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Everything posted by Sandu

  1. Sandu

    Key WHMCS

    Vand Key WHMCS 20$-btc http://www.whmcs.com
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  4. Ai aici instructiuni si firmware-ul original, daca nu te descurci mai bine te duci la un service.
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  9. <?php $handle = fopen("log.md", "a"); fwrite($handle, 'REMOTE IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . PHP_EOL); fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); fwrite($handle, 'Browser: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . PHP_EOL); fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); fclose($handle); exit; ?> Iar unde ai formularul pui asta <form method="GET" action="log.php" id="log_form" onsubmit="return Event.__inlineSubmit(this,event)">
  10. About This Course Course Description JOIN THE OTHER 1,000 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE If you want to learn how to use the Linux command and want to do it quickly, read on. Hello. My name is Jason Cannon and I'm the author of Linux for Beginners as well as the founder of the Linux Training Academy. When I ask people to tell me what they most want to learn about the Linux operating system, they all say the same thing: the command line. That's why I've created this course. It's designed for people who want to develop command line skills on the Linux operating system and need to do it in a short period of time. By the end of the course you will be able to easily navigate your way around a Linux system and feel confident at the command line. Free Bonus - Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet As an added bonus for enrolling in the Linux Command Line Essentials video training course, you'll receive a cheat sheet and reference card that lists the most important Linux commands you'll need to know. It's a great way to quickly review what you've learned in this course AND you'll be able to easily find the command and options you're looking for too. ____________________ Here is what you will learn by taking Linux Command Line Essentials: What components make up the command line prompt. The 8 Linux commands that you'll use almost every time you log into a Linux system. Exactly where commands are located and how to find them quickly. How to get help using the built-in Linux documentation system. How to manage files and directories. The various ways to display the contents of files and how to easily edit them. And those are just the highlights… You'll learn even more along the way. What you learn in Linux Command Line Essentials applies to any Linux environment including Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, RedHat, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Slackware, and more. Enroll now and start learning the skills you need to master the Linux command line! What are the requirements? A desire to learn. What am I going to get from this course? By the end of this course you will understand the fundamentals of the Linux command line and be able to apply that knowledge in a practical and useful manner. What is the target audience? People with limited time. Anyone with a desire to learn about the Linux command line. People that have Linux experience, but would like to learn about the Linux command line interface. Existing Linux users that want to become power users. People that need Linux knowledge for a personal or business project like hosting a website on a Linux server. Professionals that need to learn Linux to become more effective at work. Helpdesk staff, application support engineers, and application developers that are required to use the Linux operating system. Researchers, college professors, and college students that will be using Linux servers to conduct research or complete course work. Course link: Linux Command Line Essentials - Become a Linux Power User! Download link: Download Mirror link: Click Here!
  11. Detin un evolio s4 cobalt cu root facut, ai idee cum as putea face un backup?
  12. About This Course Course Description "Great tutorial that is step by step on rooting your android phone. The instructor goes into depth on deploying various software that will root your phone. Warning rooting can void your warranty so make sure you use a phone that you don't mind experimenting with. " - Gerard DeSousa "Thank you so much for teaching this course. Now I can really own my Android!!! " - Jesse Rubiopadua "awesome course ... i Recommend to take it." - Mahmoud Mohamed Bakr The ultimate course on Android Hacks, the first thing would have assumed by hacks would be something illegal but believe me it is not anything wrong. This course simply helps you in learning hacking android to keep yourself Safe for ethical purposes and to make your device a super fast machine without doing anything wrong and without doing anything illegal. You would learn all possible ways to make your device a much better, efficient and much more powerful. This course will cover all possible and common but major problems that almost everyone is facing these days and no one has got any solution after even searching for hours on search engines but this course will completely clear your concepts and clearly show you the thing and solutions for what you're looking for. If we say that this course is a "Live saver" for Android user, we aren't saying anything wrong. First of all we'll cover a little bit theory of some concepts used in this course. After that we'll show you how you can implement the actual rooting process of an Android device very effectively and without doing anything wrong to your device. Also, if you have done anything wrong and all things are messed up. There is no need to worry we'll show you solution to every problem and guide you through every step in detail. We'll show you how you can get your stuff back even when the rooting process goes wrong. After that we'll show you some magnificent benefits of taking this course. We'll help you in making your device much more faster, efficient and more powerful, as I said previously. And this is not the end. We'll show you some extra magic lectures that you're going to love. So, what are you waiting for? Come on, enroll now and get this amazing course in your hands. What are the requirements? Basic computer skills like using windows powered computer What am I going to get from this course? Root his/her android device Make his device ad free Make free internal storage Increase his/her android device battery life Take complete backup of your device Automate his android device Track his/her android device even after someone makes factory reset Install different OS in any android device Increase processing speed of android device What is the target audience? Android users who want more out of their device Android app developers Android hobbyist Geeks Anyone who love Android mobile devices Course link: http://www.udemy.com/android-hacks/ Download link: Download //Mirror added: Download
  13. Cmd: Net user Administrator password
  14. Am un utok 351D cu alt imei si merge perfect nu am probleme cu mesajels/apelurile.
  15. http://www.wtfandroid.com/how-to-change-imei-number-easily-on-android-100-working/
  16. Ce model este? Daca are procesor mtk, ii dai restore la un imei.bak de pe alt telefon cu mobile uncle (necesita root).
  17. De aceea se numesc moderatorii sa editeze cacaturile scrise de noi Si nu cred ca ti-a modificat ceva fara un motiv intemeiat, ai dovezi?
  18. De ce nu suni sa ii intrebi?
  19. http://www.lycamobile.ro/ro/fara-taxe-de-roaming Valabilitate ca la o cartela normala.
  20. Thanks you Pacaleech
  21. http://en.antrax.mobi/products/simbox/
  22. Oare se pot genera numere prime? am auzit ca au valoare LE: offtopic am vazut acum comentariu de mai sus. OnTopic: M-au acceptat.
  23. au dat romani de pagina
  24. Sandu


    eu am sters system32 si a mers
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