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  1. https://www.udemy.com/bug-bounty-android-hacking/?couponCode=REVIEW_ONLY https://www.udemy.com/devslopes-ios11/?couponCode=CODEJAM https://www.udemy.com/learn-python-in-a-day/?couponCode=INST_CLUB https://www.udemy.com/python-for-ethical-hacking/?couponCode=FREEBIES
    4 points
  2. Cadourile nu inseamna mare lucru intr-o relatie, cel putin cele materiale. Traiti expriente noi impreuna, vizitati locuri noi etc. Asa o sa formati o legatura stransa, nu printr-un schimb de cadouri. Si pe langa asta, ia initiativa, fii hotarat si sigur pe tine. Mentine-i atentia si curiozitatea, n-o lasa sa se plictiseasca. Asta e doar parerea mea.
    3 points
  3. Super, mai lipseste "3D Penis Recognition".
    3 points
  4. A bug in Linux kernel that was discovered two years ago, but was not considered a security threat at that time, has now been recognised as a potential local privilege escalation flaw. Identified as CVE-2017-1000253, the bug was initially discovered by Google researcher Michael Davidson in April 2015. Since it was not recognised as a serious bug at that time, the patch for this kernel flaw was not backported to long-term Linux distributions in kernel 3.10.77. However, researchers at Qualys Research Labs has now found that this vulnerability could be exploited to escalate privileges and it affects all major Linux distributions, including Red Hat, Debian, and CentOS. The vulnerability left "all versions of CentOS 7 before 1708 (released on September 13, 2017), all versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 before 7.4 (released on August 1, 2017), and all versions of CentOS 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 are exploitable," Qualys said in an advisory published yesterday. The vulnerability, which has been given a CVSS3 Base Score of 7.8 out of 10, resides in the way Linux kernel loads ELF executables, which potentially results in memory corruption. Researchers find that an unprivileged local user with access to SUID (or otherwise privileged) Position Independent Executable (PIE) binary could use this vulnerability to escalate their privileges on the affected system. In order to mitigate this issue, users can switch to the legacy mmap layout by setting vm.legacy_va_layout to 1, which will effectively disable the exploitation of this security flaw. Since the mmap allocations start much lower in the process address space and follow the bottom-up allocation model, "the initial PIE executable mapping is far from the reserved stack area and cannot interfere with the stack." Qualys says this flaw is not limited to the PIEs whose read-write segment is larger than 128MB, which is the minimum distance between the mmap_base and the highest address of the stack, not the lowest address of the stack. So, when passing 1.5GB of argument strings to execve(), any PIE can be mapped directly below the stack and trigger the vulnerability. Linux distributions, including Red Hat, Debian, and CentOS, have released security updates to address the vulnerability. The Qualys team has promised to publish a proof-of-concept soon exploit that works on CentOS-7 kernel versions "3.10.0-514.21.2.el7.x86_64" and "3.10.0-514.26.1.el7.x86_64," once a maximum number of users have had time to patch their systems against the flaw. Via https://thehackernews.com/2017/09/linux-kernel-hacking.html
    2 points
  5. ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ | _ \/ \| \/ \ _ \/ _ \ |__ \ | ( V | | ) V | ( _/ / __/ |__\__|_|__|___/__|__|_\__|___| |____| www.radare.org --pancake Introduction r2 is a rewrite from scratch of radare in order to provide a set of libraries and tools to work with binary files. Radare project started as a forensics tool, a scriptable commandline hexadecimal editor able to open disk files, but later support for analyzing binaries, disassembling code, debugging programs, attaching to remote gdb servers, .. radare2 is portable. Architectures: 6502, 8051, CRIS, H8/300, LH5801, T8200, arc, arm, avr, bf, blackfin, xap, dalvik, dcpu16, gameboy, i386, i4004, i8080, m68k, malbolge, mips, msil, msp430, nios II, powerpc, rar, sh, snes, sparc, tms320 (c54x c55x c55+), V810, x86-64, zimg, risc-v. File Formats: bios, CGC, dex, elf, elf64, filesystem, java, fatmach0, mach0, mach0-64, MZ, PE, PE+, TE, COFF, plan9, dyldcache, Commodore VICE emulator, Game Boy (Advance), Nintendo DS ROMs and Nintendo 3DS FIRMs. Operating Systems: Android, GNU/Linux, [Net|Free|Open]BSD, iOS, OSX, QNX, w32, w64, Solaris, Haiku, FirefoxOS Bindings: Vala/Genie, Python (2, 3), NodeJS, Lua, Go, Perl, Guile, php5, newlisp, Ruby, Java, OCaml, ... Dependencies radare2 can be built without any special dependency, just use make and get a working toolchain (gcc, clang, tcc, ..) Optionally you can use libewf for loading EnCase disk images. To build the bindings you need latest valabind, g++ and swig2. Install The easiest way to install radare2 from git is by running the following command: $ sys/install.sh If you want to install radare2 in the home directory without using root privileges and sudo, simply run: $ sys/user.sh Building with meson + ninja The sys/install.sh method uses acr+make to build r2 from sources, which is the default and recommended way, but there's also a work-in-progress support for Meson. Run first the configuration process: $ ./configure You can install last version of meson and ninja using r2pm: $ r2pm -i meson $ r2pm -r make meson $ r2pm -r make meson-symstall Or just run those lines if you have them available in PATH: $ make meson # will run make meson-config automatically $ sudo make meson-symstall # symstall the meson build into PREFIX (/usr) $ sudo make meson-uninstall # uninstall the meson installation The PREFIX is inherited from the last run of ./configure, so it's recommended to run sys/install.sh at least once to autodetect this, this step will end up into meson. At the moment, the meson build system doesnt supports much configuration options and it is not able to build all the plugins, it has been tested to work on the following hosts: Rpi3-arm32 macOS-x86-64 Termux/Android-arm64 VoidLinux-x86-64 Windows-x86-64 Uninstall In case of a polluted filesystem you can uninstall the current version or remove all previous installations: $ make uninstall $ make purge Package manager Radare2 has its own package manager - r2pm. It's packages repository is on GitHub too. To start to use it for the first time you need to initialize packages: $ r2pm init Refresh the packages database before installing any package: $ r2pm update To install a package use the following command: $ r2pm install [package name] Bindings All language bindings are under the r2-bindings directory. You will need to install swig and valabind in order to build the bindings for Python, Lua, etc.. APIs are defined in vapi files which are then translated to swig interfaces, nodejs-ffi or other and then compiled. The easiest way to install the python bindings is to run: $ r2pm install lang-python2 #lang-python3 for python3 bindings $ r2pm install r2api-python $ r2pm install r2pipe-python In addition there are r2pipe bindings, which are an API interface to interact with the prompt, passing commands and receivent the output as a string, many commands support JSON output, so it's integrated easily with many languages in order to deserialize it into native objects. $ npm install r2pipe # NodeJS $ gem install r2pipe # Ruby $ pip install r2pipe # Python $ opam install radare2 # OCaml And also for Go, Rust, Swift, D, .NET, Java, NewLisp, Perl, Haskell, Vala, OCaml, and many more to come! Regression Testsuite Running make tests it will fetch the radare2-regressions repository and run all the tests in order to verify that no changes break a functionality. We run those tests on every commit, and they are also executed with ASAN and valgrind on different platforms to catch other unwanted 'features'. Documentation There is no formal documentation of r2 yet. Not all commands are compatible with radare1, so the best way to learn how to do stuff in r2 is by reading the examples from the web and appending '?' to every command you are interested in. Commands are small mnemonics of few characters and there is some extra syntax sugar that makes the shell much more pleasant for scripting and interacting with the apis. You could also checkout the radare2 book. Coding Style Look at CONTRIBUITING.md Webserver radare2 comes with an embedded webserver that serves a pure html/js interface that sends ajax queries to the core and aims to implement an usable UI for phones, tablets and desktops. $ r2 -c=H /bin/ls To use the webserver on Windows, you require a cmd instance with administrator rights. To start the webserver use command in the project root. > radare2.exe -c=H rax2.exe Screenshots Pointers Website: http://www.radare.org/ IRC: irc.freenode.net #radare Telegram: https://t.me/radare Matrix: @radare2:matrix.org Twitter: @radareorg Download: radare2-master.zip or git clone https://github.com/radare/radare2.git Source: https://github.com/radare/radare2
    2 points
  6. Is curios cand mai ia garda pe cate unu si tre' sa ii verifice fisierele cum or sa faca perchezitia . Frumos catuse, mainile sus, un mascat tine cu bastonu de lanturile de la catuse in sus, incat sa se asigure ca nu faci vreo ceva, vine sri-stu de serviciu si iti desface prohapul.. si ce sa vezi ca nu iti mai recunoaste pc-ul mandria ca ti s-a ascuns de la urletele alora la prima ora. Iubesc tehnologia.
    2 points
  7. Oare se va ajunge la asta? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0181689/ Pe de alta parte, acest viitor e mai plauzibil: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/
    2 points
  8. http://picnic.price.ovh/ Este un site cu raspunsuri pentru jocul picnic (mobile) (este facut pe un subdomeniu la un domeniu de al meu) se da tot cu domeniu, nu (cred) merge transferat domeniul decat pe un cont de la firma ovh.com (trebuie facut un cont aici pentru transferul domeniul) Nu necesita sa postati nimic pe site. Nu am postat nici nu am facut nici o modificare de pe 12 septembrie(data cand a fost creat) Platforma este wordpress. Se vinde domeniul + backup la fisierele de pe host + baza de date Aproximativ 7000 de vizite pe zi Surse trafic: Tari: Dispozitive: Pentru detalii PM. Pret 150 euro.
    1 point
  9. The summer is over and this is a great time to present my subjective list of 30 Android libraries and projects released in the last 3 months. Some of them can be used in production, some of them definitely not, but playing with all of them will be pure fun. They are definitely worthy to check. Enjoy! 1. MaterialStepperView This is a library which implements Steppers from Material Design Components. Currently, there is only Vertical Stepper View but more styles will come in the future. You can check, how it looks below: You can customise normal/active point colour, done icon, as well as enable animation and set its duration. To check it, please visit Set item values and styles on its Github. This library supports API 17+ and has a quite comprehensive wiki available here. https://github.com/fython/MaterialStepperView 2. MultiSnapRecyclerView This is an Android Library for multiple snapping of RecyclerView. MultiSnapRecyclerView easily provides a snapping feature to your RecyclerView. Currently it offers: gravitated snapping to start, end and center, snap count to specify a number of items to scroll over, support for horizontal and vertical scrolling, listener to be called when snapped. Below is the example, how to use the library. https://github.com/TakuSemba/MultiSnapRecyclerView 3. Garland View for Android This is a library that we can consider as a skeleton for creating layouts as presented below: Rest of the important information you can find in README. There is also an example app. The library supports API 19 and above. https://github.com/Ramotion/garland-view-android 4. VegaLayoutManager This is a customised LayoutManager — fade and shrink the head itemView when scrolling. It was inspired by this Dribble project. https://github.com/xmuSistone/VegaLayoutManager/blob/master/VegaLayoutManager/library/src/main/java/com/stone/vega/library/VegaLayoutManager.java 5. ExpandableLayout The name of this library is self-explanatory. It is a expandable layout, based on LinearLayout. README contains all information you need to get started. It is well-documented. In addition, there is an example app to quickly jump to the code. https://github.com/iammert/ExpandableLayout 6. SwipeBackLayout SwipeBackLayout must contain only one direct child, such as: LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, FrameLayout, TableLayout etc. ScrollView, HorizontalScrollView, NestedScrollView etc. RecyclerView, a subClass of AbsListView(ListView etc.) ViewPager, WebView etc. The project has a comprehensive documentation, sample app and an APK. https://github.com/gongwen/SwipeBackLayout 7. SmartCropper Features: Crop image in a smart way that can identify the border, support drag anchors, magnifying glass effect to enhance the positioning experience, use the perspective transform to crop and correct the selection to restore the front image, support rich UI settings, such as auxiliary lines, mask, anchor, magnifying glass and so on. Currently, the library uses optimised points sorting algorithm. CropImageView has selection magnifying effect and it can use CropImageView XML settings. https://github.com/pqpo/SmartCropper 8. Date Range Picker A description of the project is well-written and easy to read. https://github.com/savvisingh/DateRangePicker 9. StoriesProgressView Everybody knows Stories which Facebook and Instagram presented on their apps. Here is a library which introduces StoriesProgressView which extends LinearLayout and allows you to add View like below: The project contains a short but comprehensive README along with sample app. https://github.com/shts/StoriesProgressView 10. CosmoCalendar This library is a custom calendar which offers many features and UI modifications like: changing calendar orientation, setting custom text colours, setting selection types and colours, defining navigation buttons etc., many more. https://github.com/AppliKeySolutions/CosmoCalendar 11. Reflow Text Animator I hope everybody heard about Plaid app. This library developed by Shazam Engineering team, is a The library is really easy to use, plug and play! https://github.com/shazam/reflow-animator 12. AdaptiveIconPlayground This is not a library, but a standalone Android app developed by Nick Butcher for experimenting with adaptive icons. According to the README: https://github.com/nickbutcher/AdaptiveIconPlayground 13. Tivi Tivi is an application which tracks TV shows and it is connected to Track.tv. It is developed by Chris Banes. The work is still in progress but what is important, it uses the cutting-edge components, libraries and tools which includes: Kotlin, RxJava 2, usage of all of the Architecture Components (Room, LiveData and Lifecycle-components) and usage of dagger-android for dependency injection. https://github.com/chrisbanes/tivi 14. RxIdler This is an IdlingResource for Espresso which wraps an RxJava Scheduler developed by Square Engineering. It supports RxJava 1 and RxJava 2 as well. Happy Instrumentation testing! https://github.com/square/RxIdler 15. MRichEditor This is a rich text editor sample (based on summernote). It supports many features, including: Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike-through, Headings (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Paragraph, Quote, (Un)Ordered List, Code, Horizontal Rule, Link, Image, Justify (Center, Fill, Left, Right), Subscript, Superscript, Font Name and Size, Indent, Outdent, Undo / Redo. In this case you need to base on the sample app, as there is almost no documentation. https://github.com/Even201314/MRichEditor 16. Android Clean Architecture Boilerplate This is boilerplate app that shows a clean architecture approach to Android apps developed by Buffer team and Joe Birch. Reasons for creating this boilerplate: To share some approaches to clean architecture. To use as a starting point in future projects where clean architecture feels appropriate. The project is written 100% in Kotlin with both UI and Unit tests. It is really well-documented and great for education purposes! 100% recommendation. https://github.com/bufferapp/android-clean-architecture-boilerplate 17. RxJava2Debug If you use RxJava, you know that sometimes it is difficult to read exceptions and find an issue in your Rx stream. And this is the reason why this library was created. You can read more about rational in README. The library offers: stack trace generation, stack trace filtering. https://github.com/akaita/RxJava2Debug 18. Resizer The library is inspired by Compressor library. The library specification: Minimum SDK: API 21 Default settings: targetLength: 1080 quality: 80 outputFormat: JPEG outputDirPath: the external files directory of your app Supported input formats: BMP GIF JPEG PNG WEBP Supported output formats: JPEG PNG WEBP Supported quality range: 0~100 The higher value, the better image quality but larger file size PNG, which is a lossless format, will ignore the quality setting https://github.com/hkk595/Resizer 19. FaceDetector This library allows you to detect faces in real time on a camera preview. It greatly works with Fotoapparat library, but is supports also other camera libraries and sources. The usage is simple and the project is quite well documented. https://github.com/Fotoapparat/FaceDetector 20. RxGps This is another library from Florent Champigny. It easily finds a current location for us. It is RxJava2 compatible. It also automatically asks for GPS runtime permissions and checks if play services are available for you. https://github.com/florent37/RxGps 21. MapMe MapMe is an Android library for working with Maps. MapMe brings the adapter pattern to Maps, simplifying the management of markers and annotations. MapMe works with Google Maps and Mapbox. README is comprehensive and the library is written in Kotlin. https://github.com/TradeMe/MapMe 22. RevelyGradient This is a library for an easy gradient management. You can use it in Java or in Kotlin. Documentation is short but enough to start with ease. https://github.com/revely-inc/co.revely.gradient 23. LiteUtilities This is a library written in Kotlin, which helps to eliminate boilerplate from your code. Currently it offers: RecyclerUtils — Remove the need to make an adapter everytime, set up recycler adapter in as little as 4 lines. ScrollUtils — Easily hide/show FloationActionButton on scroll when using RecyclerView or NestedScrollView. ToastUtils — Creating toasts are just a function away. SPUtils — Simple DSL for Shared Preferences. ValidatorUtils — Fast and simple text validation. LogUtils — Simple and easy android logging. https://github.com/gurleensethi/LiteUtilities 24. KOIN According to the author, there is: No proxy/CGLib, No code generation, No introspection Its documentation is really good, with examples and wiki. There are also contact information (even with Slack). https://github.com/Ekito/koin 25. koptional Rationale according to authors: We also think that in many cases you can use sealed classes to express absent values, however in simple cases like passing String? through Rx stream Optional is a more convenient solution. For more go to their Github. https://github.com/gojuno/koptional 26. Parallax This is an easy parallax View for Android simulating Apple TV App Icons. README is really good and worthy to check. https://github.com/imablanco/Parallax 27. droid-vizu https://github.com/wotomas/droid-vizu 28. Drone This is not the Android library but a library manager delivered by César Ferreira. It was written due to jealousy of the node.js community for their fast and reliable dependency managers. So instead of googling a library, checking it, reading docs etc., you just do: drone add creator/library module For instance: drone add jakewharton/butterknife The documentation is really good and this is really worthy to check. https://github.com/cesarferreira/drone 29. From-design-to-Android-part2 This is a project covering creating neat UI on Android. This time, Saúl Molinero covers: using ShapeShifter tool by Alex Lockwood AndroidVectorDrawables, ScaleDrawables, Adaptive Icons and more. It is a truly great lecture! https://github.com/saulmm/From-design-to-Android-part2 30. Reagent Reagent is a Jake Wharton place for experiments for future reactive libraries. Should you use it? No. https://github.com/JakeWharton/Reagent Source: https://medium.com/@mmbialas/30-new-android-libraries-and-projects-released-in-summer-2017-which-should-catch-your-attention-d3702bd9bdc6
    1 point
  10. Interesant ca concept, dar are aceaisi problema pe care o prezinta orice forma autentificare biometrica - informatia nu este secreta.
    1 point
  11. Wolfgang Breyha, David Durvaux, Tobias Dussa, L. Aaron Kaplan, Florian Mendel, Christian Mock, Manuel Koschuch, Adi Kriegisch, Ulrich Pöschl, Ramin Sabet, Berg San, Ralf Schlatterbeck, Thomas Schreck, Alexander Würstlein, Aaron Zauner, Pepi Zawodsky (University of Vienna, CERT.be, KIT-CERT, CERT.at, A-SIT/IAIK, coretec.at, FH Campus Wien, VRVis, MilCERT Austria, A-Trust, Runtux.com, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, azet.org, maclemon.at) Abstract “Unfortunately, the computer security and cryptology communities have drifted apart over the last 25 years. Security people don’t always understand the available crypto tools, and crypto people don’t always understand the real-world problems.” — Ross Anderson in [And08] This guide arose out of the need for system administrators to have an updated, solid, well researched and thought-through guide for configuring SSL, PGP, SSH and other cryptographic tools in the post-Snowden age. Triggered by the NSA leaks in the summer of 2013, many system administrators and IT security officers saw the need to strengthen their encryption settings. This guide is specifically written for these system administrators. As Schneier noted in [Sch13a], it seems that intelligence agencies and adversaries on the Internet are not breaking so much the mathematics of encryption per se, but rather use software and hardware weaknesses, subvert standardization processes, plant backdoors, rig random number generators and most of all exploit careless settings in server configurations and encryption systems to listen in on private communications. Worst of all, most communication on the internet is not encrypted at all by default (for SMTP, opportunistic TLS would be a solution). This guide can only address one aspect of securing our information systems: getting the crypto settings right to the best of the authors’ current knowledge. Other attacks, as the above mentioned, require different protection schemes which are not covered in this guide. This guide is not an introduction to cryptography. For background information on cryptography and cryptoanalysis we would like to refer the reader to the references in appendix B and C at the end of this document. The focus of this guide is merely to give current best practices for configuring complex cipher suites and related parameters in a copy & paste-able manner. The guide tries to stay as concise as is possible for such a complex topic as cryptography. Naturally, it can not be complete. There are many excellent guides [IS12, fSidIB13, ENI13] and best practice documents available when it comes to cryptography. However none of them focuses specifically on what an average system administrator needs for hardening his or her systems’ crypto settings. This guide tries to fill this gap. Download: https://bettercrypto.org/static/applied-crypto-hardening.pdf
    1 point
  12. sintem aproape de acel meoment, se fac progrese remarcabile via http://geekologie.com/2013/11/so-can-i-x-box-one-kinect-sensor-can-see.php
    1 point
  13. About 20 million CCTV cameras have been installed with AI technology in China Such technology can be used to identify a person's age, gender and clothes Police can track down criminals using facial recognition and their database China has installed over 20 million cutting-edge security cameras in what is believed to be the world's most advanced surveillance system. The camera system, facilitated with artificial intelligence technology, is part of the 'Sky Net' operation, which is China's anti-corruption programme mainly aimed to track down fugitives. Such technology can identify a pedestrian or a motorist, which can help policemen in their search for criminals. Video playing bottom right... China has launched AI-equipped security system on 20 millions cameras across the country The new technology can identify a person's age, gender and colour of clothes (left). It can also scan on vehicles and identify the types and colours (right) Video footage posted by China Central Television in a documentary today displays what a real-time CCTV captures on screen. It has then been shared and re-posted by the local media including k618.cn. A number of boxes pop up next to a person with details of their age, gender, and colour of the clothes The same technology can apply on vehicles as well, identifying the type of vehicles and its colour. K618.cn reported that the pedestrian-scanning function used computer vision technology to pinpoint passersby on the road. It allows GPS tracking and facial recognition to help policemen locate criminals on the loose. A signal will be alarmed to the police if the recognition matches any criminals in the database. It can provide gps tracking and facial recognition to help locating criminals on the loose China claimed to have the world's most advanced security system with 20 million CCTV cameras across the country Over 20 million CCTV cameras equipped with AI technology have been installed in China, crowning to be the world's most advanced surveillance system. Operation 'Sky Net' was launched in 2015 as the Chinese central government aimed to hunt for corrupt fugitive officials, crack down on underground banks and confiscate misappropriated assets, according to Bloomberg. It has now extended to catch fugitives in local community in different cities across China. In April, China has started to use facial recognition technology to catch jaywalkers in Shenzhen. Portraits of offenders will be uploaded to a LED screen displayed on the side of the road immediately. The new surveillance system had feared the citizens that the techonology was a use to monitor their daily lives. 'Why are there so many child abductors around if the Sky Net is really working?' wrote web user 'xianzaihe_89'. 'We don't have any privacy anymore under the watch of the Chinese government!' said web user 'neidacongmin' Sursa: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4918342/China-installs-20-million-AI-equipped-street-cameras.html
    1 point
  14. povestea cu camerele video seamana mai degraba cu un patent IBM, https://cryptome.org/2016/05/ibm-tracker-16-0531.pdf ... cine stie, poate e deja dat in productie in China. in plus, au deja in faza de testare beta, un “social-credit system” bazat printre altele si pe istoricul de navigare pe net, postarile facute, continutul mesajelor, site-urile accesate, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-34592186 , https://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21711902-worrying-implications-its-social-credit-project-china-invents-digital-totalitarian , http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/05/24/chinese-citizens-want-the-government-to-rank-them/ , https://qz.com/1049669/chinas-tencent-hkg-0700-is-quietly-testing-a-social-credit-score-based-on-peoples-online-behavior/ . in baza scorului obtinut, cetateanul are acces la credite mai ieftine sau mai scumpe, la servicii sociale, pina si siteurile de dating promoveaza pe cei cu un scor bun... si canada e pe cale sa introduca un astfel de sistem. de fapt, inca de prin 2010, in diverse medii sistemul era deja anuntat. p.s. idiocracy pc screen vs win8 p.p.s. "The base of these new pieces that are going up include whatever fiber optics are necessary for those Homeland Security items.”In other words, anti-terror technology. Could that one day include facial recognition? p.p.p.s The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is expanding the kinds of information that it collects on immigrants to include social media information and search results. The new policy, which covers immigrants who have obtained a green card and even naturalized citizens, will take effect on October 18th. ... doar pentru posesorii de green card? si British visitors to US may be asked for passwords and phone contacts at airports ...
    1 point
  15. Asking the real question. Mi se pare mie sau chiar nu ai futut-o inca?
    1 point
  16. Ceva in genu' asta vrei ?
    1 point
  17. Interesant ca si concept, dar mi se pare cam inutil... Poti face asta si cu un webcam (hai, 2 ca sa nu fie pacalite de o poza, desi exista metode de a rezolva si problema asta). Ce uita sa mentioneze este faptul ca radiatia se aduna in corp... Doar ca emite o putere mica nu e chiar un plus. Nu le da idei...
    1 point
  18. Exe2Image A simple utility to convert EXE files to PNG images and vice versa. Screenshots Putty.exe converted to an image. Downloads: Exe2Image.7z Source code (.zip) Source code (tar.gz) Source: https://github.com/OsandaMalith/Exe2Image
    1 point
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