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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/18 in all areas

  1. Salut! Acesta este un proiect mai vechi de-al meu facut acum 5 luni, dar am decis sa il postez si aici. Algorithm-ul face toate combinatiile de litere, cifre dar poate fi folosit si pentru caractere speciale(!@#$%^&*() ). Se poate folosi pt generare de rainbow tables sau pentru a sparge direct un hash. Acesta este doar un algorithm facut(normal ca si utilizat ) de mine deci s-ar putea sa nu fie chiar cel mai eficient, daca stiti voi altul mai eficient as dori sa mi-l aratati si mie . Codul sursa il aveti aici: https://github.com/FoxBlood72/CBruteForce
    2 points
  2. https://itty.bitty.site Itty bitty sites are contained entirely within their own link. (Including this one!) This means they're... 💼Portable - you don't need a server to host them 👁Private - nothing is sent to–or stored on–this server 🎁Easy to share as a link or QR code Itty bitty sites can hold about as much as a printed page, and there is a lot you can do with that: ✒️Compose poetry 🛠Create an app 🐦Bypass a 140 280 char limit 🎨Express yourself in ascii
    1 point
  3. La ce barbati sunteti voi in ziua de azi, aia te bate si te fute in acelasi timp.
    1 point
  4. Iti este necaz ca e mai dotata ca tine :))))))))
    1 point
  5. Engleza : [WeChall] News - clasamentul mondial Hack This Site! HellBound Hackers Thisislegal.com - recomandat pentru incepatori Zero Identity Hack legally in a free and secure environment! - Enigma Group http://hack.thebackupbox.net/ - Wargames - 14 nivele in Shell de exploatat programe in C Rankk.org TheBlacksheep at www.bright-shadows.net: Internet Security Challenges, Network security, Computer security - Community - Cel mai bun site de challengeuri , 341 nivele LOST-Chall - 180 nivele bazate pe serialul LOST www.hackquest.org TryThis0ne - Hacking Challenges! hacker.org - The Hacker Community Online - un site nou,incredibil Net-Force | Home - merita Terminus One - 44 dintre cele mai grele challengeuri de mate,crypto,cracking Open Source Institute - Open Source Institute +Ma's Reversing - main page - Dupa parerea mea cele mai adevarate nivele sunt aici , desi sunt doar 28. Spaniola : Hispabyte.net - 13 nivele usoare Yashira.org - 240 nivele din toate categoriile Franceza : Site de mirmo - 184 nivele NewbieContest : Challenge informatique francophone - 231 nivele
    1 point
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