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Everything posted by yukti

  1. https://www.humblebundle.com/books/hacking-reloaded-books
  2. Incearca https://btdb.unblocked.bid/torrent/dlzj16QNjOIrGQY36WZGUoZJlx3EjQU0vYb.html
  3. NowSecure is releasing to the public an open source Android Vulnerability Test Suite (Android VTS). Link
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  4. Is it a reliable tool or you risk messing up your ranking ?
  5. Singura ta sansa este ca Wifi-ul WPA2 sa foloseasca WPS; atunci folosesti reaver-ul. Pentru WPA2 doar brute-force-ul merge.
  6. Salut, Regex-ul ala cauta un string cu proprietatile alea. Trebuie sa-i spui ca este un cuvant; pune-i un begin of line si un end of line.
  7. Version 6.1 is out. https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Xenotix_XSS_Exploit_Framework
  8. Am vazut ca recomanda versiunea 1.3 pentru 8.1 Keep in mind "that Detekt is a best effort tool" dar cred ca are potential.
  9. Detekt is a free tool that scans your Windows computer for traces of known surveillance spyware used to target and monitor human rights defenders and journalists around the world. Please beware that Detekt is a best effort tool. While it may have been effective in previous investigations, it does not provide a conclusive guarantee that your computer is not compromised by the spyware it aims to detect. The tool is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees of any kind. https://resistsurveillance.org/ Voi decideti daca este bun sau nu...
  10. Vrei sa blochezi doar la nivel de FW (router) ? Ce fel de clienti ai ?
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