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  1. Pentester Academy TV Publicat pe 28 mar. 2018 ABONEAZĂ-TE 21 K Today's episode of The Tool Box features NetRipper. We breakdown everything you need to know! Including what it does, who it was developed by, and the best ways to use it! Check out NetRipper here: Github - https://github.com/NytroRST/NetRipper Send your tool to: media@pentesteracademy.com for consideration Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to our channel for the latest cybersecurity news! Visit Hacker Arsenal for the latest attack-defense gadgets! https://www.hackerarsenal.com/ FOLLOW US ON: ~Facebook: http://bit.ly/2uS4pK0 ~Twitter: http://bit.ly/2vd5QSE ~Instagram: http://bit.ly/2v0tnY8 ~LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2ujkyeC ~Google +: http://bit.ly/2tNFXtc ~Web: http://bit.ly/29dtbcn
    3 points
    2 points
  3. Salutare tuturor, De multa vreme nimeni nu a mai postat pe aici si am decis sa fac o serie de CrackMe challenges. Voi incepe cu Android, pentru ca e mai simplu de facut reversing si pentru a vedea daca se gasesc persoane interesate... In caz ca se gasesc, fac si ceva mai avansat (Android, Windows, Linux). CrackMe 0x01 Reguli: Va rog, NU POSTATI flag-urile direct in topic; Comentati cu "Done" la finisarea challenge-ului; Fiecare flag m-il trimiteti prin mesaj privat; Dificultate: Incepator; Link download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WR9DNW9G0uriCziv0Yarn4fewJbb3GJy/view?usp=sharing Checksum: [SHA-256] 250e0cf1731736e1c4385ac119701d61a042fcf5a09b25ff3a89746979bfd314, [MD5] 0b06afd55faefce5273742d1a80b6b6a; VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/250e0cf1731736e1c4385ac119701d61a042fcf5a09b25ff3a89746979bfd314/details P.S. Acest challenge e unul super super simplu, insa in caz ca aveti intrebari adresati-le direct in comentarii! Completed by: aml (https://rstforums.com/forum/profile/207155-aml/); BogdanNBV (https://rstforums.com/forum/profile/29134-bogdannbv/); theandruala (https://rstforums.com/forum/profile/172582-theandruala/);
    1 point
  4. Perfect mersi o sa incerc cand am timp
    1 point
  5. mi se rupe pula de tine si de proiectele tale.
    1 point
  6. Imagineaza-ti ca bagi un stick la o gagica si gata ai futut-o. Unde e placerea? I zici vrei protejat sexul, cu firewall sau neprotejat? Une vrei sa ne futem, in localhost sau online?
    1 point
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