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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/19 in all areas

  1. https://thehackernews.com/2019/01/apple-facetime-privacy-hack.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheHackersNews+(The+Hackers+News+-+Security+Blog) Start a FaceTime Video call with any iPhone contact. While your call is dialing, swipe up from the bottom of your iPhone screen and tap 'Add Person.' You can add your own phone number in the 'Add Person' screen. This will start a group FaceTime call including yourself and the person you first called, whose audio you will able to listen in even if he/she hasn't accepted the call yet. What's more? It is also being reported that if the person you first called presses the volume down button or the power button to silence or dismiss the call (in case he/she is in a meeting or busy), his/her iPhone camera will also turn on. This will broadcast the video from their iPhone, while their iPhone screen still displays the incoming call screen.
    3 points
  2. Idolatria secolului 21. Venerarea obiectelor. Sufletul bietului ateu tre sa aiba si el ceva. Da-le-n mortii lor de telefoane. Ne ocupam aproape in totalitate memoria cu niste alegeri care nu duc nicaieri. "Cate drumuri, deschise, atatea perspective false" - Parazitii - Concentrati in metropole. Cel mai naspa e ca unii oameni trateaza alti oameni ca pe niste obiecte si pe partea cealalta viseaza ca gadgeturile lor prind viata. S-au dus vremurile cand te jucai cu hc-85 ii dadeai sa sara. Acum iti iei ultimul model de telefon, iar atunci cand apare unul nou te simti ca ultimul sarac de pe planeta. Trebuie o schimbare de perspectiva.
    1 point
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