life aren’t all you need to worry about, according to another article wrote by Schneier for the Washington Post, we must also worry about voter manipulation from governments and hackers. Recent Russian hacks could show the way Schneier warns that if Russian hackers were able to gain control of DNC emails that it wouldn’t take much for them to be able to hack into online voting machines. In the same article, Schneier warns against online voting, listing a variety of security reasons. Ethical hackers could be a major force for good, in Schneier’s eyes, helping identify faulty systems that can be broken into. He also calls for more government support to keep foreign governments and other adversaries out of U.S. cyberspace. Via readwrite.com1 point
This archive contains all of the 169 exploits added to Packet Storm in July, 2017. Content: 1707-exploits/ 1707-exploits/ZSL-2017-5422.txt 1707-exploits/easychatserver_seh.rb.txt 1707-exploits/wdtvlivesmp-reset.txt 1707-exploits/FIREFOX-v54.0.1-DENIAL-OF-SERVICE.txt 1707-exploits/webmin1840-xss.txt 1707-exploits/libtiffsplit-oob.tgz 1707-exploits/pycharm20-overflow.txt 1707-exploits/rt-sa-2017-008.txt 1707-exploits/mpg123-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/ZSL-2017-5420.txt 1707-exploits/medhost-dms-psql-solr.txt 1707-exploits/sophoswa4302-exec.txt 1707-exploits/YAWS-WEB-SERVER-v1.91-UNAUTHENTICATED-REMOTE-FILE-DISCLOSURE.txt 1707-exploits/lepide-exec.txt 1707-exploits/KL-001-2017-015.txt 1707-exploits/libvorbis-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/rt-sa-2017-003.txt 1707-exploits/cscz-exec.tgz 1707-exploits/wplogoswaresu116-file.txt 1707-exploits/razer_zwopenprocess.rb.txt 1707-exploits/libiberty-overflow.tgz 1707-exploits/jenkins-deserialize.txt 1707-exploits/xenforo1513-xss.txt 1707-exploits/GS20170725050029.txt 1707-exploits/lame3955-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/pre_auth_cmdi_cakephp_cookie_logout_raw_request.txt 1707-exploits/oraclewebcentercontent-xss.txt 1707-exploits/SYSS-2017-011.txt 1707-exploits/libid3tag-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/ftpgetter589085-overflow.txt 1707-exploits/barracudalb601006-exec.rb.txt 1707-exploits/dnsamp-poc.pl.txt 1707-exploits/msiemshtml-exec.txt 1707-exploits/DC-2017-04-001.txt 1707-exploits/KL-001-2017-014.txt 1707-exploits/medhostconnex-passwd.txt 1707-exploits/hg100r-xssdisclose.txt 1707-exploits/ZSL-2017-5415.txt 1707-exploits/opendreambox200-exec.txt 1707-exploits/bitcoin-core-bug.zip 1707-exploits/nfsec137alienvault534-exec.txt 1707-exploits/ZSL-2017-5419.txt 1707-exploits/shenzhencdata-xssexec.txt 1707-exploits/libjpegturbo-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/boawebserver094-fileaccess.txt 1707-exploits/belkinf7d7601-exec.txt 1707-exploits/rt-sa-2017-004.txt 1707-exploits/link214-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/KL-001-2017-010.txt 1707-exploits/joomlaccnewsletter219-sql.txt 1707-exploits/ipfire_oinkcode_exec.rb.txt 1707-exploits/rt-sa-2017-006.txt 1707-exploits/orionbrowser79-mitm.txt 1707-exploits/medhost-hmscxpdn-hardcoded-credentials.txt 1707-exploits/vicidial_user_authorization_unauth_cmd_exec.rb.txt 1707-exploits/SA-20170727-1.txt 1707-exploits/raidenhttp.py.txt 1707-exploits/eVestigator-POC.tgz 1707-exploits/wmi_persistence.rb.txt 1707-exploits/razer_synapse-dllhijack.tgz 1707-exploits/GS20170725014326.txt 1707-exploits/mawk-overflow.txt 1707-exploits/bittorrent_installer-dllhijack.txt 1707-exploits/wptaskmanager131-xss.txt 1707-exploits/goautodial_3_rce_command_injection.rb.txt 1707-exploits/citrix_sd_wan_cgisessid_cookie_preauth_root.rb.txt 1707-exploits/audiocoder0846-overflow.txt 1707-exploits/soundtouch-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/rt-sa-2017-005.txt 1707-exploits/SA-20170727-0.txt 1707-exploits/ismartalarmbackend-ssrf.txt 1707-exploits/hashicorp-escalate.txt 1707-exploits/GS20170725050222.txt 1707-exploits/GS20170725045736.txt 1707-exploits/mseb-exec.txt 1707-exploits/rt-sa-2017-011.txt 1707-exploits/GS20170719045342.txt 1707-exploits/nfsenalienvaultcustomfnt-exec.txt 1707-exploits/WP-Formcraft3.2.31-XSS.txt 1707-exploits/Televes_CoaxData_Gateway.tgz 1707-exploits/mdns-ddos.txt 1707-exploits/GS20170725051507.txt 1707-exploits/GS20170725051206.txt 1707-exploits/vehicleworkshop-sql.txt 1707-exploits/vorbistoolsoggenc-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/example.rb-example.rb.txt 1707-exploits/orangescrum161-uploadxss.txt 1707-exploits/GS20170725014549.txt 1707-exploits/GS20170725050515.txt 1707-exploits/KL-001-2017-013.txt 1707-exploits/apachestruts23x-exec.txt 1707-exploits/sonicwall_sra_gencsr_cmdi.rb.txt 1707-exploits/opinio763-xss.txt 1707-exploits/openexif214-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/GS20170725050805.txt 1707-exploits/vodafone_italia_webmail_stored-xss.txt 1707-exploits/dotcms411-shell.txt 1707-exploits/ERPSCAN-17-037.txt 1707-exploits/firefox5001-exec.txt 1707-exploits/virtualpostage10-execmitm.txt 1707-exploits/rt-sa-2016-007.txt 1707-exploits/joomlajoomrecipe104-sql.txt 1707-exploits/pulseconnect-xssxsrf.pdf 1707-exploits/ZSL-2017-5421.txt 1707-exploits/KL-001-2017-011.txt 1707-exploits/GS20170722015056.tgz 1707-exploits/ismartalarmcubeone-exec.txt 1707-exploits/paulshop-sqlxss.txt 1707-exploits/wpsue138-enumerate.txt 1707-exploits/ciscoddr-bypasstraversal.txt 1707-exploits/pega72ml0-xss.txt 1707-exploits/GS20170725050349.txt 1707-exploits/sox1442-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/msdotnetcom-escalate.txt 1707-exploits/fortios560-xss.txt 1707-exploits/freeipa-sessionhijack.txt 1707-exploits/datataker-disclose.txt 1707-exploits/GS20170725014438.txt 1707-exploits/naefsw-overflow.py.txt 1707-exploits/libao-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/KL-001-2017-012.txt 1707-exploits/medc10-exec.txt 1707-exploits/rt-sa-2017-009.txt 1707-exploits/divfix-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/skillscomau-execmitm.txt 1707-exploits/alzip-exec.txt 1707-exploits/ZSL-2017-5417.txt 1707-exploits/cms221-lfi.txt 1707-exploits/sitecorecms82-disclosexss.txt 1707-exploits/2_AUSEDUAPP.rar 1707-exploits/ssra8102-exec.txt 1707-exploits/rupm-xss.txt 1707-exploits/SA-20170724-0.txt 1707-exploits/libtiffjbig-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/fiwmob17-passwordchange.txt 1707-exploits/wpsrbp3015-xss.txt 1707-exploits/SA-20170724-1.txt 1707-exploits/GS20170719045703.tgz 1707-exploits/mediacoder08-overflow.txt 1707-exploits/diskboss8214-overflow.txt 1707-exploits/wpyoutube1181-xsrf.txt 1707-exploits/ZSL-2017-5424.txt 1707-exploits/nfsec137alienvault536-escalate.txt 1707-exploits/sonicwall_sra_importlogo_upload_sitecustomization_cmdi.rb.txt 1707-exploits/timidity-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/SA-20170712-0.txt 1707-exploits/libtiffdirwrite-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/GS20170725051037.txt 1707-exploits/doorgetscms70-redirect.txt 1707-exploits/insomniax-load.txt 1707-exploits/rt-sa-2017-007.txt 1707-exploits/ZSL-2017-5423.txt 1707-exploits/ZSL-2017-5416.txt 1707-exploits/socusoft-xss.txt 1707-exploits/windows-browser-example.rb.txt 1707-exploits/libmad-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/WP-AffilliatePro3.6-XSS.txt 1707-exploits/msf_rpc_console.rb.txt 1707-exploits/GS20170719045905.tgz 1707-exploits/necuniverseum4730-sql.txt 1707-exploits/rpcinfoportmapdump-dos.txt 1707-exploits/nosefart-dos.tgz 1707-exploits/GS20170719050116.tgz 1707-exploits/GS20170725050641.txt 1707-exploits/yaws20-xss.txt 1707-exploits/ZSL-2017-5418.txt 1707-exploits/fiwmob17-sql.txt 1707-exploits/1_BESTSAFEBROWSER.rar 1707-exploits/fiwmob17-sqlbypass.txt Download 1707-exploits.tgz (20.9 MB) https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/143659/Packet-Storm-New-Exploits-For-July-2017.html1 point
fara cablu din cunostintele mele nu poti face doar cu un soft ai nevoie de cablu de diagnoza si un soft care vine la pachet cu cablul de diagnoza1 point
Nou comunicat de presa DOJ https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3912820-MAN-CHARGED-for-HIS-ROLE-in-CREATING-the-KRONOS.html (conform https://twitter.com/cfarivar/status/893198435817472000)1 point
Programmed by: Caesar2k Language: Delphi Release Date: 07/09/2006 Download Size: 993.53KB Downloads: 30757 For those fixes to be applied, you need to update your server on the remote machine, there may be unknown problems if you use a new client with an older server, or vice-versa: Screencapture with a better error handling Modified change.php and logger.php scripts Fixed timers with webcam and screencapture Fixed big file downloads and uploads Screencapture is now smaller if you set smaller scale Fixed resume for upload and downloads Fixed screencapture with chat crash bug Changed the way the download folder works, now it will ask if you want to download x files and x folders and the total size of the entire folder Fixed reconnection issue, that the server would disappear when the client crashed or closed, etc. Fixed rename function when downloading uploading Folder properties now show the correct folder size Added timeout for connections, if the server doesnt receive data for 5 minute, it will disconnect and reconnect (the ping is data, so dont worry about connected servers) Next thing to do for the next version: Add unicode support for filenames and unicode fonts for all the menus and contents Fixed order by size in filemanager Fixed "Average Speed" that would stuck at 9b/s when idle Increased timeout for incoming connections, with the old timeout, some data could be lost and the client would hang. Increased from 30 seconds to 10 minutes Download folder will now download EVERYTHING in the folder, and in all subfolders Current feature list of this program: Firewall bypass method: DLL injection Simultaneous direct and reverse connection, all traffic through one port, easier to configure Can inject the dll in multiple processes to ensure functionality Three startup methods Plug-in enabled server and client, with 3 kinds of plugins: generic, client based and extension Easy-to-understand clean client GUI PHP logging enabled server Lossless PNG compression for screencapture and webcam capture Filemanager with all types of functions, including the Download folder function, that will download everything inside the desired folder, including subfolders Configurable ping system and color matching the ping latency (green < 200ms, orange > 200ms and < 500ms, maroon > 500ms and < 1000ms, grey > 1000ms) Turn the remote computer on a SOCKS5 daemon Live keylogger with adjustable font for unicode computers TCP Tunnel to reach services that are in computers behind routers and LANs, like game servers, SOCKS daemons, FTP daemons, virtually anything that cant be reached through routers and LANs Port redirect for a fill & click redirection service Chat with the remote computer Remote IP and Port range scanner, use the speed of the remote computer for doing your port scans Melt server, assign name, configure the server the way you want, show a custom message upon execution Window manager with send keys feature Process manager and module manager. Terminate processes and unload DLLs from remote processes Registry manager that support REG_DWORD, REG_BINARY, REG_SZ, REG_MULTISZ, REG_EXPANDSZ. Create values and keys on-the-fly Clipboard manager, can retrieve up to 32Kb of clipboard data from the remote computer Intuitive webserver, that you can browse and download all the files from the remote machine using your browser Remote shell for executing remote cmd.exe commands and a BATCH and VBS execution function Update your servers with a few clicks and entering your information for the update Transfers queue or multi transfer methods while upload/downloading your files Support for download/upload huge files, up tp 1Pb (pentabyte) Sorting feature for file manager, sorte by filename, size or file type Plugin SDK in two languages to help you develop your own plugins, C++ and Delphi And many more features! Just use and see all of its potential [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/33174066/NRB9.zip[/url] MD5: E1A2BEC494ACBD8416CE638801C7AF1C1 point
Salut RST,am nevoie de un crypter pentru server.exe[RAT], multumesc nu neaparat FUD,dar macar sa nu fie peste 20/63-1 points