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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/17 in all areas

  1. @M4T3! Nu am vandut niciodata linkuri pe blog, nici nu vand si am grija de trimiterile pe care le fac. Am doar doua site-uri in blogroll: un blogger si RST. Oferta mea: un an de zile, dofollow, index, blogroll, gratis. In semn de multumire ca l-ai ajutat pe tatal meu. Nu v-am uitat, va am in lista. Daca pot sa ajut, ajut. Daca esti de acord, da-mi un mesaj privat cu site-ul. Sunt sigur ca este in regula, insa vreau sa arunc o privire pe el, sa ma asigur eu.
    9 points
  2. Poi d'aia ti-ai facut cont, pentru cersit numa? Nici macar bunu simt sa te mai uiti pe forum, sa mai postezi altundeva ceva interesant, o idee,parere bla bla, meh. sa-si screme D-zeu pula-n plamanul mamei tale dragi.
    4 points
  3. My little sister's phone got stolen/lost a week ago. Yesterday, I got a strange text. Today, I peaked! (source) 6 days My little sister who is going to be a senior worked hard all summer to buy an iPhone, only to have it stolen (or fall out, she is still not entirely sure) out of her boyfriends car a week ago. She had not activated the find my iphone app so we reported it stolen but were pretty sure someone was just being gifted a free iphone courtesy of my sister's summer wages. On top of that, she had also bought a wallet case and lost all her ID's and cards as well. So yesterday I get this text from a strange number. I give my sister a quick call to make sure it is not her and effectively realize someone is fishing through her contacts or documents to get her password. I am well aware after the WTH that his is not my sister BTW. I was bored so I say to myself, why not have some fun. We will never get the phone back, but what the heck, might as well kill some time. I am certain that his or her insistence will at the very least make this an lengthy exchange. I'm convinced this person is humoring me and just stringing me along until I cave. No one can be buying this! .... Again, I am thinking, he is humoring me but I was like, let's see how long this lasts until he stops texting me back. AVERY FTW!!!! My sister got an email this morning. I have peaked! Behold! Sursa: https://imgur.com/r/funny/USjnb Nu stiu daca e real, dar e interesanta ideea.
    1 point
  4. Asa cum exista un topic de "Fun stuff", asa ar fi ok sa avem si lucruri interesante de urmarit. Postati aici lucruri UTILE si INTERESANTE, nu neaparat legate de IT, ci legate de viata, fizica, curiozitati, orice va trece prin cap si ar putea fi interesant si pentru alte persoane. De exemplu: Alt exemplu: [h=1]A fost inventat combustibilul "solar" pentru aeronave[/h] Un proiect de cercetare, finan?at de UE, a dus la ob?inerea, în premier? la nivel mondial, a unui combustibil „solar” pentru aeronave, pe baz? de ap? ?i dioxid de carbon (CO2). Cercet?torii au realizat pentru prima dat? întregul lan? de produc?ie a kerosenului regenerabil, utilizând lumina concentrat? ca surs? de energie cu temperatur? înalt?. Proiectul, denumit Solar-Jet, se afl? înc? în faza experimental?. Astfel, în condi?ii de laborator, cu ajutorul luminii solare simulate, s-a ob?inut un pahar de combustibil. Cu toate acestea, având în vedere rezultatele ob?inute, se poate spera c?, în viitor, to?i combustibilii lichizi pe baz? de hidrocarburi ar putea fi produ?i din lumin? solar?, dioxid de carbon ?i ap?. Mai multe: https://ro.stiri.yahoo.com/a-fost-inventat-combustibilul--solar--pentru-aeronave-135052375.html?cmp=rofb Nu va bateti joc de acest topic. Veti primi warn/ban daca postati porcarii.
    1 point
  5. Este o carte ce contine SCRIE CARTE BOUL BALTII. NU VEZI CA E POSTAT IN 2008?
    1 point
  6. Se pare ca mai sunt vreo 2 locuri, daca e cineva interesat sa prezinte: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Bucharest_AppSec_Conference_2017
    1 point
  7. Ar trebui sa-i faceti publice toate datele de contact + IP. poate-l fac baietii miss piranda la bulau. Ce l-am ginit, eram sigur ca e vreun martalog devenit sageata
    1 point
  8. Great but yet very easy and automated method. Say thanks people! Payment Proof [hide] https://www.mediafire.com/?oh2bdfoppmrh662 http://www119.zippyshare.com/v/t4QhndGG/file.html https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/b7166204cc6902eeee07c50c1e0e385fbf62603ee3de53ef38afb49ad9577325/analysis/1500644293/ [/hide]
    -1 points
  9. Very good method. I did everything from the guide and made a buck but I think this can be used on other ways too. Proof of payment [hide] https://www.mediafire.com/file/z17wnr989x5k9qd http://www11.zippyshare.com/v/3Xirz1Gr/file.html https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/0e0bba134120293ed2967c5290d9456db59cbf4257857378e76e1e29cd5490f1/analysis/1503740216/ [/hide]
    -1 points
  10. Stiu ce zici dar de vreo 3 ore inca caut acel program pe internet si a disparut. Ma gandeam ca poate il mai are cineva de pe aici ...
    -4 points
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