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  1. Download pdf:https://repo.zenk-security.com/Virus-Infections-Detections-Preventions/Malware Analyst's Cookbook.pdf Source code examples:https://github.com/mgoffin/malwarecookbook/blob/master/README.md With our ever-increasing reliance on computers comes anever-growing risk of malware. Security professionals will findplenty of solutions in this book to the problems posed by viruses,Trojan horses, worms, spyware, rootkits, adware, and other invasivesoftware. Written by well-known malware experts, this guide revealssolutions to numerous problems and includes a DVD of customprograms and tools that illustrate the concepts, enhancing yourskills. Security professionals face a constant battle against malicioussoftware; this practical manual will improve your analyticalcapabilities and provide dozens of valuable and innovativesolutions Covers classifying malware, packing and unpacking, dynamicmalware analysis, decoding and decrypting, rootkit detection,memory forensics, open source malware research, and much more Includes generous amounts of source code in C, Python, and Perlto extend your favorite tools or build new ones, and customprograms on the DVD to demonstrate the solutions Malware Analyst's Cookbook is indispensible to ITsecurity administrators, incident responders, forensic analysts,and malware researchers. From the Back Cover Powerful, step-by-step solutions to dozens of common threats We called this a cookbook because each "recipe" presents boththe ingredients and the steps you take to resolve a specificproblem or research a given threat. On the DVD, you'll findsupporting files and original programs that provide additionalresources. You'll learn how to analyze malware using tools writtenby the authors as well as hundreds of other publicly availabletools. If your job involves incident response, computer forensics,systems security, or antivirus research, this book will becomeinvaluable to you. Learn to conduct online investigations without revealing youridentity Use honeypots to collect malware being distributed by bots andworms Analyze JavaScript, PDFs, and Office documents for suspiciouscontent Build a low-budget malware lab with virtualization or bare boneshardware Reverse engineer common encoding and encryption algorithms Set up an advanced memory forensics platform for malwareanalysis Investigate prevalent threats such as Zeus, Silent Banker,CoreFlood, Conficker, Virut, Clampi, Bankpatch, BlackEnergy, andmany more! On the DVD Use the files on the DVD to follow along with the recipes or toconduct your own investigations and analyses. You will find: Evidence files Annotated videos Source code Windows and Linux tools Over 50 original programs in Python, C/C++, and Perl "The most useful technical security book I've read this year. Amust-have for all who protect systems from malicioussoftware." —Lenny Zeltser, Security Practice Director at Savvisand Senior Faculty Member at SANS Institute "The ultimate guide for anyone interested in malwareanalysis." —Ryan Olson, Director, VeriSign iDefense RapidResponse Team "Every page is filled with practical malware knowledge,innovative ideas, and useful tools. Worth its weight ingold!" —AAron Walters, Lead Developer of Volatility and VP ofSecurity R&D at Terremark About the Author Michael Hale Ligh is a malicious code analyst at VerisigniDefense and Chief of Special Projects at MNIN Security. Steven Adair is a member of the Shadowserver Foundationand frequently analyzes malware and tracks botnets. He alsoinvestigates cyber attacks of all kinds with an emphasis on thoselinked to cyber espionage. Blake Hartstein is the author of multiple security toolsand a Rapid Response Engineer at Verisign iDefense, where heresponds to malware incidents. Matthew Richard has authored numerous security tools andalso ran a managed security service for banks and creditunions.
    2 points
  2. Mugur Isarescu si Nicolae Murgu - Aurul, mit si realitate
    1 point
  3. SCLAVII FERICITI Lumea vazuta din Silicon Valley de OVIDIU HURDUZEU https://www.google.ro/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.desprevremuriledinurma.ro/wp-content/uploads/sclaviifericiti.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjrjYTwzsLcAhXjI8AKHYlJBhsQFjAAegQIABAB&usg=AOvVaw0tavLf8DZgUIwtDsZJj_R3
    1 point
  4. Geniala cartea. Merita dezgropat threadul. Se pisa pe obiectul "sisteme de operare" din facultate. Bill Blunden The Rootkit Arsenal: Escape and Evasion: Escape and Evasion in the Dark Corners of the System http://index-of.es/Magazines/hakin9/ Cartea este prin resursele din linkul de mai sus. Descriere amazon: With the growing prevalence of the Internet, rootkit technology has taken center stage in the battle between White Hats and Black Hats. Adopting an approach that favors full disclosure, The Rootkit Arsenal presents the most accessible, timely, and complete coverage of rootkit technology. This book covers more topics, in greater depth, than any other currently available. In doing so, the author forges through the murky back alleys of the Internet, shedding light on material that has traditionally been poorly documented, partially documented, or intentionally undocumented.
    1 point
  5. Te inseala. Gata ai aflat. Cu ce plm te ajuta daca esti 98% sau 100% sigur. Daca vrei musai sa stii roaga-ti un prieten sa ti-o futa si sa filmeze. Ca sa ai dovada concreta.
    1 point
  6. Foarte ciudat, acum vreo doua saptamani intreba o femeie pe aici cum poate afla parola de facebook de la un cont. Cred ca a fost sters postul ei de pe forum. Da-ne link-ul cu profilul ei si vedem ce putem face.
    1 point
  7. http://index-of.es/Magazines/hakin9/
    1 point
  8. Va rog mult trec printro perioada prosta multe certuri cu iubita mea si cred ca imi ascunde ceva .. va rog eu se pote sa i afllu parola . De la facebook daca da va rog ajutatima
    -1 points
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