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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/20 in Posts

  1. The Encryptor Challenge-ul începe cu 2 fișiere: un executabil TheEncryptor.exe și un fișier binar encrypted.bin. Am început prin a rula executabilul, dintr-o consolă PowerShell, pentru a observa ce output generează. PS D:\tmp\ctf_rstcon_2020\reversing\the_encryptor> .\TheEncryptor.exe Enter a filename as an argument! PS D:\tmp\ctf_rstcon_2020\reversing\the_encryptor> .\TheEncryptor.exe .\dummy.txt TheEncryptor will begin encripting the file to "encrypted.bin"... Key generated: 2020-11-27-05 The source plaintext file, .\dummy.txt, is open. The destination file, encrypted.bin, is open. A cryptographic provider has been acquired. An md5 hash object has been created. The password has been added to the hash. An encryption key is derived from the password hash. Memory has been allocated for the buffer. File encrypted successfully! PS D:\tmp\ctf_rstcon_2020\reversing\the_encryptor> Observații: necesită un parametru - o cale către un fișier ce urmează a fi cryptat. întotdeauna scrie în fișierul encrypted.bin - ceea ce poate fi o problemă Pare să folosească o parolă bazată pe data curentă (YYYY-MM-DD-dayofweek); aceasta este „trecută” prin MD5, iar din acest hash este derivată cheia de criptare A urmat o perioada de analiză în x64dbg și Ghidra. Aici am pierdut o grămadă de vreme datorită unui comportament ciudat: dacă input-ul (conținutul fișierului de intrare) este un singur caracter, output-ul este de de 129 bytes. Dacă are cineva idee de ce... Metodologia mea de testare De asemenea nu a ajutat cu nimic că în timpul testelor am uitat să salvez după ce am modificat conținutul fișierului dummy.txt. În ciuda acestor greșeli, am determinat parametrii apelurilor către funcțiile criptografice ca fiind: CryptAcquireContextA ( &hProvider, NULL, MS_ENHANCED_PROV /* = "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0" */, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT | CRYPT_NEWKEYSET ); CryptCreateHash ( hProvider, CALG_MD5, NULL, 0, &hHash ); CryptHashData ( hHash, &bData, dwDataLen, 0 ); CryptDeriveKey ( hProvider, CALG_RC4, hHash, 0x00800000 /* keyLen<<16 | dwFlags = 128 << 16 | 0 */, &hKey ); CryptEncrypt ( hKey, NULL, TRUE, 0, &bData, &dwDataLen, 1008 ) De aici avem aproape toate datele necesare pentru a decripta fișierul. Mai puțin parola. Așa că am scris un mic script python pentru a face bruteforce.
    4 points
  2. Lasand la o parte teoriile acelea retardate pe care doar analfabetii le pot crede cu chip-uri si mai stiu eu ce, in general vorbind, cred ca de fiecare data cand a aparut o noua tehnologie au aparut astfel de teorii. Am cautat intamplator pe Google si se pare ca 3G era periculos pentru sanatate (cum se zice acum referitor la 5G): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-198250/3G-mobile-masts-health-risk.html Am auzit acelasi lucru referitor la 4G de asemenea. Cat despre vaccinuri eu nu prea am mai auzit mizeria legata de faptul ca "provoaca autism". Autorul unui studiu fals referitor acest lucru a recunoscut ca a fost platit pentru a-l scrie (de parinti ai unor copii) si e posibil sa fi fost si inchis. Acum e la moda cu chip-urile. Are cineva idee de unde vine asta? Partea amuzanta e ca cei care cred asta sunt tocmai acele persoane care fac umbra pamantului degeaba, cu o inteligenta mult sub medie si fara prea multe realizari in viata. Se pare ca tocmai ei cred ca "marile interese" vor sa ii controleze. Ce sa faca cu ei? Nu stiu, sa ii puna la sapa. Dar pentru asta sunt de ajuns 10E pe zi, nu o tehnologie care nu va exista prea curand.
    2 points
  3. https://imgur.com/a/jPimTmx
    2 points
  4. Nu am folosit, dar poate te ajuta asta https://www.tme.eu/ro/details/qh-4pin-2.54ph/cabluri-si-adaptoare-usb/ cred ca i-ar fi mai usor clientului sa conecteze asta, decat o mufa crocodil.mi se pare mai user friendly Poti comanda de pe tme, comenzile vin destul de repede (mie mi-a venit comanda in 2-3 zile)
    1 point
  5. Sistemele și aplicațiile informatice care vor fi utilizate la alegerile parlamentare, dezvoltate de Serviciul de Telecomunicații Speciale (STS), au implementată tehnologia blockchain, o soluție „complementară de ultimă generație” care „garantează integritatea și consolidează transparența și trasabilitatea procesului electoral”, potrivit unui comunicat de presă al STS. Soluția tehnologică modernă blockchain nu permite modificarea sau alterarea datelor înregistrate pe parcursul procesului electoral, nici măcar de către administratorii acestora, asigurând integritatea și transparența acestora, potrivit sursei citate. Atât datele din SIMPV, cât și datele din SICPV vor putea fi verificate pe site-ul web dedicat – https://voting.roaep.ro , în care vor fi prezentate, în timp real, informațiile înregistrate și detaliile acestora. Sursa: https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-24446657-tehnologia-blockchain-implementata-sts-sistemele-informatice-utilizate-alegerile-parlamentare-orice-eventuala-modificare-informatiei-genereaza-noua-amprenta-care-face-schimbarea-vizibila.htm
    1 point
  6. "Life Won't Ever Be Completely Normal Again" - Renowned Infection/Immunity Expert Warns COVID Is Not Going Away and Could Be Around for 'Rest of Our Lives' "A Horrifying Future" - WEF's Vision For A Post-COVID World The World Economic Forum (WEF) has just published (October 2020) a so-called White Paper, entitled “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda – in a Post-Covid World”. This 31-page document reads like a blueprint on how to “execute” – because an execution (or implementation) would be – “Covid-19 – The Great Reset” (July 2020), by Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO (since the foundation of the WEF in 1974) and his associate Thierry Malleret. They call “Resetting the Future” a White Paper, meaning it’s not quite a final version. It is a draft of sorts, a trial balloon, to measure people’s reactions. It reads indeed like an executioner’s tale. Many people may not read it – have no awareness of its existence. If they did, they would go up in arms and fight this latest totalitarian blueprint, offered to the world by the WEF. It promises a horrifying future to some 80%-plus of the (surviving) population. George Orwell’s “1984” reads like a benign fantasy, as compared to what the WEF has in mind for humanity. The time frame is ten years – by 2030 – the UN agenda 2021 – 2030 should be implemented. Planned business measures in response to COVID-19: An acceleration of digitized work processes, leading to 84% of all work processes as digital, or virtual / video conferences. Some 83% of people are planned to work remotely – i.e. no more interaction between colleagues – absolute social distancing, separation of humanity from the human contact. About 50% of all tasks are planned to be automated – in other words, human input will be drastically diminished, even while remote working. Accelerate the digitization of upskilling / reskilling (e.g. education technology providers) – 42% of skill upgrading or training for new skills will be digitized, in other words, no human contact – all on computer, Artificial Intelligence (AI), algorithms. Accelerate the implementation of upskilling / reskilling programs – 35% of skills are planned to be “re-tooled” – i.e. existing skills are planned to be abandoned – declared defunct. Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) – 34% of current organizational set-ups are planned to be “restructured’ – or, in other words, existing organizational structures will be declared obsolete – to make space for new sets of organizational frameworks, digital structures that provide utmost control over all activities. Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks – this is expected to touch 30% of the work force. That also means completely different pay-scales – most probably unlivable wages, which would make the also planned “universal basic salary” or “basic income” – a wage that allows you barely to survive, an obvious need. – But it would make you totally dependent on the system – a digital system, where you have no control whatsoever. Temporarily reduce workforce – this is projected as affecting 28% of the population. It is an additional unemployment figure, in disguise, as the “temporarily” will never come back to full-time. Permanently reduce workforce – 13% permanently reduced workforce. Temporarily increase workforce – 5% – there is no reference to what type of workforce – probably unskilled labor that sooner or later will also be replaced by automation, by AI and robotization of the workplace. No specific measures implemented – 4% – does that mean, a mere 4% will remain untouched? From the algorithm and AI-directed new work places? – as small and insignificant as the figure is, it sounds like “wishful thinking”, never to be accomplished. Permanently increase workforce – a mere 1% is projected as “permanently increased workforce”. This is of course not even cosmetics. It is a joke. This is the what is being put forth, namely the concrete process of implementing The Great Reset. So, you would own nothing – and be happy. Because all your necessities will be provided for. Also, it should not occur to you to disagree with the system, because – by now each one of you has been covid-vaccinated and nano-chipped – so that with 5G and soon to come 6G, your mind can be read and influenced. Please do not call this a conspiracy theory. It is a White Paper, an “authoritative report” by the WEF. DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is part of the Pentagon –and has years ago developed the technology. It is just a matter of time to implement it. And Implemented it will be, if We, The People, do not protest — Massive Civil Disobedience is of the order – and that rather sooner than later. The more we wait with action, the more we sleepwalk into this absolute human disaster. What The COVID Vaccine Hype Fails To Mention Pfizer recently announced that its covid vaccine was more than 90 percent “effective” at preventing covid-19. Shortly after this announcement, Moderna announced that its covid vaccine was 94.5 percent “effective” at preventing covid-19. Unlike the flu vaccine, which is one shot, both covid vaccines require two shots given three to four weeks apart. Hidden toward the end of both announcements, were the definitions of “effective.” Both trials have a treatment group that received the vaccine and a control group that did not. All the trial subjects were covid negative prior to the start of the trial. The analysis for both trials was performed when a target number of “cases” were reached. “Cases” were defined by positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. There was no information about the cycle number for the PCR tests. There was no information about whether the “cases” had symptoms or not. There was no information about hospitalizations or deaths. The Pfizer study had 43,538 participants and was analyzed after 164 cases. So, roughly 150 out 21,750 participants (less than 0.7 percent) became PCR positive in the control group and about one-tenth that number in the vaccine group became PCR positive. The Moderna trial had 30,000 participants. There were 95 “cases” in the 15,000 control participants (about 0.6 percent) and 5 “cases” in the 15,000 vaccine participants (about one-twentieth of 0.6 percent). The “efficacy” figures quoted in these announcements are odds ratios. There is no evidence, yet, that the vaccine prevented any hospitalizations or any deaths. The Moderna announcement claimed that eleven cases in the control group were “severe” disease, but “severe” was not defined. If there were any hospitalizations or deaths in either group, the public has not been told. When the risks of an event are small, odds ratios can be misleading about absolute risk. A more meaningful measure of efficacy would be the number to vaccinate to prevent one hospitalization or one death. Those numbers are not available. An estimate of the number to treat from the Moderna trial to prevent a single “case” would be fifteen thousand vaccinations to prevent ninety “cases” or 167 vaccinations per “case” prevented which does not sound nearly as good as 94.5 percent effective. The publicists working for pharmaceutical companies are very smart people. If there were a reduction in mortality from these vaccines, that information would be in the first paragraph of the announcement. There is no information about how long any protective benefit from the vaccine would persist. Antibody response following covid-19 appears to be short lived. Based on what we know, the covid vaccine may require two shots every three to six months to be protective. The more shots required, the greater the risk of side effects from sensitization to the vaccine. There is no information about safety. None. Government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) appear to have two completely different standards for attributing deaths to covid-19 and attributing side effects to covid vaccines. If these vaccines are approved, as they likely will be, the first group to be vaccinated will be the beta testers. I am employed by a university-based medical center that is a referral center for the West Texas region. My colleagues include resident physicians and faculty physicians who work with covid patients on a daily basis. I have asked a number of my colleagues whether they will be first in line for the new vaccine. I have yet to hear any of my colleagues respond affirmatively. The reasons for hesitancy are that the uncertainties about safety exceed what they perceive to be a small benefit. In other words, my colleagues would prefer to take their chances with covid rather than beta test the vaccine. Many of my colleagues want to see the safety data after a year of use before getting vaccinated; these colleagues are concerned about possible autoimmune side effects that may not appear for months after vaccination. https://mises.org/wire/what-covid-vaccine-hype-fails-mention
    0 points
  7. Vaccinul rusesc abia acum e la faza a III-a a testarii. Pfizer/BioNTech au trecut de aceasta faza cand au facut anuntul. E posibil sa fie functionale si vaccinurile chinezesti sau rusesti, problema cu ele e lipsa transparentei, dupa cum ai spus dar si numarul mic de teste efectuate. Desi si sunt complet pro-vaccinare, nici eu nu sunt de acord cu obligativitatea vaccinarii iar singurul motiv il reprezinta numarul mic de teste efectuate. Dar eu unul tot m-as vaccina si as face-o pe Zoom. Nu inteleg ce cifre se bat cap in cap. Nu am citit acel post lung plin de mizerii pentru ca nu voiam sa ma dau cu capul de pereti. Uitati mai jos un text, sa vedem daca il dati mai departe cum dati celelalte mizerii: "Un hacker cunoscut sub pseudoniul de @black_death_c4t a obtinut acces la servere Pfizer si a reusit sa decripteze genomul noului vaccin. Acesta a publicat analiza bio-moleculara a vaccinului pe platforma sa preferata de socializare, PornHub, unde datele sunt inca disponibile. Se pare ca vaccinul contine o substanta necunoscuta pe planeta si singura explicatie o reprezinta faptul ca acest vaccin este conceput de catre extraterestri pentru a prelua controlul omenirii. Cercetatorul doctorand in medicina genetica, doctorand in virusologie, @Nytro, a declarat ca a analizat rezultatele si ca de fapt hackerul era fumat si doar se uita la filme porno. Michael Jackson, medic primar la Universitatea din Kentuky alaturi de Colonelul Sanders au mentionat faptul ca numerele publicate nu sunt reale si ca sursa deceselor o reprezinta omenirea care foloseste prea mult sos de usturoi". Plm, gasiti un text cu niste nume "straine" si alte cacaturi fara logica si il luati de bun.
    0 points
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