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Everything posted by carder

  1. interesant HF, se pastreaza nivelul de retardism la un asa nivel ridicat de catre feds,incat e foarte usor ca sa-i prinda pe cei care se ocupa cu rahaturi
  2. e timpul sa luati carti despre boli psihice de la biblioteca
  3. ma inviti la tine?diuta poate sa priveasca
  4. Cops: Teen Had Loaded Revolver In Her Vagina APRIL 22--A 19-year-old Tennessee woman had a loaded handgun hidden in her vagina when she was brought into jail yesterday afternoon following a collar for driving with a suspended license, police report. As Dallas Archer was being booked into the Kingsport jail, a female corrections officer alerted to an “unknown object” in the teenager’s crotch during a search. The jailer and a female cop then accompanied Archer to a bathroom for further examination, a review that led to the recovery of a “North American Arms 22 LR revolver (loaded) which Ms. Dallas had concealed in her vagina,” according to a Kingsport Police Department report. A subsequent check revealed that the five-shot mini-revolver--which is four inches in length--had been “stolen from an auto burglary in 2013.” The handgun, which police valued at $250, is owned by John Souther, a 70-year-old retired car salesman. In a TSG interview, Souther said that the gun was taken from his 1994 Mustang, which was “ransacked” last year while parked in his Kingsport carport. Souther said that police told him that the revolver had been recovered, but offered no further details. When told where the gun had been stashed, Souther said, “Oh, gosh.” He noted that he would eventually like “the little fellow” returned, but added that the weapon would require “a bath in bleach.” News of the weapon in Archer’s vagina was first reported by the Kingsport Times-News. Archer, seen in the above mug shot, was charged with gun possession and introducing contraband into a penal facility. According to a jail official, Archer was released from custody after posting $6000 bond. Something like this has, of course, happened before Woman Who Hid Gun In Vagina Gets 25 Years | The Smoking Gun . And before Cops: Perp Had Loaded Derringer Stashed In Butt | The Smoking Gun . SEPTEMBER 3--A man had a loaded firearm hidden inside his rectum when he was booked into an Oklahoma jail this weekend, police report. Arrested on a minor charge Sunday morning, Mark Gregory Valadez was transported to an Oklahoma City jail, where he was only subjected to a pat-down search (and not made to go through a metal detector). As a result of the lax screening, investigators allege, Valadez, 33, got into the lockup with a Derringer pistol inside his body cavity. The concealed weapon, which contained a single round, is seen in an Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office evidence photo. Investigators learned that Valadez, who lives in Wichita, Kansas, was carrying after he blabbed to other inmates that he had smuggled a weapon into the jail. A cavity search of Valadez early yesterday morning--about 16 hours after he was incarcerated--yielded the loaded gun. The discovery also resulted in the filing of a felony charge accusing Valadez, seen in the above mug shot, of possessing contraband in a penal institution.
  5. ^in concluzie ii transmiti lui tactu' sa-ti pastreze bani pt o "vacanta" prelungita
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  7. omule te comporti ca o femeie care a fost inselata si nu si-a revenit din soc,nu esti prima nici ultima,get over it .e o lume fututa fii barbat nu te boci pe toate forumurile
  8. carder


    we love you tinky :x test me anywhere you want
  9. da cu @Matt ce-ati avut?!
  10. cum sa nu poti sa editezi posturile?! s-ar repeta ce fac pe facebook cand sunt bat:le fac tarfe pe toate prietenele si dau share la un striptease bineinteles dimineata la prima ora ma grabesc sa editez,sterg pana mea
  11. carder

    Ca ce lucrezi?

    mai lucreaza cineva?!calculatoarele altora lucreaza pt mine and cash flowing baby/la vida moka:D
  12. carder

    pis dei

    la multi ani bitches!parca erau cateva pe forum,sa fim politicosi totusi:P
  13. carder

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  15. da are fata de gabor:D
  16. what the fuck is this fuck?!
  17. carder

    Fun stuff

  18. use only burner phone and you don't give a fuck
  19. sa traga porno la greu sa faca o laba ingenioasa?!asa era articolul...
  20. acum multi ani era un articol despre un internet superior(folosit de genii de la mari universitati bla bla) folosind viteze de 1-10 gb/s si acum e pe cale sa fie folosit de oricine
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