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  1. Ba da tu te-ai gandit sa faci bani muncind? De cand sunt pe forumu asta numai cu cacaturi d-astea umbli. Ce ai in capu' ala?
    3 points
  2. Salut, Din moment ce primavara nu sunt multe conferinte, am decis ca ar fi o perioada ideala pentru RST Con #2. Conferinta va fi online, gratuita si in limba romana. Detalii: https://rstcon.com/ Date conferinta: 17-18 martie 2022 (joi si vineri) Events: Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/events/rstcon-26894664423269556224/about/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/312925840851762/ Inregistrare (Zoom): - Prima zi (17 martie): https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/7716432416217/WN_ihd6n-QbT9SmhUFEEiOouw - A doua zi (18 martie): https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/8216433285169/WN_FvmdS_d2SJSo-OJpFaNRMA Call for papers: https://rstcon.com/call-for-papers/ CTF: https://rstcon.com/ctf/ Lucrez in continuare la lucrurile necesare (e.g. platforma CTF). Thanks!
    2 points
  3. Sunt standarde internationale publice pentru a exista o interoperabilitate intre diversi vendori dar si din alte motive deci improbabil sa fie vreo portita gasita deoarece formatul e bine cunoscut si stabilit. Mai sus sunt cateva lead-uri utile de exemplu TAC prin care afli detalii despre telefon. Mai poti gasi info pe wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Mobile_Equipment_Identity care te duce catre un standard(pentru detalii) https://portal.3gpp.org/desktopmodules/Specifications/SpecificationDetails.aspx?specificationId=729 iar pe acolo poti gasi alte date despre formatul unui IMEI + altele
    2 points
  4. Resources-for-Beginner-Bug-Bounty-Hunters Intro There are a number of new hackers joining the community on a regular basis and more than often the first thing they ask is "How do I get started and what are some good resources?". As a hacker, there a ton of techniques, terminologies, and topics you need to familiarize yourself with to understand how an application works. Cody Brocious (@daeken), @0xAshFox, and I put these resources together in order to help new hackers with resources to learn the basics of Web Application Security. We understand that there are more resources other than the ones we have listed and we hope to cover more resources in the near future! Current Version: 2020.05 Changelog: See what's new! 📣 Table of Contents Basics Setup Tools Labs & Testing Environments Vulnerability Types Mobile Hacking Smart Contracts Coding & Scripting Hardware & IoT Blog posts & Talks Media Resources Certifications Mindset & Mental Health If you have more questions or suggestions, come the Discord Server of nahamsec ! Sursa: https://github.com/nahamsec/Resources-for-Beginner-Bug-Bounty-Hunters
    1 point
  5. Salut, RST Con #2 va avea loc in zilele de 16-17 martie 2022. In aceeasi perioada va avea loc si RST Con CTF #2. Astfel, persoanele interesate de createa unui exercitiu pentru CTF sunt rugate sa ma contacteze prin mesaj privat sau la contact@rstcon.com Exercitiile pot fi de orice nivel si pot acoperi orice ramura a "security"-ului. Daca sunt necesare VPS-uri le veti primi cu ceva timp inainte de CTF. Intre timp voi lucra la https://rstcon.com , platforma CTF si alte lucruri necesare. De asemenea, vrem sa oferim ca si anul trecut premii castigatorilor. Daca exista persoane care pot dona pentru CTF, astept sa ma contactati. Daca aveti intrebari sau sugestii, le astept aici. Thanks!
    1 point
  6. Ce crezi ca poti sa castigi dintr-un agregator de numere de lotto din alta tara? Ce vezi sa fie monetizat la site-ul asta? Asta arata ca un proiect pentru liceu/facultate/licenta hostat pe un shared hosting. Autorul/autoarea probabil are si alte site-uri si il tine si pe asta ca amintire.
    1 point
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