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nu te ajuta decat daca gandesti putin.
Nu au voie nici sa consume cafea in locuri publice. astia-s idioti sau is idioti ?
Potrivit proiectului de lege propus de acestia, minorii nu mai au voie sa mearga la discoteca sau la internet-café fara mama sau tata. Ei vor fi amendati si daca isi vor face piercing-uri sau tatuaje fara stirea parintilor. Unul dintre initiatorii legii, Monica Ridzi, ne-a oferit o mostra de aplicare a legii: „Cel care il va vedea pe unul ca are tatuaj in frunte va intocmi un proces-verbal si va aplica amenda.“ Patru deputati PD s-au gindit sa-i puna la punct pe minori. Ei au conceput un proiect de lege prin care celor sub 18 ani li se interzice, printre altele, sa intre neinsotiti de parinti in discoteci sau Internet café-uri. Sint tineri si sint deputati. Au la indemina un intreg sistem legislativ pentru a-si promova ideile. Deputatii PD Monica Ridzi, Ioan Oltean, Daniel Buda si Augustin Zegrea s-au gindit sa propuna o lege care sa reglementeze o serie de masuri pentru protectia minorilor. Potrivit propunerii legislative a celor patru, minorii care nu au implinit virsta de 16 ani nu mai au voie sa "calce" in discoteci, cluburi, localuri, baruri sau restaurante decit daca sint insotiti de parinti. Nici la Internet café nu se mai pot duce pentru un joc in retea decit daca mama sau tata le este alaturi. Nu au voie nici sa consume cafea in locuri publice. In ceea ce priveste fumatul, cei patru deputati au adus o mica completare prevederii care deja este in vigoare. Acum nu numai ca minorii sub 18 ani nu au voie sa fumeze, dar nu au voie nici sa detina asupra lor produse din tutun si nici nu au voie sa patrunda in spatiile special amenajate pentru fumat. Amenzi zdravene La fel de prohibit ca fumatul este sa-ti faci un tatuaj sau un piercing fara acordul parintilor. Poti fi sanctionat cu amenda intre 1,5 milioane de lei si 3 milioane de lei. O suma pe care, dupa parerea unuia dintre initiatori, deputatul Monica Ridzi, "minorul o poate plati din alocatie". Motivatia pentru o astfel de prevedere legislativa vine tot din partea doamnei deputat. "Am vrut sa venim in ajutorul parintilor. Daca un tinar stie ca ceva este interzis, are un pic de teama inainte de a o face". In ceea ce priveste aplicarea unei astfel de prevederi, Monica Ridzi ne-a lamurit imediat. "Si aici legea se aplica pe loc ca atunci cind treci pe culoarea rosie a semaforului. Cel care il va vedea pe unul ca are tatuaj in frunte si are sub 18 ani, va constata contraventia, va intocmi un proces-verbal de constatare, procesul se semneaza de cel care a fost prins si i se va aplica amenda. Dupa aceea se poate face contestatie in care parintii pot confirma ca si-au dat acordul", spune deputata, fiind convinsa ca vor fi totusi si parinti care nu vor face contestatie, ci "vor plati amenda si il vor pedepsi pe tinar". Monica Ridzi ne-a asigurat ca astfel de prevederi sint aplicate si in China, Canada sau Anglia.
interesant, pacat ca nu poti sa-ti faci cont pentru a primi cat mai multe recomandari, cat mai bine alese...
treaba asta e extrem de veche...se folosea la yahoo msi.
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Cantitati "importante" de apa congelata au fost descoperite pe Luna, a anuntat vineri NASA, informeaza AFP, preluata de Agerpres. "Am gasit apa si nu numai un pic, ci in cantitati importante", a anuntat Anthony Colaprete, responsabil stiintific al misiunii LCROSS (Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite), in cursul unei conferinte presa. Un alt responsabil de la NASA a apreciat ca este vorba de o descoperire "majora". In cursul misiunii efectuate luna trecuta, NASA a programat sonda LCROSS sa se prabuseasca intr-un crater in apropiere de polul sud al Lunii pentru a putea sa studieze proiectiile de materiale rezultate in urma impactului. sursa ziua.net
eXcEssz0r's my biatch. il gauriti doar cu permisiunea mea. @Nytro, a demonstrat de vreo enshpe ori ca e ratat si tot l-a(i/ti) lasat sa se tarasca paci.
[tutorial] How to create a rainbow table set
begood replied to begood's topic in Tutoriale in engleza
Suna ciudat sa il scriu in romana + termenii folositi sunt toti explicati in engleza, ar trebui sa ma pun sa explic fiecare termen, ceea ce e foarte mult de lucru. Oricum, unul care nu stie engleza nu prea are ce intelege, deoarece totul legat de tabele rainbow e in engleza, documentatie etc. -
[tutorial] How to create a rainbow table set
begood replied to begood's topic in Tutoriale in engleza
recapitulam, cat mai pe scurt. md5 loweralpha-numeric-space 1-8 charSetLen = 37 maxPwLen = 8 keySpace = 3,610,048,327,640 = 2^41.72 keySpace = (charSetLen ^ (maxPwLen + 1) - charSetLen ^ minPwLen) / (charSetLen - 1) link1 We set bFpoint to 10000, in order to get chainLen. bFpoint = keySpace / (chainLen * (chainLen + 1) / 2 * numTables) link2 chainLen = 12,017. We will aprox it to 12,000. I'm going to create a perfect rainbow table set, perfectTableSuccessRate = 99.9%, 5 perfect tables. So, according to Sc00bz, tableWorkFactor = 4.48860. We now can calculate chainCount = 1,350,338,576. tableWorkFactor = chainLen * chainCount / keySpace link3 Using 16 bytes/chain => non-perfect tableSize = 20.13 GiB link4 expectedUniqueChains ~= 416,218,776 expectedUniqueChains ~= chainCount / (tableWorkFactor / 2 + 1) link5 perfect tableSize ~= 6.20 GiB link6 indexed perfect tableSize ~= 3.10 GiB indexed perfect tableSize ~= 1/2 perfect tableSize non-perfect table set size = 100.65 GiB perfect table set size = 31 GiB indexed perfect table set size = 15.5 GiB md5_loweralpha-numeric-space#1-8_0_12000x1350338576_oxid#000.rt md5_loweralpha-numeric-space#1-8_1_12000x1350338576_oxid#000.rt md5_loweralpha-numeric-space#1-8_2_12000x1350338576_oxid#000.rt md5_loweralpha-numeric-space#1-8_3_12000x1350338576_oxid#000.rt md5_loweralpha-numeric-space#1-8_4_12000x1350338576_oxid#000.rt tutorial1_v2 created by _haxxor_ for FreeRainbowTables.com Feel free to redistribute it, specifying the source (freerainbowtables.com) Free Rainbow Tables | Forum • View topic - [tutorial] How to create a rainbow table set -
(PhysOrg.com) -- In a recently published paper, Aram Harrow at the University of Bristol and colleagues from MIT in the United States have discovered a quantum algorithm that solves large problems much faster than conventional computers can. One of the most basic problems in maths is solving very large linear equations. There's nothing mysterious about them, they simply take time and the more variables there are, the longer it takes. Even a supercomputer would struggle to solve a system of equations that has a trillion variables. However, in a new paper recently published in Physical Review Letters, Aram Harrow at the University of Bristol and colleagues from MIT in the United States have discovered a quantum algorithm that solves the problem much faster than conventional computers can. And the larger the problem, the greater the speedup. To understand how the quantum algorithm works, think of a digital equaliser in a stereo CD player. The equaliser needs to amplify some components of the signal and attenuate others. Ordinary equalisers employ classical computer algorithms that treat each component of the sound one at a time. By contrast, a quantum equaliser could employ a quantum algorithm that treats all components together at once (a trick called 'quantum parallelism'). The result is a huge reduction in the difficulty of signal processing. “Large-scale linear systems of equations exist in many fields, such as weather prediction, engineering, and computer vision”, says Harrow. “Quantum computers could supply serious improvements for these and many other problems. For example, a trillion-variable problem would take a classical computer at least a hundred trillion steps to solve, but using the new algorithm, a quantum computer could solve the problem in just a few hundred steps”. The solution could also be applied to other complex processes such as image and video processing, genetic analyses and even Internet traffic control. //ne apropiem cu pasi mari de era cuantica. source : http://www.physorg.com/news177011105.html
(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists have found that acidic ozone water can deactivate H1N1 viruses very effectively, offering a promising disinfectant for the millions of people trying to avoid the disease. Acidic ozone water (AOW) is made from regular tap water mixed with a small amount of acid such as hydrochloric acid, along with an ozonized gas that can be produced in the lab. After deactivating the virus, the substance eventually decays into plain water, leaving no residue or harmful materials in the environment. Scientists Han Uhm of Ajou University in Korea, along with Kwang Lee and Baik Seong of Yonsei University in Korea, have published the results of their study on the H1N1 disinfectant in a recent issue of Applied Physics Letters. Besides being environmentally benign, AOW also has the advantage that it may cost significantly less to prepare compared with chemical disinfectants. During the past several months, H1N1 has infected thousands of people worldwide and has proven to be a highly contagious disease. Attempts to combat the disease have included preventative vaccines and the use of disinfectants to prevent the spread of the disease. However, most of these disinfectants have chemicals that can harm the environment. In the current study, the researchers found that they could make neutral water acidic by mixing a very small amount of hydrochloric acid into the water. Adding just 22 grams of hydrochloric acid to one ton of neutral water can change the pH value of the water from 7 to 4. As the scientists explain, the negative chlorine ions have a sterilizing effect on viruses, and a strong acidity in general also has a sterilizing effect. Although acidic water itself can partially inactivate the H1N1 virus, the scientists also added an ozone gas concentration of more than 10 mg/liter to the water to enhance the sterilization effect. All the viruses were killed after five minutes of mixing the acidic ozone water with about 430,000 viruses in the environment. When observing the number of viruses killed in a given time, the researchers found that the acidic ozone water had a synergic effect, outperforming the sum of the individual effects of acidic water and ozone water. Part of the reason for the enhanced sterilization is that, while ozone decays over time due to impurities, the acidification of water slows the decay, prolonging the time of disinfection. In another experiment, the researchers found that E. coli cells treated with acidic ozone water at pH 4 and an ozone concentration of 20 mg/liter destroyed the cell envelopes. Based on this observation, the scientists speculate that acidic ozone water may work by destroying the H1N1 virus envelopes, disabling their ability to establish an infection. “Most of the virus inactivation experiments in our lab have been conducted using the host cells for viruses,” Uhm told PhysOrg.com. “The host cells used were the cells from advanced animals like green monkey kidney cells, human cells, or egg cells. These cells are breeding well even after the exposure to acidic ozone water. Meanwhile, the microbe cells are killed very effectively by AOW. I believe that some kinds of antioxidant in the advanced cells may protect the cells from ozone attack. But the microbe cells without the antioxidant may be destroyed by the strong oxidation activity of ozone in AOW.” Uhm added that the AOW could be used in a variety of areas to avoid the spread of H1N1. “AOW may be abundantly available due to its easy preparation,” he said. “I am not an industrialist, but a scientist. I do not have any specific plan to make it available by myself, but some capable people may do. The AOW may be useful in hospitals, in livestock industries, in dairy farms, in seafood industries, or in agriculture. I initially studied the AOW for protection of mankind from an attack of bio weapons.” H1N1 Virus Can Be Killed by Acidic Ozone Water na, solutie.
clar e Mb. nimeni nu face reclama in MB.
welcome cam mititel tu, nu crezi ? ai ceva cunostiinte de securitate, sau ai venit doar asa...sa vezi deface-uri si sa lingi in cur pe careva paci
pardon, corecteaza-te, la cat citesti. eu citesc cum prind putin timp liber, preferabil in pat.
n-am mai intalnit de mult asa ceva.
Dupa cum e mentionat in titlu, SHELFARI.com este un site asemanator lui last.fm dar dedicat cartilor. Ce poti face aici ? Daca esti un impatimit al cartilor, sau pur si simplu vrei sa-ti organizezi tot ce ai citit pana acum, ce citesti in prezent, sau ce vrei sa mai lecturezi, acest site este locul ideal unde poti face toate acestea, primesti recomandari competente, bazate pe gusturile tale, and many many more, foarte usor si intr-un mod cat se poate de relaxant. pentru a va face o idee, uitati si un profil gata completat.
ma intereseaza deoarece am tot schimbat aplicatii si tot dezamagit sunt. unele mancau sute de MB de memorie, altele dadeau erori neasteptate etc. so?
foarte interesant, nici nu stiam de el.