ma baieti, am intrat cu vpn de China, Japonia, am buchisit pe acolo stirile,
Stirea e pentru prosti, si e veche de prin 2017
mureau toti din emisiunea Asia Express, Pepe, Capatos, Maruta.. cameramani producatori pana acum,
ah.. si toti care va imbracati din Dragonul Rosu (Bucuresti)
Cius, avezi grije
Eu cred ca italienii au vazut brexit-ul, si vor sa adopte o alta strategie. Ei zic ca s-a gasit corona virus deoarece vor sa le plece romanii din italia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// searches code from over a half million public repositories on GitHub. We’re hoping to add more soon…
It searches for the exact string you enter, including any punctuation or other characters. You can also search by regular expression, using the RE2 syntax
Searches For Threat Hunting and Security Analytics
A collection of known log and / or event data searches for threat hunting and detection. They enumerate sets of searches used across many different data pipelines. Implementation details are for ELK. Adama is part of the SpaceCake project which is a set of hunts, searches, alerts, visualizations and data pipelines for for intrusion detection, security analytics and threat hunting using F/OSS (free and open source) tools
git clone
The US Navy has deployed ‘Optical Dazzling Interdictor, Navy,’ a new weapon better referred to as ODIN. This device is defensive in nature — it is designed to take down unwanted and potentially dangerous Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), more commonly called drones. The laser was installed on the USS Dewey, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer.
Naval officials announced the deployment on February 20, explaining that this defensive laser system went from being a concept to a fully installed system in around 2.5 years. This is the first time a standalone system capable of functioning as a ‘dazzler’ has been operationally employed on a destroyer.
ODIN was developed because UAS threats have ‘increased significantly,’ the Navy explains. The laser dazzler was installed on the destroyer back in November, but the US Navy has only revealed its deployment as of February.
The technical details related to ODIN haven’t been revealed publicly for the obvious reason of needing to keep them a secret — if the way the system works are revealed, it could enable the development of new drone technologies that can beat the system.
The USS Dewey will be used to conduct operations and experiments that will help shape the future deployment of this laser dazzler on other ships. This isn’t the first time the US Navy has detailed high-powered laser systems — in early May, for example, officials revealed that the Navy will install the HELIOS laser system from Lockheed Martin on the USS Preble in 2021.