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azi urc RSTCore V2. E versiunea veche, s-ar putea sa fac una pentru windows 7, dar nu garantez nimic. i-am facut backup pe 2 CD-uri atunci cand l-am facut si am uitat de ele. imi era teama ca l-am pierdut de tot. dar aveti noroc
- 115 replies
arata bine a lu ENCODED.
am facut cateva zeci de milioane din asta + proiecte pt facultate, in liceu; un fraier a fost exmatriculat ca mi-a facut reclama
Am multe. Bune.
Cred ca o sa va intereseze. Sunt foarte multe studii facute si explicate pe indelete. 100 pickup lines. The Cognitive Psychology of Pick-up Lines | Psychology Today
De ce ai trimite taranimea in alta parte? Si-au facut cuib. Lasa-i sa stea.
)) penibili. de unde mai rasar si tipul asta de con-man ? cica fundatie. daca voiau sa dea patentele umanitatii, le dadeau deja nu faceau atat tamtam pe nimic. LE: pierd o ora juma pe video. revin cu edit.
vorbeste saptamana viitoare cu el eu am vorbit ieri si locatia era stabilita pentru bucuresti. ca sala de conferinte am sugerat teatrul bulandra. acolo a fost si tedxyouth @ bucharest 2012. e destul pentru >200 persoane. @nytro intreaba-l pe fratele tau, a fost cu mine la tedx acolo. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.384354708281447.100934.152304248153162&type=3 Teatrul Bulandra sala e la 5 min pe jos de metrou romana.
cine vrea imi da PM mai am 3 ! mai am trei, sariti !!
Computerworld - Microsoft yesterday warned Windows users of possible "man-in-the-middle" attacks able to steal passwords for some wireless networks and VPNs, or virtual private networks. It won't issue a security update for the problem, however. The security advisory was Microsoft's reaction to a disclosure several weeks ago by security researcher Moxie Marlinspike at the Defcon conference. In a blog post written shortly after his Defcon talk, Marlinspike explained his interest in MS-CHAP v2 (Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol version 2). "Even as an aging protocol with some prevalent criticism, it's still used quite pervasively," Marlinspike said. "It shows up most notably in PPTP VPNs, and is also used quite heavily in WPA2 Enterprise environments." At the same time, Marlinspike published "Chapcrack," a tool that parses data for passwords encrypted with MS-CHAP v2, then decodes them using the CloudCracker password cracking service. Microsoft acknowledged the threat. "An attacker who successfully exploited these cryptographic weaknesses could obtain user credentials," the Monday advisory stated. "Those credentials could then be re-used to authenticate the attacker to network resources, and the attacker could take any action that the user could take on that network resource." MS-CHAP v2 is used to authenticate users in PPTP-based (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) VPNs. Windows includes a built-in implementation of PPTP. To use Chapcrack, an attacker must first capture data packets being transmitted over a VPN or Wi-Fi. The most likely scenario: Spoofing a legitimate wireless hotspot, say at an airport, to sniff out VPN or other traffic, then grab it out of the air. But Microsoft won't ship an update to fix the problem. "This is not a security vulnerability that requires Microsoft to issue a security update," Monday's advisory read. "This issue is due to known cryptographic weaknesses in the MS-CHAP v2 protocol and is addressed through implementing configuration changes." Instead, Microsoft recommended that IT administrators add PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol) to secure passwords for VPN sessions. A support document described how to configure servers and clients for PEAP. As Marlinspike noted, MS-CHAP v2, which harks back to Windows NT SP4 and Windows 98, has been denounced as insecure for years, primarily because it's been vulnerable to "dictionary" attacks, where hackers try large numbers of possible passwords. Windows 7 supports MS-CHAP v2, as does Windows XP and Vista, and Windows Server 2003, Server 2008 and Server 2008 R2. MS-CHAP v2 cracking tools go back at least to 2007 with the publication of AsLEAP 2.1. Microsoft said it had not seen any in-the-wild attacks using Marlinspike's Chapcrack. Microsoft warns of 'man-in-the-middle' VPN password hack - Computerworld
Andrei, baga mare si invata in continuare. La multi ani !
Costinestiul e plin de manelari. am fost anu asta si mi-am luat rapid talpasita. Vama and 2 mai ftw.
naposim fara anti-estrogen = http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2e/Gynecomastia_001.jpg/800px-Gynecomastia_001.jpg
kw3 : care a fost cea mai mare diferenta pe care ai vazut-o de la o luna la alta ? in greutate or otherwise
multi nu realizeaza ca proteinele nu sunt echivalente, alea din pui sunt "diferite" de cele din surse vegetale. nu se absorb la fel. iar cand faceti calcule voi habar nu aveti randamentul in prin care corpul tau proceseaza si absoarbe energia / proteinele / grasimile. asa ca majoritatea ecuatiilor sunt ... degeaba.
In a major breakthrough, an international team of scientists has proven that addiction to morphine and heroin can be blocked, while at the same time increasing pain relief. The team from the University of Adelaide and University of Colorado has discovered the key mechanism in the body's immune system that amplifies addiction to opioid drugs. Laboratory studies have shown that the drug (+)-naloxone (pronounced: PLUS nal-OX-own) will selectively block the immune-addiction response. The results – which could eventually lead to new co-formulated drugs that assist patients with severe pain, as well as helping heroin users to kick the habit – will be published tomorrow in the Journal of Neuroscience. "Our studies have shown conclusively that we can block addiction via the immune system of the brain, without targeting the brain's wiring," says the lead author of the study, Dr Mark Hutchinson, ARC Research Fellow in the University of Adelaide's School of Medical Sciences. "Both the central nervous system and the immune system play important roles in creating addiction, but our studies have shown we only need to block the immune response in the brain to prevent cravings for opioid drugs." The team has focused its research efforts on the immune receptor known as Toll-Like receptor 4 (TLR4). "Opioid drugs such as morphine and heroin bind to TLR4 in a similar way to the normal immune response to bacteria. The problem is that TLR4 then acts as an amplifier for addiction," Dr Hutchinson says. "The drug (+)-naloxone automatically shuts down the addiction. It shuts down the need to take opioids, it cuts out behaviours associated with addiction, and the neurochemistry in the brain changes – dopamine, which is the chemical important for providing that sense of 'reward' from the drug, is no longer produced." Senior author Professor Linda Watkins, from the Center for Neuroscience at the University of Colorado Boulder, says: "This work fundamentally changes what we understand about opioids, reward and addiction. We've suspected for some years that TLR4 may be the key to blocking opioid addiction, but now we have the proof. "The drug that we've used to block addiction, (+)-naloxone, is a non-opioid mirror image drug that was created by Dr Kenner Rice in the 1970s. We believe this will prove extremely useful as a co-formulated drug with morphine, so that patients who require relief for severe pain will not become addicted but still receive pain relief . This has the potential to lead to major advances in patient and palliative care," Professor Watkins says. The researchers say clinical trials may be possible within the next 18 months. Read more at: Scientists can now block heroin, morphine addiction; clinical trials possible within 18 months
s-a prostit lumea, daca asta-i modernizare. pune niste informatii in plm, editeaza primu post sa nu iti dau ban.
ce cacat de prezentare ?
evotab 2. am luat, sunt super multumit. poti sa-i conectezi si stick 3G. 530 ron era
Zilele trecute am discutat cu iubita pe scenariul urm?tor : Esti copilul str?zii, în Bucure?ti. Ai crescut, ?i, într-o zi, ai v?zut un om de afaceri cum urc?, de mân?, în ma?ina lui luxoas?, cu prietena / so?ia. Aveau o fa?? de oameni multumi?i, odihni?i, poate chiar ferici?i, spre deosebire de ce ai vazut pân? acum, la prietenii, "familia" ta. Vrei ?i tu s? traie?ti m?car o zi, via?a lui. E?ti b?iat. Ai 14 ani. ?i-?i propui urm?torul vis : s? ajungi ca el. Cum procedezi ? Not? important? : Nu admit r?spunsuri mai scurte de 3 propozi?ii, trolling sau ironii. Cine schimb? direc?ia threadului de la tematica sa, va primi avertisment. S? v?d de ce-i în stare RST-ul. Am a?tept?ri mari. Avem oameni inteligen?i. Vorbi?i.
@pyth0n3 mai mult demoralizezi omu decat sa-l ajuti cu sfaturi ca "de ce nu-ti deschizi o afacere" de ce nu faci cum a facut ala, iar ala e exceptia de la regula. sunt oameni simplii, nu oameni cu relatii, initiative, oameni care sa fie luati in seama cand vine vorba de a conduce un proiect.
I2P Anonymous Network - I2P Introducing I2P - I2P
Sa-mi bag pula in gatu lor ! Pana si la sol i-au dat mai mult americancei, ati vazut ca pana si publicul huiduia decizia arbitrilor ca i-au dat mai putin lu Ponor ?! Merita din plin aur la sol ! Americanii, anul asta, au avut note umflate cu pompa. http://www.peteava.ro/id-891049-catalina-ponor-a-pierdut-bronzul-la-barna-dupa-contestatia-americancei-raisman
(Phys.org) -- For all customers, merchants and restaurant owners making use of card readers for transactions, well, this is not the best of news. Experts have found a security flaw in chip and PIN terminals that allows thieves to download customers’ card details. According to a UK-based security firm, MWR InfoSecurity, hackers can steal details from chip and PIN machines. MWR was able to prove how easily it can be done. According to a report on Sunday, thousands of credit and debit card readers, such as those sitting in shops and restaurants, will need to be reprogrammed following revelations that they can be hacked into and used to steal cardholders' details. Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2012-07-chip-pin-terminals-shown-harvest.html#jCp