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Everything posted by Sandu

  1. Sandu

    Salut !

    Bine ai venit! Te asteptam pe chat, sa vedem de ce esti in stare
  2. Fara suparare, dar nu se putea pune intr-un spoiler sau pe pastebin? E cam dificil de urmarit si chiar de copiat.
  3. Si unde mai e profitul? Ai vps cazut din cer?
  4. Chipset pe cale de a fi prajit, te asteapta la un reballing sau o metoda mai neconformista, care include introducerea placi de baza in cuptorul cu microunde. Incearca cu windows 7. Sau cu drivere stabile, atentie iei de pe site-ul nvidia drivere in faza stable sau recomended. Placa video la laptop se poate schimba doar prin reballing, cea ce rezulta un proces prea scump pentru reparatia laptopului. Pretul reparatiei te ajunge la pretul unui laptop nou.
  5. Opera has reset passwords of all users for one of its services after hackers were able to gain access to one of its Cloud servers this week. Opera Software reported a security breach last night, which affects all users of the sync feature of its web browser. So, if you’ve been using Opera’s Cloud Sync service, which allows users to synchronize their browser data and settings across multiple platforms, you may have hacked your passwords, login names, and other sensitive data. Opera confirmed its server breach on Friday, saying the "attack was quickly blocked" but that it "believe some data, including some of [their] sync users’ passwords and account information, such as login names, may have been compromised." Opera has around 350 Million users across its range products, but around 1.7 Million users using its Sync service had both their synchronized passwords as well as their authentication passwords leaked in the hack. Since the company has already reset passwords of all of its registered Opera Sync users and emailed them with details, you need not worry about your account. "Although we only store encrypted (for synchronized passwords) or hashed and salted (for authentication) passwords in this system, we have reset all the Opera sync account passwords as a precaution," Opera Software explained in a blog post. Additionally, the company has also informed all Opera Sync users about the security breach and recommended them to change passwords for their Opera Sync accounts as soon as possible. You can obtain a new password for Opera sync using the password resetting page. The complete details about the intrusion and extent of the breach are yet unknown. Opera Software encouraged users to reset passwords for any third party websites they may have synced with its service. However, if you are the one using the same password for multiple sites, you are also advised to change your passwords for those sites manually. Since we’ve repeatedly seen folks reusing passwords across multiple services with recent high-profile account hacking, you are advised to use a good password manager always to keep a strong, unique password for your online accounts. We have listed some best password managers that would help you understand the importance of password managers and choose a suitable one according to your requirement. Source: TheHackerNews
  6. Poate spun prostii, traker-ul este integrat in pda? Deobicei curieri au un pda cu care înregistrează livrarile.
  7. Trebuie sa ai o valoare curprinsa intre 12-16 ohm. O măsurare cu multimetrul nu este cea mai buna solutie de verificare, injectorul poate fi infundat sau sa nu pulverizeze cantitatea necesara de combustibil. Cel mai bine te duci la un service.
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  9. Nu poti sa scoti fisa in timp ce merge motorul? Daca face urat inseamna ca este bun injectorul, daca nu se intampla nimic cand scoti fisa la un injector inseamna ca este defect. Conecteaza firul negru la borna negativa si pe cel rosiu la borna pozitiva a injectorului. Roteste discul multimetrului la ohmi ( Ω ) si selecteaza intervalul de masurare potrivit.
  10. Sandu


    Avatarele sunt rotunde, iar unele au dispărut complet. Inainte erau patrate.
  11. Eu il folosesc de cand s-a lansat ofera si nu am avut nici o problema
  12. Incearca-l pe asta https://gloryholefoundation.com/
  13. Vrei sa le furi filmele porno Trimite-o pe ma-ta lui @aelius
  14. Sandu


    Va e lene sa modificari putin culoarea la background? dashboard/customization/themes/edit Dati-mi admin 10 min si modific eu
  15. Sandu


    Invert colors javascript:(function(){var css='html {-webkit-filter: invert(100%);'+'-moz-filter: invert(100%);'+'-o-filter: invert(100%);'+'-ms-filter: invert(100%); }',head=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],style=document.createElement('style');if(!window.counter){window.counter=1;}else{window.counter++;if(window.counter%2==0){var css='html {-webkit-filter: invert(0%); -moz-filter: invert(0%); -o-filter: invert(0%); -ms-filter: invert(0%); }'}};style.type='text/css';if(style.styleSheet){style.styleSheet.cssText=css;}else{style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css));}head.appendChild(style);})();
  16. Poti cumpara orice, numai sa aibe conector rp-sma. http://m.emag.ro/antene-retelistica-accesorii/c?ref=list
  17. The hacker, who recently claimed responsibility for the high-profile hack of Democratic National Committee (DNC), has now taken credit for hacking into the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) as well. To prove his claims, the hacker, going by the moniker Guccifer 2.0, dumped on Friday night a massive amount of personal information belonging to nearly 200 Democratic House members onto his blog. The notorious hacker published several documents that include cell phone numbers, home addresses, official and personal e-mail addresses, names of staffers, and other personal information for the entire roster of Democratic representatives. The data dump also includes several memos from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's personal computer, detailing fundraisers and campaign overviews. "As you see the US presidential elections are becoming a farce, a big political performance where the voters are far from playing the leading role," the hacker wrote in a blog post. "Everything is being settled behind the scenes as it was with Bernie Sanders." What's more worrisome? The leaked data dump includes passwords to access multiple DCCC accounts as well as coordinated shared passwords used by the committee. The Guccifer 2.0 is the same hacker who claimed responsibility for the recent widespread DNC hack last month, although the United States officials believed he's actually a persona created by Russian government hackers to influence the US presidential election. Source
  18. Bine ca dai schema la toti nataraii. "Scop educativ".
  19. Iti cumpar o ciocolata daca imi hostezi un site.
  20. Offtopic, @aelius @albertynos imi miroase a reclama mascată @Narmer îţi ofer eu un dedicat lasă-mi un pm cu ce ai nevoie, pret bun servere in romania.
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  22. Affects Plugin wordpress-seo fixed in version 3.4.1 References URL: https://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/1466243/wordpress-seo Classification TypeXSS OWASP Top 10A3: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) CWECWE-79 https://wpvulndb.com/vulnerabilities/8583
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