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  1. Isi facea si omul un backlink cinstit. Backlinkul neprins e negustor cinstit. :)))))
    2 points
  2. 35,000 code repos not hacked—but clones flood GitHub to serve malware By Ax Sharma August 3, 2022 Thousands of GitHub repositories were forked (copied) with their clones altered to include malware, a software engineer discovered today. While cloning open source repositories is a common development practice and even encouraged among developers, this case involves threat actors creating copies of legitimate projects but tainting these with malicious code to target unsuspecting developers with their malicious clones. GitHub has purged most of the malicious repositories after receiving the engineer's report. 35,000 GitHub projects not hijacked Today, software developer Stephen Lacy left everyone baffled when he claimed having discovered a "widespread malware attack" on GitHub affecting some 35,000 software repositories. Contrary to what the original tweet seems to suggest, however, "35,000 projects" on GitHub have not been affected or compromised in any manner. Rather, the thousands of backdoored projects are copies (forks or clones) of legitimate projects purportedly made by threat actors to push malware. Official projects like crypto, golang, python, js, bash, docker, k8s, remain unaffected. But, that is not to say, the finding is unimportant, as explained in the following sections. Software engineer Stephen Lacy first publicized the finding (Twitter) While reviewing an open source project Lacy had "found off a google search," the engineer noticed the following URL in the code that he shared on Twitter: hxxp://ovz1.j19544519.pr46m.vps.myjino[.]ru BleepingComputer, like many, observed that when searching GitHub for this URL, there were 35,000+ search results showing files containing the malicious URL. Therefore, the figure represents the number of suspicious files rather than infected repositories: GitHub search results for malicious URL reveal over 35,000 files (BleepingComputer) We further discovered, out of the 35,788 code results, more than 13,000 search results were from a single repository called 'redhat-operator-ecosystem.' This repository, seen by BleepingComputer this morning, appears to have now been removed from GitHub, and shows a 404 (Not Found) error. The engineer has since issued corrections and clarifications [1, 2] to his original tweet. Malicious clones equip attackers with remote access Developer James Tucker pointed out that cloned repositories containing the malicious URL not only exfiltrated a user's environment variables but additionally contained a one-line backdoor. Cloned repositories altered with malware contain backdoor (BleepingComputer) Exfiltration of environment variables by itself can provide threat actors with vital secrets such as your API keys, tokens, Amazon AWS credentials, and crypto keys, where applicable. But, the single-line instruction (line 241 above) further allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on systems of all those who install and run these malicious clones. Unclear timeline As far as the timeline of this activity goes, we observed deviating results. The vast majority of forked repositories were altered with the malicious code sometime within the last month—with results ranging from six to thirteen days to twenty days ago. However, we did observe some repositories with malicious commits dated as far back as 2015. Malicious commit made 13 days ago in one of the clones (BleepingComputer) The most recent commits containing the malicious URL made to GitHub today are mostly from defenders, including threat intel analyst Florian Roth who has provided Sigma rules for detecting the malicious code in your environment. Ironically, some GitHub users began erroneously reporting Sigma's GitHub repo, maintained by Roth, as malicious on seeing the presence of malicious strings (for use by defenders) inside Sigma rules. GitHub has removed the malicious clones from its platform as of a few hours ago, BleepingComputer can observe. As a best practice, remember to consume software from the official project repos and watch out for potential typosquats or repository forks/clones that may appear identical to the original project but hide malware. This can become more difficult to spot as cloned repositories may continue to retain code commits with usernames and email addresses of the original authors, giving off a misleading impression that even newer commits were made by the original project authors. Open source code commits signed with GPG keys of authentic project authors are one way of verifying the authenticity of code. Sursa: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/35-000-code-repos-not-hacked-but-clones-flood-github-to-serve-malware/
    1 point
  3. Cat de multe optiuni, posibilitati si cat de greu ar fi in a creea una sau mai multe surse de venit pasiv in domeniul de securitate cibernetica, in comparatie cu alte domenii (e.g programare) ?
    1 point
  4. Trebuie sa gasesti ceva ce poate sa genereze venit pasiv si sa-l implementezi la nivel de securitate cibernetica, de exemplu bloguri/vloguri/social media in care sa integrezi reclame sau vanzare de aplicatii/cursuri (sau sa fii intermediar sau reseller pentru Romania pentru companii mari). Greu nu e, dar trebuie sa-ti dedici timp sa gasesti ceva ce nu e supra exploatat pe piata din Romania sau pe piata pe care vrei sa o targetezi.
    1 point
  5. Leave it to mathematicians to muck up what looked like an impressive new algorithm. In the US government's ongoing campaign to protect data in the age of quantum computers, a new and powerful attack that used a single traditional computer to completely break a fourth-round candidate highlights the risks involved in standardizing the next generation of encryption algorithms. Last month, the US Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST, selected four post-quantum computing encryption algorithms to replace algorithms like RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman, which are unable to withstand attacks from a quantum computer. In the same move, NIST advanced four additional algorithms as potential replacements pending further testing in hopes one or more of them may also be suitable encryption alternatives in a post-quantum world. The new attack breaks SIKE, which is one of the latter four additional algorithms. The attack has no impact on the four PQC algorithms selected by NIST as approved standards, all of which rely on completely different mathematical techniques than SIKE. Getting totally SIKEd SIKE—short for Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation—is now likely out of the running thanks to research that was published over the weekend by researchers from the Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography group at KU Leuven. The paper, titled An Efficient Key Recovery Attack on SIDH (Preliminary Version), described a technique that uses complex mathematics and a single traditional PC to recover the encryption keys protecting the SIKE-protected transactions. The entire process requires only about an hour’s time. The feat makes the researchers, Wouter Castryck and Thomas Decru eligible for a $50,000 reward from NIST. The advent of public key encryption in the 1970s was a major breakthrough because it allowed parties who had never met to securely trade encrypted material that couldn’t be broken by an adversary. Public key encryption relies on asymmetric keys, with one private key used to decrypt messages and a separate public key for encrypting. Users make their public key widely available. As long as their private key remains secret, the scheme remains secure. In practice, public key cryptography can often be unwieldy, so many systems rely on key encapsulation mechanisms, which allow parties who have never met before to jointly agree on a symmetric key over a public medium such as the Internet. In contrast to symmetric-key algorithms, key encapsulation mechanisms in use today are easily broken by quantum computers. SIKE, before the new attack, was thought to avoid such vulnerabilities by using a complex mathematical construction known as a supersingular isogeny graph. The cornerstone of SIKE is a protocol called SIDH, short for Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman. The research paper published over the weekend shows how SIDH is vulnerable to a theorem known as “glue-and-split” developed by mathematician Ernst Kani in 1997, as well as tools devised by fellow mathematicians Everett W. Howe, Franck Leprévost, and Bjorn Poonen in 2000. The new technique builds on what’s known as the “GPST adaptive attack,” described in a 2016 paper. The math behind the latest attack is guaranteed to be impenetrable to most non-mathematicians. Here’s about as close as you’re going to get: “The attack exploits the fact that SIDH has auxiliary points and that the degree of the secret isogeny is known,” Steven Galbraith, a University of Auckland mathematics professor and the “G” in the GPST adaptive attack, explained in a short writeup on the new attack. “The auxiliary points in SIDH have always been an annoyance and a potential weakness, and they have been exploited for fault attacks, the GPST adaptive attack, torsion point attacks, etc. He continued: Let E_0 be the base curve and let P_0, Q_0 \in E_0 have order 2^a. Let E, P, Q be given such that there exists an isogeny \phi of degree 3^b with \phi : E_0 \to E, \phi(P_0) = P, and \phi(Q_0) = Q. A key aspect of SIDH is that one does not compute \phi directly, but as a composition of isogenies of degree 3. In other words, there is a sequence of curves E_0 \to E_1 \to E_2 \to \cdots \to E connected by 3-isogenies. Essentially, like in GPST, the attack determines the intermediate curves E_i and hence eventually determines the private key. At step i the attack does a brute-force search of all possible E_i \to E_{i+1}, and the magic ingredient is a gadget that shows which one is correct. (The above is over-simplified, the isogenies E_i \to E_{i+1} in the attack are not of degree 3 but of degree a small power of 3.) More important than understanding the math, Jonathan Katz, an IEEE Member and professor in the department of computer science at the University of Maryland, wrote in an email: “the attack is entirely classical, and does not require quantum computers at all.” Lessons learned SIKE is the second NIST-designated PQC candidate to be invalidated this year. In February, IBM post-doc researcher Ward Beullens published research that broke Rainbow, a cryptographic signature scheme with its security, according to Cryptomathic, “relying on the hardness of the problem of solving a large system of multivariate quadratic equations over a finite field.” NIST’s PQC replacement campaign has been running for five years. Here’s a brief history: 1st round (2017)—69 candidates 2nd round (2019)—26 surviving candidates 3rd round (2020)—7 finalists, 8 alternates 4th round (2022)—3 finalists and 1 alternate selected as standards. SIKE and three additional alternates advanced to a fourth round. Rainbow fell during Round 3. SIKE had made it until Round 4. Katz continued: I asked Jao, the SIKE co-inventor, why the weakness had come to light only now, in a relatively later stage of its development. His answer was insightful. He said: The version of SIKE submitted to NIST used a single step to generate the key. A possible variant of SIKE could be constructed to take two steps. Jao said that it’s possible that this latter variant might not be susceptible to the math causing this breakage. For now, though, SIKE is dead, at least in the current running. The schedule for the remaining three candidates is currently unknown. Source: arstechnica.com
    1 point
  6. FGM de spamer cu reclama ma-tii, ai 2 posturi facute la kktu ala de site. @gigiRoman ii poti edita linkurile?
    1 point
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