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Everything posted by wvw

  1. JMT is the shit Right back at ya:
  2. Deci, s? recapitul?m 82nd Annual Academy Awards® Winners announced on Sunday, March 7th <- adic? ieri. IMDb | Road to the Oscars 2010 | Academy Awards Avatar a luat pentru Best Achievement in Cinematography Best Achievement in Art Direction Best Achievement in Visual Effects Atât.
  3. ??rani este un cuvânt puternic. 'tarzi este mai potrivit. Doar 3 buc??i pentru c?catul de Avatar, IMDb | Road to the Oscars 2010 | Academy Awards (cel pentru efecte speciale îl merit?, n-am ce zice) E bine.
  4. Evident. Mer de noms ?i Thirteenth Step sunt albume de top. ?i cam atât. îmi place mai mult versiunea asta: Swayin to the rhythm of the new world order and Count the bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
  5. wvw


    ^ Demotivational Posters get old after awhile Dar s? relu?m
  6. wvw


    Cine ?tie?
  7. Validator.php ^ It spells FAIL all over them.
  8. ??tia-s hackeri?
  9. @Trompitza, alex_owners: 2. Nu au voie sa aleaga userii care au mai putin de 30 posturi 3. Nu va apucati sa scrieti 30 de posturi doar ca sa va votati ca nu o sa tina smecheria
  10. wvw


  11. :s/siteuri\ de\ hack/wargames/gi F'xd [2]. Bun a?a. Deci: [WeChall] Participating Sites Dar nu cred c? o s? faci mare lucru pe niciunul, mai ales dac? e?ti tabula rasa. Arunc? un ochi aci: http://rstcenter.com/forum/13587-tolba-de-linkuri.rst Ideea este simpl?: cu cât cite?ti/experimentezi mai multe, cu atât î?i va fi mai clar ce vrei s? faci.
  12. wvw

    Tolba de linkuri

    Google Reader dump - part II http://www.megapanzer.com/ Jeremiah Grossman GNUCITIZEN | Information Security Think Tank The Spanner A tool for designers dealing with programmers dealing with designers… xorl %eax, %eax Dancho Danchev's Blog Mind Streams of Information Security Knowledge Web Application Security Sylvan von Stuppe Security Research, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge Light Blue Touchpaper Observations of a Digitally Enlightened Mind Amrit Williams Blog Wired Threat Level Internet Scams TaoSecurity Richard Bejtlich's blog on digital security …And You Will Know me by the Trail of Bits Suspekt… extraexploit Everything or nothing hackademix.net Giorgio Maone's answers to the Web, the Universe, and Everything Reddit: Reverse Engineering network security Reverse engineering: Reverse Engineering Team Board - Powered by vBulletin RCE Messageboard's Regroupment - Powered by vBulletin Category:RCE Tools - Collaborative RCE Tool Library OpenRCE Tuts 4 You Altele: XSSed - XSS (cross-site scripting) information and vulnerable websites archive Security Database Tools Watch Insecure.Org - Nmap Free Security Scanner, Tools & Hacking resources
  13. Ce vrei s? înve?i? F'xd.
  14. Este o lips? de oameni care s? fie în stare s? pun? întreb?ri inteligente. ?i nu numai aici... în general.
  15. wvw

    My love

    Apropo de AC II, Ubisoft fail Ubisoft’s Uber DRM Cracked Within a Day | TorrentFreak
  16. Romanian Trolling Team forum
  17. Pick one: Play Time (1967) (s? ai r?bdare cu el, este genial) Profesionalac (2003) 13 Tzameti (2005) Hak se wui (2005) + Hak se wui yi wo wai kwai (2006)
  18. Indeed. Here be post hunters.
  19. ?coal? mult?, pu?c?rie, profesori de treab?. Alege 2.
  20. wvw


    Aici m-am oprit din citit.
  21. Alte vremuri, alte limbaje: Assembly language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Encyclopedia of Computer Languages Corect.
  22. Pyramid schemes == Serious Business
  23. wvw

    Fun stuff

    What Comes After the iPad? - Apple - Gizmodo
  24. Uneori prime?ti cele mai bune sfaturi de la str?ini. Nu este cazul de fa??. Uite aici dou? solu?ii *) te împaci cu fata, stai numa'n cas? / o iei dup? tine oriunde ai ie?i *) î?i g?se?ti alta
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