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  1. Cite?te regulamentul înainte de a deschide thread-uri
  2. @xm.madyx ,tu esti Cristi Cry ?
  3. Aici Watch Film HD - Watch Films online in HD quality , Watch Hd Movies - Online Watch Movies for Free , You are being redirected... , IGLO Movies | Watch Free Movies Online , WolowTube - Watch Free Movies Online , http://movieshd.eu/
  4. Are you a proud owner of Android Smartphone? Are you wondering about the best possible way to improve the performance of your mobile? Then it’s time for you to get a Flash custom ROMs that will help you to enjoy a better experience. Below have been discussed some of the vital steps by which you will be able to Flash custom rom on your Android device in a convenient way. 1-Things required to flash a ROM Firstly you need to arrange some of the essential things before installing the specific ROM in your android device. Make sure to have a Rooting package, a computer, USB cable and an Internet connection. 2-Unlock the Bootloader Most of the android devices come with a locked bootloader. In order to flash custom ROMs, you need to unlock the specific bootloader. The best way is to search the web and get the unlocked bootloader in a convenient way. 3-Get the device rooted Rooting the android device is not at all a stressful job. You need to download the root kit of your device from web and then download it in a safe way. Rooting will enable you to access and control the various subsystems of the Android operating system. Click here to know What is Android Rooting? Is it safe to Root android ? 4-Install custom recovery Every android device comes with a pre-installed custom recovery that allows the user to re-gain the factory settings as and when required. It also helps to update the current operating system and improve the device performance. Installing a third party custom recovery will replace the pre-installed recovery environment with a new one. 5-Take the backups Make sure to backup your device before starting the custom ROM installation process. You must backup all the unique applications that have been installed in your mobile device. Even though this step is not vital but it will help you to get rid uncertainties while flashing the ROM in the device. 6-Download the ROM for your device Now you have to download the specific ROM for your device from the web. Make sure to go through reputed websites that allow users to download custom ROM according to the specification of the android device. Then you will have to transfer the ROM to the internal storage of your Android device. 7-Reboot the device Lastly you need to reboot the device with the help of the third party custom recovery and thereby improve its performance. Make sure to follow all the steps in a proper manner. Check your phone compatibility with ROM and Recovery. If you still find this job to be stressful, make sure to contact a professional person who has lots of experience in this field. If you want to know which is best ROM for your device, mention it on comments below. Source How to Flash Custom ROMs in Android Devices
  5. Salut @Gadreel http://www.backtrack-linux.org/downloads/
  6. Salutare @sweping asta nu este o prezentare...cine esti,de unde si cu ce ocazie pe aici ?salut
  7. Dami te rog un pm cu numarul lui de fix,si il pot verifica eu.
  8. Nu ai sa prime?ti date personale de la RDS/RCS in leg?tura cu num?rul respectiv.
  9. Salut @QUADMACHINE te pot ajuta cu cu orice informa?ie dore?ti legata doar de serviciile "Telekom"
  10. Salut @QUADMACHINE sigur ca poti Wamp si Xampp install pentru Windows. Directoria wamp/www. Localhost .
  11. 15 Oct 2015 The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.0.0 RC 5. This is the tenth pre-release of the new PHP 7 major series. All users of PHP are encouraged to test this version carefully, and report any bugs and incompatibilities in https://bugs.php.net/. THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT PREVIEW - DO NOT USE IT IN PRODUCTION! PHP 7.0.0 RC 5 contains fixes for 11 reported bugs and over 100 commits with various improvements. PHP 7.0.0 comes with new version of the Zend Engine with features such as (incomplete list): Improved performance: PHP 7 is up to twice as fast as PHP 5.6 Consistent 64-bit support Many fatal errors are now Exceptions Removal of old and unsupported SAPIs and extensions The null coalescing operator (??) Combined comparison Operator (<=>) Return Type Declarations Scalar Type Declarations Anonymous Classes For more information on the new features and other changes, you can read the NEWS file, or the migration guide for a complete list of upgrading notes. NEWS and UPGRADING files can also be found in the release archive. For source downloads of PHP 7.0.0 RC 5 please visit the download page, Windows source and binaries can be found on windows.php.net/qa/. The next release will be RC 6, which is to be released on the 29th of October. You can also read the full list of planned releases on our wiki. Source : PHP: News Archive - 2015
  12. Part of International Programmer Player Competition (IPPC) And Win upto $500,000 Faced with time Programmers and Hackers: Speed & Skill Battle for $500.000 We are already convinced that there are many gifted programmers and ingenious hackers. Now we want to know who the fastest and most flexible are. After all, we are in the century of speed: TIME=$ Next Hacker IPPC: International Programming Player Competition, February 26 & 27, 2016 in Berlin, Germany, the 2016 IPPC promises an exciting two days of intriguing events and programming competitions featuring 3,000 of the world’s best up and coming developers and programmers in an extreme and exciting skill competition. IPPC’s main event is where the true competition really begins and everyone can be a winner in the Xtrem Programming Competition Speed & Skill Challenge. $500.000 cash prize they await the winners. This multi-stage challenge starts with each programmer having to successfully find and fix errors in three random Java programs. Once that phase is completed, the programmer needs to achieve a score of 150,000 points in a single Classic Pac-Man game. Once both tasks are completed, the fastest programmers win a share of the cash pool. In addition, contestants’ contest performance information will be made available for all Company's. The 2016 International Programming Player Competition will also offer technical sessions on programming, an open panel discussion with renowned hackers and programmers, and the opportunity for the world’s top programmers to be exposed to and meet leading high tech companies from around the globe. The two day IPPC is open to programmers worldwide and space is filling up rapidly. All the money from our sponsors and advertisements that will be gathered will increase the winner’s number. About Next Hacker IPPS Next Hacker IPPS LDT is a worldwide group of like-minded computer programmers. Their mission is to organize and host international programming events that connect talented programmers with corporations. The team specializes in planning and producing high quality competitive programming events. We live and breathe inspiring events, we love them, and it’s all we do. Source and Details : Hackers Online Club (HOC)
  13. BackBox is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution penetration test and security assessment oriented providing a network and informatics systems analysis tool-kit. BackBox desktop environment includes a complete set of tools required for ethical hacking and security testing. The main aim of BackBox is providing an alternative, highly customizable and well performing system. BackBox uses the light window manager Xfce. It includes some of the most used security and analysis Linux tools, aiming for a wide spread of goals, ranging from web application analysis to network analysis, from stress tests to sniffing, also including vulnerability assessment, computer forensic analysis and exploitation. Part of the power of this distribution comes from its Launchpad repository core, constantly updated to the latest stable version of the most known and used ethical hacking tools. The integration and development of new tools in the distribution follows the open source community, particularly the Debian Free Software Guidelines criteria. What's new In this release we have some special new features included to keep BackBox up to date with last developments in security world. Tools such as OpenVAS and Automotive Analysis will make a big difference. BackBox 4.4 comes also with Kernel 3.19. Preinstalled Linux Kernel 3.19 New Ubuntu 14.04.3 base Ruby 2.1 Installer with LVM and Full Disk Encryption options Handy Thunar custom actions RAM wipe at shutdown/reboot System improvements Upstream components Bug corrections Performance boost Improved Anonymous mode Automotive Analysis category Predisposition to ARM architecture (armhf Debian packages) Predisposition to BackBox Cloud platform New and updated hacking tools: apktool, armitage, beef-project, can-utils, dex2jar, fimap, jd-gui, metasploit-framework, openvas, setoolkit, sqlmap, tor, weevely, wpscan, zaproxy, etc. Being based on Ubuntu, BackBox’s Live DVDs come with a standard, Ubuntu-style boot menu that allows the user to try the operating system without installing anything in forensics mode, persistent mode, text mode or compatibility mode, as well as to boot an existing OS from the first disk. It supports five languages, English, German, Spanish, French and Italian. The default and only desktop environment of this Ubuntu flavor is Xfce, which uses its modern layout comprised of a top panel for quick interaction with running programs and a bottom dock for fast launching of your favorite applications. Distro includes a wide range of penetration testing and security assessments tools, organized in three main categories: auditing, services and anonymous. Each category includes many subcategories, and each subcategory includes several applications. Default apps include the Geany IDE, GIMP image editor, Mozilla Firefox web browser, Mozilla Thunderbird email and news client, FileZilla file transfer client, Pidgin multi-protocol instant messenger, TorChat anonymous chat client, XChat IRC client, Transmission torrent downloader, Brasero CD/DVD burning software, VLC Media Player, BleachBit system cleaner, Synaptic Package Manager, and LibreOffice office suite. System Requirements 32-bit or 64-bit processor 512 MB of system memory (RAM) 6 GB of disk space for installation Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution DVD-ROM drive or USB port (2.0 GB) Metapackages Distro has now a fully customizable tools arsenal! New packages have been created, one for each of the Auditing categories, which bring with them all the package of that specific pentesting field. So you can customize your box and install just what you really need, conforming to the philosophy of lightness, simplicity and completeness. The packages we introduced to implement this new concept are: backbox-documentation-reporting backbox-exploitation backbox-forensics-analysis backbox-information-gathering backbox-maintaining-access backbox-miscellaneous backbox-mobile-analysis backbox-privilege-escalation backbox-reverse-engineering backbox-social-engineering backbox-stress-testing backbox-voip-analysis backbox-vulnerability-assessment backbox-wireless-analysis Every user is strongly advised to install this package in order to get all the categories and the tools as before, and conform to the new packaging structure. It’s as simple as: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo apt-get install backbox-tools Upgrade instructions To upgrade from a previous version (BackBox 4.1) follow these instructions: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo apt-get install -f sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-vivid linux-headers-generic-lts-vivid linux-signed-image-generic-lts-vivid sudo apt-get purge ri1.9.1 ruby1.9.1 ruby1.9.3 bundler sudo gem cleanup sudo rm -rf /var/lib/gems/1.* sudo apt-get install backbox-default-settings backbox-desktop backbox-menu backbox-tools --reinstall sudo apt-get install beef-project metasploit-framework whatweb wpscan setoolkit --reinstall sudo apt-get autoremove --purge sudo apt-get install openvas sqlite3 sudo openvas-launch sync sudo openvas-launch start Download BackBox on the official Downloads | BackBox Linux Source: Hackinsight.org
  14. ThaiFight

    Buna !

    Salut si bine ai venit @xNobody
  15. Salut @Cip2k ?i Bine ai venit
  16. Salut @Sveratus ??tia de la Rds/Rcs (Digi) ,au ni?te telefoane ca nici nici Chinezii nu au auzit de ele
  17. Unul dintre cei mai cunoscu?i hackeri români a trecut în legalitate dup? 90 de zile în închisoare ?i acum poveste?te cum înva?? companiile s? se apere. “Am atacat Marina Regal? Britanic? ?i într-o s?pt?mân? le-am f?cut public accesul” R?zvan Cern?ianu a fost unul dintre cei mai notorii hackeri. A spart zeci de site-uri, printre care cele ale Pentagonului, Google, NASA sau pe cel al Marinei Regale Britanice. Pe Internet era cunoscut drept TinKode ?i a fost unul dintre cei mai c?uta?i hackeri din lume, pân? la momentul arest?rii lui, în 2012. Dup? cum poveste?te pe blogul personal, atacurile lui au fost f?cute doar în scopuri informative ?i nu mali?ioase, nevrând s? pun? în pericol datele confiden?iale ale victimelor. „Am anun?at de fiecare dat? problemele g?site printr-un e-mail trimis c?tre administratorii de sistem ale acelor companii. Cu toate acestea, ac?iunile mele au fost considerate infrac?iuni ?i am primit o sentin?? de 2 ani cu suspendare sub supraveghere ?i o amend? în valoare de 93.000 euro“, a scris el. A petrecut circa 90 de zile în închisoare. Timp deloc pl?cut. „Petreci 23 de ore din 24 într-o celul? mic? împreun? cu al?i ?ase oameni. S?-?i ri?ti libertatea nu merit? pentru nimic în lume“, a m?rturisit el. „A fost o experien?? maturizant?“, a ad?ugat. Aceast? re?inere de 90 de zile nu i-a oprit curiozitatea ?i dorin?a de a g?si vulnerabilit??i. Hackingul nu s-a oprit dup? ce a ie?it din închisoare, ci doar a trecut în legalitate. A înfiin?at compania Cyber Smart Defence, al?turi de M?d?lin Dumitru, o cuno?tin?? cu experien?? în domeniul IT. „Imediat cum am ie?it l-am sunat, i-am spus ideea ?i a fost de acord“, a spus Cern?ianu. Astfel R?zvan Cern?ianu a lep?dat hainele lui TinKode, iar acum caut?, în calitate de CTO al companiei, la cererea clientului, vulnerabilit??i ?i metode de exploatare a infrastructurii IT. Ambi?ia a fost punctul central al primului s?u hack. Era un pu?ti de 13-14 ani ?i avea un cont de administrator pe un forum. A venit vara ?i vacan?a ?i a plecat pentru trei luni. „Nu au vrut s?-mi dea contul de administrator înapoi, au înaintat pretextul c? ei au înv??at mai mult ca mine în ultimele trei luni de zile.“ Sup?rat ?i determinat, R?zvan Cern?ianu s-a pus pe înv??at. Voia s?-?i recupereze contul. „Într-o s?pt?mân? le-am demonstrat c? am înv??at mai mult decât ei, am recâ?tigat contul ?i le-am ?i blocat accesul la forum“, poveste?te el. Mai departe lucrurile au mers de la sine, a înv??at mai multe, a intrat în comunit??i de hackeri, ?i-a câ?tigat accesul pe unele forumuri unde trebuia s? ai invita?ie sau s? garanteze pentru tine trei persoane. Comunit??ile sunt locul unde se discut? orice despre hacking, dar ?i unde se vând viru?i sau exploituri. În cariera lui a atacat zeci de site-uri ?i infrastructuri IT, îns? nu are un hack favorit. Toate par a fi importante pentru el, îns? dac? ar fi s? aleag? unul, acela ar fi atacul asupra Marinei Regale Britanice. „S?au l?udat c? au investit 500 de milioane de lire sterline în sistemul lor de securitate ?i c? sunt preg?ti?i pentru atacuri din partea altor ??ri“, a spus Cern?ianu. Asta l-a motivat pe R?zvan, voia s? vad? cât de puternic era sistemul britanicilor. „La o s?pt?mân? le-am f?cut public accesul. Mi-a pl?cut de ei c? ?i-au recunoscut gre?eala, c? nu trebuia s? se laude“, a ad?ugat el. Este u?or de în?eles atrac?ia hackingului. Ai o putere pe care pu?ini o au, te afli în afara regulilor ?i po?i face ce vrei. „Ai informa?ie ?i putere“, ?i-a motivat R?zvan Cern?ianu pasiunea pentru hacking. Apoi a punctat ?i faptul c? totul este online acum ?i este bine s? fii preg?tit. ?i cum s? fii mai bine preg?tit decât atunci când te afli în mijlocul problemei? Probabil c? nu ar fi stat în fa?a mea, cu p?rul ciufulit, povestindu-mi experien?ele lui de hacker dac? nu ar fi fost prins. Nu a l?sat o urm? în vreun sistem pe care l-a spart, nu i s-a întins nicio capcan?. A fost prins pentru c? a fost prea vorb?re? „Un prieten ?tia ce f?ceam eu. A vorbit în alte cercuri despre mine, iar acolo se afla un poli?ist sub acoperire care l-a tras de limb?, mi-au aflat numele, apoi m-au prins“, a spus el. Acum este fericit. Face ceea ce îi place, ce a reu?it s? fac? atât de bine în trecut, acum sub acoperirea legii. Face audit de securitate ?i teste de penetrare a infrastructurilor IT. Crede c? activitatea din trecut îl ajut? s? fie mai bun la slujba lui. „Dac? vrei s? g?se?ti toate punctele slabe ale unui sistem trebuie s? ai experien??, s? po?i fi în mintea hackerului, iar experien?a se dobânde?te prin practic?“, a scris el pe blog. Source : Business Hi-Tech - Articole si stiri despre Business Hi-Tech | Ziarul Financiar
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