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  1. Dupa parerea mea o sursa de informatii mult mai de incredere decat mass-media: https://9gag.com/gag/a6Ngxwq Cititi comentariile. Sunt pareri ale unor oameni simpli din multe tari.
    2 points
  2. Imi cer scuze nu am stiut ca nu aveai actele la tine...
    1 point
  3. Vorbesc Vulgar, de ce Pula mea te bagi in zeamà si faci offtopic, i-am dat omului alternativa, dai dislike de pe doo conturi Vrei ceva de calitate platesti. VASILE este facut pe 1 ianuarie de sf. Vasile, deoarece nu aveam actele cu mine, cap de plută
    1 point
  4. Baiatu a intrebat de o alternativa mai buna, implicit si gratuita, avand in vedere ca a cerut alternativa la "google translate". Tu vi si ii dai link cu un site in care o firma isi prezinta oferta de servicii de traducere profesionala contra-cost .
    1 point
  5. Poti sa folosesti wordpress cu pluginul woocommerce, iti cauti o tema cu un landing page frumos, si o sa mai ai nevoie de un procesator de plata cu cardul (ex mobilpay, stripe, genome, smart2pay, samd). A doua varianta, cauti un landing page, si ii integrezi tu procesarea de plati cu cardul, ar trebui sa te descurci cu partea de implementare avand in vedere ca majoritatea ofera documentatie pentru chestii de genul.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Btw, acum e momentul de luat bilete de avion, preturi de nimic.
    1 point
  8. Salut. O utilizare interesanta a dispozitivelor SDR mi se pare receptionarea semnalelor ADS B Cei din orasele dotate cu aeroport, pot vedea in timp real pozitia avioanelor din zona si alte informatii despre aparatele de zbor. Semnalul transmis e undeva in zona 1 Ghz
    1 point
  9. RFID Thief v2.0 12 Jul 2018 » all, rfid, tutorial Table of Contents Overview Proxmark 3 Long Range Readers Wiegotcha Raspberry Pi Setup Wiring Raspberry Pi HID iClass R90 HID Indala ASR620 HID MaxiProx 5375 Controller (Optional) Tutorial iClass R90 Indala ASR620 MaxiProx 5375 Components References Overview This post will outline how to build and use long range RFID readers to clone iClass, Indala & Prox cards used for Access Control. Proxmark 3 If you are unfamiliar with the Proxmark 3, it is a general purpose RFID Cloning tool, equipped with a high and low frequency antenna to snoop, listen, clone and emulate RFID cards. There are currently 4 versions of the Proxmark 3, all use the same firmware and software however some have more/less hardware features. Version Picture RDV1 RDV2 RDV3 RDV4 Long Range Readers There are 3 main types of long range readers HID sell, the R90, ASR-620 and MaxiProx 5375. Each reader supports a different type of card: Reader Card Type Picture HID iClass R90 iClass Legacy (13.56 MHz) HID Indala ASR-620 Indala 26bit (125 kHz) HID MaxiProx 5375 ProxCard II (125 kHz) Wiegotcha Wiegotcha is the awesome software for the Raspberry Pi developed by Mike Kelly that improves upon the Tastic RFID Thief in the following areas: Acts as a wireless AP with a simple web page to display captured credentials. Automatically calculates the iClass Block 7 data for cloning. Uses a hardware clock for accurate timestamps. AIO solution, eliminates the need for custom PCB’s and multiple breakout boards. Utilizes an external rechargeable battery. Raspberry Pi Setup This build will make use of the Raspberry Pi 3 to receive the raw Wiegand data from the long range readers and provide an access point to view/save the collected data. MicroSD Card Setup 1. Download and extract Raspbian Stretch. 2. Download ethcher or any disk writer you prefer. 3. Write the Raspbian Strech .img file to the MicroSD card using a USB adapter. 4. Unplug and replug the USB adapter to see ‘boot’ drive. 5. Edit cmdline.txt and add modules-load=dwc2,g_ether after the word rootwait so that so that it looks like this: dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=9cba179a-02 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline fsck.repair=yes rootwait modules-load=dwc2,g_ether quiet init=/usr/lib/raspi-config/init_resize.sh splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles 6. Edit config.txt and append dtoverlay=dwc2 to the end of the file. 7. Create a blank file within the ‘boot’ directory called ssh. Raspberry Pi Configuration 1. Connect the RPi to your local network and ssh to it using the default password raspberry. 2. Run sudo su to become the root user. 3. Clone the Wiegotcha repository to the /root directory. cd /root git clone https://github.com/lixmk/Wiegotcha 4. Run the install script in the Wiegotcha directory. cd Wiegotcha ./install.sh 5. Follow the prompts as requested, the RPi will reboot once completed. Be patient, this process can take some time. 6. After reboot, reconnect to the RPi using ssh and enter the following: sudo su screen -dr install 7. RPi will reboot and the installation is completed. The RPi will now broadcast with the ESSID: Wiegotcha, you can connect to it using the passphrase Wiegotcha. Wiegotcha assigns the static IP to the RPi. Wiring Each reader will require a Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter, this is used to convert the 5v Wiegand output from the readers to the 3.3v RPi GPIOs. For quality of life, I have added JST SM connectors allowing quick interchangeability between the different long range readers. You may choose to add another external controller with switches to power the readers on/off, enable/disable sound or vibration, however this is optional. The following is a general overview of how the components are connected together: RPi GPIO Pins 1,3,5,7,9 -> Hardware RTC RPi to Logic Level Converter GPIO Pin 4 -> LLC HV GPIO Pin 6 -> LLC LV GND GPIO Pin 11 -> LLC LV 1 GPIO Pin 12 -> LLC LV 4 GPIO Pin 17 -> LLC LV Long Range Reader to Logic Level Converter LRR DATA 0 (Green) -> LLC HV 1 LRR DATA 1 (White) -> LLC HV 4 LRR SHIELD -> LLC HV GND Raspberry Pi 1. Connect the Hardware RTC to GPIO pins 1,3,5,7,9. 2. Solder female jumper wires to a male JST SM connector according to the table below and connect to the RPi. RPi JST SM Connector GPIO Pin 4 Blue GPIO Pin 6 Black GPIO Pin 11 Green GPIO Pin 12 White GPIO Pin 17 Red HID iClass R90 1. Join wires from the HID R90 to the logic level converter according to the table below. HID R90 Logic Level Converter P1-6 (DATA 0) HV 1 P1-7 (DATA 1) HV 4 P2-2 (GROUND/SHIELD) HV GND 2. Solder female jumper wires from the logic level converter to a female JST SM connector according to the table below. Logic Level Converter JST SM Connector LV Red LV GND Black LV 1 Green LV 4 White HV Blue 3. Join Positive and Negative cables from the HID R90 to a DC connector/adapter. HID R90 DC Connector/Adapter P2-1 Positive (+) P1-5 Negative (-) HID Indala ASR620 The Indala ASR620 will have a wiring harness from factory that you can utilize, the shield wire is within the harness itself so you need to slice a portion of the harness to expose. 1. Splice and solder wires from the Indala ASR620 to the logic level converter according to the table below. Indala ASR620 Logic Level Converter Green (DATA 0) HV 1 White (DATA 1) HV 4 Shield HV GND 2. Solder female jumper wires from the logic level converter to a female JST SM connector according to the table below. Logic Level Converter JST SM Connector LV Red LV GND Black LV 1 Green LV 4 White HV Blue 3. Join Positive and Negative cables from the Indala ASR620 to a DC connector/adapter. Indala ASR620 DC Connector/Adapter Red Positive (+) Black Negative (-) HID MaxiProx 5375 1. Join wires from MaxiProx 5375 to the logic level converter according to the table below. MaxiProx 5375 Logic Level Converter TB2-1(DATA 0) HV 1 TB2-2 (DATA 1) HV 4 TB1-2 (SHIELD) HV GND 2. Solder female jumper wires from the logic level converter to a female JST SM connector according to the table below. Logic Level Converter JST SM Connector LV Red LV GND Black LV 1 Green LV 4 White HV Blue 3. Join Positive and Negative cables from the MaxiProx 5375 to a DC connector/adapter. MaxiProx 5375 DC Connector/Adapter TB1-1 Positive (+) TB1-3 Negative (-) Controller Hearing a loud beep from your backpack when you intercept a card is probably not good, to avoid this, I made a makeshift controller, to easily power on/off and switch between sound or vibration or both. Each long range reader contains a sound buzzer either soldered or wired to the board, you can de-solder and replace this with extended wires to the controller. Within the makeshift controller you can splice/solder a sound buzzer (reuse the readers), vibrating mini motor disc, switches and a voltage display. Reader Sound buzzer Location HID iClass R90 HID MaxiProx 5375 HID Indala ASR-620 N/A - External Tutorial This section will show you how to clone the intercepted cards from the long range readers using the Proxmark 3. iClass R90 iClass legacy cards are encrypted using a master authentication key and TDES keys. The master authentication key allows you to read and write the encrypted blocks of the card however you will require the TDES keys to encrypt or decrypt each block. You can find the master authentication key in my Proxmark 3 Cheat Sheet post & step 6 of this tutorial. The TDES keys are not publicly available, you will have to source them yourself using the Heart of Darkness paper. The R90 will read the card, decrypt it and send the Wiegand data to Wiegotcha. 1. Assemble/Power on the components and connect to the RPi Access Point Wiegotcha. 2. Navigate to via browser. 3. Place/Intercept a iClass Legacy card on the long range reader. 4. Copy the data from the Block 7 column into clipboard. 5. Encrypt the Block 7 data using the Proxmark 3. # Connect to the Proxmark 3 ./proxmark3 /dev/ttyACM0 # Encrypt Block 7 data hf iclass encryptblk 0000000b2aa3dd88 6. Write the encrypted Block 7 data to a writable iClass card. hf iclass writeblk b 07 d 26971075da43c659 k AFA785A7DAB33378 7. Done! if it all worked correctly, your cloned card will have the same Block 7 data as the original. You can confirm with the following: hf iclass dump k AFA785A7DAB33378 Indala ASR620 1. Assemble/Power on the components and connect to the RPi Access Point Wiegotcha. 2. Navigate to via browser. 3. Place/Intercept a Indala card on the long range reader. MaxiProx 5375 1. Assemble/Power on the components and connect to the RPi Access Point Wiegotcha. 2. Navigate to via browser. 3. Place/Intercept a ProxCard II card on the long range reader. 4. Copy the data from the Proxmark Hex column into clipboard. 5. Clone the Proxmark Hex data to a T5577 card using the Proxmark 3. # Connect to the Proxmark 3 ./proxmark3 /dev/ttyACM0 # Clone Proxmark Hex data lf hid clone 2004060a73 7. Done! if it all worked correctly, your cloned card will have the same Proxmark Hex, FC & SC data as the original. You can confirm with the following: lf search Components Most of the components can be found cheaply on eBay or your local electronics store, the most expensive components are the long range readers and the Proxmark 3. Raspberry Pi 3 Proxmark 3 RDV2 12v USB Power Bank HID iClass R90 HID Indala ASR-620 HID MaxiProx 5375 Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter DS3231 RTC Real Time Clock Vibrating Mini Motor Disc 32GB MicroSD Card JST SM 5 Pin Connectors JST SM 4 Pin Connectors References Official Proxmark 3 Repository Official Proxmark 3 Forums Mike Kelly’s Blog Wiegotcha Github Tastic RFID Thief Share this on → Sursa: https://scund00r.com/all/rfid/tutorial/2018/07/12/rfid-theif-v2.html
    1 point
  10. Ca tot e legat de subiectul asta si poate ajuta pe cineva: https://forensics.spreitzenbarth.de/2012/02/28/cracking-pin-and-password-locks-on-android/
    1 point
  11. Acum mi-a venit in minte, ceva mai usor, drag & drop poti folosi si shopify, oberlo si ce platforme mai sunt , doar ca platesti lunar
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  13. Salut, si eu am comandat un laptop de la voi si a venit instalat cu ubuntu, cand l-am pornit s-a logat automat pe cont... M-am uitat in history si ultima logare era cu 24 de ore inaintea mea. Am dat mailuri si am sunat degeaba, nu imi spunea nimeni parola de la root pe laptopul meu...
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  14. Sa se faca dreptate, hotilor!
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  15. Niste tepari ordinari. Am cumparat un laptop lenovo ce teoretic trebuia sa suporte 16 gb ram ( https://i.imgur.com/VT2afiK.png ). Pun frumos placuta de 16gb, bluescreen. Deschid ticket, imi spun sa trimit produsul in garantie la Depanero, ceea ce si fac ( https://i.imgur.com/pjxrbRp.png ). La ticket mi-au raspuns dupa 2 luni si mi-au spus ca sunt nefericitul posesor unui laptop cu maximum 8gb de ram pentru ca nu se mai poate face retur (am depasit termenul de 14 zile). Iti urez faliment rapid, Tiberiu Pop (si multa muie)
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