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Everything posted by wvw

  1. wvw

    Hackerul de Romania

    Cei mai tari hackeri î?i folosesc materia cenu?ie.
  2. ?tiu, bre, c? am ascultat ceva Tool la via?a mea ?i am citit ?i asta când eram mai tân?r http://syberchic.net/tool_interpretations_book.pdf
  3. ?i tot nu i-a explicat nimeni cum se creeaz? un trojan. Hai, cine-i scrie un tutorial frumos ?i detaliat, s?-i plâng? m?-sa în sal?? Preferabil în limba român?, c? engleza este o limb? trés dificile.
  4. Tool sunt adev?ra?i, dar au videoclipuri dubioase. Plusez cu ni?te cehi Lvmen - XVII
  5. Tot slavii sunt în top: Highest recorded blood alcohol level/content
  6. wvw

    foarte interesant

    ?sta-i mai interesant: One Hacker's Audacious Plan to Rule the Black Market in Stolen Credit Cards DISCLAIMER: are ?apte pagini
  7. Doar o s?pt?mân??
  8. Better game imo Play The Shit Hit The Fan, a free online game on Kongregate
  9. wvw


    Sau mai bine: http://encyclopediadramatica.com/ Zee original.
  10. ;-)
  11. Off: haha, *facepalm* face ravagii. On: TheBox :: Login În principiu multe show-uri britanice; f?r? invita?ie ?i reguli draconice. Review aici: TheBox | Box | TV | 2009 - Torrent Invites! Get your free private torrent tracker invites ! ?i un agregator: http://www.torrentpond.com/torrent_search.aspx
  12. wvw


    Yesterday, 08:05 PM -> Today, 12:18 PM ?i deja ai 13 linkuri spre neobux în semn?tur?. Bravo! *cracks knuckles*
  13. Sunte?i cretini.
  14. P?rerea mea, vai de tine: Petrache Poenaru - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (aka sta?ia dintre Groz?ve?ti ?i Crânga?i ) Oricum, vechi clip *yawn*
  15. This book covers * Why online games are a harbinger of software security issues to come * How millions of gamers have created billion-dollar virtual economies * How game companies invade personal privacy * Why some gamers cheat * Techniques for breaking online game security * How to build a bot to play a game for you * Methods for total conversion and advanced mods Written by the world's foremost software security experts, this book takes a close look at security problems associated with advanced, massively distributed software. With hundreds of thousands of interacting users, today's online games are a bellwether of modern software. The kinds of attack and defense techniques described in Exploiting Online Games are tomorrow's security techniques on display today. http://depositfiles.com/en/files/mac3a16n1
  16. wvw


    Dat fiind c? este offtopic, nu pot s? arunc s?-l arunc la gunoi. Dar pot s?-l sabotez, pentru c? este offtopic:
  17. Win32.Worm.Zimuse.A?
  18. wvw

    wild child

    Acest topic a primit aprobare de la inspectorii de specialitate.
  19. Dou?, da' bune! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkfAXUMrdsU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5ocM9g_y18
  20. ?tiin??, frate! Gambler's ruin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  21. The Andromeda Strain (2008) The Andromeda Strain (1971) (?sta mi-a pl?cut mai mult decât remake-ul; ?i cartea de Crichton este foarte tare) [Rec] (2007) Outbreak (1995) Contagion (2001)
  22. wvw

    Ofer invitatii

    Se dau seedbox-uri moca, evident.
  23. http://avondale.good.net/dl/bd/
  24. Perfect. ?i legat de: recomand: BBS: The Documentary (2005) Freedom Downtime (2001) WarGames (1983) Sneakers (1992) (best of the best) One Point O (2004) Untraceable (2008) Ghost in the Shell (1995) (un anime cyberpunk foarte tare) Cypher (2002)
  25. wvw

    Filme IT

    Deal. http://rstcenter.com/forum/19811-filme-seriale-documentare.rst
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