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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/16 in all areas

  1. In this Reverse Engineering and Exploit Development training course, expert author Philip Polstra will teach you about common software vulnerabilities and how to find them, as well as how the vulnerabilities differ between various operating systems. This course is designed for beginners who are looking to get started in security, penetration testing, and reverse engineering. You will start by learning about reversing compiled Windows applications, including using fuzzing, stack overflows, and heap overflows. From there, Philip will teach you how to reverse compiled OS X, Linux, and Android applications. This video tutorial also covers how to find other vulnerabilities, including website and database vulnerabilities. Finally, you will learn about simple exploits, web exploitation, and ARM exploitation. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of finding vulnerabilities and developing exploits for them. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. https://yadi.sk/d/e4JEUKNfg3oUv sursa: https://forum.reverse4you.org/showthread.php?t=1997
    2 points
  2. L-am incercat ,daca captura e foarte mare nu merge convertita pe site. Recomand wpaclean inainte pentru a curata fisierul cap , indiferent ce tool se foloseste pentru a face bruteforce cu cat captura e mai mare cu atat mai greu e de procesat. Pentru a converti CAP in HCCAP se poate folosi aircrack-ng , "aircrack-ng -J DESTINATIE_HCCAP LOCATIE_CAP".
    1 point
  3. Folositi hashcat in loc de aircrack-ng pentru dictionary atack e mult mai puternic. Trebuie doar convertita captura din cap in hccap.
    1 point
  4. ce arata aici e man-in-the middle attack si ala se face dupa ce sa gasit parola, ( pestru ca arata ca are parola) cand faci man-in-the middle attack poti captura orice parola de la orice site pentru ca conexiunile trec prin pc'ul tau si dupa ajung la servere. Daca zici ca e de la SKY svimbati mac address'ul si conecteazate direct la situl de la router 99% din persoane nu schimba DEFAULT LOGIN si acolo ai tot ce vrei
    -1 points
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